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Stephan Page 17

by Hazel Gower

  “No, little bit, you’re amazing.”

  She nodded and went back down to my cock taking it into her mouth.

  This time I gripped the fucking sheets to stop from holding her. When her speed got faster I knew I wouldn’t friggin' last. She was so Goddamned hot, naked and sucking my cock, her tits bouncing with her movement just added to the erotic image.

  Staring at her as she closed her eyes and sucked me in deep, I groaned as her tongue circled around my head and put pressure over were my cum was about to spurt free. “Holly shit. Little bit, I’m about to come. Move away.”

  Jade didn’t listen, her suction got strong and I fought not to come in her mouth, but when she took me deep and moaned, vibrating around my dick, I lost it. She tried to take my cum but it leaked out. I grabbed tissues from the bedside table and she wiped up.

  “That was fucking amazing.

  Jade smiled shyly at me and I couldn’t help chuckling at the fact she could still be shy after what we just did. “I wanted to do to you what you did for me. I was okay? ”

  “You were fucking amazing.” I brought her up and kissed her forehead hugging her to me. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you knew what you were doing and then some.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m the one who should be thanking you. I don’t think I’ve come that quickly since my first couple of times.”

  Jade buried her face against my chest and I stroked her back. I lay there holding her, basking in bliss feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.



  I’d done my trial HSC and gotten great scores back, which gave me hope for the real thing. School holidays started this afternoon, but with the real HSC happening when we get back I’d be spending it studying.

  Friday my last period was free and usually I got a lift home with Derick who had a free period also, but today I decided to go to the library. I stood outside of a classroom opposite the door, leaning against a wall, and waiting for Stephan. I’d never done anything like this before. Most of the time Stephan was the one waiting for me or I waited for him just before the door leading out of the school. After the shooting and everything that happened, we’d changed the meet place.

  Nibbling on my bottom lip nervously, I told myself I wasn’t being one of those needy girlfriends. That I didn’t follow Stephan around like a puppy waiting for any scraps he was willing to throw my way. Stephan told me he loved me and he waited for me all the time. My problem was even though I knew I loved Stephan and trusted him and I’d forgiven him for leaving me, I still couldn’t bring myself to tell him any of that. I was scared, because no matter what, there was doubt.

  Now I had gotten back my trial HSC results, I was thinking about my future a lot. Where I wanted to be next year and what I wanted to do. Earlier in the library I had looked up student loans for university and the university courses I wanted to take. The more I looked the more I wondered what Stephan would do. Where he would go? What would happen to us? What did he expect to happen? When my thoughts had steered in that direction I’d started to feel physically ill, which caused me to realize how much I really cared and loved Stephan. I’d wanted to run home then, but it occurred to me home wasn’t really mine, it was Stephan’s parent’s house. I didn’t have a home.

  Stephan and I needed to talk and I wasn’t looking forward to it one bit. I was terrified. When he got out I was going to ask him to drive us to the beach or somewhere we could talk. I needed to be on mutual ground. A place that wasn’t his family’s.

  The bell rang and I straightened, moving down and away from the door so I didn’t get trampled but still in the line of sight for Stephan to see me. The hall had been empty before but was now filled with teenagers. The door to the classroom opened and students flowed out, Stephan one of the last. A girl I’d seen before, called Britney, I think, was talking to him and flirting. I wasn’t worried though because when Stephan saw me his whole face lit up. His big baby blues brightened and his dimples popped making him irresistibly handsome.

  Stephan came straight to me ignoring the girl he’d been talking with. “Hey, little bit.” He leaned down and kissed me, his lips fusing to mine and sending delicious warmth through me.

  Smiling, I wrapped my arm around his waist. “Hi, I decided to wait.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  We exited the school together and I held him tight snuggling against him. I loved how affectionate Stephan was. I’d never had much before Stephan, so I lapped it up with him.

  I didn’t say anything until we were in the car and out of school grounds. “Can we go to the beach or a park, somewhere we can talk?”

  “Er…yeah, sure. What’s up?”

  “Nothing is up, well there is, but I think once we talk and find out what’s going on there won’t be.”

  “Jade, you’re making me nervous.”

  Nibbling on my lip I gazed out of the window. I wanted to tell him there was no reason to be nervous, but I was myself so I couldn’t lie to him. He went to Central Reed Creek Park.

  Getting out we sat on the bench by a huge tree. “Will you tell me now what’s up?”

  “What university are you going to next year?”

  “I was looking into two. I had wanted to be with Derick. The best two for my business courses are Newcastle and Labrador on the Gold Coast Queensland. They have it at other Unis but they have really big class sizes and I’ve not heard of the teachers.”

  I had looked at Newcastle, it had my courses but I wasn’t sure about how easy it would be to get a job there. I hadn’t looked into any out of state universities. The one that looked most appealing to me had been Sydney University. I had people I knew who already wanted to go there and I knew I could get a job. Did this mean Stephan and I wouldn’t be together next year?

  I was scared but this had to be said. Taking a deep calming breath, I gazed at Stephan. “I was thinking Sydney University. So where does that leave us?”

  “What the fuck?” He gathered me onto his lap and squeezed me tight against him. “What do you mean where does that leave us? It leaves us together. It leaves us sitting here talking about our options, because I can tell you now I will be with you. You will be with me. You’re mine. My soul mate. The love of my life. We just need to figure out what’s best. Have you looked at either of the universities I’ve mentioned?”

  He stroked my back in a soothing motion. “I haven’t looked out of state. I did a quick search on Newcastle, and they have the courses I want, but I’m not sure I could get a job easily there.”

  “Why would you need a job?”

  “To help with rent and food. I can’t live with your parents forever. The Centerlink benefits won’t be enough, not with everything I’ll need for my course.”

  Stephan sighed. “Let’s say for a moment you didn’t need to work. Where would you go?”

  “I don’t know because it isn’t an option. I know I qualify for a government student loan, but it pays for Uni not anything else.”

  “Jade, you don’t. Not now my parents were appointed your guardians.”

  “Wha? No. I’m eighteen now. They do—”

  “Yes, they do. You’re even on our healthcare until you’re twenty-five, married or pregnant. Then you’ll be back on just Medicare. Even then you wouldn’t because we’d get our own policy.”

  What the hell was Stephan going on about? “This doesn’t solve what I said.”

  “Look into the two Unis I’ve mentioned. I’ll help you. Um, you know what. Why don’t we go visit them in our holidays? I’ll book a hotel in Newcastle for a couple of days and we can spend a week on the Gold Coast.”

  “I can’t let your parent’s fork out more money. They have already spent a fortune on me.” I felt guilty about all the money Stephan and his parents threw my way. I wasn’t with him for his money. I’d done fine without it before. I hope he didn’t think I wanted his money.

  Reaching up I caressed his cheek. “I want you
to know I don’t need or want your money. You could lose it all tomorrow and I wouldn’t care. I don’t need or want you to keep spending it. I want you to know I’m with you for you. Not what you can buy me. ”

  “I know and that’s one of the reasons why I love you.”

  Pulling his face down I kissed him, brushing my lips over his before I nipped his lips, giggling at his grunt, which turned into a moan when he did it back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “How’d I get so lucky?”

  He rested his forehead against mine. “Does that mean you’re going to check out those Unis?”

  “Yeah, I’ll check them out.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I spent the next couple of days looking into the universities Stephan told me about. Griffith University in Queensland the Gold Coast, looked promising, it was situated in place were there were a lot of tourists so jobs would be plentiful if I needed one for any reason. I hated to rely on Stephan and his family for money. It didn’t feel right no matter what they said. I didn’t have any family to keep me in NSW so moving to another state for university wouldn’t matter to me.

  Stephan parked in the car park of the hotel by the beach we were staying in Newcastle for three nights. I’d waited in the car as Stephan confirmed our booking and received our keys. The three-hour drive had been long and I was glad to arrive at the hotel. I wasn’t one to sit for long periods of time.

  I was excited about staying in a fancy hotel. I was so ready for something more with Stephan. His family was in the house and I so didn’t want to have sex and have to look them in the eyes a couple of hours later knowing what I’d done. We’d been having oral sex for a couple of week, and it had helped me relax for the trial HSC. I was enjoying myself too, but I could barely look at Stephan’s family afterwards. I knew if I had sex with him in the house the embarrassment of knowing they were close, and worrying they would hear or walk in, would freak me out. I loved Stephan. I could admit it to myself and was ready to take it to the next step and make love to him. Anything had to be better than this constant arousal.

  Nervously, I’d packed my luggage with sexy new clothes including a tempting bra and G-string. So tempting, I hoped he’d let me take the lead and move our relationship to the next level.

  A bellman came and took our luggage and the elevator took us to the top floor. We went down a small hall with two doors. Turning to our left we opened the door pressing our electric key over the lock and walked into the spacious two bedroom penthouse suite. The ocean views were amazing and I went straight to the balcony overlooking the beach. The sun was about to set and I sat and watched the beautiful scene as the sunset hit the water.

  Stephan came out and massaged my shoulders. I leaned into him moaning at the amazing feeling. He kissed my head. “I’m going to go hop in the shower and freshen up.”

  Crap, now was my chance. It was perfect. “Sure. I’ll be waiting right here.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to join me.”

  Oh boy did I, but I knew if I did I’d chicken out. “Nah, I’m going to watch this.”

  “Oh, okay.” I could hear the disappointment in his voice and bit my lip to stop from giggling.

  He walked away and I waited until I was sure he was in the shower. Running to my bag I rummaged through it for what I wanted to wear. I freshened up with some wipes and shook my hair out trying for the messy seductive look.

  Stephan turned the shower off and I took a deep breath. I could do this. I hoped the stripper heels and black lace gave him a hint at what I was doing and he’d take over because right now I wasn’t feeling like the go get ‘em woman. “I’m a confidant sexy woman.” Ha. The shake in my voice almost had me running and hiding. Positioning myself on the end of the bed I waited for the door to open and hoped I looked sexy and irresistible.

  Closing my eyes I took more calming breaths. I could be sexy, I could seduce him.

  “Holy shit, Jade, what are you doing?”

  Snapping my eyes open I didn’t say anything but cleared my suddenly dry throat and walked to Stephan praying I didn’t break my fucking neck in the shoes. Stephan seemed frozen as he stared at me. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and I honed in on his tattoo. My heart flip-flopped every time I saw my name. My gaze traveled down his perfect six-pack abs to the beginning of his happy trail.

  Holy shit. All I had to do was look at him naked and I became achy and hot. Reaching out I smoothed the pads of my fingers down his chiseled chest and hooked them on the towel, unraveling it and letting it fall to the ground. Before I lost my nerve I yanked him to me and plastered my mouth to his. His hands touched my heated skin and I deepened the kiss seeking his tongue and tangling it with my own. My fingers wrapped around his dick and I slid my hand up and down. I was nervous, I’d jacked him off before but tonight was going to be different—I was going to take him inside me. I was going to lose my virginity, and give him one more thing that had been only mine.

  My whole body was alive with need, lust flowing through me. Stephan had always given me almost an electric need for him. He cupped my bare arse lifting me slightly. The hooker heels made me taller, but still not as tall as him.

  I rubbed my body against him. “I want you. I’m ready. I want to make love to you.” I had been through so much with Stephan I knew he was the one. I loved him. I had for a long time, it's why it broke me when he left. I didn’t give my love lightly, everyone I loved never seemed to love me back. Stephan was trying. He told me he loved me and he’d tattooed my name on him and that shit was permanent.

  Wanting to move to the bed, I tore my mouth from his and took a step back holding out my hand. “Come on. I want to do this on a soft bed.”

  “Jade. Little bit. You don’t have to do this. I can wait. We haven’t been back together for long. I don’t want you to regret this. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I love you no matter what we do...or don’t.”

  “I want this. Please.” I tried what I hoped was a sexy pout.

  Groaning, Stephan took my hand and followed me to the bed. I let him get on the bed and I crawled on after him.

  “Shit. You look so fucking hot right now.” Stephan went to grab me but I evaded him, feeling confident he liked what he saw I wanted to be in charge now. I needed to be in charge. My insides felt like butterflies were fluttering about.

  Kneeling, I smiled at him before I slid up his legs until I straddled his waist.

  “Fuck me. They’re crotchless.” I ground my pussy against his erect cock and grinned at his hiss. “You’re evil.”

  Giggling, I ran my fingers over the ridges of his abs. Leaning down I did what I’d wanted to do since he first gotten the tattoo, I traced it with my tongue then kissed it with my lips all the while rubbing my pussy against him.

  “Oh fuck this, I can’t take it. This is torture.”

  Stephan wrapped his arms around me and flipped us so I was on the bottom. I stared at him, his dark blue eyes stormy with passion. I smirked because I’d done it. I’d given him that look.

  “You’re so goddamned beautiful.” His lips mashed mine and I opened to meet his seeking tongue. He leaned on his elbow and his other hand moved down between my legs. Rubbing my clit he slid two fingers into me, keeping a rhythm.

  I searched for release. Stephan made me hot. I always came so easily for him. The anxiety and nervousness I’d been feeling had heightened my senses. Stephan’s mouth left mine and he nibbled his way to my neck and sucked on my skin sending shots of pure ecstasy through me.

  Moaning, I arched up into his touch. His fingers delved deep as his thumb pressed down on my nub with just the right amount of pressure helping me to shatter. “Oh God,” I whispered.

  Stephan worked his way back up, taking my mouth again as I felt his cock at my entrance. He bit my lip and eased back just enough to look into my eyes. “You sure? I can stop. Tell me now.”

  Reaching up I caressed his cheek. “I want this. I want you.” I spread my legs
and wiggled so his cock sank in a little more.

  “Mmm, you will be the death of me,” he murmured against my lips. “I’m sorry,” he said as his mouth took mine and he surged up and deep into me.

  A sharp pain struck me and I stiffened.

  Stephan stilled and his mouth left mine. “Tell me when you’re ready for me to move.”

  I took a deep breath and assessed my body. Nothing else hurt, I just felt tender down there. Wiggling, I tested to see if the pain was still there. I didn’t feel painful anymore. I gazed at Stephan as he hovered over me, his jaw tense, his lips thinned in a grimace and he was sweating.

  “You can move now. Slowly.” I watched as his face relaxed and then his dick eased out of me before he sank back in again.

  Oh. My. God. I’d never felt anything like what I was feeling. Shards of delicious tingles shot through me spreading fire along my senses.

  “You’re so tight. I’ve never felt anything like it,” Stephan growled.

  I wanted more. I needed him deeper. Wrapping my legs around him I met each thrust pushing against him. I gripped the sheets, needing an anchor, as the onslaught of desire came to boiling point, I stared up at Stephan watching his muscles flex and strain. I’d never seen anything sexier.

  “Oh, Stephan, this feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

  His eyes flared with passion, and when he drove into me this time it was with deep sure strokes.

  “I love it when you push deep.” I did, nothing ever felt this good.

  Stephan grunted and drove into me hitting just the right spot. I screamed, never having felt anything like the rapture taking over. Letting go of the bed sheets I yanked him down digging my nails into his back. I needed to feel more of him against me.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” he moaned.

  Tilting my head I latched onto his neck and sucked. His thrusts became almost frantic as he propelled into me. Digging my heels into his arse I ground against him as he drove deep. I was so close. I knew when I came it would be big.


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