Imperfect Love

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Imperfect Love Page 17

by Isabella White

  “They are human, I promise,” Jake said, reading her mind.

  All he got was a grin Holly was trying desperately to hang on to. But, her posture relaxed a tiny bit.

  Jake, like the true gentleman he was, opened the door for her and helped her out. He kept a hold on her hand, softly squeezing it in assurance.

  Her mom used to say that a woman’s match could be detected just from the first touch of a hand. If they fit perfectly and you felt safe, you’d found your soul mate. If Holly felt one thing, it was that nothing could hurt her while Jake held her hand. They fitted perfectly, and she prayed her mother was spot on in this regard.

  Nearing the front door, they climbed up six marble steps and came to a halt. Jake glanced at her face, and upon seeing her expression scrunched up his nose. It was another feature of his that made Holly’s legs wobble.

  “Deep breaths. You know what? You don’t give yourself enough credit. Trust me, you’ll bedazzle them.”

  Holly smiled, and inhaling deeply looked at Jake and nodded.

  Jake turned the brass knob and they entered the sprawling mansion. The inside of the ‘house’ was even more beautiful than the outside, if that was even possible. The first thing she noticed was a huge entrance with stairs that descended into a huge living room. Little cars and toys lay sprawled on the carpet, and huge, soft brown couches with matching curtains made her feel welcome.

  A very intricate chandelier hung from the ceiling, and a huge fireplace took up on corner of the room. A thick, luscious carpet, which when she stepped on made her pumps disappear, softened the entire lounge area.

  Against another wall, a huge wall cabinet with a big screen TV stood regally. And as far as the windows went, they were as tall as the wall, as were the sliding doors that opened onto an outside patio. As she gazed out, she could see people sitting around a long glass table, one that had already been set.

  “Jakey!” A young boy, who resembled a much younger Jake, ran into Jake’s arms.

  “Hey, Ben. How are you doing, kiddo? This is Holly.”

  The boy lowered his gaze and his face turned red. “Hi,” he greeted shyly.

  “Hey. So, you are the famous Ben 10, huh?”

  He squealed with laughter, making Jake chuckle and knuckle rub the top of his head before putting him back down.

  Holly couldn’t believe that he was only five. He could very well have been Jake’s, and his mom and dad had decided that they would raise the kid on his behalf. He was Jake’s spitting image; thick, dark hair and dimples that dented deep into his cheeks. The only difference between them was that he had bright blue eyes, where Jake’s were ice-green.

  Ben ran off ahead of them. They followed suit, continuing through another area with numerous pictures of the entire family hanging on the walls. It led to a beautiful kitchen with an island in the middle. All countertops were made of granite, and the appliances were all silver and black. Above the island, pots and pans hung in varying heights.

  Out of nowhere, a shout rang out, making Holly laugh. “Mommy, Jake is here with Holly!”

  They walked out onto the patio, turned left, walked up a few steps, and when they reached the landing her heart started to bounce even faster as the huge table occupied by Jake’s family came into sight.

  “You forgot to tell your mom that Holly’s super gorgeous,” Jake said.

  Holly lowered her head, shaking it from side to side, embarrassed by his compliment. Your best manners, Holly. You only get one chance to make a first impression, her mother’s voice suddenly jumped into her head.

  She was confused as to why it was in her mother’s voice, since she hadn’t gotten that advice from her mom.

  “Hey, everyone. This is Holly.” Jake tugged her forward from behind him so that she was visible for everyone to see. Right at that moment, Holly was glad she’d decided to wear a summer cotton dress and not a pair of shorts like she always did.

  “Hey, Holls. Finally!” Amelia got up and gave her a hug.

  “Jake, I taught you better manners. Introduce her properly.” Jake’s mom sounded stern, and she didn’t get up.

  Laughter and chuckles came from everyone around the table. Jake, however, had a huge grin adorning his face as he looked at his mom.

  “Holly, this is my dear mother, Mara.”

  “Don’t push your luck, Jake.” She looked at him sternly.

  Winking at Holly, he cocked his head to the side.

  She cleared her throat and offered Mara her hand. To Holly’s surprise, she shook it and began to smile. Mara had the bright blue eyes and long, golden blond hair that three of her children shared.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Holly.”

  “Likewise, Mrs. Peters.” Holly’s voice broke and everyone laughed again.

  “You see? No fangs, she’s human.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Holly mouthed, earning her chuckles from everyone.

  “And this distinguished gentleman is my dad, Gus,” he introduced. This earned Jake a slap on the back.

  Holly could see that Jake wasn’t exactly doing cartwheels during the introductions, but she felt better knowing that he was trying to make it memorable for her.

  “Nice to meet you, Holly. Welcome to our home.” Much like Jake, he winked at her, which only served to make her blush all over again.

  She shook the hand he offered and smiled. Gus had dark hair, lined with gray highlights, and Jake’s eyes; much friendlier ones than his mother’s. His smile was identical to Jake’s.

  Robin was next, as she’d already met Amelia and Armand. Robin was the spitting image of her mother, same hair and eyes. Still, she was stunning and would make any medical student’s heart beat that little bit faster.

  “I’m with Amelia. Finally.” She got up and gave Holly a hug, too. “It’s about time I meet you. You guys always leave so early in the mornings.”

  Holly’s eyes rose, and Robin laughed. She didn’t dare look Mara’s way.

  “What? It’s over weekends,” he grunted, to whom Holly assumed was his mother.

  “I didn’t say a thing.”

  “You didn’t have to with that glare. Besides, I’m twenty-seven years old. Really, Mom, it’s time you let me off your boob.”

  He didn’t just say that! Holly was mortified. But she soon realized that however stern he had made his mother out to be—and Holly was sure that Mara was just that in certain situations—they obviously had a wonderful relationship. She was thankful, nevertheless, that their exchange was humorous. She was feeling more and more at ease in their presence.

  The other two introductions were fairly easy, as one was in her teens, Lisa, who was too busy playing a game on her phone to pay much attention either way. It was only when Mara grabbed the device out of her hands that she noticed Holly and Jake.

  “Oh, hi,” she greeted, flashing a beautiful smile.

  The other was Kimmy, who ran over to Holly and gave her a hug. She was eight and a beautiful golden blond haired, blue-eyed girl.

  Finally, Jake and Holly were able to join the rest of the family at the table and took their seats, which happened to be next to Amelia and opposite Mara. Jake sat close to his father.

  Lunch was served, but before anyone could dig in, Gus said a prayer.

  “Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day, and for the food we are about to eat. Bless the hands that lovingly put this meal together. And thank you, God, for finally giving Holly the strength to meet our family.”

  Holly nearly snorted, she was trying that hard to suppress her laughter. It didn’t help matters that she could feel Jake shaking with his own dose of humor beside her.

  All the while, Gus continued with the prayer, asking God to open Holly’s heart to his family, to accept them as they were—faults and all—and to please not allow Holly to break poor Jake’s heart because of his wretched wife, who wouldn’t let him off her boob. “Amen,” he ended in a serious tone.

  Tears rolled down Amelia’s face as she laughed at her father�
��s prayer.

  Holly couldn’t contain herself any longer, either, although she tried to hide it behind her napkin.

  Jake’s shoulders shook erratically, but his attempt at covering anything up was hilarious. He’d shoved his head under the table cloth as if he’d dropped something. Holly was surprised he hadn’t fallen right off his chair.

  As for Mara, she just gave Gus a stern look. “I’m not wretched, and Jake is so not on my boob anymore.”

  “That is debatable,” Jake grumbled.

  “Eat your food and stop talking crap, both of you,” she shot back, wagging her finger between Jake and Gus.

  Almost immediately, everyone started to eat if the sound of forks and knives clattering was anything to go by.

  Holly couldn’t take her eyes off of Mara.

  “Holly. Just so you know, I do believe I’m the only normal one in this family.” With that, Mara looked pointedly at Jake. “Don’t get me started, Jake.”

  “No, please, do. What is so wrong with me, Mom?” He smiled.

  “Let’s start with the head of the house, shall we?”

  Gus glanced sideways at his wife, a piece of fried chicken halfway to his mouth. “What have I done?”

  “Gus, you never take anything seriously, and I won’t even mention that awful prayer of yours.”

  “Ha. You just did. And anyway, God loves my prayers,” he teased.

  Mara slumped in her chair.

  “Besides,” Gus continued, “you are serious enough for the both of us. Someone needs to keep this family balanced.”

  Mara laughed. “Okay, okay.”

  “Jake, where do I begin?”

  Jake chortled.

  “The married woman, Mom,” Robin piped up.

  “Oh, yes.” Mara’s eyes were huge, and a playful smile illuminated her face.

  Jake snorted. “Too late, people. Holly already knows about that.”

  “You told her?”

  “I did.”

  “I’m still in shock that I went for a home- wrecker,” Holly announced, concentrating on her vegetables.

  Mara almost choked on her wine as she started to laugh, pulling everyone in like magnets to do the same.

  “I didn’t wreck any home.” He looked at her.

  Holly looked up and shrugged. “Whatever makes you sleep better at night.”

  He poked her hard in the ribs. “You are mean.”

  “But you still like me, so it’s fine.”

  The exchange between them was highly entertaining to Jake’s family.

  “Okay, fine. I’m a home-wrecker, which by the way, I wasn’t. What else.”

  “You’re a coward, because I raised you differently. I raised you to go after the things you want in life.”

  “Even if she was married?”

  “You had the chance to intervene, before she got married.”

  “Well, I didn’t, and now I’ve met Holly. So, it worked out exactly the way it was supposed to.”

  Holly’s heart dropped all the way down to her stomach and bounced right back up to her chest, like a yo-yo. Wow, that’s nice.

  “What else.”

  “You were a hooligan,” Holly chirped in again.

  “Excuse me, but I’m not the one who ended up with the broken hand that weekend, so I wonder who the hooligan is now.”

  Mara cut in. “I have to admit, I’m glad your hooligan days are over.”

  “So, I’m a home wrecker, a coward for the same reason I’m not a home wrecker, and I was a hooligan. Anything else, Mom? Holly?”

  “You are plain crazy, Jake.” Before he had a chance to reply, she turned her gaze to Amelia, who had been patiently waiting for her turn. “Amelia is easy. She’s a psychiatrist,” she proudly stated.

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Amelia yelled, while Jake, Armand and his father grinned like lunatics.

  “It takes a nut to treat a nut,” Mara answered.

  “Well, and you can’t say anything about me?” Robin asked.

  “You are just like Jake, honey. Sorry. I don’t even know where to start, but I can try. Let’s see.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Oh, yes, I knew I’d come up with something. Take the way you burst out laughing when you see a cripple.”

  Holly gaped at Robin.

  “I can’t help it. It just happens. I wish I could change it, but I can’t. It’s a sickness.”

  “I rest my case, then.” Mara’s hand was up in the air now. “The only ones who are anywhere near normal are Ben and Kimmy.”

  “Normal!” All excluded children protested, with Gus between them.

  It made Holly giggle.

  “You are psycho mom,” Jake grunted, throwing his hands up in the air.

  “I’m not the least bit psycho. Neither am I a ‘psycho mom’.” She looked at Holly. “Don’t listen to him.”

  When it was time for dessert, Mara served up sorbet with fresh fruit pieces—simply delicious. Jake’s hand touched her leg every once in a while, which always set free a million butterflies in Holly’s stomach. Every time he touched her was simply magical. Holly would never get tired of it.

  Once everyone was done with dessert, Mara stood and addressed Holly. “Holly, would you like to give me a hand?”

  “Mom, you have a dishwasher.”

  “I do, and aren’t I lucky? But I need help loading it. In other words, hooligan, it’s so I can get to know her better.”

  “It’s fine. I’d love to help.” Holly stood and playfully stuck her tongue out at Jake.

  He just raised his left eyebrow. “It’s your funeral,” he joked.

  She slapped him on the shoulder. “Stop being so mean to your mother.”

  He pretended to be affronted.

  “Thanks for the effort, Holly, but Jake is like that.”

  “You are so mean.”

  “Well, you still like me, so it’s fine.” Jake mimicked Holly’s previous answer.

  Holly huffed, walking away with a stack of dessert bowls in her hands.

  In the kitchen, Mara rinsed off all the plates.

  “Just sit there, so we can have a little chat.” She pushed a chair out from the breakfast nook that connected with the island.

  Holly sat down and her heart started to thump again.

  “So, where are you from?”

  “Here, not born but raised. My mother and I moved here when I was about four.”

  Mara asked Holly a million questions about her family and life in general, and for some reason Holly completely opened up. She didn’t mention losing her twin, but she did tell her about her father, as well as how her mom’s heart had never healed when he up and left them. It had been mostly over losing Jamie that she had struggled with, but Holly didn’t burden Mara with that tale.

  When Mara was done packing the dishwasher, she poured them each a cream liqueur and sat across from Holly, listening attentively as Holly recounted her childhood days. She then asked what Holly did for a living. Holly got the feeling Mara didn’t really approve but wasn’t sure if it was just Mara’s personality, or if it was really how Mara felt about her work.

  “I could’ve easily gone off to university. My grades were up to par, but I hadn’t found a profession I truly liked so never enrolled. When I’m as passionate as Jake and the rest of your children are about something, I will enroll myself in a college or university and take it from there.” She was babbling now, as thoughts of Mara approving her current employment lingered in her mind.

  “Well, being a doctor is great, but you don’t always have time for family. I guess that’s why Gus and I were glad we were in the same field. I almost went into marketing. I’m really good with predicting situations and growth by listening to people and knowing what they want. But, becoming a doctor was always what I’d wanted to be, and I’m glad I stuck with it and I am one. Some people struggle to discover what it is they were made for, but I promise you that when you do, it’s going to be the best feeling ever.”

  Holly smiled
at the older woman, feeling relieved.

  “I’m really glad you decided to come with Jake today. I’ve asked him to bring you so many times, and all he could do was grunt every time.”

  “Why is he like that?”

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m used to it and don’t tell him this, but I do keep a close eye on him. He was the only one in my family I couldn’t predict.”

  Holly giggled.

  “So, you can just imagine how I felt when he came home from school one day saying that he wanted to learn how to fight. In a cage!” Mara’s eyes were huge and she shuddered at the sudden flashback. “It was the scariest four years of my life. Although, I have to admit, I cheered the loudest on the sidelines, but I’d never been that terrified, ever. Seeing your child fight like that gave me nightmares. When he eventually got the beating of his life…” her voice broke and she shook her head gently as tears glistened in her eyes.

  “He told me about that.”

  “It was so hard, Holly. I thought my boy was lost forever. But Leo, bless his heart, somehow pulled him through.”

  “They are amazing people.”

  “Do you know them?”

  “Well, it’s how Jake and I met. I’m best friends with Bernice.”

  “I’m so glad he met you. The married woman thing was really hard on him. He thought he would never get over it, and then he met you. I’m so grateful that you walked into his life. I haven’t seen Jake laugh so much in a long time.”

  “Well, it’s important to laugh.”

  “It is. And it’s a good sign, too.”

  Silence filled the room.

  Mara cleared her throat. “Can I please ask you something?” Mara looked at Holly, a frown pinching the skin between her eyebrows.

  “Of course.”

  “I know my son is neither a saint nor a monk, and I don’t want to know if your relationship is a sexual one, but I do beg you to use protection. He can’t study to be a doctor, and raise a baby. Gus and I did that with Jake and it wasn’t easy. I want him to graduate first. Would it be too much to ask you to go on the pill?”


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