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Stephan Page 9

by Hazel Gower

  “I am not.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Yeah, little bit, you are.”

  Stephan sat me on the bed and I glared at him. “I most assuredly am not.”

  He chuckled. “Uh-huh, you can think that, but you’re going to get a shock tomorrow to see your things in my room, which is now our room.”

  “I really hate you.”

  “No, you really don’t.”

  “Argh, stop telling me how I feel.”

  Laughter had me glancing at the door to see a couple in their late forties, standing watching. I felt heat rise on my cheeks in embarrassment as I realized the couple were Stephan’s parents. “Oh God kill me now,” I whispered.

  A huge smile spread across Stephan’s face and I sighed. Damn dimples. His parents laughed and I wanted to bury myself in the covers and hide.

  They came further into the room and I could see where Derick and Stephan got their looks. Stephan’s mother was gorgeous, she had long blonde hair, big brown eyes with super long lashes, big thick lips, and a stunning curvy body. Stephan’s father was his clone or he was his, jet-black hair, deep ocean blue eyes and strong masculine features. When I looked at him he smiled and dimples popped on two cheeks. Damn. Who knew an old man could be hot.

  Stephan growled and my gazed darted to him. “Stop checking out my dad.”

  “I’m not. Well, I am but it’s just he’s your clone or…um …I mean you’re his errr clone.”

  Stephan’s parents were cracking up with laughter now. I sank lower into the bed praying I’d turn invisible.

  “I love her, Stephan. Isn’t she just adorable?” his mother said. What the hell? I was a lot of things, but adorable wasn’t one.

  “Yes, dear, she’s perfect for Stephan.” His father patted Stephan’s mother’s hand.

  Stephan’s mother came forward to the bed. “Hi, Jade. I’m Evelin Silverman. And the clone behind me is Lucas Silverman. It’s so nice to finally meet you. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

  “Um…nice to meet you too.” I chewed on my bottom lip. “Thanks so much for all your help. I’ll never be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.” Tears rolled down my cheeks. Crap. I couldn’t stop them.

  “Sweetheart, it was our pleasure. You’re a part of the family now.” Evelin picked up my good hand and kissed it. She brushed hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. “I heard some good news, you get to come home tomorrow if the doctor gives the go-ahead in the morning.”

  “Yeah, about that…” I wanted to make sure they didn’t feel any obligation to help me. I could look after myself. “If it’s a problem me coming and staying with you, I’m sure I can find somewhere else to stay. I’ve looked after myself for almost seventeen years.”

  Lucas came next to Evelin and patted my hand. “Don’t be silly. You would have come and lived with us sooner or later. If Stephan had his way, he would have had you living with us the day he meet you. I had Evelin in my house twenty-four hours after meeting her. It would have been sooner if she didn’t waste time arguing for those twenty-four hours. You women seem to think you know what’s best for you.” He shook his head like it was shame we were stupid.

  I giggled when Evelin hit Lucas. “We do know you jerk.”

  Lucas raised his hands in surrender and winked at me. A huge weight I didn’t know had been holding me down lifted, and I felt hope things could work.


  He was dreaming if he thought I’d be moving into his room. Standing at the entrance to his room I shook my head. “I don’t care what you think. I’m not sleeping in your room with you.”

  “Fine. We’ll sleep in another room.”

  “No. We won’t be sleeping in the same room at all.” I slowly walked toward the stairs only to be lifted up and brought against a hard chest.

  “Are you trying to hurt yourself? You’ve just come back from hospital and were about to attempt to go downstairs. Jade, the backs of your legs are covered in stitches.”

  Was he for real? I know I have over thirty stitches in my legs. The muscles in my calves pulled every time I walked. “You don’t think I bloody know? The only reason I was going to go downstairs was so I could get away from you, find your mother, and see if she could talk some sense into you.” I was yelling now, but didn’t care. I probably sounded like the brat my grandpa accused me of but again, I didn’t care, I was grateful for everything Stephan had done but he was suffocating me.

  “Mum doesn’t need to talk sense into me. You need to listen and stop arguing.”

  My anger was rising and I struggled in his arms but he just held me tighter. Stephan carried me down the stairs and still didn’t let me go when we reached the bottom.

  “I can walk now.” I wiggled to get out of Stephan’s hold.

  “I know. I like you in my arms though.” He walked to the games room were his mum sat on the sofa with an eReader.

  Evelin glanced up and smiled. “How are you settling in?”

  Stephan placed me on the sofa next to Evelin. “Good thanks. I would be doing even better if you would tell your son I’m not staying in his room.”

  Evelin raised one dainty eyebrow in question to her son. Stephan crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me. I rolled my eyes heavenward praying for patience. Evelin sighed. “Stephan, I did the room up right next door to yours. I really think you should let Jade stay in there. You won’t be far from her and you’ll see her every day.”

  “Mum, she belongs with me.”

  I chewed on my lip and looked to Evelin hoping she wasn’t going to fall for his crap. Evelin stared at me for a while and she must have seen something because she cleared her throat and stood so she was almost toe-to-toe with her son. “Stephan, I won’t ask you again, I’ll tell you. Jade is staying in the room I did up for her. When Jade chooses, she can move into your room.”

  I felt like doing a fist pump and sticking my tongue out at Stephan, but the stare he sent my way had me sinking into the sofa and quietly enjoying my victory. I liked Evelin. She was my ally and I felt bad for using her but I intended to use her as much as I could. Stephan was just too tempting and hard to fight.



  “She never friggin' listens, Dad. I swear I’m going to strangle her.”

  My dad chuckled and patted me on the back. “Give her space, boy. She’s been home for three days and you’ve done nothing but hover.”

  “Do you know she told me she was going to school on Monday? She chucked a fit that I have missed over a week of school. Of course I wasn’t going to school while she was in the hospital or when she got home. Who would have helped her?”

  “I’m sure your mother and I could have he—”

  “Dad, whose side are you on?”

  “Er, yours, son.”

  “Well tell Mum to stop encouraging her. The two have gone off this morning and she didn’t tell me where.”

  “I’m sure your mother is taking great care of her. She told me she was taking Jade to have a spa day. Why don’t you go out and see your friends. I think some time apart will be good. You’ve both been in each other’s faces way too much.”

  I sighed, my dad was right. I’d barely left Jade’s side since the beating. “I do need to go see Cassie. Jade’s birthday is less than a month away and I want to get everything organized.”

  “It’s not exactly what I meant but if it gets you out of the house and stops your pacing, I’m fine with it.”


  I’d called Scott because I didn’t have his sister, Cassie’s, phone number. They were both at home. I drove there and Scott answered the door. “The others missed you at the games. We lost today.”

  “Sorry, man, but my girl comes first.”

  “I understand.” His eyes narrowed and he smirked. “Come in. Cassie is watching a movie.

  I went into the house and to the back family room. Cassie sat on a huge L shaped sofa. She had tears running down her cheeks an
d tissues all around her. I looked to Scott in alarm. He waved his hand.

  “It’s all your fault. You haven’t let her see Jade and she’s been blaming herself for not noticing anything with her grandfather. She thinks you won’t let Jade be friends with her or some shit. She’s been watching all these girly movies and crying. I only let you in so you can do something and end this crap.”

  I stared at my best friend shocked, he hadn’t mentioned anything about this to me. He hadn’t told me he was pissed at me either.

  Fuck, I wasn’t good with this emotional stuff. And right now I didn’t have the energy to deal with this. I slowly approached Cassie. “Um hi, Cassie.”

  “Oh, Stephan, I’m so sorry. I should have seen it. I mean, she never liked being home, I just thought she really liked me. I’m such a bad friend. How bad is she? Am I not allowed to see her?”

  “Cassie, I wasn’t keeping you from seeing her. I just forgot to ask you to come and visit. I’m here now to get your help for her birthday.”

  “You’re not angry? You want me to help?”

  “Sure. Look, why don’t we sort out her birthday stuff here so it’s a surprise and then you can come back to my house and see her. She had a spa day with my mum.”

  “She had a spa day and I didn’t get invited?” Cassie started sobbing again and I looked at Scott begging him to help me. He just gave me an evil grin. “Ah, um…I’m sure Jade would have invited you…it’s just that…just that…it was a mother/daughter thing.” I waited, hoping I’d said the right thing.

  Cassie sniffled and blew her nose. “Okay. Let’s get her birthday sorted out so I can go see her.”

  I felt like a real douche. Not only was my best friend pissed at me but I’d upset my girl’s best friend.


  I drove Cassie to my house and was surprised at what we both came in on. Jade had the music on in the kitchen and she was dancing around as she mixed with a big cooking bowl. My mum sat on a kitchen bench stool singing along, watching my girl smile, laugh, and sing.

  Not daring to move, I watched Jade. I’d never seen her so happy. Her guards were down and she could sing. My heart beat faster as I listened to her beautiful voice and I fell even more in love. She was gorgeous, her hair was down and flying around her, her eyes shone with life and love. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her even if I’d wanted to.

  The song finished and Cassie clapped beside me. “You have an amazing voice, Jade.”

  Jade dropped the bowl on the bench and ran to her friend. “Cassie!” She gave Cassie a one-arm hug.

  Cassie started crying again. “Oh my God, look at you. Jade, I’m so sorry. I wish you’d told me. You could have stayed with me.” Cassie ran her hands over the still healing bruises.

  I’d forgotten about Jade’s injuries for a moment as I watched her dance about the kitchen. Cassie hadn’t seen her in nine days. If she thought Jade still looked bad now, I would have hated to see how Cassie would have reacted when it all happened. I wanted to get upset at Jade for overdoing it dancing around, but after seeing how happy she was, I wouldn’t say anything. I needed to touch her, to kiss her. She was amazing.

  Waiting until Cassie let her go I went to Jade and gathered her to me for my own hug. “You’re beautiful, you know that right?” I stroked her hair before easing her away, leaning down and kissing her. I didn’t give her the kiss I wanted. I was gentle and gave her more of a brush of my lips against hers but when she sighed against me, I deepened the kiss by licking her lips. I knew I’d done good bringing Cassie and not pushing for a deeper kiss.

  Jade ended the kiss. “Thanks.”

  I felt like I was on cloud nine. It was the first time Jade had taken over and the first time she really showed she cared. I was making progress getting her to like and trust me.

  I smiled. “No need to thank me. I’d do anything for you.” I left her with my mum and Cassie. I needed to go talk to my brother to see if anyone else besides Scott was pissed at me.


  I’d neglected my friends and had some kissing arse to do. I’d missed Brad’s nineteenth birthday and he was hurt. I’d let down my rugby league team missing two games.

  “They are sympathetic, bro, and feel bad Jade had to go through what she did. But they don’t understand the curse as you call it. They don’t know when we Silverman men find our soul mates we turn into possessive cavemen. They think you’re pussy whipped. Before you roar about that I told them Jade hasn’t given you any and if she had her way, never would.”

  I growled at Derick, he was really starting to piss me off.

  “Oh stop your growling. They all forgive you. Let them see Jade.”


  “Stephan, they’re going to see her Monday. I think we should do something together tomorrow like go shopping, out to dinner, a movie or maybe all.”

  “No way. Jade has only been out of the hospital for three days.”

  Derick scrubbed his face with his hand. “Bro, I really think they need to see her, and Jade needs to get out too. I know you want to wrap her in cotton wool and make sure no one can harm her again, but she’s young and doesn’t want to be smothered. I didn’t want to say this but they need to see her injuries. Monday is going to be a big day because everyone at school will be looking and pointing. I know you don’t want to hear it and you can’t beat them or glare at them all. I think if we get our friends’ shocked faces out of the way it will be easier.

  I hated my brother was right and Cassie’s response downstairs confirmed it. “Fine. We’ll all go to a movie and dinner.”

  “Good. I’ll call the guys.”

  “I better go out now and get Brad a big present to make up for missing his big day.” I got off the sofa in Derick’s room and walked to the door.

  “Oh you did get him one. You bought him an Omega DeVille Tourbillon, the diamonds in the watch alone should have made him happy. But he’s still pissy, he went on for hours about how he was down one wingman. I told him even if you were there you’d not help him troll for pussy.” Derick winked at me. “I had to take your share.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “I can see you’re really torn up about that.”

  “It hard work, you know, keeping the Silverman name out there with the ladies, but I suppose I’m up for the challenge.”

  I shook my head and walked to the door. To think only a month ago I was the Silverman who didn’t date and never had the same pussy twice. Now I’d found my soul mate. My carefree days were gone. Now I thought about it. I was exhausted. I was sick of fighting Jade and never getting anywhere with her. I hadn’t gone this long without sex since pre-puberty. Shit, I had become pussy whipped and I wasn’t even getting any pussy. Fuck this, I needed a night out. “How about just us guys go out tonight. Cassie can stay over and keep Jade occupied.”

  “I think that’s best idea you’ve had in weeks. Let’s go stay in the Sydney apartment. Mum or Cassie can bring Jade to meet us for the movies.”

  I hadn’t left Jade alone since the beating. I didn’t like leaving her in case she needed me. Ha, what was I thinking—Jade never needed me. She wouldn’t care if I went out. I was done fighting.

  “Come on, bro. What’s the saying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Jade will be fine here for one night. Come on, I bet I can beat you at who can drink the most without passing out.”

  I grinned down at Derick, he knew not to challenge me, I never lost. “You’re on. I’ll call Scott and Brad, you call the others.”

  Derick nodded and I went in search of my mum, Cassie, and Jade.

  Chapter Eight


  Cassie stayed the night and we’d talked until the early hours of the morning. The only other person I’d spoken to like I had with Cassie was my best friend in the city, Jess. Her house had been a safe haven for me from my mother and her friends.

  I was surprised when we woke up and Stephan wasn’t hovering over me. He may let me sleep in my own room but he was in it almost as
much as me. Stephan had no boundaries. I showered and got dressed. Cassie took a shower while I dressed. Together we went downstairs and to the kitchen.

  It was so quiet without Stephan and Derick. Stephan had come in while his mum, Cassie, and me had been watching a girly movie in the theater room. He came over and pulled me to the side. I stepped away from him and stared up at him.

  “I’m going out tonight. You don’t need me do you?”

  I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face. Peace and quiet. I’d have one night off from his overbearing ways. I wondered if jumping up and down squealing with joy would be rude, especially in front of his mother. I bit my lip and took a minute to compose myself. “Sure. No, I don’t need you. Yes. Go out and have fun. I’ll be fine here. Don’t worry about me.”

  By his glare I knew I hadn’t fooled him. “Fine. If you’re going to be like that I’ll see you tomorrow.” He looked over at his mum. “Can you drop Jade and Cassie into Sydney at the apartment? We are going to the movies and dinner. Any time after lunch would be good.”

  “Sure, if the girls want to go.”

  I didn’t want to go to the movies in Sydney or out for dinner. I debated arguing for a moment, but thought better of it when I looked at Stephan. He looked sad. I’d never seen him look like that. Guilt assaulted me and my heart sank. I shouldn’t be such a bitch to him. Going to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on him. He stilled and my heartbeat followed. Had I pushed him too far? If my legs didn’t hurt still I’d go up on my tiptoes and kiss him.

  “I want to go.” I gazed up at him and smiled. “It sounds good. I haven’t been to the movies in ages.”

  Stephan’s arms came around me and I sighed. I loved when he hugged me. For a moment there I thought he wouldn’t do it. I needed to show him I liked him.

  So now Cassie and I sat eating brunch in the kitchen waiting for Evelin to wake up and take us Sydney. I had a great girls’ night, and as much as I loved the silence and Stephan not hovering, I missed him.


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