Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1

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Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1 Page 17

by Leji Albano

  He pulled the woman into the crook of one arm and turned her to face Tina. “Allow me to introduce you to my new assistant. Tina Ferrante, meet the one and only Caterina.”

  “Cat, Tina is Maria’s niece.”

  Caterina stepped away from Alexander, quickly embracing the surprised Tina and kissing her on the cheek. “Maria will be missed. She is a dear friend.”

  The stunned American could only nod her thanks.

  “Why does Caterina suspect that this is not just a social call?” She gave him the stink-eye, pretending to be upset.

  “Because it’s not. I need a huge favor.”

  “The Gala at the Museo? You want Caterina to drop everything and perform a miracle?” She sniffed indifferently.

  He smiled sheepishly. “You know me so well, dear one. Only a sorceress of your caliber can turn Tina into the best-dressed princess at the ball.” Alexander wrung his hands as he continued. “Please, Cat, I never even considered anyone else for this task.”

  “Rightfully so, you evil man.” She looked Tina over carefully. “I don’t know why Caterina allows you to impose on her this way. You do realize that you have cut the timing very short?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Because you love me, and you know it. Is it possible? Or have I screwed up?”

  “Pffft. Caterina will do her best…which is much better than anyone else.”

  She took Tina by the arm and started to walk off, paused, and said over her shoulder, “Go do whatever it is that Alexander does while he waits for his miracles.”

  The next hour passed in a blur for Tina. Measurements were taken. Samples of various colored cloth made their appearance and just as quickly disappeared, and Caterina muttered under her breath the entire time.

  “I don’t understand why I can’t just wear one of the dresses I brought with me,” Tina grumbled.

  Caterina glared at her but didn’t rise to the bait.

  As Tina listened to the woman call her underwear a disaster, she finally lost her temper. “That’s it, I’m done. This was a mistake. I’m sorry that my lingerie and I don’t meet with your approval, and yet I still can’t seem to care.” She glared around her. “Where’s my shit?”

  Suddenly the slim woman was in her face, pushing her hard down into a chair. “You shut your ingrate face. I’m not doing this for you.”

  The American sat in stunned silence as the carefully maintained façade that the designer had used was stripped away. For a moment, Tina thought Caterina was actually going to hit her.

  “For many years I have known the wonderful man who brought you to my shop. Do you know how many times he has asked me to dress a woman for him?”

  Tina shook her head silently.

  “Once. You are the first.” She spat the words out. “I owe Alexander everything. All of this?” She gestured around the shop. “All of my success is because of him.

  “Are you familiar with the history of this town? No? It used to be full of what you Americans would call ‘bad people,’ Mafioso. When I first came to Naples and tried to open this boutique, I was harassed by such animals. One night, I was closing up this shop when I was attacked.”

  Her eyes clouded with the memories as she continued. “Alexander was passing by when he saw what was happening. Had he done what most people would have, and ignored it as not his problem, I would almost certainly be dead.

  “Rather than do that, he intervened, badly injuring the thugs who were after me.

  “Why would this American do something like this for a woman he didn’t even know? I asked myself as he helped me up from the ground. Do you understand how rare a quality this truly is?”

  Tina nodded once again.

  “I had some small injuries.” Caterina shrugged as if it meant nothing. “He insisted that I come to the home he was staying in at the time, where he cleaned and bandaged what he could. He asked me about the thugs who had assaulted me, and as we talked, I found myself telling him everything I knew about them and their boss.

  “Alexander allowed me to sleep in his bed that night, while he kept vigil, watching over me to ensure my safety.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Who does such a thing? Anyway, the next morning he escorted me back to my shop. I tried to work as usual that day, but I was afraid. Afraid that more thugs would come to finish what they had started.”

  Tina handed her a tissue, which she used to wipe her eyes and blow her nose. “Grazie. Just before closing, that darling man walked into my shop…. This very shop. And told me that there would be no further problems. He handed me his business card and said that if I ever needed assistance again, I should immediately contact him. I could tell that he actually meant what he said.” She shook her head in wonder.

  “He would check in on me periodically when his travels brought him to Naples, but I never had any trouble after that day. I was curious as to what could cause the local thugs to suddenly leave me alone, so I quietly asked around for rumors and the like.”

  “What did you find out?” Tina asked, curious, despite herself.

  A malicious grin split Caterina’s face. “It seems that several of the top leadership, and many of the lower-level thugs, had fatal accidents that day. Very coincidental, wouldn’t you say?”

  Tina was shocked, but somehow not very surprised, by what she had learned.

  “The word on the street was that it was very unhealthy for anyone who targeted my shop or me.” She glared at the American woman again. “And now you understand why I would do anything for the man you work for.

  “Let me ask you a question. Who do you think will be attending the event at the Museo tomorrow night?” Caterina asked.

  Tina shrugged. “Rich people?”

  A heavy sigh greeted her words. “Yes, there will be rich people there. Mostly though, it is for the Elites—the cream of the social crop. Not just anyone gets an invite to such a gala. Big donors to the Museo, as well as powerful politicians and businessmen, will be in attendance. And, of course, their rich snobby bitches of wives will be there too. Everyone will be on display, my dear, and everyone will be sniping at any perceived imperfection.

  “What do you think would happen if I let you wear your everyday little black dress to a function such as this?” the designer inquired.

  “They would eat me for breakfast.”

  “Dinner actually, but yes, exactly that. Now, shall we get on with it, or are you going to continue to be a brat?”


  “…Anunna geneticists realized that the relatively primitive species of Hominids that existed could be modified to become useful sources of labor. Utilizing these creatures for menial tasks such as agricultural work would free up valuable resources that could be put to better use elsewhere. Additionally, the Anunna were not about to perform such tasks themselves, so it made sense to use forced labor to take up the slack. The end result was a genetically modified version of the more advanced Homo Sapiens that came into being around forty thousand years ago. Unfortunately, these humans were not the most tractable of slaves and required constant supervision….”

  Excerpt from the diary of Alexander Matthews

  August 1993, A small village in Bosnia

  Alexander staggered through the streets of the village, assaulted by the stench of death. The only sounds to be heard were the argumentative squawking of the scavenger birds fighting over the dead. Tears ran down his face freely, leaving clean tracks on his dirty skin. Everywhere he looked, he saw death: Men, women, and children. Even the animals had been slaughtered.

  He had spent a few days with these people prior to heading up into the mountains with a team of archaeologists who were conducting a dig. Nearly everyone in the village was a vampire, and they were good, hard-working people, welcoming him into their midst and sharing their lore. He had planned on returning when his time at the excavations had come to an end.

  Early this morning, not long after midnight, he had awoken from sleep to the sounds of gunfire. He had rushed to the edge of the ridge th
ey were camped on, and looked down toward the village, where the strobing flashes and sharp barks of automatic weapons fire, faint screaming, and the orange-yellow of buildings on fire greeted him. Alexander immediately started running toward the violence, not caring that he hadn’t even put his boots on.

  They had all been warned, of course, had heard the rumors of ethnic cleansing being carried out at various places in the country, but it was always somewhere else. Not here. The sights that assaulted his eyes as he neared the village had shown that this was no longer the case.

  The flutter of brightly colored cloth waving in the breeze drew his gaze. A girl, no more than five or six years old, lay sprawled on the ground. Her hand still clutched a handmade doll, the look of terror frozen onto her face, and the sightless eyes looked to the heavens. Her throat had been savagely cut from just underneath her right ear to the other side of her trachea. The blood that coated the front of her dress was turning tacky, and the flies that crawled across her face were already feeding.

  Alexander leaned against a shot-up car and emptied his stomach. How could anyone do something like this? Death itself was nothing new to him. God knew he had killed more people than he cared to admit over the years…but nothing like this. The sheer savagery on display here was beyond anything he had ever experienced. Innocent lives had been destroyed for no other purpose than expediency: that and a desire to kill that which was different.

  He walked to where the little girl had fallen, and he gently closed her eyes, then crossed her arms over her chest, ensuring that the doll stayed with her. Alexander picked her up and began walking back the way he had come, no real destination in mind, just a desire to leave this charnel-house. Tomorrow—tomorrow he would do his best to hunt the bastards down who had done this. The dead deserved their vengeance….

  The bell rang at the rental property promptly at five the next evening. When Alexander answered the door, Caterina and a heavily weighed down assistant swept into the entryway. “Where is she?” Caterina demanded.

  He pointed at a door and quickly got out of their way as they descended upon Tina’s bedroom. The entrance to her room slammed shut, and he could hear the lock engage. Much shrieking and shouting of orders ensued.

  To call what was happening in her room chaos would be doing chaos a profound disservice. Caterina stood at the eye of the storm, imperiously directing the actions of both her assistant and Tina. Soon, three pairs of shoes were lined up on the floor, a beautiful cobalt blue dress hung in the closet, and Tina was completely naked.

  Caterina handed her the most exquisite lingerie she had ever had the pleasure of touching. Tina rubbed the material between her fingers and was amazed at the silky texture. She looked up and met the designer’s eyes.

  “Caterina, of course, prefers to wear nothing under her creations, but if you must, then this is acceptable.” She waved her hands and said, “Hurry, child, we have much to do and little time.”

  Tina soon found herself seated in a chair, looking at her reflection as Caterina worked on her hair. At the same time, the nameless assistant was giving her a mani/pedi. It seemed that the designer was going for some sort of formal updo, but it remained to be seen how it would finally work out.

  Time blurred by, and she found herself wearing the dress as Caterina fussed and adjusted it. A single strap on the right side supported the body-hugging gown, and a long slit ran up the left side. The assistant had her try on the first pair of heels, but the designer simply said, “No. Get that garbage off her feet.”

  After several trials, they finally settled on the second pair of heels. Tears began to well up in Tina’s eyes, and she was quickly handed a tissue and told don’t make a mess of your make-up. She couldn’t help it, though—the woman staring back at her from the mirror was a complete stranger. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined looking this good.

  Caterina nodded her head sharply, then sent her assistant away. “Shall we see whether Alexander approves?”

  Tina sucked in a deep breath, then released it. She stepped close to the woman and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Caterina threw open the bedroom door and announced, “One princess, as desired.”

  Tina walked out of the room tentatively, her head down, not sure she wanted to know what Alexander thought. She heard a quick intake of breath, followed by the sound of someone plopping into a chair.

  She glanced up to see him staring speechlessly at her. His widened eyes raked her from head to toe, and she could tell he liked what he saw. He turned to look at Caterina in disbelief, and the woman barked at him. “Stop imitating a beached fish, it’s annoying. Did Caterina not say she would produce a miracle?”

  He nodded wordlessly, then stood up. He held a case in his hands and walked over to where Tina stood. “It’s perfect, Cat…except it needs accessories.” Alexander opened the case, revealing a diamond and sapphire necklace and matching earrings. “I picked these up yesterday while I was waiting for the two of you to finish up.”

  Tina’s hand flew up to cover her mouth, and she took a step backward in denial.

  The swat on her ass took her by surprise. “Don’t be stupid, girl, never turn down jewelry. Especially good jewelry.”

  Caterina took the case from Alexander and hustled Tina back into her bedroom, closing the door behind them. She reached around and fastened the necklace. Tina’s fingers caressed the large sapphire that occupied the central pendant. Quickly the earrings were in place as well.

  “I don’t understand, Caterina. I can’t even hazard a guess as to how much this cost. Why does he do things like this?” She paused. “I’m so confused.”

  The designer stared at her thoughtfully for a moment. “Do you remember what I said to you yesterday? Specifically, about how many women he has brought to me to design clothes for?”

  Alexander’s assistant nodded.

  “I’m sure you noticed his reaction when he saw you?”

  Another reluctant nod.

  “Did that seem like a boss who approved of how his employee was dressed?”

  In a whisper, “No.”

  “No. That was the reaction of a man who is very, very attracted to a beautiful woman.” The wistful look in Caterina’s eye gave way to something much darker.

  In a saccharine voice, she continued, “Which is why if I ever find out you have hurt him in any way, I will carve out your heart myself and eat it in front of you.”

  The drive to the National Archaeological Museum didn’t take long. This was a good thing, given the tensions that existed between the occupants. Neither said a word, though it was apparent that both wanted to.

  Alexander pulled the Acura to the sidewalk near the entrance to the museum, and they exited the car. He handed the keys to the valet and accepted a chit in return, which he slipped into the pocket of the slacks he was wearing. Clearing his throat, he said, “Are you ready for this?”

  She stepped closer and slightly adjusted his bowtie. “Not even a little.”

  Tina smiled tremulously up at him. “Maybe we should have a talk afterward?”

  “I think that would be an excellent idea.”

  Together they made their way into the museum and the crowd that filled the building. Alexander introduced Tina to several people, and others approached them over the course of the next hour or so. During that time, they nibbled on small snacks and sipped champagne as they mingled.

  At 10 PM, several dignitaries, including the gentleman who ran the museum as his personal fiefdom, gave speeches that everyone politely applauded. The announcement was given that the ball portion of the evening would begin promptly at 11 PM.

  “And so, the moment arrives when we find out if your lessons took or not. I suspect that all eyes shall be upon you as you rule the dance floor,” Alexander said.

  “Only because I’ll have tripped and made a fool of myself.”

  “I would never allow such a thing to happen. And if it did, I would defend your honor to my last breath,” he promised.<
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  She looked deep into his eyes. “I know you would, and that means a great deal to me.”

  He offered his elbow and they slowly made their way to the area that had been cleared to make room for the ball. A sizeable two-story gallery with a towering, vaulted, fresco-covered ceiling and a patterned marble tiled floor was slowly filling with guests. A small orchestra was arranged at the far end of the long, expansive room. Multiple doors on either side allowed entrance and exit, and foot traffic was taking advantage of this fact.

  Alexander guided Tina to a free spot along one wall, and said he would be back with fresh drinks. She nervously nodded at this and told him not to take too long.

  He soon found a staff member who was working the crowd, dispensing flutes of champagne from the tray she was carrying. Glasses in hand, he made his way back to where he had left Tina. She appeared to be cornered by two slightly intoxicated men of about her age. Shaking her head at them, she was obviously trying to remain polite despite their unwanted advances.

  Alexander walked up beside her, handing the champagne flutes to her, then stepped in front, blocking all access to her. His eyes glittered dangerously. “Thank you for keeping my date company whilst I was gone, boys, but your services are no longer needed.”

  Seemingly taken aback by his actions, they took stock of the man who had interrupted their attempts to sweep Tina off her feet. The greasier one of the pair sneered up at Alexander. “I think the Donna can speak for herself.”

  His companion laughed sycophantically, but otherwise contributed nothing to the conversation.

  Alexander smirked then stepped forward and between the two men. He took each by the shoulder and turned them to face the other direction, then draped his arms around their necks, pulling them tight. A dangerous rumble emitted from his chest as he growled, “This one is mine, blood-sucker and dog-boy. Go find your own.”


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