Dragon Slayers

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Dragon Slayers Page 13

by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

“I know.”

  “As my friend, it shouldn’t have even happened.”

  “I know.” He sighs and starts to walk again.

  I stop him once more. He needs to hear what I have to say. “As your—I don’t want to say girlfriend because I don’t know what we are to each other—whatever we are, you should have stopped it.”

  “I know.”

  “Stop saying that.”

  “My two brothers both chewed my ass for my failures in protecting you. I messed up, Brooklyn. They know it. And I know it. What do you want or need me to say that will help you forgive me?”

  “Time, maybe?”

  “If that’s what you need.” He nods. “Then, okay.”

  He’s devastated, and my stupid heart is breaking. It needs to catch up with my brain and understand that he hurt me. That organ in my chest doesn’t seem to care, though. I should go to him; that’s what it’s telling me. My brain is screaming for me to let him walk.

  I contemplate it, battling my inner demons. My heart wins out. I run down the hall and up a few stairs. “Bronx.” He stops and meets me on the same step. “I know you’re sorry. It’s just going to take me some time to get my head wrapped around this situation. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Just give me time, okay?”

  He nods and presses his forehead to mine. I take another step so our faces are even.

  I kiss him again to let him know that I’m not gone forever, just for now. The passion between us roars, and we’re all over each other. I back him up against the wall. His arms wrap around me tightly, as if he’s afraid this is our last embrace.

  He tugs my hair, exposing my neck to him. He nuzzles it and then plants kisses leading to my ear, whispering, “I’ll be around.”

  Holy five boroughs that was hot. I’m left dizzy and standing in the stairwell, smiling like a fool. What and why he does that to me, I’ll never know.

  Friday afternoon is my one-on-one session with Staten. I explain to him how last night I managed to pull magic from Manny and heal my ribs. Since Bronx is leaving me alone, he asked Staten to take my Skills time and use it to train me longer. Even if Staten didn’t agree, I would’ve skipped Skills anyway. So today, I’ll be spending over two hours with the militant brother.

  “Good. Then today, you’ll continue with those building blocks and pull magic without needing touch.”

  I continue to work pulling Staten’s magic without touching him. Epic failure. He doesn’t say too much. He’s in the room with me, reading a book. This must be boring for him. Curious as to what he likes to read, I sneak a peak at the cover. It’s some historical battle story from the looks of it.

  Not what I like to read, but whatever.

  “You’re not focusing.” Staten puts the book down. Then he lifts it up and shows me the cover. “Now, you can get back to work.”

  He knew.

  I swear these boys can read minds, have eyes on the back of their heads, and can be in multiple places at one time.

  Going back to the task at hand is pointless. I feel Staten’s magic mixed with a lighter green. It’s too flighty to let me grasp it. Could he be doing that on purpose? I wouldn’t put it past him.

  Frustration buds, and I’m losing my focus. The room is huge and uncomfortable; it’s not inviting at all. The walls are cold grey, industrial lights hang over head, and speckled grey carpet lies beneath me. It’s drab.

  “I need a change of scenery,” I say.

  “No.” The command is soft and harsh.

  “What do you mean, no?”

  “It means the opposite of yes. I realize you may not recognize the word since many people in your life probably haven’t said it very much.” He doesn’t bother lifting his eyes from his book.

  “I do know what the word means.” My whining makes me sound like a spoiled brat.

  “Good, then go back to pulling my magic from me and fix your bruises.”

  “Your way of teaching sucks; just thought you’d want to know.”

  “I don’t.” He folds the corner of the page and closes the book. “But I do need you to actually know this.” He stands. “Come on.”

  He exits the room, leaving me gawking. Poking his head back into the doorway, he motions me to follow him. I scurry after his long strides across campus and back to the boys’ dorms.

  We go down one flight of stairs and enter a large room. It’s similar to mine but a tad smaller. In the corner is a full-size bed, a dresser, and multiple shelves. Books of every size and color sit on display. He places the book he was reading into the empty slot. There is a half window near the ceiling. I’m jealous. This is his room.


  He leaves the door open and paces for a bit, then goes and sits on his bed. I brush my fingers along the spines on geography, autobiographies, tons of history books, and very few popular titles. His library almost puts the one at my house to shame. He must really like to read.

  He watches me take it all in as he fiddles with his phone. Catching himself, he sets it on the nightstand. But then he doesn’t know what to do with his hands.

  “I’ve never had a girl in my room before,” he says, breaking the awkward silence that has settled around us. “I thought this would make you more comfortable. I guess it doesn’t.”

  I don’t know where I should sit. I know not to be next to him, so I choose the floor, showing him that this is a good choice on his part. Without having him tell me, I start practicing again but I’m distracted.

  This is his room.

  It smells of sandalwood and reminds me of our cabin in upstate New York. I wonder if he’s ever been there? A sense of serenity washes over me, and all my jitters are erased.

  I glance at Staten sitting as still as a statue on his bed. He slowly exhales. His magic seeps out of him. He’s not quite as in control as he appears to be. Magic doesn’t lie. He’s out of his comfort zone. And he did it for me. I can’t help a feeling a small bit of gratitude.

  Neither of us speak. I do hear the bed shift and then soft footsteps. Something grazes my knees. I don’t need to open my eyes to know that Staten is in front of me.

  It feels as though he’s staring at me. I crunch my eyes tight, forcing them not to open. He chuckles at my attempt. Did he just laugh at me?

  That does make me glare at him. He smiles.

  He has dimples. Why have I never seen them before? Oh, that’s right. Because he never smiles. I didn’t think he knew how.

  “You have a nice smile.” Did I just say that out loud?

  He grins.

  Yep, I did. Heat floods my cheeks. And I’m given another glimpse of the dimples. They’re so sexy on him.

  Whoa. Where did that come from? Staten, sexy?

  Maybe Madi hit me too hard in the head.

  My senses are on overload. Being in his room, him sitting across from me, those damn dimples mocking me. His fragrance is sweet with a little spice. It complements him completely.

  And then it hits me without my prompting it. I feel his magic embracing mine. Molding it, folding it upon itself, and mingling with my green hues.

  It spreads throughout my entire body. That’s how bruised I am, thanks to his brother. I think about what was done and if that never happened, then I wouldn’t have had a great evening with Manny playing games and watching movies. I’d never have that hot kiss in the stairwell as Bronx’s apology. And I wouldn’t have seen Staten’s dimples or known how to use my magic.

  I don’t believe that what Bronx did was right, but I can’t help but wonder the “what ifs” of life’s choices.

  I did it. I finally managed to pull magic from someone without touching them. I shouldn’t be so hard on myself: it’s only been a week of training and a few months of knowing I even possessed magic.

  Now, I’ll be out on my date with Manny without looking like a battle was played on my face. Before I left a not-so-surprised Staten, we tried it again. His magic is very powerful, so most of my injuries healed right away. There are just faint mar
ks from the most severe ones left. My body almost feels as good as new, if not better. I could battle against a dragon, that’s how good I’m feeling.

  There is a bounce in my step when I make it back to my room. I’m all smiles and can’t stop the giggles from escaping my lips. I flit around the apartment, dancing with objects and singing into my hairbrush. I’m jamming away when I feel eyes watching me.


  “Hey, there, hot stuff!” Noelle is perched next to the doorframe. “Sorry to interrupt your dance and sing off, but Sax and I wanted to know if you and Reist want to hang out tonight?”

  “I have a date with Manny. Otherwise, I’d totally go.”

  “I haven’t asked Reist yet, so how about we double?”

  “Sure, we can do that. I bet Manny won’t mind. Let me text him just to let him know, in case he has set something up already.”

  “Okay.” Noelle plops onto my bed, stomach facing down, and kicks her feet into the air. “What were you guys going to do?”

  I pull out my phone and send him a text. “We’re going to see that new rom-com that came out last week.”

  Me: Noelle wants to know if we’d like to double with her and Sax tonight. We can still go to a movie, though.

  Manny: Whatever you want to do.

  “Sweet, Manny’s in,” I say.

  “Cool. I really wanted to see that one.” She twirls her short hair. “Wanna do dinner before?”


  “You know all the high-end places to go, so you should pick.”

  I bite my lip. “Why don’t we let the boys decide where they want to take us?” Yes, I know all the trendy hot spots, but some are pricey. And I know Manny is going to insist on paying for everything. I don’t want him spending money on me like that. I also know where the best dives places are. Most exclusive restaurants will let me in if I name drop. I could pay for tonight without an issue. Nothing wrong with going Dutch. “I know that Manny will want to go someplace that serves a great steak.”

  “What time should we meet?”

  “Any time, I guess. It doesn’t take me very long to get ready.”

  “That’s because you’re pretty without working at it.” She wags her finger up and down. “Me on the other hand, it takes a long time to make myself look this fab.”

  I chuckle. “Then you better get a move on and start primping. Wouldn’t want you to miss the boat. And I’m not waiting forever for you. I’m already hungry.” I look at the time. “You have one hour.” I rotate the phone for her to see. “One hour.”

  She skedaddles out of my room after I hit her butt with my mock microphone. With her now gone, I open my wardrobe and browse through my clothes.

  I select black, high-waist pants and an off-white, long sleeve sweater that has a blue sequins anchor on it. I pair it with black stilettos. After laying the outfit on the bed, I scoop up a towel and hurry to the showers, so I can dry and style my hair. And if I get extra minutes, I’ll take my time with makeup.

  Sprinting back to my room wrapped in a towel, I slam the door closed, let the towel drop to the floor and stand naked. Feeling free and liberated, I’m back on my high that today was perfect. I hope it continues into the night.

  I slip on my jade robe with an embroidered dragon it. My grandparents gave it to me for Christmas when I turned sixteen. They took a trip to Paris, saw it, and knew it would be a perfect gift. It used to remind me of them when I wore it. But now it’s of what I’ve done to those poor animals.

  After I blow dry my hair and add big rollers, I glance at the time and still have fifteen minutes. I apply eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick. Carefully pulling my knit sweater over my head as to not ruin my face or hair, I’m almost ready. My sleek legs step into the pants and then I strap the stilettos onto my feet. Removing the rollers, I fluff my locks. Pressing my lips together, I blow kisses to the mirror, grab my purse, and head out the door.

  Manny is already leaning against the reception desk, watching for my arrival. He takes four long strides to reach my side and lightly kisses my cheek. “You look wonderful.” He’s dressed in black pants and a hunter green button-up shirt, rolled to the elbows. It makes his eyes pop.

  He looks hot. “Thank you,” I say. The more I spend time with him, the more I know I am falling in love.

  We wait a few a few more minutes, and then I hear Noelle’s giggle echoing up the staircase. “Sorry, girls, I’ve got plans this evening. You’ll have to do your mani-pedis without me.”

  She strolls into the lobby, waving to whomever she was speaking with. When she spots us, she saunters over and whistles. “Wow, you two clean up nicely,” she says.

  “Thanks,” I say. “You look sexy.” Noelle is wearing a little teal checkered dress that cinches at her waist and white strappy sandals. “Sax is going to love it.”

  “I hope so.”

  “He’d be a fool if he didn’t,” Manny says.

  “Who’s a fool?” Sax asks, walking into the lobby.

  “You are if you don’t think Noelle is hot,” I say.

  “I’m definitely not that.” Sax inspects Noelle up and down. “I have to join the consensus and agree that, babe, you are smokin’ this evening.” He plants a kiss on her lips.

  “Don’t ruin my makeup.” She coyly slaps his arm. “Let’s get going. I’m starvin’. Where to, boys?”

  “Manny and I thought we could try that new pinball place on Lexington and 26th. You gals up for something like that?”

  Noelle and I glance at each other. “Yep,” we say.

  “I can drive.” I dangle my keys.

  “You have a car here?” Sax asks. “That’s so cool. What kind do you have?”

  “It’s a Bentley convertible,” I reply.

  Manny takes my arm and leads us to the parking garage. “My father insisted I have it here for emergencies. But he never said I couldn’t take it out for fun.”

  “Are we driving with the top down?” Noelle pats her stiff locks.

  “I think we’ll leave the top up. It gets kinda chilly, and we’re not dressed for it.”

  She mouths me a “thank you.”

  I hit the button and a high-pitch double chirp rings, telling me the alarm is off, and the doors can be opened. The sleek, black car is washed and waxed. It’s so shiny we can see our reflections.

  “Sa-weet ride, Brooklyn,” Sax says. “Man, oh, man. I think I died and went to heaven.”

  “Shh, Sax,” Noelle says. “You’ll embarrass her, and she won’t want to take you for another ride sometime.”

  Manny leaves me and walks around to the passenger side. He doesn’t say anything, but I think me driving bothers him. I’ll ask him about it later, not in front of the others.

  Everyone else climbs into the black Italian leather seats. I don’t drive it often, so that new car smell still is present. Both boys inhale deeply. Pressing the button to start the engine, a top forty song blares from the speakers.

  I cringe and lower it. The top must have been down the last time I drove her. Calling up the system navigation, I type in Modern Pinball NYC.

  Seven miles later, we enter the arcade. Two rows of old school and new pinball machines line the walls. The place is packed as we make our way to the register to see how to play and to get a table. The worker informs us that they don’t serve food, but at The Mad Hatter Saloon next door they will honor the discount coupon she hands to us.

  “Should we eat first?” Manny asks.

  “Yes!” Noelle shouts.

  We amble over to the adjoining bar and grab the last open table. In typical New York fashion, to the right is the full bar, and to the left are high top tables against a red brick wall.

  “Are we really going to see Lovers in Paradise?” Sax asks.

  “Yes. You said that you would see it,” Noelle pouts. “You don’t want to disappoint me, do you?”

  “Of course not, babe. I was just checking with Manny, is all.”

  A server attends us and hands out menus.
It’s not steak, but they do have burgers. Even though we had that last night for dinner, the school café can’t touch a greasy, gooey cheeseburger. I can smell the cooking oil.


  “If that’s what the ladies want to see, then yep, I’m going,” Manny says.

  “You’re a good man, bro,” Sax says. “I’m going to check out the place.”

  “I want to look around, too, before our food gets here.” Noelle grabs Sax’s hand, and they head off toward the back of the bar. Probably to make out.

  Manny takes my hand and sets it on the table. “You do look really nice tonight.”

  “You do, too.” I pat his chest. “You’re more of a traditional guy, aren’t you?”

  “In some things, yes.”

  “Does it bother you that I drove on this date?”

  “A little bit, but I’ll make up for it by paying for dinner, the games, and the movie.” He nods as if that matter is closed.

  That’s so sweet of him. “All right.” As far as I know he doesn’t have a vehicle at school and I do, so I might as well have driven. Which is why I offered. I guess I could’ve let him drive my car.

  “She’s good for you, you know.” Manny nods in the direction Noelle went.

  “I think so, too. Too bad I didn’t meet her last year.” I glance down at my lap. “Um, so there’s this party tomorrow night in Madi’s room ... and I’m wondering if you’re going to go?”

  “Are you asking me out on a date, Brooklyn?”

  “Yeah, I guess I am. I know tonight has been fun so far and I’d love to spend tomorrow with you, too.”

  “I’ve got a few things I need to get done before the party, so would you mind if we met there? Usually, I’d pick you up at your door. But—”

  “That’s okay. Noelle and I are hanging out all day tomorrow to get ready, so I can tag along with her and see you there.”

  Noelle and Sax arrive back to the table just in time for our meals to be delivered. They banter back and forth, and I wonder, not for the first time, if this is what it’s like having friends around all the time. We laugh at Sax’s corny jokes and how whipped he is over Noelle.


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