Tempted in the Tropics

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Tempted in the Tropics Page 17

by Tracy March

  Nothing was exciting now that he’d lost Paige. Leaving her in Maple Creek was one of the most difficult things he’d ever experienced, and that was saying something, considering all he’d been through. It tore him up to think she’d fallen for him, too. He couldn’t help but wonder if it would hurt less if she hadn’t.

  It was nearing dinnertime, so he drove to a nearby Chipotle, thinking a steak burrito bowl might improve his mood. He stood in line, watching the people, thinking they could possibly become his patients. But none of them would be like the characters he’d met in Maple Creek. He’d rolled into town thinking the people there were too old and the place ran too slow. Now that he’d left, he realized he kind of liked it that way.

  I kind of apologize. He smiled, remembering Paige’s inimitable way of saying she was sorry. So many unremarkable moments they’d shared had become remarkable in his mind.

  Lane got his burrito bowl and sat down to eat—alone—thinking of Paige and her dad, of Mayor Warren and Fairleigh Hawthorne, of the bakery and the barbershop, and the town of Maple Creek.

  I did the right thing, didn’t I?

  He rubbed his hand on his chest. Was it his imagination, or did his heart literally ache?


  Life was cruel sometimes—especially around Valentine’s Day. Paige was thrilled to have gotten the huge order for petits fours for Maple Creek’s Valentine’s banquet. The money would cover a lot of what she’d lost after Lane had jacked with the Secret Recipe program, especially now that Dr. Hartley was back. She’d recover from that, but she wasn’t sure she’d recover from her broken heart.

  He’d been gone a week, but it felt more like a year. Every time she drove by his dark rental house, she tried to focus on Mayor Warren’s place across the street, instead of thinking about the night they shared together there. She hadn’t heard from him since he’d stopped in at Sweet Bee’s his last day in town, and she didn’t expect to. Obviously, he hadn’t really cared for her, and he’d been more than happy to leave. She’d been a fool to spill her feelings for him, and she wished she never had. He didn’t deserve a girl like her anyway. She might not be all polished and poised and professional, but her heart was sincere, and that was more than she could say for his. No doubt she was better off without him.

  It’s just not going to happen for us. What a hell of a way to dump someone.

  For all she knew, he’d fed her a line about Stephanie and the two of them were back together. If he wanted a girl like that, then Paige never stood a chance.

  At least baking for the Valentine’s banquet had kept her busy. That, and keeping up with her father’s care and progress now that he’d come home. After her dad’s stroke, Mayor Warren had started a fund to help pay for his home care expenses. Paige and her dad had been overwhelmed by the response, and so grateful.

  Her dad and Sweet Bee’s kept her going. And the people of Maple Creek. There weren’t any secrets here, and word had gotten out that she was brokenhearted over Lane. The outpouring of support for her and her father had returned some of the magic that they’d given the townspeople over the years at the bakery and barbershop.

  And that’s why she couldn’t skip the Valentine’s banquet this year, as much as she wanted to. It was a time when they all got together and celebrated love, and they’d shown plenty of that to Paige and her dad. The least she could do was show up and show her appreciation to them. She’d gotten permission from the banquet committee to put stickers on each box of heart-shaped petits fours she’d baked. They said, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The Ellerbees.

  Paige’s dad escorted her into the Ruritan Hall, the site of the Valentine’s banquet and other popular community events. As much as she wished that Lane were her date, she was incredibly grateful that her dad was able to graciously step in, as she’d done for him after her mom died. That he’d recovered enough to be there and enjoy himself buoyed Paige’s heart above the painful undercurrent of losing Lane, even though she never had him in the first place.

  Inside the hall, the ladies had gone all out with festive and tasteful decorations. It had always been hit or miss over the years, and decorations varied from twisted crepe paper streamers to lacy doilies to little stuffed devils wearing T-shirts that said “Hot for You” (Paige’s personal favorite). This year, the florist had donated small centerpieces for the tables—real red-tipped white carnations in short square vases. They’d outdone themselves with two big arrangements on either side of the stage where a band of several men from town, led by Dr. Hartley, played romance classics and country tunes.

  The hall was nearly full already, and Alice, who’d volunteered as a greeter, gave Paige and her dad their table number. “Don’t you two look spiffy?”

  “Thanks, Alice.” Paige smoothed her hand down her crimson sheath dress, then adjusted the rose boutonniere on her father’s lapel.

  “You’re looking lovely yourself,” her dad said to Alice.

  As they started to walk away, Alice leaned in close to Paige and whispered, “You doin’ okay?”

  Paige forced a smile and nodded. “It’s good to have Dr. Hartley back.” And it was. Things were returning to normal, and Paige was confident she could serve her customers better now. Without the distraction of Lane.

  “Feels like old times,” Alice said.

  Paige and her dad made their way to their table near the front of the hall. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw who was already seated there. Cole and Liza Collins, John and Sylvia Sutherland, Fairleigh Hawthorne, Mayor Warren, and Cyn.

  Liza jumped up and hugged Paige tightly. Paige struggled not to break into tears. She could tell that Liza already knew what had happened even though she and Cole had just gotten back from their honeymoon today. Sylvia was next in line for a hug.

  “I can’t believe you two showed up here tonight,” Paige said to Liza and Cole. “You have to be exhausted.”

  “Never too exhausted for a Valentine’s banquet,” Cole said. “And I hear the Maple Creek one is a classic.”

  Paige and her dad sat down.

  “You’re getting around great,” Sylvia said to Paige’s dad. Sylvia had been to see him several times while he was in rehab, and kept in touch with Paige about his care.

  “Doc says I can go back to work at the end of the month,” he said proudly.

  Paige beamed and clutched his hand, so thankful Lane had gotten him to the hospital in time for him to get the care he needed. At least there was that.

  Dinner was served—a salad, delicious roast beef, mashed potatoes, and a brussels sprout recipe with blue cheese and bacon that actually made them edible.

  “Caldera was the closest to paradise I’ve ever been,” Paige said to the Queen.

  She lifted her chin regally. “It’s my favorite of all our resorts. I just love the bathtubs.”

  Paige tried to block out the disturbing mental image of the Queen in a bathtub.

  “We couldn’t have picked a more perfect place for our wedding.” Liza gazed lovingly at Cole. Paige knew now what it felt like to adore someone like that, and how it felt to lose him. She’d fallen hard for Lane—in totally smitten fairy-tale love—but without the happily ever after.

  Between dinner and dessert, Dr. Hartley stepped away from the band onstage and addressed the crowd. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said to a round of enthusiastic applause. “I came back from Europe just in time. It was my fantasy trip, that’s for sure, but I’m more convinced than ever that there’s no place like home.”

  “Hear, hear,” Mayor Warren called out, and the crowd applauded again.

  “In Maple Creek, we love our traditions, and the Sweetheart of the Year award is one of our favorites.”

  Cyn caught Paige’s attention and rolled her eyes. Maple Creek’s Sweetheart of the Year had gone to the Queen every other year since forever, and it was her turn again. On the odd years, random others had won the award, none of them under the age of sixty-five. Even so, those were the good years, b
ecause when the Queen won, she’d commandeer the microphone and talk about herself for at least fifteen minutes—a party foul, for sure, particularly since it delayed dessert. At least everyone had the take-home petits fours in boxes on the table. They could break into those if the Queen babbled on too long.

  “This year,” Dr. Hartley said, “the Sweetheart of the Year award goes to someone who brings a spark of magic to Maple Creek…”

  Cyn leaned back so the Queen couldn’t see her and made a you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me face at Paige. They must really be desperate for the Queen to fund something for the town this year.

  Dr. Hartley continued. “We don’t know what we’d do without her warm smile, her quirky humor, and her baked goods that are healthy and delicious.”

  Paige’s heart hitched.

  “For all the happiness you bring to all of us, I’m honored to present this year’s Sweetheart of the Year award to Paige Ellerbee.”

  Stunned, Paige looked at the Queen, who smiled demurely and nodded her blessing. She turned to her father, who beamed with pride. It was a silly, small-town award, but it elated Paige to know she was loved and appreciated. She kissed her dad on the cheek.

  “Go get your award, sweetie,” he said. “You deserve it.”

  Paige stood to applause and whistles, and went up on the stage where Dr. Hartley placed a narrow pink-red-and-white ribbon around her neck from which hung a silver heart charm. The pressure of tears welled in Paige’s throat as Dr. Hartley handed her the microphone.

  Looking out on the smiling, supportive crowd, she was overwhelmed with gratitude. She may have lost out on love with Lane, but she’d found it with the townspeople of Maple Creek. “Wow,” she said. “If I would’ve known you all were gonna give me this, I’d have written a fifteen-minute speech.”

  The crowd broke out in laughter, and Paige avoided looking at the Queen. She did glance quickly at Cyn, who gave her a discreet thumbs-up.

  “I just want each of you to know that you’re what makes Maple Creek magical, and my dad and I are incredibly grateful for your friendship and support.” She handed the microphone to Dr. Hartley as the crowd applauded again.

  Paige began to walk off stage, but Dr. Hartley gently grasped her elbow. “I want to thank Paige for all the assistance she’s given me over the last couple of years,” he said. “She’s been selfless in baking special recipes that have made a big difference in the health of many of you. I thought it would be appropriate for her to be up here with me tonight, since I’m announcing my retirement from practicing medicine—if everything works out.”

  Paige’s stomach pitched. Could she stand another loss? Having Dr. Hartley next door on one side of Sweet Bee’s was nearly as comforting as having her father next door on the other. And what would become of the Special Recipe program?

  A collective “aw” rose from the audience, quickly followed by nervous chatter.

  “I’m not getting any younger,” Dr. Hartley said, “and there’s a lot of the world my bride and I want to see.”

  Paige struggled to keep an appropriate expression on her face, since she was standing up there in front of the crowd, but she was as stunned as everyone else.

  “I’d been toying with the idea of retiring,” Dr. Hartley said. “But I recently visited with my nephew—Dr. Anderson to most of you—and he convinced me that now is the time. You see, he really enjoyed taking care of you folks while I was away, and he liked living here in Maple Creek. It seems as if a lot of you cottoned to him, too.”

  Paige’s heart started pounding so hard that the silver charm hanging from the ribbon around her neck was probably jumping with each beat. Was Lane coming back?

  “He’d like to take over my practice,” Dr. Hartley said. “And I think that’s a fine idea.”

  Paige scanned the crowd. A lot of people nodded as if they agreed. She couldn’t even think that fast.

  Dr. Hartley’s expression turned grave. “But then I learned there was a problem.” He cleared his throat. “It turns out Dr. Anderson has a heart condition that might prevent him from taking over the practice.”

  Paige’s stomach leaped into her throat as the crowd gasped. Lane has a heart condition?

  Dr. Hartley shook his head ruefully. “Turns out there’s only one specialist who might be able to help him, but we’re hopeful.”

  Paige’s heart raced. She pressed her lips together, wishing she weren’t on display while she processed the news about Lane. His family must be devastated.

  The main door in the back of the hall opened, and Lane stepped inside, dressed in a dark suit and an open-collared white shirt, and Paige worried that she was hallucinating.


  Lane took one look at Paige standing on the stage and his heart nearly burst. She looked stunning in her crimson dress, her hair shiny and loose. He’d only been away from her a week—long enough to know he never wanted to be without her again.

  He strode around the tables as he made his way toward the stage, holding her gaze as he stepped to her side and Uncle Pete backed away. Just seeing her again had caused the words he’d memorized to slip from his mind.

  “Paige.” Only one word was out and he needed a deep breath. He couldn’t remember ever being this nervous. “You’ve been such an amazing surprise to me. I went to St. Lucia to play guitar for a wedding and came home in the middle of my own once-in-a-lifetime love story…with you.”

  Lane tried to forget that so many people were watching and focus on Paige, who looked at him expectantly. He took her hands and held them tightly.

  “Then there were some…complications. But through them I learned it was you that I want to be with. You that I wanted to give my heart to. You that I wanted to love.”

  Her eyes had welled with tears and he could tell she was fighting them.

  He hurried to finish saying what he’d planned before he lost his nerve. “You’ve shown me that love can be fun and unpredictable, but deep and true. Something I’d never experienced.” He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. “I want to take over my uncle’s practice and care for the people in Maple Creek. But I do have that heart condition he mentioned, and you’re the only person who can cure it.”

  She nervously bit her lip and he resisted the urge to kiss her…yet.

  “Since we’ve been apart, my head’s been a mess, my heart’s been…just broken. I know that might not build a lot of confidence in my future patients because that’s hardly a professional way to describe it.” People in the crowd chuckled, and even Paige gave him a small smile. “But it’s honestly how I feel.”

  “Me, too,” she said softly.

  “I can’t wait to settle down in Maple Creek,” he said. “When I left, I realized how much I loved it here. But I didn’t have to leave to realize how much I love you. I’m not asking for any promises, just to know that you want to try to make things work.”

  “I do.” She nodded and swiped away a tear from her face.

  Nearly dizzy with excitement and relief, he smiled mischievously. “I want you to say that in an official ceremony one day, too, but we’ll take it one step at a time.”

  The crowd applauded and whistled, giving Paige and Lane a standing ovation. His parents stood in the back of the hall, clapping politely. After dealing with the whole truth about Stephanie and learning more about Paige from Lane and Sylvia, they’d started warming to the idea of him and Paige together. After all, they’d really liked Sweet Bee’s cinnamon rolls, so that was a place to start.

  Buoyed by their support, Lane took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly, feeling as if he had found his once-in-a-lifetime, and it was going to be a wild ride.

  Uncle Pete stepped up on cue and handed Lane a Sweet Bee’s bakery box. Paige looked at him suspiciously as he gave it to her. “A Special Recipe for us,” he said. “And we’ll tweak the program so it’ll work for everyone else, too.”

  Her hands trembled as she opened the box to reveal two beautiful heart-shaped petits fours tha
t Cyn had hooked Lane up with. They were the same as the ones Paige had baked for all the townspeople, except Lane’s and Paige’s names were iced on the top. He carefully picked up the one iced with PAIGE and held it to her mouth.

  She took a delicate bite. “Delicious,” she said, and the crowd chuckled. Then her eyes widened as she seemed to realize what she’d seen when the cuff of his sleeve had slipped above his wrist as he fed her. She clutched his hand and turned it palm up to see the red heart tattoo that matched hers and her father’s.

  “Oh my God.” She trailed her fingers over the tattoo, and glanced out at her dad who smiled knowingly.

  “He went with me to get it,” Lane said, “to make sure it would match.”

  Stunned, Paige faced the audience, directing her attention to the table where her father and close friends sat. “So you guys were all in on this with him?”

  They all smiled like kids who’d gotten away with a prank. Paige nodded and gave them an I-can’t-believe-it look that she shifted to Lane. He hoped he’d be pleasantly surprising her for the rest of their lives. No doubt she’d keep surprising him.

  Paige turned her attention back to the petit four iced with Lane’s name. “You’re unbelievable,” she said as she lifted it to his mouth, teasing him with the sweet smell of fresh-baked cake.

  Lane bit into the petit four, expecting her to smoosh it all over his mouth, but she didn’t. That was his Paige, forever unpredictable.

  The crowd became quiet as Lane faced Paige and gazed at her seriously. “I want you to know, the magic thing makes a lot more sense to me now.” He traced his fingertips along her cheek and swept them beneath her chin. “It’s not what you bake—it’s you.”


  I had so much fun writing Tempted in the Tropics, especially because a lot of the story is set on the amazing island of St. Lucia where I’ve had many romantic moments myself, including part of my honeymoon. It’s lush and verdant there—like a tropical fantasyland—and the people are incredibly fun and friendly. An atmosphere perfect for romance.


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