Heat Up the Fall: New Adult Boxed Set (6 Book Bundle)

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Heat Up the Fall: New Adult Boxed Set (6 Book Bundle) Page 88

by Gennifer Albin

  I blink, letting her words sink in. “Thank you. I’m honored.” I take a deep breath. “You said there were two reasons. What’s the second?”

  She smiles and points to the disaster hanging on the dressmaker form. “That. You’re taking risks and your design—even in its unfinished state—is one of the most exciting things I’ve seen you create in the two years I’ve known you. Take that excitement with you into the committee.”

  I want to tell her that there’s no excitement in this design, only fear, but I don’t want to risk my newly gained position. “Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”

  Ms. Carter moves behind the mannequin. “You don’t have to say anything. Just don’t let me down.”

  I nod. “I’ll try my best.”

  “In the end, that’s all I can ask, although I’m not sure it’s fair of us to throw you into this potential mess. I suspect not only will this be a hornet’s nest, but it will be an even larger time commitment than previously anticipated. Will this be a problem?”

  “The timing couldn’t be more perfect.” With no boyfriend and no job, I’ve got nothing but time.

  Ms. Carter starts to walk away then stops, looking over her shoulder. “And even if the theme is lame, put your own unique spin on it. Think outside the box.”

  Think outside the box with Everyday Living? That seems impossible.

  Just add it to my list of impossible tasks to hurdle.

  Chapter Three

  The Voodoo Lounge is packed. It’s Friday night and a large population of the Southern University campus has assembled to hear Blue Tiger, the band that’s set to take the stage soon. Dylan drapes his arm around my back, his fingers slightly stroking my side, just below the band of my bra. The placement of his fingers is disheartening. They’re high enough to be a hint of a threat yet not high enough to make him stop without looking like a frigid bitch.

  I cast a glance at Scarlett on the other side of the table. Her face is guarded, and it’s obvious she’s only here because of Tucker. And me. She swings her gaze to check on me and I give her a smile. Even if I don’t feel like smiling.

  My date with Dylan is rushing headlong into failure.

  For some reason, Reed pops into my mind, and I imagine how a date with him would be going if I’d said yes. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be trying to cop a feel.

  Why am I thinking about Reed?

  In fairness, everything else in the world has triggered thoughts of him since last Saturday night. His reaction when I so thoroughly insulted him still haunts me. I don’t behave this way. Not since high school. Back in Shelbyville, I was Carol Ann Hunter from Pine View Trailer Park. I fought stares, whispers, sneers and outright taunts, and unlike Scarlett, who grew up in the same raggedy trailer park, I stood up for myself. Not that it did me much good. I can’t help wondering if Scarlett had it right all along, burrowing deep within and cocooning until she felt safe to emerge.

  Carol Ann Hunter didn’t burrow. Oh, hell no. She didn’t understand the concept of backing down. She accepted every challenge, every fight. She was hardened and jaded when I came to Southern three years ago. I knew I couldn’t be her and achieve my goals, so I changed, a metamorphosis of my own. Carol Ann is the old me and I thought she was gone until last Saturday night, when somehow, Reed set her loose. And that scares the shit out of me.

  My only consolation is that I’ll probably never see the man again. But instead of easing my prickled conscience, it stirs an ache deep inside. I find myself surprised that I want to see him again.

  Apparently, I’ve become a masochist now.

  I pick up my drink, a cosmopolitan, and take a larger sip than I intended. Dylan’s fingers brush the flesh underneath my breast. I shift in my seat, forcing his hand to drop, but he shoots me a cocky grin. This guy thinks he’s getting lucky tonight. Obviously, he’s never heard about my five-date rule.

  I can’t help thinking that Reed wouldn’t treat me this way. No, Caroline, he wouldn’t because he’d be with his girlfriend.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I’m obsessing over some man I hardly know. Get over it.

  The band goes on stage, and Tucker whistles to his friend. The guitarist straps his instrument over his shoulder and waves to Tucker.

  Dylan’s hand slides on my hip, trailing down to my thigh.

  I stand abruptly. “I’m going to the restroom.”

  My sudden behavior draws the blank looks of the three people with me. Dylan’s face darkens, but Scarlett kisses Tucker’s cheek and stands. “I’ll go with you.”

  Scarlett doesn’t say anything until we get into the ladies’ room, not that I could have heard her if she tried. The band has begun to play, deafening my ears.

  “What’s going on?” she asks the minute the bathroom door closes behind us.

  “Dylan’s handsy. More so than I’d like.” I’m used to guys like him. I know how to handle them, a skill learned long ago when teenaged boys expected poor white trash trailer park girls to be easy. The problem isn’t how to get him stop. The problem is my bitter disappointment.

  Scarlett leans her back against the wall and releases a heavy sigh. “What do you want to do?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing. I just needed a moment to regroup, is all.”

  “We can leave.” I think she secretly wants to leave. She hates this kind of thing and only tolerates it because Tucker wants to come. That’s the beauty of their relationship. They respect each other’s needs and try to make it work. They’ve definitely learned the art of compromise.

  “No.” Although I want to leave, I have to save face. I’ll look like a fool if we leave now. “But I don’t want to stay out too late. I still need to figure out my designs for the fashion show.”

  Scarlett grins. “Look at my Caroline, all grown up. Thinking about work on a Friday night.”

  I stick out my tongue.

  She laughs. “Okay, maybe not so mature.”

  The bathroom door opens and Reed’s girlfriend walks in and heads straight for a stall. I cast a glance toward Scarlett, but she doesn’t seem to notice. I’m suddenly very interested in the girl Reed is dating. I decide to hang around until she gets out of the stall and try to learn more about her.

  I think this might technically be called stalking, but I have just enough alcohol in me to convince myself otherwise.

  “I want to freshen up my lipstick.” I tell Scarlett. “If you want to get back to Tucker, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Scarlett’s eyes narrow slightly, then shift to the stall Reed’s girlfriend disappeared in. So her entrance didn’t escape Scarlett’s notice. To my surprise, Scarlett agrees. “I’ll see you at the table.” Then she walks out, a grin lifting the corners of her mouth.

  I move to the sink and run my fingers through my hair, fluffing it a little before I pull a tube of lipstick out of my purse. Reed’s girlfriend’s door opens, and she walks to the sink to wash her hands.

  I know I shouldn’t call attention to myself, but the only thing I’m learning about her is that she’s an extra-thorough hand washer. That’s obviously not enough to satisfy my curiosity.

  I force a smile and twist to face her. “Didn’t we meet at Scarlett’s party last week? You were with Reed.”

  Her wary gaze brightens. “Yes, you’re Caroline, right?”

  It’s my turn to hesitate. I never introduced myself. “Yeah….”

  “After you left, I insisted that Reed tell me your name.” She smiles. It seems genuine and not the smile of a jealous lover. She must not have figured out that he asked me out.

  “Are you with Reed tonight?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  She sighs, the first sign of disgust crossing her face. “He’s here but we’re not here together.” The way she stresses the word makes me think she wants me to be aware that he’s unattached. If they broke up, what ex-girlfriend would encourage the woman her boyfriend had been interested in? “You should come out and say hi.”

  I shake my head, m
y eyes widening. “That would be a very bad idea.”

  Her grin turns playful. “Oh, come on. It will only take a second.”

  Before I realize what’s happening, she’s looped her arm through mine like I saw her do with Reed last week, and she’s practically dragging me into the bar.

  Reed sits at a table in a dark corner, wearing a scowl as he surveys the dance floor, which has begun to fill up with people. His discomfort isn’t surprising, since he and Scarlett seem to be cut from the same antisocial cloth.

  She stops in front of the table and shouts to be heard. “Look who I found in the restroom.”

  His scowl deepens. “I didn’t know you were now trolling public restrooms for friends.”

  To my surprise, she belly-laughs. “Reed, you’re a really funny guy when you let yourself have a little bit of fun.”

  I wonder if I’ve walked into the middle of a disagreement between them. If so, I have no intention of being used as a weapon. Or a shield. “I need to get back to my friends.”

  Reed’s eyebrows rise conveying his distaste. “You mean your date?”

  I stare at him for a moment. Is that why he’s here? Because he heard Tucker say we were coming here tonight? I’m about to become outraged when I remember my own recent stalking experience only moments ago. “Yeah, my date.” I cast a glance to our table. Tucker and Dylan are clueless about what’s going on in this corner, but I have Scarlett’s full attention.

  I head back to our table, and I can feel Reed’s eyes on me as I leave. Instead of irritating me, I revel in it.

  I really am a masochist.

  Dylan’s arm and fingers return to their previous positions when I take my seat. Scarlett’s eyes question if I’m okay or if I’m ready to call it quits. It’s barely after ten o’clock, and I now have Reed’s attention. He’ll know my date isn’t going well if I leave now.

  Dylan ordered another cosmo while I was gone and I down it before I’ve realized what I’ve done. But holding a glass keeps me busy. Anything to make me look like I’m having fun. I soon find myself on my third drink in only an hour, more than I usually consume, but I need the alcohol to steady my nerves. Dylan might have my nerves on edge, but Reed has the rest of me on alert.

  The band switches to a ballad. Dylan leans his mouth in to my ear, his lips brushing my earlobe. “Do you want to dance?”

  Not really, but I can’t sit here much longer or I’ll drink myself senseless. I’m now trying to pace myself as it is. “Sure.”

  My response is less than enthusiastic, but Dylan doesn’t seem to notice as he pulls me to the dance floor, then settles my chest against his. His arms encircle my waist, his hands resting on the rise of my ass.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  Dylan presses his body flush to mine and leans into my ear. “I’ve wanted you all night.”

  I can honestly say I don’t feel the same. If someone had told me a week ago this would be my response, I would have called them crazy. The only thing I feel at the moment is disgust. Disgust with Dylan but also with myself. I let Dylan’s family money and status fool me. I try not to let my body stiffen as Dylan’s hand begins to slide up the curve of my waist, inching higher. I reach for his hand and pull it down. I just need to make it through this dance and then I’m going home. Who the hell cares what Reed Pendergraft thinks?

  But Dylan doesn’t like my redirection and pins my hand between his chest and mine. When I try to pull back, his grip around my back tightens and he looks down at me with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Where’re you goin’, Caroline? I thought you wanted to be with me. Isn’t that why you had Tucker set us up?”

  I’m livid with Tucker, but then I realize Tucker would never tell Dylan what he’d done. He might tease me, but he respects me too much to betray my trust. Not to mention that he’d never risk Scarlett’s wrath.

  Dylan must have read my mind. “Fuck no, Tucker didn’t tell me. I overheard you, baby. But not to worry. You’ve got me now. I’m all yours.” He grinds his pelvis into mine to show me how much of him I get.

  His hold on me tightens enough that I’ll have to make a scene to get away from him. It’s not ideal, but I’ll do it before I let this shithead get away with molesting me any more than he already has. I’m about to forcefully insist he release me when someone interrupts.

  “I’d like to have this dance.” Reed stands to my right and it’s not a question. It’s an order.

  Dylan stops swaying. “Can’t you see we’re busy?”

  Reed stares at Dylan, and I’m surprised Dylan hasn’t curled up into the fetal position under his scrutiny. “I spoke to Caroline, not you.” His gaze turns to me. His eyes are deadly cold, but I know his anger isn’t directed at me. Well, most of it. “Caroline, would you like to dance?”

  I nod, shocked into silence.

  Reed pushes Dylan’s hand off my waist and takes me into his arms. Dylan stares, probably wondering what in the hell happened.

  I’m wondering the same thing.

  The raw power rolling off Reed’s body makes my knees weak and I stumble, but Reed’s arm tightens around my waist until I’m steady on my feet.

  Reed lowers his face next to mine. “Did he hurt you?”

  I shake my head. “No, of course not.”

  “Are you saying he didn’t have you trapped against him when I showed up?”

  “Well, yes,” I say in annoyance. “But the only thing hurt is my pride. I’m embarrassed, although I’m not sure why. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  He leans his head back to look at my face and relief mixes with something that looks like respect. “You’re right. I’ve never understood a misogynistic society that shames the woman for a man’s boorish behavior.”

  His speech is the first sign I’ve seen tonight to remind me that he’s really a nerd at heart. Moments ago, he was anything but. My pulse pounds in my temple, and my skin tingles where we touch. I’ve never wanted a man to touch me as much as I want to be in Reed’s arms right now. I look into his face and wonder why I’m wasting time fighting this reaction to him.

  And then he speaks.

  “Although, I’m not sure you’re one hundred percent inculpable here. You seem experienced enough to recognize an asshole like Dylan.”

  I’m not sure what to be most outraged about: that he finds me partially responsible for what happened or his slam against my reputation. “Excuse me?”

  “When you play with fire, you’re liable to get burned. Even children know this platitude.”

  Just when I think he can’t get worse, he proves me wrong.

  I try to break free of his hold but his arm keeps me in place.

  “Aren’t you doing the same thing you just called Dylan out for?” I seethe.

  His eyes darken. “The difference is you want to be here with me.”

  I want to call him a liar, but I’m too busy staring at his lips and wishing they’d do something else other than talk.

  His arm falls from my waist and he lifts his hand to my face, tilting my head back so he has full access to my mouth. He stares into my eyes, his own a blaze of desire.

  My breath comes in short pants as my stomach tightens and other parts of me throb. I want him to kiss me, more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Ever.

  He leans down, his lips inches from mine, and his hands drop so that the only thing holding us together is pure want.

  “I think I’ve proved my point,” he murmurs into my ear.

  It takes me a full two seconds to figure out what point he just made.

  Reed Pendergraft has just made a fool out of me.

  I take a step back, horror crashing through me. I thought he was different, but it turns out he’s just as manipulative as Dylan. Their goals were different—Dylan wanted sex, while Reed wants revenge—but at least Dylan was up front about it.

  I take a step back. “Congratulations, Reed. Bravo. Point made.”

  Confusion flickers in his eyes before I sp
in around to find Scarlett. She’s dancing with Tucker and her eyes widen in alarm when she sees me. It takes me seconds to get through the crowd to her, but she’s already out of Tucker’s embrace, reaching for me.

  “Caroline, are you all right?”

  “I have to get out of here.”

  Reed is close behind, but Tucker has picked up that he’s the person I’m escaping from. He blocks Reed’s path, holding him back. Their shouts are lost in the noise of the crowd as Scarlett grabs my purse from our table and leads me through the crowd and out the doors to my car. “Do you want me to come home with you? You’ve been drinking.”

  I keep my face down, digging my keys out of my purse. “No. I’ve sobered up.” This would be easier to take if I was drunk. “Go back inside to Tucker.”

  “I saw what happened with Dylan. Tucker was about to go beat the shit out of him before Reed stepped in. What happened after that?”

  I find my keys and unlock my door with shaky hands. “Reed’s an ass, just like every other guy on the face of the planet.”

  “Not every guy,” Scarlett says quietly. “Tucker’s not an ass.”

  I look into her face. “Well, congratulations, Scarlett.” My tone is snottier than I intend, but I’m too broken right now to care. “You got the last good man alive.” I open my car door and slide into the driver’s seat.

  “Caroline….” she pleads.

  I see Reed push past Tucker out of the club. I can’t face him right now. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. You know I love you, but I just want to go home.”

  She nods and backs away as I shut my door. I hold in my tears until I’m turning onto the street and then break into a sob. This is my first good cry since I broke up with Justin last year and I’m pissed as hell that I’m wasting perfectly good tears on Reed Pendergraft.


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