Justice for All

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Justice for All Page 11

by Radclyffe

  “Because…” Mitch hesitated. He was about to say because he was a cop. One of the good guys. But he realized that would be a tough sell to Irina. He didn’t think she was innocent in the prostitution and porn operation. Maybe Clark was right and she hadn’t had a lot of choices, but she’d still kept those girls practically prisoners, and had sold them to the men who used their bodies like so much merchandise. “Because if you don’t work with me, you’re not going to find your sister.”

  “What do you know about my sister?”

  “Not enough, unless you tell me. But I’ve got a lot better chance of finding her than you do on your own.”

  “They promised us a new life,” Irina said bitterly. “We would be models and hotel managers and hostesses in fancy restaurants. We would have clothes and a house with heat in the winter and running water all year round.” She shook her head. “Instead they made us slaves. Worse than slaves.”

  “Who, Irina? Who?”

  “I don’t know. Men from our village drove us all night to the seaport. They kept us in rooms, brought us food, told us we must stay inside or we would not be able to leave when the boat came. Then there were other men who took us from the docks here and brought us to these houses. These prisons. I don’t know who they are.”

  “Okay,” Mitch said softly. “We’ll find out. And we’ll find your sister.”

  “You think your American police care about women like me?” Irina scoffed.

  Mitch thought of her lieutenant and the others on her team, and the blood they’d already shed. “Yes. I do.”

  “You are a fool, new boy.”

  “Come on, it’s time to get some sleep. Then we’ll talk about your sister.”

  When Mitch pulled back into the street, Irina put her arms around his waist and nestled her face between his shoulder blades. Sandy did that when she rode behind him. He missed her. He missed her a lot.

  Chapter Ten

  “Seeing as how you’re still on the sick list,” Watts said, his words sounding as if he were pushing them through a meat grinder, “I’ll be the one to kick his ass.”

  Two blocks ahead, Mitch turned onto Bainbridge.

  Rebecca pulled the car over abruptly. “He’s taking her to his apartment. At least that’s according to plan.”

  There hadn’t been any way to stop him from taking Irina back to the stash house in North Philadelphia, and once he pulled his motorcycle into the alley, they couldn’t get closer than a full block away or their vehicle would have been immediately visible to anyone watching. If anything had gone wrong they couldn’t have provided backup, and the frustration of being unable to protect one of her team ate at her.

  “You think the Russians got someone watching that house?” Watts asked.

  “If they’re not sure whether any girls got out during the raid,” Rebecca said, “then it makes sense to watch the house. Where would girls like that go except back to the only place where they had shelter? They don’t speak the language, they don’t know the city, they’d have no way of making money. They wouldn’t even be able to sell their bodies.”

  “So the Russians have probably seen Mitch with her.”

  Rebecca nodded, rolling forward again until they cruised through the intersection at the end of Mitch’s block. “That could turn out to be a good thing. It definitely helps establish their connection.”

  “Unless they’ve decided Irina is a liability, or they think she got out of the building because she was the one who fingered them. Then they just might dispose of her, and anyone who might miss her.”

  Rebecca parked and turned off the engine. Mitch’s motorcycle was pulled up onto the sidewalk in front of the building where he and Sandy lived. Settling into surveillance mode, Watts pulled a crumpled pack of Camels out of the inside pocket of his equally crumpled suit jacket and shook one out.

  “There’s too much we don’t know,” he said. “The whole setup blows.”

  “For once we agree.” Rebecca glanced over at him. “Not in the car.”

  “Jesus, Loo, I’ve been in this sardine can half the night.”

  “And just think how much cleaner your lungs are already.”

  He snorted and stuck the pack back in his pocket. “You really think we’ll get close to the guys at the top using a bottom-level whore like Irina?”

  “Irina isn’t a prostitute—and even if she was, that doesn’t make her unimportant.” Rebecca struggled not to jump down his throat, because she knew his crude disregard for just about everyone was often a substitute for concern. Of course, sometimes he really just didn’t give a damn. “How many women do you think there are like Irina? With enough English to deal with clientele and enough strength and smarts to handle a house full of girls and keep them from panicking or running away? My guess is they’re going to want her to set up housekeeping with a new bunch of girls as soon as possible.”

  “It’ll be sweet if it works that way.”

  “Yes,” Rebecca said, thinking of the million ways it could all go wrong. “Sweet all right.”


  Irina turned in a half circle, surveying the room. “You live here?”

  “I flop here sometimes.” That was stretching the truth by a lot. Mitch kept the room as part of his cover but he’d never actually spent a night in it. He slept with Sandy, three doors down the hall. “There’s milk and bread in the refrigerator. And peanut butter in the cabinet. That’s all I had time to get, but—”

  Irina laughed. “I know how to shop, unless you’re going to lock me in here.”

  Mitch flushed. “I’m not your jailer. I know you probably don’t want to be doing this, and if you want to walk away, that’s between you and Clark.”

  “And you won’t try to stop me?” Irina’s tone was incredulous.

  “No.” Mitch indicated the mattress pushed into one corner of the small studio apartment. “I’m sorry. I don’t have any sheets, but there’s a blanket and the mattress is new.”

  Irina sank down on the mattress and dragged the blue blanket around her shoulders.

  Guiltily, Mitch said, “Why didn’t you tell me you were freezing?”

  “Because I wasn’t. This…” Irina waved her hand toward the window. “This is not cold for me.”

  Mitch shook his head. He wasn’t thinking the way he should be. “I should have given you my jacket while we were on the bike.”

  “No matter. The cold will pass. But I am tired. I couldn’t sleep where your friends put me.”

  “They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Mitch had no idea how far the feds would go to convince someone to flip on their associates. Probably pretty damn far since 9/11, especially when foreign nationals were involved.

  “They tried to frighten me.” Irina shrugged. “I have known men who were better at it.”

  Mitch didn’t doubt her. Why else would she have fled her country on just the word of strangers? “I’m going out. I won’t be back tonight, but I’ll bring coffee and something to eat in the morning. Then we can get this place into some kind of shape for you to stay here.”

  Irina regarded him steadily. “You have someone.”

  Mitch knew he probably shouldn’t talk about his personal life. He definitely didn’t want Irina to know anything about Sandy. But he needed her to trust him, and trust meant taking a few risks. He nodded. “Yes.”

  “And this…girl? You like girls, yes?”

  He nodded again.

  “This girl, she doesn’t complain when you fuck other women?” Irina draped the blanket around her like a shawl and leaned back on her arms. Her breasts thrust forward, straining the buttons on her blouse.

  Mitch sensed he was being tested, and he wasn’t certain what answers he should be giving. He remembered Frye saying once that the truth, or at least part of the truth, was often the best answer in a tough undercover situation. “She minds.”

  Irina pulled the blanket closed over her breasts and curled on her side, resting her hand beneath her head as she pulled her knee
s up close to her body. “Were you going to fuck me, before the police came?”

  “No,” Mitch said, sliding his hands into his pockets. His jeans tightened over his cock, and he felt the pressure through to his spine. “But I wasn’t pretending, either. You’re…very hot.”

  Irina’s eyes drifted down his body, lingering on his crotch. Mitch didn’t move, but he twitched in his jeans. “Go, new boy,” she said softly. “For tonight.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” Mitch walked to the door, then looked back. “Do you have a picture of your sister?”


  “Because it will help us find her if we know what she looks like.”

  Irina shook her head. “No. The police will lock her away. Then I will never see her again.”

  “I won’t let that happen.”

  “Even if I believed you, you are just one.” Irina folded her arms and pillowed her head, then closed her eyes.

  Mitch returned, crouching down by the side of the mattress. “I’ll talk to some people. About protecting your sister, okay? Then will you let me see the picture?”

  “Do you keep your promises, new boy?”

  “Yes,” Mitch said.

  Irina opened her eyes, searching his face. “Come back in the morning. Maybe we’ll talk.”


  Sandy heard footsteps in the hallway and a shadow blocked out the sliver of light beneath the apartment door. She wrapped her arms around her bent legs and rested her chin on her knees, holding her breath until a key rasped in the lock. Mitch was backlit briefly in the square of light as the door opened, then his blade-like figure disappeared into darkness again.

  “You can turn on the light,” Sandy said when she heard him bump into something.

  “Jesus,” Mitch gasped. “It’s three in the morning. I thought you’d be asleep.”

  “Not without you.”

  “Didn’t you get my note?” Mitch fumbled on the dresser a few feet from the door and pulled the chain on the small lamp. He removed his jacket and hung it on a hook on the wall.

  “Yeah, I got your message. What’s this shit about not coming back for a while? And where are your clothes?”

  Mitch sprawled on the couch beside her and kicked off his boots. “I’m going to be working a lot at night, so sometimes I might not make it home.”

  “I get that. That happens sometimes. But something else is going on this time, isn’t it?”

  Mitch stared at the ceiling. Frye hadn’t said not to tell her. “I’ve got this assignment. We’re going after the mob who are hooked up with the Russians.”

  “I know that. Frye thinks with foreign girls out of the picture, all the action is going to swing back to the local girls again. I’ve been asking around. I think she’s right.” Sandy turned sideways on the couch and poked Mitch’s shoulder. “What’s your part?”

  “One of the Russian girls flipped after she was arrested. I’m working with her.”

  Sandy jumped to her feet and strode across the room, then spun around. “Working. Working as in what? Following her? What?”

  Mitch sat forward, trying to stay calm. “We’re supposed to be a couple. So she can get me close to some of the guys in charge.”

  “Perfect. It’s Irina, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” Mitch didn’t see any point in denying it. Sandy knew Irina, or at least what she looked like. She’d seen Irina’s picture when she was screening porn videos for Frye, trying to identify the models. She also knew that Mitch had had to get physical with Irina before.

  Sandy stalked back to him, her eyes narrowed. “Where is she?”

  “In my apartment down the hall.”

  “Which is where you moved your clothes.”

  “I thought I better have a change of clothes there, just in case.” Mitch waited, expecting an explosion. When it didn’t come, he really started to worry. “Look, I know you’re pissed off.”

  “Is she there right now?”

  Mitch nodded. “She’s going to be staying there for a while.”

  “Why aren’t you there?”

  “Because I’m here.” Mitch stood up suddenly and pulled Sandy into his arms. He couldn’t stand the distance between them any longer. She felt stiff in his embrace, but she didn’t push away, and she would have if she’d been really, really pissed off. He rubbed his cheek against her hair. “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you earlier, but then we had a fight, and I didn’t have a chance.”

  “I’m going to kill Frye,” Sandy whispered.

  Mitch laughed. “Good. Better her than me.”

  Sandy wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing tight to his body. “This is crazy, baby. She could get you hurt.”

  “You’re worried about me?”

  “Duh.” Sandy bounced her forehead against his shoulder. “She flipped on these guys, and she has to know they’ll kill her if they find out. So if it comes down to her or you, you think she’s going to stand by you? She’ll turn you over to them to save her ass.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Sandy was still for a long time. “Because that’s what I would do, if I were in her place.”

  Mitch cupped Sandy’s chin and lifted her face. He kissed her and kept kissing her until she softened and molded into his body. “No, you wouldn’t.”

  “You don’t know what I’d do,” Sandy said, pulling his T-shirt from his pants. “I don’t want to talk about her. I don’t want to talk about Frye. I don’t want to talk about anything.” She unbuttoned the top of his jeans and yanked down the zipper. Then she reached inside and pulled out his cock. She dropped to her knees, her fist around him. She looked up. “I just want you.”

  “Babe,” Mitch whispered, bracing his hands on her shoulders as his legs got suddenly weak. Her fist covered half the length of his cock, and as she took the head into her mouth, she pressed the shaft into his clit. He groaned, watching her through hooded eyes. She swallowed him, and while his head spun, his world steadied. Sandy owned him. “I need you, babe.”

  “I know.” Sandy rubbed her face against his cock, then kissed the base of his belly. “Me too. Take off your shirt and the wrap. I want to touch you. I want to feel your heart beat while you fuck me.”

  Dell ripped her T-shirt off over her head, then unstrapped her breasts. She dropped on her back on the sofa, her cock standing straight up between the vee of her jeans. She palmed it, circling the base slowly over her clit while she watched Sandy undress. She was already hard enough to come, and Sandy knew it. Sandy took her time undressing, her smile flickering as she watched Dell’s hand move.

  “Ready, baby?” Sandy knelt on the edge of the sofa and Dell’s hips started to twist.

  “Totally.” As Sandy climbed up over her, naked, vulnerable, her face filled with need, Dell felt humbled and unworthy. “I love you. I love you so damn much.”

  “You better.” Sandy pushed Dell’s hand away and fisted her cock, seating the head between the folds of her sex. She hissed as she braced her other hand in the center of Dell’s chest. “You like being inside of me?”

  “God, yes.”

  Sandy gasped as she took an inch. “How much?”

  “More than anything ever.”

  “You like”—Sandy closed her eyes and shivered, tilting her pelvis to take the thick wide shaft. Her voice came out breathy and slow—“coming in me?”

  Dell gripped Sandy’s narrow hips, steadying her while she thrust carefully, stretching and filling her. She grunted sharply when Sandy’s weight abruptly settled on the full length of her, crushing her clit beneath the cock. “So much I’m going to explode any second.”

  Sandy slapped Dell’s tense stomach sharply. “You better not, rookie. You’ve got work to do first.”

  “Aw, babe—”

  “Forget it,” Sandy gasped. “You’re lucky you’re getting any. Now shut up and fuck me.”

  Laughing, Dell focused on Sandy’s face, sliding in and out a fraction of an inch at a time as Sandy set the
pace. She loved making Sandy come even more than having her own mind-blowing orgasms, and concentrating on pleasing Sandy helped her last longer. She knew if she thought about how sweet it felt for even a few seconds she wouldn’t be able to hold back, so she just put everything she had into making Sandy feel good.

  “Like it, babe?”

  Sandy nodded, her eyes glassy. “Oh yeah.” She hugged her lower lip between her teeth and sagged forward, catching herself with both hands on Dell’s chest. She gripped Dell’s breasts, her fingers closing convulsively around Dell’s nipples as she pumped her hips harder and faster along Dell’s length.

  “Oh, fuck.” Dell’s clit pulsed as Sandy tugged on her nipples. She felt the orgasm building, curling through her stomach and down her thighs. She clutched Sandy tighter and jerked up hard into her.

  “Oh,” Sandy whimpered. “I’m gonna come on your cock. Okay? Okay, baby?”

  “Do it,” Dell panted, “do it…with me.”

  Sandy’s head snapped back and she let out a long, keening wail and Dell exploded. She came so hard she thought her head would burst open. Maybe it did, because she was pretty sure she was blind, maybe paralyzed too.

  Sandy lay like a dead weight across her chest, with Dell still inside her. All Dell could move was one hand, so she stroked the damp hair off Sandy’s face.

  “Good, babe?”

  “Awful,” Sandy mumbled. “Worst sex I ever had.”

  Dell laughed. “Still mad?”

  “Shut up, Dell. I’m thinking about coming again.”

  “Okay,” Dell said quickly. “Okay, sure.”

  Sandy pushed herself up on one elbow, looking soft and satisfied as she circled her pelvis lazily. “Tired?”

  Dell shook her head vigorously.

  “Liar.” Sandy nipped at Dell’s lip again, then sucked on her tongue, still slow pumping on her cock. “You’re going to see her in the morning, aren’t you?”

  “Sandy.” Dell brushed her fingertips over Sandy’s breasts. “I love you.”

  “I got scared,” Sandy said breathlessly, “when I came home and you weren’t here.”


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