Dragon Slayers

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Dragon Slayers Page 3

by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

  The screech of the gate makes me open my eyes. It gets me every time I pass through the magic veil that keeps York Academy hidden from normal human eyes. The historical school lays in a secondary level under Columbia University. Our buildings are the same as theirs, and being underground does dampen our spirits with the lack of windows. So to get our vitamin D, there are always floors or wings of the university that are “under construction”. This is where we hold our classes.

  Manny’s green eyes stare at me like no one else is in the van with us. The students file out and go about their business. I hear some people are going to get food, others are going to bed, but most are heading toward the Lounge to relax. We are the last to depart from the vehicles and watch as they drive away. We’re alone in the foyer in front of the dorms.

  “Come on,” Manny says as he leads me behind the student quarters and through another gate. I didn’t realize there was one back here.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Are you up for a short walk? I know you’re tired, but I promise we won’t be out for very long.”

  “Sure, I guess.”

  He takes my hand and guides me onto a path that leads off the school grounds. We emerge on the other side of a thick tree line, near Morningside Park.

  The short stroll to the park has peaked my interest. The sun will come up in under an hour. The sky is streaked with bright oranges, yellows, and reds.

  We turn right when we enter the park’s property and then take one of the worn paths that lead to the waterfall. I’ve been here many times by myself, but I know this is going to be different.

  Neither of us said much of anything since we got back to the Academy. As we come over the rise, weeping willows surround a small body of greenish colored water.

  Manny helps me up the short rock formation that I know we’re not supposed to be on, but he doesn’t seem to be worried about it. We take a seat at the top of the falls.

  “So, you’re probably wondering why I brought you here,” Manny says. I nod. “I come here to get away from school, the pressure, everything I’ve done.” He turns his body to face me. “I saw the hesitation before you took the kill shot.”

  “I didn’t—”

  “You did.” He places his palm on my cheek. “And it’s okay that you did. It’s your first time killing anything, right?”


  “If you didn’t have any doubts about what you were doing, then maybe I’d be wrong about you. I almost didn’t take the opportunity when I had the chance during my second year. My second kill was just as difficult as the first. I can’t say that it gets any easier. Are you going to hesitate again?”

  “I hope not.”

  “I hope you do.”

  Something in the way he says those words doesn’t sit well with me. Or maybe it’s what he doesn’t come out and says that bothers me. “Why did you bring me here?” I ask.

  Pain, sorrow, and finally lust fills his eyes. I can see his emotions swirling around in the windows of his soul. His mouth opens, but he closes it. Taking a deep breath, he says, “Because I wanted to share this place with you.”

  “You hardly know me.” I’m sure my face reflects my surprise.

  “True, but I’d like to get to know you more. Level One students can’t date anyone in Level Two or Three. It makes them lose their focus on their tasks and hinder their learning. All of you guys are off limits. Until now.” He takes my hands. “I know you feel something for me. I can see it when you blush. When I catch you glancing at me. The way you bite your lower lip when you want to ask me something but won’t. Should I go on?”

  I shake my head. “No.” He has been paying attention, or maybe spying on me is a better word. “How long?”

  “How long what?”

  “How long have you known that you wanted to get to know me more?”

  “Since I saw you step out of your father’s SUV. Your eyes lit up in wonder, looking at the school. Your mouth formed an ‘O’ as you took in everything around you. And when your brown eyes landed on me.” He shrugs. “I knew you were someone I wanted to know better. But then you were a One, and I’m a Three.”

  “You’ve waited almost a year?” He’s not the first boy I’ve kissed, but he is the first where my emotions are all over the place. My stomach can’t settle down when he’s around me. Like how it’s doing flip-flops now.

  “Yes. And I think it’s going to be worth it.” Slowly, his hands release mine, and he wraps them around the back of my head, pulling me toward him. He stops briefly before our lips touch. “Brooklyn.”

  He says my name and then closes the distance. At first the kiss is hesitant. I adjust my body, leaning into him. That’s all the encouragement he needs. Our lips press together as his hands wander down my back. My fingers delve into his hair and lightly tug.

  His tongue darts out and tangles with mine, deepening the kiss.

  With roaming hands, he gently lifts the bottom of my vest up. My skin is on fire where his fingers trail across my flesh. I freeze for a split second, startled by his touch.

  I feel kinda slutty since I’m making out with him, and we hardly know each other. But he’s waited for so long that I stomp down on that thought and let him kiss me. I’d like to explore whatever this thing is between us. We can get to know each other more later.

  For now, I’m happy and content about this.

  After our wild, but PG-13 rated make-out session, we head back to the school. Now that I’m soon to be an official Two, he’s a menu item I want to sample. We make a date for tonight to have dinner.

  I briefly wonder what my classmates will say, but then again, I don’t really care. What I do know is that someone will be jealous of me. I know that Manny is out of my league, and there are many girls who would love the chance to date him. Until today, he’s not shown anyone the slightest hint of him being dating material to anyone.

  York Academy is like any other high school in that there are popular kids, jocks, hipsters, and loners. I’m securely in the last group. The Barbie dolls always date and create drama by flipping through the jocks like a turn style.

  I know I’m not a supermodel and don’t claim to be one. Yes, I have a slim figure, but that also comes with no boobs. Because of all my extra training, I am coordinated and fit. My absolute best feature is my long, black hair. It’s shiny and flat, and it does what I want it to do: lay straight down my back. Only when I’m training or out on missions do I wear it up. The last thing I need is for my hair to be tangled in a dragon’s clutch.

  Manny drops me off in front of the sleeping quarters, looks around, and then shrugs. He leans in and kisses me again. My head is spinning, and I think I sway. His firm hands catch me and usher me toward the glass doors of the ladies’ dorms.

  “I’ll see you later, Brooklyn.”

  I only nod and then take zombie steps to my room. My parents donated an obscene amount of money to the school’s library and then I was issued a single room. Maybe it’s my parents forcing me to be alone.

  Walking into my suite, I grab my bathroom kit and a change of lounge clothes. I can still get a couple of hours of sleep before the morning assembly. Because I’m walking on cloud nine, I also decide that for one day, I can skip the extra training.

  I’m moving on autopilot, making my way toward the communal showers. It’s not until I smack into someone that I’m snapped out of my trance.

  “Watch where you’re going,” she says.

  “Sorry,” I mumble and step aside to let the girl pass. I can feel her gaze on me as I continue to shuffle to the bathrooms.

  “You did a great job this morning.”

  What? My head lifts, and I look back at the person. I think her name is Noelle something.

  “Um, thanks?”

  “I think I would’ve taken the eye shot myself, but what you did was smart.”

  “Thank you.” I turn to leave.

  “Hey, do you want to grab some breakfast before assembly?” I turn
back around to make sure she’s talking to me. “Yes, I’m talking to you, Brooklyn.”

  “Ah, sure.” I know I have deer in headlight eyes because no one has ever made an attempt to talk to me, unless they had to for class, let alone invite me anywhere. “Let me take a quick shower, and I’ll meet you in the lobby.” I’m sleepy, but there is no way I’m passing up this chance to make a friend. I hope this isn’t a trick. I could just see it happen that once I’m ready and on the main floor, no one shows.

  Scurrying to the showers where I wash, I sprint back to my room to apply makeup and change my clothes. The attire I had picked out isn’t good enough. I planned to stay in my room until breakfast and then slink out, grab a bagel, and then head to the meeting.

  After brushing my tresses and slipping into my favorite stone-washed jeans and a light-weight hoodie, I make my way up the stairs to the lobby.

  Please let her be there.

  I take the last step and plant my foot on the landing. Noelle is standing by the reception desk looking over a piece of paper.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “Have you seen this?” She points to the page.

  “No, what is it?” I scan it, and it looks like it’s a Level Two itinerary. “Are you sure that’s current?”

  “Yeah, check out the date.” It’s dated today. “Think this is what the assembly meeting is going to be about?” I shrug. “So, I know I’ve never really talked to you before, but my name is Noelle.”


  “Yeah, I know. Everyone knows who you are.”

  That makes me wonder why she’s being nice to me now. Does she want something? She must be using me, but I don’t want it to be that. I do crave friends and people to hang out with. As an only child, I hung around my parents a lot. Probably not a healthy amount. But they did take me all over the world on vacations, to fundraisers, and high-profile events like movie premiers.

  We make our way across campus to the cafeteria. When we enter, the room goes silent. I discreetly wipe my nose in case a bugger is hanging out. Then my classmates stand and clap. A smile breaks past my shock. I still don’t know if this is a setup or not.

  “Kill Shot, Brooklyn!” Noelle announces.

  The room erupts in cheers.

  As I make my way to get my breakfast, people come up to me to shake my hand, tell me congratulations, or thank me for taking down the dragon. We wouldn’t have become Level Two if I hadn’t done what I did.

  Noelle leads me to a full table, and the occupants smoosh together to make room for us. I’m still being shy and don’t really talk unless someone directs a question to me. The table banter is light until the bell rings.

  “Come on. You can sit next to me at the assembly,” Noelle says.

  Did I just make a friend?

  The morning meeting is held in the same auditorium where we received our mission instructions last night. Mr. Astor is already standing at the podium, sporting a solid red sweater vest. He taps the mic and calls the room to order.

  Noelle and I sit near the back.

  “First up. Congratulations again to Level One, who in a few minutes, will become the new Two.” He claps and everyone in the room follows his lead. Some shout their excitement. “Your Senior Team Lead wishes to address you.”

  I hadn’t noticed Manny standing off in the wings until Mr. Astor’s head turns in his direction. Strutting across the stage, he commands the room. Some of the girls around us sigh and I smile. The head of the school steps aside and gives the microphone to Manny.

  He clears his throat. “Like Mr. Astor said, I, too, want to let you know what a great job you did. You showed teamwork out there, and that’s what’s needed. But I think a special shout out needs to go to someone, and you all know who I’m talking about.”

  “Kill Shot Brooklyn!” someone in the audience shouts.

  “Yes, Brooklyn.” Manny lifts his hand and shields his eyes as he scans the students. “Where are you? Would you please come up here?”

  “Go,” Noelle whispers. I’m frozen in my seat until Noelle pokes my side. “He’s calling your name.”

  I stand on shaky legs. Slowly, I make my way to the stage, and Manny assists me up the steps. His eyes light up as he leads me to the center.

  “You all know who this gal is,” Manny says. “So, let’s hear it for Brooklyn!”

  The crowd claps wildly, and a couple of hoots ring out. Eventually, the applause dies down, and Manny hands the mic back to Mr. Astor. I stand there like a fool, not knowing what to do with my hands. At first, they cross in front of me. Then I feel a nudge and lift my head to see Manny looking at me with a smirk. I cross my wrists behind me, but then I notice that this pops my nonexistent boobs out, I relax them at my sides. It’s a small attempt to hide myself.

  “As of today, you are all now Level Two!” Mr. Astor says. “Well done. Twoers, your schedules will change slightly. There will be more skills and less academics. Your new agendas were dropped off at the dorms this morning, but you’ll all get a copy in your email. Now, that you have successfully graduated to Level Two ...” He stretches his arms out, palms facing us. A shimmer projects from his hands and settles over the students. “Your magic should awaken. As you know, in order to advance to Level Three, each of you will be given a two-part test at the end of the year. One to test your magical strength, and the other, well, I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

  I move my eyes toward Manny who is smiling like an idiot. He’s waiting for something. Did Mr. Astor say more training? That means more time spent with Manny. My day couldn’t get any better.

  “You have a larger class than we normally take, so we’re breaking you up into three smaller groups,” Mr. Astor continues. “Manny will still lead one group, but let me introduce you to your new instructors. They are also from Level Three.” Mr. Astor waves his hand, and two guys step out from behind the curtain.

  Both are tall and lean. But make no mistake; these two are just as deadly as Manny. A stern expression is chiseled onto the taller one’s face as they strut across the stage. Their eyes briefly flicker to mine but then pull away back to the students. A quiet hush falls over the room.

  “Meet Bronx and Staten.”

  It does not go unnoticed to me that these two new guys also have borough names. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. My attention goes back to Manny, but he’s giving nothing away. His eyes sparkle with excitement. I’d have to be blind not to notice the two new guys standing next to Mr. Astor. For one, they are instructors, so they are well known by everyone. But of course, they didn’t teach any of my classes, until now, so I had no reason to talk with them.

  “Bronx, you will lead all students who have the last name between A to H.” Mr. Astor turns to the taller guy to his right. “Staten, your letters are I to P.” Turning around to face Manny he says, “That leaves you with Q to Z.”

  Manny’s smile falls. My last name is Bryer. That means that he won’t be my instructor anymore. Boroughs! Which one was has B?


  I scrutinize him. He’s shorter than Staten but not by much. They both tower over Mr. Astor, and he’s not a short man, either. If I had to guess though, Bronx stands about 6’2. A grey T-shirt stretches across his broad chest. A glint in his green eyes, sparkles with mischief. A lopsided grin draws my attention to his lips.

  My cheeks redden at that, and then I guiltily look at Manny. I hope he didn’t see that. Just what I don’t need are complications when our relationship is just starting.

  “Everyone, make sure you check your email for your new classes and please, let’s give Bronx and Staten a warm welcome.”

  The newly initiated Lever Twos file out. Noelle and I head back to our dorms.

  But not before Manny grabs my arm. “I don’t know what happened. I was supposed to get A to H.” He shakes his head. “Mr. Astor must have changed his mind. But don’t worry. Bronx is a good trainer. He’s like a brother to me, so work hard for him. Just because you’re no longer in
my classes doesn’t mean we can’t still meet outside of them.” He waggles his eyebrows.

  “Maybe it’s good that you’re not my instructor anymore,” I say and his face blanches. “I mean, you might go lightly on me and being in Bronx’s class will mean I’ll learn different tactics and possibly skills.”

  “Way to find the bright spot in all this.” He kisses my lips. “Do you have your new time table yet?”

  “No. I saw it, though. Noelle showed me one before breakfast, but we didn’t know what to make of it.”

  “Noelle Arden?”

  “Yep. I literally ran into her earlier this morning on my way to the showers, and she invited me to breakfast to sit with her friends. She’ll be training with me.”


  “Don’t worry about it. I think they want something from me. I mean, why now be friends with me?”

  “Could be that they now want to associate with Kill Shot.” He shrugs.

  “Maybe we should be called Kill Shot One and Two.”

  He chuckles at our titles. “I have to head out to prep for my class. You probably have some down time. They take it easy the day after graduation, so you might have an academic for a couple of hours and then training for the rest of the day.”

  “I’ll find out soon enough.” I turn to leave, but Manny’s hand snakes out to grab mine and pulls me flush against his body. His kiss is searing hot, making me woozy.

  We break apart. “Now, don’t forget about me.” He walks away, leaving me breathless. How in the five boroughs could I forget about him or that scorching kiss?

  Noelle finds me halfway trudging down the stairs on my way to my dorm. “Did you look at your schedule yet? We’re probably in the same training classes.”

  “No, I haven’t made it to my computer yet.”


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