Mating Flight

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by Mating Flight (lit)

  His face grew mottled and he shifted uneasily. Sheleigh began formulating her next argument, when a strong arm slipped around her waist. She wasn't surprised to find Kleet tugging on her.

  "I want to dance this next song with you."

  "I believe the Councilman was going to explain something to me."

  "He can explain later. Come." He tugged harder and she went with him. Half of her wanted to be in his arms anyway. Besides, he could explain more easily than the councilman could. He was the heir, after all.

  The music was slow and eerily haunting. The notes of the wind instruments circled and rose high on the scale. They were calling, calling out for something or someone. As the song continued and the notes found whoever they'd been searching for, she felt like liquid love flowed through her and her heart soared. She clutched at Kleet as the song became a celebration of love. His arms held her tightly to him, as though he felt the emotion, too. She found the romantic part of her wishing that he was not the heir, that he was just an ordinary man. She would marry someday, and if he was ordinary, he could be her husband. But Kleet was far from ordinary, so an affair was all she could have of him.

  He nuzzled the side of her face and she made her decision then. If an affair was all they could share, then she wanted it to begin tonight. She wanted to experience as much of him as she could while she was here. She would suspend reality for awhile and pretend that he was just a man, although a man unlike other men in so many ways. She took a breath for courage.

  "Come home with me tonight," she whispered.

  She felt him start, perhaps in surprise. "You're sure?" His voice was thick and husky.

  "Yes. I'm yours, beginning tonight."

  He crushed her to him. "Shel, you've made me so happy. You'll be as happy as I am. I swear it."

  The rest of the evening was a prelude to what was to come later in private. The dancing was intimate and suggestive. The looks were heated and provocative. The touches were barely-there. The promises made by bodies and touches, looks and words, made Sheleigh heavy with desire. She had no idea how she made it through the long evening. She spoke intelligently to many of the council members about many topics. But thoughts of Kleet lay in her subconscious and simmered. She would belong to him.

  Chapter Three

  The transport departed, quickly swallowed into the black hole of the night. Sheleigh turned to dash through the rain to the hydrolift, but Kleet caught her arm and swung her around to face him. The reception had seemed interminable after she'd delivered her shocking proposition. He'd waited all evening for the privacy of this moment so he could collect on her promise. He couldn't wait any longer.

  "Kleet!" she squealed. "We're getting soaked."

  "I don't care." He ground his mouth over hers, relishing the feel of her cool lips against his. She made a hungry sound in her throat and he crushed her body against his. He felt her pebbled nipples against his chest through their wet clothing. He wanted her desperately. She'd told him she would give herself to him tonight. His loins ached for the joining, ached to claim her as his own. But he had to be sure she could take his body into hers. He had to get her naked and see if her human physiology was similar to Averan women. If it was, he'd do many things to her body: pleasurable things, carnal things, things to overwhelm the senses. And he'd let her do the same to him. Oh, yes he would.

  He growled deep in his throat and bent her over his arm. His mouth fastened on one nipple through the wet silk. She groaned. He suckled her nipple until it was hard and taut, then he moved to her other breast and did the same there. It was frustrating and exciting to have her breast in his mouth. Finally he pushed up her shirt and bra and fastened his mouth hungrily on the feast.

  She gave a long moan. Her hand slid into his hair to hold him at her breast. The rain poured down on them and he sipped the moisture from her naked flesh. She thrust her breasts against him, wanting deeper penetration into his mouth. He wanted penetration, all right, between her legs.

  He growled in frustration. If he wasn't careful, he'd take her right here. "We need to get inside." She seemed bewildered at the loss of his mouth, so he pulled her shirt back down and moved them towards the hydrolift. He held her pressed against his side in the ride down to her apartment, eager to see her body in the light.

  There was no one in the corridor as they slipped into her apartment, so no awkward explanations were necessary. Once inside he pulled her straight into her bedroom. When he turned on all the lights in the room, she protested.

  He reeled her to him slowly, eyeing her body with fierce hunger. "I want to see you naked. I've dreamed of this for a long time."

  She turned into his arms and he kissed her hard. It was a fusion of lips wet from the rain. He slipped his tongue into her sweet mouth and she jerked in his arms. He sought her tongue, stroked it, and she tentatively stroked him back. Then their tongues caressed and they both groaned.

  He broke the kiss long enough to peel the wet silk over her head. She came after his lips and he let her. She stalked his tongue and he surrendered it. She possessed his mouth and he succumbed. He loved her lips, had loved them from their first kiss over a month ago. Each contact was electrifying, like now. It took all his willpower to part from her lips after each kiss.

  His hands moved to her breasts, which were cool from the wet rain, with tight nipples. They were plump handfuls for his eager hands. He molded and shaped them and made them warm again. She groaned and pressed into his hands.

  Slowly he backed them to the bed. He released the throat catch of his cape and it fell in a sodden heap to the floor. "Put your hands on my chest, inside my shirt," he murmured.

  She was eager and her hands opened his shirt quickly. He groaned as her palms smoothed his skin. Flesh against flesh at last. Without instruction she found his nipples and stroked them. He growled deep in his throat, feeling the burn of desire shoot to his already aroused loins. His cock throbbed, wanting relief and release.

  He stroked one hand down her ribs, over her abdomen to her mound, and then slipped his hand between her legs. She moaned as he rubbed the sensitive flesh. She needed arousal and he gave it to her. He felt possessive about her flesh. This was his territory to explore and tantalize. She would know who owned it when he was done. And she would own him. A primitive thrill ran through him, thinking about being claimed at last. He'd waited so long.

  One of her hands mimicked his and slid down to the front of his pants. She rubbed his cock and he thought he would explode.

  "Careful. Not too much there."

  Her caress gentled, but that was almost as bad. She had skillful hands for a virgin.

  When her hips thrust instinctively against his stroking hand he slipped both his hands in the waist of her pants and peeled them down her hips and off. She stepped out of them, breaking apart from him to do so. It was his first opportunity to see her naked. He looked and savored what he saw. She had high round breasts, firm and beautifully shaped, with pale mauve nipples. Her waist indented pleasingly, her belly was firm and he followed the flesh down to the dark orange curls that covered her mound. She was shaped like an Averan woman. Her loins had to be compatible with his. Gods, he wanted her.

  "You're beautiful," he breathed.

  "You're overdressed," she retorted. She was nervous. He sought to make her less so.

  "I have to keep my clothes on or I'll go too fast for you. You'll enjoy what I do to you while I'm trapped inside my clothes."

  There was interest in her eyes and he went to her. "Lie down. Let me show you how you please me." He lay down on the bed beside her. He reached out to stroke her breast, liking the satin feel of it. The nipple peaked, begging for his mouth.

  "I know you're nervous. Why don't you close your eyes and just feel? It will heighten the sensations," he encouraged.

  "All right." Her eyelids slid closed and he relaxed a little.

  He leaned over her and put his mouth on the pouty nipple. She gasped. He suckled, enjoying the feel of the firm
nub in his mouth. Possessiveness surged through him. She was his. This breast was his. He moved onto her body and his hand slid to her other breast. She groaned. He tweaked the nipple, arousing it mercilessly. He rubbed it until it was firmly swelled. Then he sucked it.

  She groaned again and pushed her chest upwards into his face. He took her breast deeper into his mouth, sucking greedily. He aroused her breasts with hands and mouth. Then he slid downward, keeping a hand on one breast.

  He kissed her navel, and explored her flat belly with his tongue. As the haze of pleasure threatened to engulf him, he knew he could wait no longer. He slipped between her legs and spread them wide.

  Her eyes flew open. Her face showed a nervous anxiety. She needed soothing. He smoothed his palms over her loins and spread thighs. "Let me look at you and see how beautiful you are. Lie back, close your eyes and just feel. I won't hurt you."

  She sank back into the pillow and closed her eyes. When he was sure she wasn't looking, he studied the anatomy between her legs. She looked a lot like Averan women, but with some interesting folds. He opened those folds and caressed inside them. He found the opening to her vagina and circled his finger around it. It was smaller than he was used to in his limited experience--it would be a tight fit. His cock throbbed, wanting to be inside her.

  He dipped a finger into the tightness and she gasped. It was very tight. He pushed his finger in deeper, and then circled the mouth of the opening with the wet finger. Over and over he dipped and circled. The radius of the circle widened as he searched for her pleasure center. When he hit a firm knot where her legs joined and she jolted, he knew he'd found it.

  He lowered his face and touched his tongue to the knot, licking as she jerked and writhed, intent on giving her pleasure. His other hand joined the first between her legs and he pushed two fingers into her. She groaned and thrust upward. In and out the fingers slid until he could push a third finger in as well. He licked the pleasure knot while his fingers imitated sex, picturing his cock where his fingers were. He was on fire to be inside her, but he controlled his urge to thrust while she bucked and writhed. Her body took all he had to give and still wanted more. The need to claim her roared through his veins. He transmitted that need to her through his hands and tongue. Suddenly she bucked violently and screamed. Her body squeezed his fingers rhythmically and his heart soared with joy. He could mate with her!

  He soothed her when she was spent, petting her sex possessively. His cock would be next to cause her joy inside. His hands were on his trouser fastenings before he could rein in his lust. Then sanity prevailed. This was not the proper place.

  He climbed off the bed and took hold of her hand. Her eyes opened on darkly sated pupils. "That was wonderful," she purred.

  "I have something even more wonderful for you." She reached her hand to the swollen bulge in his trousers but he blocked it. "You're giving me a precious gift and I want the giving of that gift to be perfect. The sunrise on Avera is spectacular. I want to receive your gift as the sun rises. It will be symbolic, Shel, the dawning of a new day, and the beginning of a new relationship between us. Will you give yourself to me at dawn?" This was so important. She couldn't refuse.

  She gave him a come-hither look. "What about right now?"

  He swallowed. Should he tell her the truth? Would it really sway her? No, he couldn't risk it. "I've given you a taste of what's to come. The rest has to be in the proper setting. Most Averans consider the giving of a woman's chastity to be an important step, to be honored and celebrated. Say you'll come to the cliffs to watch the dawn as I join myself to you. Please, Sheleigh."

  She studied his face and finally nodded. "All right."

  He sagged with relief. "I'll send a transport for you before dawn. They'll take you to a particularly beautiful spot. I'll meet you there." He backed to his cape and donned it in a soggy swirl. He had to leave swiftly before he lost all control.

  "Wait!" She sat up in bed, a naked goddess with a well-loved body. He fought his base desire to claim her now. It had to be the cliffs. "Aren't you going to stay?"

  "I need to make some arrangements. It's only for a few hours, Shel. Then I'll make you mine." Unable to stop himself, he stepped forward and kissed her deeply. Soon, the thought beat in his mind. He broke the kiss reluctantly. "Be ready at 0530."


  He turned and fled. It was the hardest thing he'd ever done, leaving Sheleigh unclaimed. If only he could have taken her to the cliffs first, she'd be his already. He should have told her the truth, or at least warned her. She might be angry afterwards. Sheleigh didn't like secrets. It was too bad he had so many of them. Their joining couldn't happen soon enough. Once they were joined she'd have to forgive him.

  * * * *

  The rain had stopped and the sky was clear once again as Sheleigh waited in the circle of light beside the landing pad just before 0530. She waited for her fate, she thought fatalistically. She'd barely slept after Kleet left. True, he'd given her her first orgasm, but she'd been expecting to join her body to his. She felt unfulfilled. Her body had still been aroused. Her breasts had tingled and between her legs had burned from her first penetration, even though she was still a virgin.

  Kleet had given her an astounding orgasm, but had asked nothing for himself. He hadn't even undressed. What kind of man held back like that? Perhaps Averan men did. He'd said the giving of chastity had to be in the proper setting. He didn't plan to hold back when the sun rose, which he considered to be the perfect setting. Then why had he come home with her last night? It made no sense, since he'd planned to bed her.

  She'd had plenty of opportunity to change her mind. She could have contacted him and called it off. She still had time to tell him no. But the die was cast and she was resolved to it. She'd never felt what she felt for Kleet, the mind-numbing attraction. When she'd been naked under him it had felt absolutely right. The feeling of rightness had been so overwhelming that she had to have the promised consummation. She had to finish becoming a part of him.

  Would she be heart whole when their affair ended? Already she knew she would give him everything she was. She would become subsumed in him. She didn't understand how other women went from man to man unscathed and unaffected. She sensed that Kleet would affect her deeply. Obviously she didn't give herself easily, and most likely this was the reason why. Kleet was the only man she'd ever met who she thought would take her gift of self as seriously as she would give it.

  The sound of the arriving air transport echoed in the darkness. It sat down gently in her pool of light. She recognized Kleet's personal guards, but not the others who exited and walked off towards the hydrolift. One of Kleet's guards helped her into the transport.

  She swallowed. "Where's Kleet?"

  "We're meeting the heir. He said to hurry."

  Sheleigh blushed. The guards knew what was going on. She wondered if they'd brought other women to Kleet this way. That thought made her chest hurt. She didn't want to be the next in a series of affairs, even if he took each liaison seriously.

  She didn't even have time to get nervous over the flight because she was so involved with her own thoughts. The darkness helped hide the closeness of the cliffs. Before she was really ready the transport set down. Kleet opened the door and pulled her out by the hand. Her body went haywire at his touch, and she almost missed what he said to the guards.

  "Everything's arranged?"

  "Yes, my lord."

  "Good. Pick us up about thirty minutes after sunrise."

  "Yes, my lord."

  The transport door closed and Kleet pulled her away from it. As they moved out of sight around the cliff side, it took off again, the noise fading quickly into the night. Then they were alone in the pre-dawn with only Kleet's small hand light to light the way. In a few moments the light shown on blankets spread on the ground. Not exactly romantic, but their meaning was unmistakable. A bed for a bedding.

  * * * *

  Kleet turned off the hand light and she could see the
sky had begun to lighten in the east. "The dawn will show us what we need to see." His voice was a velvet caress.

  His arms enfolded her and she wrapped hers around him under his thick cape. It had a furred lining, very soft to the touch. "I've wanted you for so long, Sheleigh." His lips sought hers before she could answer.

  She eagerly accepted his kiss, impatient to take the most important step of her life so far. His lips were warm and hungry, but not as greedy as hers. Every bit of intimacy she'd given him, from their very first kiss, had felt right. Everything he'd given her, from the touch of his lips to the touches between her legs earlier tonight, had felt right. The heated bulge pressing against her belly felt right.

  His hand caressed down her back to her buttocks. He pressed her loins against that bulge. "Mmm." She made savoring noises against his lips. She pushed against him again and made him groan.

  His other hand moved around to her chest and slid beneath her shirt. She sucked in her breath. He used the space to slide his hand to her breast. His fingers rubbed across the nipple, back and forth. It took only that movement to make her breasts swell and her nipples tighten.

  "You like that," he murmured.

  "Do it again," she encouraged. She pressed against his cock to arouse him.

  He growled, "I want to be naked with you."

  "I want that, too."

  He unbuttoned her shirt and pushed it off, dropping it to the blanket. Her nipples pebbled further in the slightly chilled air. Her trousers and underwear followed, landing next to her shirt on the blanket.

  Her hand crept to the front of his pants to stroke him gently.

  He growled, "Open my pants."

  She fumbled with the unfamiliar fastenings, making him groan further. Finally his trousers were open and she slid her hand inside. His cock was swollen and heated, silky flesh over hard strength. She learned him and he groaned hungrily. His cock was thick and long.

  He nibbled her ear. "Free me, Shel."

  She slipped her hands into the waistband of his trousers and pushed them off his hips. His butt felt smooth and muscular under her hands as she slid his pants off. He kicked out of them. She touched his cock, and then held it between both hands. She caressed to his testicles, exploring their heaviness. He thrust into her hands.


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