Unforeseen Heartbeat

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Unforeseen Heartbeat Page 10

by Maureen Mayer

  Robbie peeked about halfway out of the kitchen with the morning paper covering up most of his naked body, but it wasn’t enough to shield us from the view of his morning wood. Dear Lord, if I wasn’t embarrassed for answering the door in skimpy boy shorts, I sure as hell was embarrassed for Hunter to have to see this. “I thought that was only when company was arou— oh, hey Hunter! Good to see you again.”

  Hunter quickly diverted his gaze toward the ceiling as he responded, “Yup, you too, man.” He turned to face me, mouthing the words “baloney pony,” and I had to bite my bottom lip and shake my head. It was all I could do to keep myself from full out laughing. I quickly grabbed Hunter’s hand, lacing our fingers together, and pulled him toward the door. “I’ll see you later, Robbie. And for the love of God, please have pants on when I get home!”

  Hunter’s laughter trickled behind me as we approached his bike. I swung my leg over the side as I slid my helmet on and got into position. Hunter slipped off his leather jacket and handed it back to me. “Here, why don’t you wear this, babe? It’s a little cool this morning, and I don’t want you to freeze your cute, little behind off.”

  I took the jacket from him, smiling graciously, and soaked up the delicious scent embedded in the soft, worn leather. The jacket swallowed me whole, but I couldn’t have cared less because I loved wearing it, and from the sultry look on his face, I could only assume he liked seeing me wear it, too.

  When we arrived at the campus athletic center, it was apparent that Hunter hadn’t been kidding. The place was filled with your typical early-bird gym rats, and I shook my head at the sight of them. Did these people not understand the meaning of a good night’s sleep? For me, that usually consisted of sleeping in until at least noon, except on days that Hunter and I shared a 9:00 AM class, and even that was pushing it.

  Hunter stopped to look around before leaning in close to my ear. “I’ve got a better idea. Come on.” He placed his hand against the small of back, leading me over to a door on the opposite side of the gym, and I smiled, loving the way his simple touch set my whole body on fire. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a key-card, and swiped it in the slot next the door. I heard a buzz as the tiny light turned green, and Hunter motioned for me to enter what looked like a mirror image of the gym we were just in… except for it being completely empty.

  “Where are we?”

  “This area of the gym is designated for ROTC only.” He motioned me over to a set of foam mats that were dispersed across the floor and set down his gym bag.

  I stopped in my tracks and looked over at him, chewing my lip worriedly. “Will I get in trouble for being in here?”

  Hunter chuckled softly. “That depends.” He took my hand and, in the blink of an eye, had me pinned against the mats. “Think you can keep a secret?”

  My breath hitched as my words got caught in my throat. Being pinned beneath him like this felt so wrong and yet so, so right. I stared at his lips as he traced over the smooth, pink flesh with his tongue. His minty breath passed over me in intoxicating waves and the next thing I knew, my lips were on his. I reached up, running my fingers through his hair, and pulled him even closer. Our mouths moved together, freely devouring one another, and just as my lips parted, his velvety tongue slipped through. Oh my word, I had never in my life been kissed like this before. The hunger and need was present in our all-consuming kiss, there was no denying that, but the ferocity and aggressiveness was held at bay. Instead, there were underlying emotions filled with passion and tenderness, and in that moment, I had never felt more vulnerable.

  I was putty in his hands.

  Hunter quickly tore his mouth away from mine, causing me to whimper at the loss of contact. He looked down at me with a deceiving smirk teasing at his lips and flipped me over as though I were light as a feather. I shrieked in surprise at how quickly he had changed positions and overpowered me.

  “Wh-what the hell was that?” My voiced hitched, echoing throughout the gym.

  “That, my little lip-locking minx, is why you need lessons in self-defense. See how easily I was able to distract you? Guys will use that vulnerability to their advantage. You need to remember to never let your guard down, no matter what situation you’re in. Always be aware of your surroundings and plan for the unexpected.”

  I huffed out a deep breath, disappointed that the best kiss I had ever experienced meant nothing more to him than a pitiful lesson showcasing my own naiveté. Hunter released his hold on me and helped me back on my feet, but the second he turned his back I lunged at him, pummeling my fists against his back. Apparently, it was a waste of expended energy, because no matter how hard I tried to take him down, he stood there unmoving, barely even registering my boney-knuckled blows. Great. Now I only managed to make myself look like a dimwitted blonde who doesn’t know the first thing about protecting herself.

  Hunter -2. Maddie -0.

  Before I could make contact with his back again, Hunter grabbed my wrists and shoved me up against a nearby wall with my arms trapped above my head.

  “Stop, okay? Just stop!” he barked. “You’ll be out of breath before I can even teach you one damn thing. Are you always this impulsive? Jumping into a situation before thinking through the consequences of your actions?”

  “Maybe I am!” I shouted back in his face while my chest rose rapidly, and I tried to catch my breath. “Sure would explain why I always manage to fuck things up, huh?”

  Hunter loosened his grip and lowered my hands so that they were pressed flat against his chest. Gazing into my eyes remorsefully, he rubbed his thumbs over the faded bruises. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He leaned in close, pressing his forehead against mine. “Look, I’m not trying to dig up old skeletons from your past and shove them in your face, but I need you to understand why this is so important. I told you before, I won’t always be around to protect you, and I want to be sure that you can hold your own against someone like Tucker… or even me.”

  I shook my head. “But you’re nothing like Tucker. I know that, Hunter.”

  “Do you?” He closed the distance between us, pressing his pelvis into mine.

  I gulped nervously. “At least I thought so.”

  “You’re right. I’m nothing like that piece of shit. I would never hurt you, but you shouldn’t always be so trusting of everyone you meet. That’s exactly what will get you hurt, or worse.” Hunter slowly shook his head back and forth, unable to make eye contact with me. “God, Maddie, just the thought of something happening to you…”

  He trailed off, turning his head to the side and shielding his emotions from me. I didn’t understand where these mixed feelings were coming from or why Hunter cared so much about my well-being, but when I cupped his face in my hands and those smoky, gray eyes locked onto mine, I nearly lost it when I saw the love pouring from his steadfast gaze. Seeing that for the first time, I couldn’t even begin to explain what that did to me. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to beat straight through my chest, and without a second thought, I brought his lips down to mine in a soft, gentle kiss. We finally broke apart when a few other cadets entered the gym, and I felt my skin flush in embarrassment at being caught here lip-locked with Hunter.

  “We should probably get going,” he whispered as his lips brushed against my ear, and the warmth of his breath sent shivers down my neck.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to teach me anything today. I’m a pretty shitty student, huh?” I giggled.

  “Who said I didn’t teach you anything?” The seduction in his voice matched the lust-filled look in his eyes, and I had to turn away before I got myself in too deep. Shit, I knew I was already in too deep.

  I shoved him playfully and he wrapped his arm across my shoulder as we headed off toward the showers. Hunter, bless his heart, came prepared and handed me a brand new fluffy towel and a change of clothes while he dug out a few shower products from his gym bag. Somehow I had managed to forget to bring anything wi
th me, and I smiled thoughtfully, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

  “I guess you thought of everything. You even bought the same brands I use,” I said as I looked them over.

  “Luckily I didn’t have to guess too hard since I saw them in your bathroom when I stayed over.”

  I looked over to see him smiling, proud that he took the initiative to do a little snooping. “Touché. You’re very resourceful.”

  “When I need to be.” He winked giving me an adorable, lopsided grin.

  We went our separate ways, and I wasted no time stripping down and stepping under the welcome heat of the shower as it rained down on me. I stood there, letting the water cascade over my body, and imagined Hunter here with me, his hands running over my delicate skin and soothing the ache that was hastily building between my legs. My hand dipped down, sliding over my smooth mound, and slipped between my folds. I cupped my breast in my free hand and nimbly rolled my nipple between my fingers while my soaking wet fingers got down to business below. I continued to work my fingers over my clit, circling the swollen nub until I couldn’t take any more, and seconds later, my body erupted from the pleasure I had fantasized Hunter giving me.

  I laughed softly as I stepped out of the shower, amused by what I had just done. Oh, if Hunter only knew…

  I was still chuckling to myself as I left the women’s locker room, and Hunter was leaning against the wall just outside, looking at me quizzically but entertained by my light-hearted laughter.

  “Did I miss something while you were in there? Any girl on girl action?”

  I tilted my head and smiled up at him. “Ah, so you heard about that, huh?”

  “Wait, are you serious?” His eyes widened. “I thought that was just a rumor. Oh, I am so showering with you next time.”

  “In your dreams, Hunter.” I giggled. Or apparently in mine!

  “How about we pick up where we left off next week. I’ll teach you a few new moves every week and slowly build up to the more difficult positions. By the time I’m finished with you, you’ll have me pinned beneath you in no time.”

  My jaw hung slack at his choice of words. Hunter… pinned beneath me. Oh God, my hormones were screaming at me, begging me to jump this sexy man where he stood, and I had to squeeze my thighs together to relieve my sexual tension. Why must he torture me so?

  “Uh yeah.” I cleared the frog in my throat. “Under one condition.”

  “All right, and that is?”

  “For the love of God, can we please meet up in the evenings, because I’m in desperate need of some beauty sleep, and waking up at the ass crack of dawn does not agree with me.”

  Hunter threw his head back laughing heartily and returned his gaze with a warm smile. “Yeah, I think I can manage that, babe, but I don’t see why you’re so concerned about getting beauty sleep. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for you to look any more beautiful than you do right now.”

  I felt the heat rise up my neck and across my cheeks as my face became flushed. Hunter always had the sweetest things to say, and it melted my heart that his words were meant only for me. I wasn’t used to receiving such affection from a man, unless you considered being called “sexy as fuck” and having your ass spanked while a cock is buried deep inside you an acceptable form of endearment. The effect that his words, his touch and his smile had on me felt so foreign and yet so natural, as though that were the way things should be; and I’m sure it was. But this was all so new to me. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, and my usual M.O. was to give my body over willingly and take what I could get in return. I wasn’t sure if I could do that with Hunter.

  After we parted ways, planning to meet up again for class, I decided to take a stroll around campus and soak up the warmth of the early morning sun. I needed this time to myself to clear my head and figure out what was going on between Hunter and me—if there was anything going on between us—but it was clear to me now that there most definitely was. I liked Hunter. I really liked him, but I still wasn’t sure if I was capable of putting my whole heart into a relationship. I was so afraid of hurting him, and deep down, I think I was afraid that he might hurt me, too.

  Hunter kept his promise, and three nights a week we worked on self-defense techniques in the ROTC’s private gym. Bob was very accommodating when it came to switching around a few of my shifts so that I could devote my time to my lessons. Every week my moves progressed a little more, and I had even put on a little muscle in the process. Hunter threw every imaginable scenario at me and showed me multiple ways of responding based on my attacker’s preferences. By the end of October, I was able to successfully pin Hunter to the mat with ease, and I always managed to do it with the biggest fucking grin on my face.

  “Oomph! Damn, girl… I think… you knocked the wind… out of me… that time.”

  Hunter struggled to catch his breath, and I giggled because that was the fourth time in a row that I had brought him down. I straddled Hunter’s lap after I kicked out the back of his leg and used the momentum of his fall and my quick reflexes to subdue him. “Well, maybe if you weren’t such a wimp you wouldn’t be lying here after having your ass kicked by a girl.”

  “Hey, my ass is just fine, thank you very much. I’ll be up and ready for another round, just give me a sec.”

  I gave Hunter a sultry grin before lowering my body down until my breasts were pressed firmly against his chest. Leaning in even closer, I took his ear lobe between my teeth and playfully nibbled and sucked on the soft flesh. He drew in a deep breath, and I knew I was getting to him. “Hmm, I’m up for another round, but I have something else in mind.”

  “Oh yeah, and what’s that?” he choked out.

  My mouth brushed against his, and I traced my tongue over his lower lip. He let out a breathy moan, and his lips parted just enough to allow me entrance. Good boy. I loved the way his velvety tongue moved with mine, swirling and tangling together in some kind of sensual, exotic dance that was all our own. His full lips were greedy as they sucked my tongue in his mouth, gently biting me and sending a shockwave of pleasure straight down to my core. Unfortunately in that moment, I let my horny state get the best of me, and Hunter took advantage of my guard being let down. He tucked his arm under my leg and expertly flipped me onto my back, sliding between my legs and grinding his pelvis into mine so that I couldn’t escape. Little did he know, I had no intention of trying to escape. I never wanted him to let me go.

  “You think you’re pretty slick, don’t ya?” He licked a moist trail up my neck while his hands had my legs pinned to my chest, giving him better access to rock his hips against me.

  “Oh, I’m definitely slick all right.” I gasped as his tongue circled the sensitive spot just below my ear. “Maybe… maybe you should check and see if I’m right.”

  Hunter pulled away from me and looked down between our bodies, taking in the position we had found ourselves in yet again. Things had quickly become heated between the two of us over the last few weeks, but just when things were getting good and I thought he might finally give in to his desires, he would quickly pull the plug on the idea. I couldn’t understand why he was being so difficult. I wanted him so badly that my body literally ached for him, and from the bulge pressing against his shorts, I was pretty sure he wanted me, too. Somewhere deep inside, though, he found the self-control to put a stop to our lustful wrestling match and pried his body away from me. I wanted to protest, but he always gave me a stern, knowing look. God, he was so frustrating!

  “We should probably hit the showers.” He extended his hand down to me and helped pull me up. “You did well, Maddie. Really well. I honestly didn’t know if you had it in you, but I’m blown away by how much you’ve learned in just a few short weeks. I’m proud of you.” His smile was genuine, and although I was disappointed yet again that things hadn’t gone further between us, I had to smile as well. Before Hunter made his way into the men’s locker room, I caught up to him and wrapped my hand around his arm.

ey, you wouldn’t happen to want to come over for dinner tonight would you? Liberty was planning on cooking a huge feast for the whole crew, and I thought that since we’re friends and all that, maybe you’d… ” I chewed my lip nervously while Hunter’s brows pinched together at my invitation. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. “I mean… you don’t have to. I’m sure you have other plans on a Friday night. It’s no big deal.” I waved off the idea. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Madelyn, shut up,” Hunter chuckled and caught my hands mid-wave, pressing his lips to my knuckles. “I would love to have dinner with you and your friends.”

  “Great! Um, do you have a change of clothes with you, because we could just head straight to my apartment from here?”

  “Yeah, I got some in my gym bag. Do you want me to pick anything up from the store on the way there? I feel kind of bad showing up empty handed.”

  “Nope. You just need to bring your handsome self.” I smiled sweetly at him.

  He nodded with a lopsided grin, and we went our separate ways to shower away the sweat and lust coating our bodies.

  The whole ride over to the apartment, I was in a smitten daze, and my emotions had my head spinning. I clung to Hunter a little tighter, hoping that he was feeling them, too. When we pulled up to the apartment and stepped inside, I was snapped out of my daze as we were blasted with the delicious aromas of garlic and basil permeating in the air. Oh, how I’d missed Liberty’s cooking.

  Loud chatter filled the living room, and Hunter leaned in close to press a kiss against my temple before leaving me to say hi to the guys. I made my way into the kitchen where Liberty was standing next to the stove, stirring a pot full of her homemade sauce.

  “Hey girl, I didn’t hear you come in. Is that Hunter I hear laughing out there?” Liberty nodded her head in the direction of the living room.

  “Yeah.” I watched as a wide grin slowly spread across Liberty’s face. “I invited him for dinner. That’s okay, right? I didn’t even think about whether we’d have enough food.”


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