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by Hazel Gower

  Stephan by Hazel Gower


  Caveman Instinct

  Book One

  By Hazel Gower

  © Copyright October 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


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  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  To my awesome family, thanks for all your love and support. Jess Buffett, as always, thanks for listening and letting me vent when I need it. I love ya.

  A huge shout out to Michelle, one of the wonderful editors at JK, thanks so much for putting up with my bitching. I really appreciate all your input.

  Table of Contents


  Message from the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Books by Hazel Gower

  Excerpt from the Laird's Future Bride

  Excerpt from Her Keepers

  JK Publishing Inc.

  Message from the Author

  This book is set in Australia. In Australia the legal age to drink, vote, get married and so on is eighteen. The characters speak English Australian, so if you see the word ‘Arse’ instead of ‘Ass’ it is because that’s how we say it in Australia where the book is set. If you find a word you aren't familiar with, look it up, or message me, I’d be happy to talk with you.

  Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy my book.

  Hazel Gower

  Chapter One


  I drove my Jeep into a parking spot at Reed Creek High School. My twin brother, Derick, got out of the passenger seat and I grabbed my bag and followed him. “What’s the rush, bro?”

  Derick didn’t slow but glanced over his shoulder, his blond hair falling into his eyes. He was my total opposite in looks, where I had jet-black hair his was blond, my eyes were blue and his were brown, I had dimples and he didn’t. He had big full lips and mine were thin. Derick looked like our mother and I took after our father, like our older brother, Dustan. About the only thing we shared was the same height and build. We were the tallest teenagers at our school at six four, and the most built. We liked working out, playing rugby league, and were swimming champions.

  “New girl, and I wanna check her out. Brad messaged me to say she’s hot.”

  Rolling my eyes, I slowed down and let my brother go. I didn’t do schoolgirls. I’d always had a thing for older women. I liked my sex dirty and hard, I’d known it from the first time I slid between a chick's thighs. I liked control, it was in my DNA. I’m not saying some of the girls at school who threw themselves at me couldn’t take me, but I’d rather not fuck a girl and have to see her again. I don’t date. I fuck. I’ve never taken a woman or girl on a date and I don’t intend to.

  My family had what I called a curse, we knew who our soul mate was and we were possessive and turned caveman when we found them. My parents had been together for thirty years and my father still chucked a fit if any man came onto my mother. He made sure she had protection and treated her like a priceless fragile flower. My uncles were the same with their wives, and my grandparents and so on. I didn’t want that shit, I was happy with my one-night stands.

  Walking to my group of friends, in our usual spot down by the oval, I dropped my bag and sat. “So, party at my house next weekend. The parents are still in Melbourne and won’t be back for two weeks. Dad’s closing a deal on another apartment building.”

  “Sounds good. Do you want some cash toward a keg?” Scott asked. He was my best friend and one of only two others in the school who came close to my brother and me in height and build.

  “Nah, Derick and I got it, man.”

  “Where is he?”

  I smirked at Brad. “Where the fuck do you think. You messaged him and told him a new chick started at school so he went to check her out.”

  Brad grinned. “I saw her walking to school. She is hot. I don’t know much about her, besides her being stacked. She has huge knockers.”

  I laughed. “We won’t see Derick for a while then. You know he’s a breast man.”

  Everyone laughed and I laid back and listened to my friends make bets on who would fuck the new girl first.



  I hated my mother right now more than ever. Why did she have to overdose on meth? I was doing fine raising myself until she took too much while I was staying over at my friend Jess’s house. Sighing, as guilt assaulted me, I berated myself. I should have stayed and looked after her like I always did. My grandpa thought it was my fault. He didn’t want me, but I was under eighteen and the state had given me a choice, him or a foster home. I chose him. I only had
a little under two months until I was eighteen and I intended to keep my head down and show my grandpa I was no trouble and would help him like I had my mum.

  My grandpa lived in the small coastal town of Reed Creek. He owned a shitty little bar, which was a cover for his drug dealing. My mother used to sell it too, when she wasn’t using it for her own pleasure.

  So now I lived with my arsehole of a grandpa and was starting at a new school third term of year twelve. I was young to be in my last year of school, most of my peers were already eighteen, but my mother had started me as early as she could and I worked my arse off to keep high grades so they didn’t repeat me.

  Sitting in the principal’s office, she smiled at me. “You have great references and high grades, but here in Reed Creek you will be the youngest in your year. If you like we can place you in the year below with girls your own ag—”

  “No,” I interrupted. “Um…I mean no thank you. As you can see I have high grades and have no problem keeping up. I’m sure my age won’t stop me from making friends.”

  The principal studied me for a moment before she slowly nodded. “Okay. Would you like me to introduce you to some girls?”

  I picked up my school bag. “No thanks.”

  “Fine.” She passed me a piece of paper. “Here’s your class schedule. You have business studies first, which is over in A block, then English in C block. There is a map on the back, but if you get lost I’m sure anyone will help you.”

  Smiling, I took the piece of paper, scurried out of the office, and started toward my first class. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. I hunched lower and tried to make my already short five-two height smaller. Yanking on the skirt, I hated this school’s uniform, it was a grey and green pleated skirt with a green blouse. I bought two sets and an extra blouse. This school was strict with their uniform and I was told I needed closed-toe black shoes. So I had bought cheap Mary Jane's. The skirts were expensive and I bought them second hand and it had used up my entire Centerlink payment for the fortnight. My grandpa wouldn’t give me a cent of his money, but I was happy he was letting me keep my Centerlink payments. At least he had food in the house unlike my mother, and grandpa ate everything I made. He never said thank you, but I wasn’t offended.

  Looking around, I searched for where I needed to go. This was the only high school in Reed Creek, so it was big. Stopping in the middle of the quad I stared at the building looking for the letters.

  “Can I help you?”

  I turned and gazed into a gorgeous male’s face. His eyes were a dark tree back brown and his blond hair sat just past his ears. He had the longest eyelashes and the biggest lips I’d ever seen on a male. He was also built like a linebacker, gosh, what was he being fed?

  “Yes please. I need to find block A.”

  He smiled showing perfect white teeth. “You just came from the office, it’s in C block.” He leaned over me. “A block is here.” He pointed to my right.

  “Oh, I see now. It’s in a horseshoe shape. Thanks.”

  “No problem. My name is Derick, Derick Silverman.”

  “Hi, Derick. I’m Jade, Jade Black. If you didn’t figure it out by now I am new here.”

  “Nice to meet you. Welcome to Reed Creek.”

  “Thanks.” The bell rang. I appreciated Derick’s help, and he was hot, but I didn’t date…ever. Derick may seem nice but I knew the drill with boys and new girls. I’d seen it in my old school. “It’s nice meeting you, but I better get to class. I wouldn’t want to be late for my first class.” Before he could respond I rushed away, not even bothering to look behind me at his reaction.


  The bell rang and I gathered my things and went toward the library. I knew I was the hot topic. From what I had learned, Reed Creek didn’t get many new students, at least not at this time of year. Derick had been in two of my classes. Each time he’d looked like he was going to sit with me so I made sure I sat by someone else.

  The girl I’d been sitting next to in my last class tapped me on the shoulder. She had big black glasses and carrot top hair, a face full of freckles, and soft green eyes. “Hi, you the new girl. I’m Cassie. Well, Casandra, but you can call me Cassie.” She held out her hand.

  I took her hand in mine and shook it. “Hi, Cassie. I’m Jade.”

  They walked together out of the classroom. “They are right.”

  I stared at her. “Um, I’m sorry. What are they right about?”

  “That you’re hot. Well it’s what my brother said. I heard the others talk about you having everything a man could want, a nice arse and huge tits. I’m not as lucky as you.” Cassie looked down at her chest. She had medium breasts, nowhere near as big as mine, but they were decent for Cassie’s size.

  I stopped and raised my eyebrow. “Er, okay.”

  “Oh sorry. I don’t have a filter. That’s what my family says.” Cassie grabbed my hand and dragged me along. “Come on. My friends are dying to meet you.” She kept pulling me along until we stopped at seats overlooking the oval. A group of four girls sat on a table. They turned when they saw her. “Everyone, this is Jade. Jade, the first one is Patricia.” Cassie pointed to the blonde sitting closest. “The girl next to Patricia is Renee.” Renee had brown short hair in a bob and wore glasses like Cassie. “This here is Stacy.” Cassie pointed to a gorgeous girl with jet-black hair and brown eyes. “Lastly is Racheal.” Racheal was holding a book up and when she heard her name placed it on her lap and looked at up. She was a strawberry blonde with eyes that almost looked black they were such a dark brown.

  “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “They are looking over this way.” Renee sighed.

  Stacy perked up. “Oh, is Stephan looking?” She puffed out her chest.

  Cassie turned around and sighed. “No, what a pity. Derick is looking though.” Jade looked at Cassie to see a dreamy look on her face.

  “I guess you like them.”

  Racheal snorted. “Ha, every girl likes the Silverman twins. What’s not to like. They are tall, muscular, smart, great in bed from what I’ve heard, have killer smiles and are filthy rich. They don’t date though. Neither do.”

  Argh, they were those types of men. “I understand.”

  The girls nodded.

  “It doesn’t stop every girl, including us, hoping they’ll change their mind and choose us,” Cassie said.

  “Well.” I glanced over my shoulder then back to the girls. “I’m not one of those. I met Derick and he’s not my type.” I was lying, they were right, Derick was gorgeous and every girl’s type and if his twin looked like him, then God help the female population, but I wasn’t into men or boys like them.

  Chapter Two


  The whole school seemed to be abuzz with the new girl. I had yet to even see her. I didn’t give a fuck if I did. I just wish people would talk about something else. Even his brother seemed keen on the girl.

  “Oh fuck, she’s sitting with my sister.” Scott scrubbed his face. Scott’s sister was a major nerd, they were twins like him and Derick, but didn’t get along. I didn’t bother turning around. I wasn’t interested in either the new girl or any of Scott’s sister’s friends.

  “That’s good.” Brad whacked Scott on the back. “Just think, if they become good friends she’ll come over your house and stay the night. It will make it easier for you to make your move.”

  I grinned when Scott’s face lit up.


  I was late for school. My brother had driven his own car for the last two weeks eager to impress the new girl. She’d been going to the school for almost two weeks and I still hadn’t seen her and didn’t care if I did. It was pouring down rain and I was glad I had the jeep. Reed Creek didn’t have such good roads and it flooded easily.

  Exhausted from last night’s sex play, I’d slept in. I’d gone to see a new fuck buddy about an hour’s drive away. The woman had been crazy. She took every instruction I gave her, she even kept me up all nig
ht wanting and taking more. She’d sucked my cock like a champ bringing it back to life time after time. I smiled when my dick couldn’t even get hard it was so tired.

  Turning into the car park I drove into my spot and turned off my car, grabbing my school bag, and bolted toward the school just as I heard the school bell. Running, I jumped over a puddle and hit a soft object. I heard an, “Uph. Shit. You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  At the sound of the voice my whole body came alive. My cock, which only moments before had been worn out, came roaring to life. I looked down, my breath caught, and my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. Even soaking wet and glaring at me she was the most beautiful girl. She had long chestnut hair, big brown chocolate colored eyes, a tiny button nose, and lips thinned with displeasure.

  “Wanker. You’re not even going to offer to help me up.” She stood and I smiled when the top of her head barely reached my shoulder. She had a body to die for—all breasts and arse, and I could see everything, thanks to her wet state, even her red lacey bra. I could tell she was cold, her nipples were pointing straight at me.

  “Eyes up here, dickhead.”

  I looked at her face, grinning, and she snarled.

  “You think this is funny. Argh.” She pushed past me and went into the school.

  I stared after her watching her arse and not caring about the rain. She went inside and I followed, growling when I noticed the other guys staring at her chest. I yanked my jacket off then pulled my dry jumper over my head.


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