The Old Dog and Duck

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The Old Dog and Duck Page 23

by Albert Jack

  Albion, the 14–15

  Aldershot 17

  Alma, Battle of 16

  Alma, River 16

  Alma, the 16–17

  Alma Arms, the 16

  Altisidora, the 255

  American Revolution see American War of Independence

  American War of Independence 2, 3, 128, 158–60, 165

  Anchor, the 17–18

  Anchor and Horseshoes, the 18

  Anchor Made in Heaven, the 18

  Ancient Order of Foresters 85, 86 see also Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters and Foresters Friendly Society

  Andrew, Duke of York, Prince 75

  Anfield Stadium 208

  Angel at Islington xvi, xxi

  Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 65

  Anglo-Saxons xiv–xv, 32, 63, 213, 224

  Animals (pop group), the 190

  Anne, Queen 93

  Apollo Belvedere 23

  Apollo Space Programme 81

  Apsley House 120

  The Arabian Nights 232

  Arden forest see Forest of Arden

  Ark (inn name), the xvi

  Arkle (racehorse) 256

  Arkle Manor, the 256

  Armada see Spanish Armada

  Armstrong, Commander Neil 81

  Arne, Thomas 33

  Arthur, King xvii, 101, 190, 194, 200, 216, 243

  Arthur (son of Henry VII), Prince 46

  Ashes, the 148, 209–10

  Asquith, Herbert 173

  Athens 143

  Atlas 206

  Atlas’s daughters 206

  Aunt Sally, the xxi, 18–19

  Avondale Mine 153

  Aztecs 188

  Babylon/ians 169, 242

  Bacchus 20

  Bacon, Francis 88

  Bag of Nails, the 20–1

  Baker, Thomas 122

  Balaclava, Battle of 16, 17, 113

  Balaclava, the xvii

  Ball, the 36–9

  ‘The Ballad of Bethnal Green’ 26–8

  ‘The Ballad of Molly Malone’ 155–7

  Balmerinoch, (Arthur Elphinstone), 6th Baron 223

  Balon, Norman 57

  Baltic Sea 178

  Baltimore 90

  Banbury 44

  Bannatyne, George 125

  Bannatyne Manuscript 125

  Bannockburn, Battle of 215

  Banqueting House (London) 199

  Barbados 127

  Barcelona 7

  ‘Barebones Parliament’ 230

  Barleycorn, John 125–6

  Bat and Ball Inn, the xxi

  Battle of Alma, the 16

  Bayeux Tapestry 213

  Bay Horse, the 53

  Bear and Ragged Staff, the xvii, 21–2

  Beaumont 75

  Becket, Archbishop Thomas à 25, 250

  Belgium 54, 70, 119

  Belknap, Robert 122

  Bellingham, John 142

  Belmont (Surrey) 40

  Beltane (pagan festival) 107

  Belvedere, the 22–3

  Ben Jonson, the 24–5

  Bengal 126

  Bentley 43

  Berkley Castle 215

  Berkshire 19

  Bernard, Jeffrey 57, 58

  Berwick, the 10

  Best, George 92

  Betchworth (Surrey) 256

  Billingsgate fish market 156

  Bingham, General George Charles see Lucan, 3rd Earl of

  Bingham, Richard John see Lucan, 7th Earl of

  Birmingham 39, 204

  Birmingham Town Hall 109

  Bishop Burton (Humberside) 255

  Bishop’s Finger, the 25–6

  ‘Black Betty’ 185

  Black Bull, the 36

  Blackburn 53

  Black Death xvii, 122

  Black Dog, the 174

  Black Hole of Calcutta 126

  Black Prince 123, 186, 217

  Blackwall 30

  Blair, Tony 176

  Blind Beggar, the 26–8

  Blue Anchor, the 115

  Blue Peter 256–7

  Blue Peter, the 256–7, 259

  Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 178–82

  Boer War 46, 139, 207–8

  Bogart, Humphrey 110

  Boleyn, Anne 48

  Bolingbroke, Henry 187, 196 see also Henry IV

  Bombay 29, 30

  Bombay Grab, the 29–31

  Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon

  Book of Martyrs see Foxe’s Book of Martyrs

  Booth, William 26

  Borneo 107

  Boscobel House 200, 201

  Boston 112

  Bosworth, Battle of 198

  Boulogne 4

  Bowler (hat-makers), Thomas and William 54

  Boy George 92

  Bramante, Donato 23

  Brazil 89, 103

  Brest 4

  Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 47

  Brigadier Gerard (racehorse) 257

  Brigadier Gerard, the 257–8

  Brigantia 31

  Bristol 18, 134–5, 202–3

  Bristol Journal 134

  Britannia (ancient name/Roman province) 31, 32, 74, 242

  Britannia (image) 32, 33–4

  Britannia, the 31–4

  Brittania Inferior 74

  British army 17, 75, 207

  British Empire 30, 108, 115, 139

  Brixton 185

  Brown, Gordon 34

  Brown Bull, the 36

  Bucket of Blood, the xxii, 35–6

  Buckingham (George Villiers), 1st Duke of 72–3, 79

  Buckingham (George Villiers), 2nd Duke of 117

  Buckingham and Normandy (John Sheffield), 1st Duke of 21, 74

  Buckingham Arms, the 73

  Buckingham Palace 21, 73, 143

  Buckinghamshire 19, 175

  Bull, John 37–8

  Bull, the 36–9

  Bull’s Head, the 36, 37

  Bulwark Tower (Tower of London) 246

  Bunch of Grapes, the xiv

  Bunker Hill, Battle of 3

  Burns, Robert 125

  Bury St Edmunds 66

  Bush, the xv, 39–40

  Buxton 183

  Byron (uncle of poet), Lord 218

  Cadiz 4, 73, 104

  Caesar, Julius 2, 31

  Calais 11, 12, 46, 138

  Calcutta 29, 126

  Calcutta Gazette 30

  Caledonia 15, 31

  California 15, 40

  California Arms, the 40–1

  Calvi, Battle of 166

  Cambridge 38

  Cambridge (MA) 155

  Cambridgeshire 1, 256

  Camelot 243

  Camperdown, Battle of 6–7

  Canada 115, 259

  Canterbury Cathedral 25

  The Canterbury Tales xvi, 124, 171

  Cape of Good Hope 83, 84, 107

  Cape St Vincent, Battle of 3, 7, 166

  Cape Town 29, 84, 85

  Capote, Truman 110

  Caprera 91

  Captain Kidd, the 42–3

  Carbonari 89

  Cardigan, Lord 16

  Caribbean 105, 161

  Carlisle (PA) 160

  Carlton Club 218

  Carpaccio, Vittore 111

  Case is Altered, the xxii, 43–5

  The Case is Altered 44

  Cat and Cabbage, the 45–6

  Cat and Fiddle, the 46–50

  Catesby, Sir William 49

  Catherine of Aragon 37, 46–8, 79

  Catherine of Braganza (wife of Charles II) 28

  Catholic Church/Catholics 37, 43, 44, 48, 62, 92–3, 101, 137, 171, 191

  Cato the Younger 2

  Cato, a Tragedy 1–2

  Cause is Altered, the 43

  Celts 100, 242

  Cervantes 255

  Chambersburg 158

  Channel see English Channel

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Charge of the Light Brigade 143

Charing Cross 79

  Charles I, King 79, 132–3, 198–9, 204, 205, 217, 230

  Charles II, King xx, 28, 73, 92, 116–17, 133, 163, 164, 173, 199–201, 232

  Charles VI of France, King 11

  Charles, Prince 202

  Charlie, Bonnie Prince 136, 223, see also Young Pretender

  Charlotte (wife of George III), Queen 21

  Charterhouse School 1

  Château de Saumur 260

  Chaucer, Geoffrey xvi, 124, 171

  Cheam 40

  Cheltenham Gold Cup 256

  Chequer Bush, the 39

  Chequers (prime ministers’ country retreat) 51

  Chequers, the 50–2

  Chequers Inn, the 50

  Chequer Tree, the 39

  Cheshire 51, 260

  Cheshunt (Hertfordshire) 232

  Chickerell (Dorset) 232

  Childe of Hale, the 52–3

  Childers, Colonel Leonard 259

  China 206

  Christian Church/Christianity xv, xix, 32, 62, 63, 64, 94–5, 96–7, 106–7, 114–15, 119, 204

  Churchill, Winston 150, 207

  Cipriani, Giuseppe 109–12

  Cirencester 227

  Clarke, John 232

  Clement I, Pope 115 see also St Clement

  Clive, Robert 127

  Clog and Billycock, the 54–5

  Coach and Horses, the xix, 56–8

  Cock, the xxi, 59–61

  Cock and Bottle, the 58, 60

  Cock and Pie, the 59

  Cock and Trumpet, the 59, 60

  Cock Inn, the 58

  Cock Tavern, the 58

  Coke, Edward 54

  Coke, William (Billy) 54

  Colchester 260

  Collingwood, Admiral Cuthbert 3–5, 165, 168

  Collingwood Arms, the 3

  Collingwood House 5

  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 257–8

  Constance of Castile, Infanta 186

  Continental Army (American) 2

  Copenhagen 142, 167

  Cordoba 100

  Corn Law Rhymer, the 239

  Corn Law Rhymes 239

  Corn Laws 120, 239

  Cornell, George 26

  Cornwall 34–5, 66, 137, 178

  Corsica 166

  Council of Marches see Marches, Council of

  Court Leet Book 80

  Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters 85 see also Ancient Order of Foresters and Foresters Friendly Society

  Coventry 97, 197

  Coward, Noël 110

  Crácy, Battle of 12, 123, 217

  Crimean War xx, 16–17, 112–13, 143, 144

  Cromwell, Oliver xix, xx, 133, 164–5, 199–200, 204, 229, 230, 231

  Cromwell, Richard 229–32

  Cromwell’s Head, the 133

  Crooked Billet, the xiv, 61–3

  Cross Keys, the 63–4

  Crown and Arrows, the xvi, 64–7

  Crusades xvi, xvii, 94–5, 97, 98, 203–4, 214, 216, 232

  Culley, PC Robert 192

  Culloden, Battle of 225

  Cumberland, Duke of 225

  Cumbria 70, 127

  Cyrus the Great of Persia, King 169

  Dare County (NC) 161

  David Copperfield 218

  Davy, Humphry 66–7

  Davy Lamp, the 67–8

  De Gaulle, General Charles 88

  ‘Demon Bowler’ see Spofforth, Fred

  Denmark 53, 167–8

  Derby 66

  Derby, the 82, 257, 258, 260

  Derbyshire 183, 259

  Derbyshire CCC 210

  Devil’s Tavern, the 182

  Devon, 101, 240

  Devonshire, Duke of 259

  Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer (Dialogus de Scaccario) 50–1

  Dickens, Charles 202, 203, 218

  Dr Syntax (racehorse) 258

  Dr Syntax Inn, the 258

  Dog and Bear, the 174

  Dog and Dart, the 174

  Dog and Duck, the 174

  Dog and Hedgehog, the 174

  Dog and Muff, the 174

  Dog and Pot, the 174–5

  Dog and Trumpet, the 175

  Dog Watch, the 68–70

  Domesday Book xv, 248

  Donegal 152

  Donne, John 190

  Dorset 183, 232

  Dover 14, 43

  Dover Patrol 69–70

  Dover Patrol, the 70–1

  Drake, Sir Francis 7, 15, 73, 105–8, 137–8, 165

  Druids 242

  Drunken Duck, the xxi, 72–3

  Dryden, John 163

  Dubai 155

  Dublin 155, 157

  Duke of Buckingham, the 73–5

  Duke of Clarence, the 76

  Duke of Cumberland, the 76

  Duke of Wellington, the xx, 76, 118

  Duke of York, the 75–7

  Duke’s Head, the 77

  The Dukes of Hazzard 240

  Duke Without a Head, the 76

  Duncan, Admiral Adam 5–7

  Dundee 7

  Durham, County 175

  Eagle and Child, the 78–9

  East Anglia 63–4

  East India Company 29, 30, 126 see also John Company

  East Sterndale (Derbyshire) 183

  Eboracum 74

  Eclipse, the 259

  Edgar, King xv

  Edge Hill (Liverpool) 209

  Edinburgh 26, 249–50

  Edmund the Martyr, St see St Edmund the Martyr

  Edward I, King 27, 215, 248

  Edward II, King 214–15

  Edward III, King xvii, 74, 94, 97, 186, 187, 189–90, 214, 215–17, 220

  Edward IV, King 49, 245–6

  Edward V, King 49

  Edward VIII, King 75

  Edward the Confessor, King 212–13

  Edwards, Ernest 208–9

  Egypt/ians 115, 166, 189, 241

  Eire 31

  Elba 119

  Eleanor of Castile (wife of Edward I), Queen 78–9

  Elephant and Castle, the 80–2

  Elizabeth I, Queen 43–4, 102–3, 126, 137, 172, 220 see also Virgin Queen

  Elizabeth II, Queen 220

  Elizabeth of York (wife of Henry VII) 198

  Elliott, Ebenezer 239

  Elphinstone, Arthur see Balmerinoch (Arthur Elphinstone), 6th Baron

  Eltham Palace 216

  Emmerdale 249

  Enclosure Acts 233

  English Channel 4, 69, 137, 223

  English Civil War xix, 78, 117, 199, 251

  Enkidu 241–2, 243

  Eostre (goddess) 107

  The Epic of Gilgamesh 241

  Eric Bloodaxe 75

  Esholt (west Yorkshire) 249

  Essex 122, 260

  Essex, Earl of 137

  Europe xiv, 14, 30, 39, 53, 88, 92, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 117, 119, 122, 128, 136, 137, 142, 143, 150, 169, 170, 180, 206, 235, 248

  Evesham, Battle of 27

  Excellent, HMS 3

  Exchequer 50–1, 78

  Execution Dock (Wapping) 43, 182

  Exeter 81

  Fairfax, Sir Thomas 230

  Famous History of the Seven Champions of Christendom 97

  Far East 82

  Felton, John 73

  Fidèle, Caton le 47

  Fielding, Henry 191

  First Jacobite Rebellion 225 see also Jacobite Risings

  First World War 12, 51, 53, 69, 138, 139–40, 237

  Fitzneal, Richard 50

  Flanders 75

  Flanders and Swann 229

  Flodden, Battle of 47

  Flying Bedstead, the 82

  Flying Childers, the 259–60

  Flying Dutchman (ghost ship) 82–5

  Flying Dutchman (racehorse) 81–2

  Flying Dutchman (steam train) 81

  Flying Dutchman, the xxii, 83–6

  Flying Fox (racehorse) 260

  Flying Fox, the 260

  Fobbing (Essex) 122

/>   Foresters Friendly Society 85, 87 see also Ancient Order of Foresters and Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters

  Foresters’ Arms, the 86–8

  Forest of Arden 85

  Fort William (Calcutta) 126

  Founding Fathers (American) 2

  Four Horseshoes, the 223

  Fox and Hounds, the 118

  Foxe’s Book of Martyrs 92

  Framley Parsonage 99

  France 4, 12, 16, 41, 46, 72, 75, 88, 141, 170, 180, 197, 201, 213, 217, 220, 226, 237, 251, 260

  Franco-Austrian War (1859) 235

  Fraser, Simon 226

  Frederick Augustus (Duke of York), Prince 75

  Frederick the Great, Emperor 179

  Free French forces 88

  Freemasons 100, 171

  Freemasons Arms, the xxi

  French House, the 89–90

  French Resistance 88

  French Revolution 119, 172, 192

  French Revolutionary Wars 165

  Freya (goddess) 206

  Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers 173–4

  Gallipoli 140

  Galway 133

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe 89–92

  Garibaldi, the 90–3

  Garnage, Reverend John 175–6

  Gascony 220

  Gaveston, Piers 215

  Gawain, Sir 107, 243

  Genoa 98

  George, the 93–5

  George I, King 32, 92, 93–4

  George II, King 32, 94, 150

  George III, King 21, 74, 94

  George IV, King 94

  George V, King 75, 83

  George VI, King 75, 246

  George and Dragon, the xvii, 95–9

  George and Dragon legend 95, 97–8

  ‘Georgie Porgie’ 72–3

  Gerard (fictional character), Brigadier Etienne 257–8

  German Empire/Germany 75, 179, 180, 211

  Gibb, Private 41

  Gibbons, John 40

  Gibraltar 7

  Giffard, Charles 200

  Gilgamesh (demigod king) 241

  Gladstone, William 144

  Glatton (Cambridgeshire) 1

  Glorious Revolution 32

  Gloucestershire 215, 227, 228

  Goat and Compass, the 99–102

  Godalming 134

  Gold Rush (California) 40

  Golden Anchor, the 18

  Golden Hind 101–5 see also Pelican

  Golden Hind, the 102–5

  The Golden Legend 95–6

  Good Woman, the 183

  Gordon, General Charles 139

  Gordon Riots 191

  Grace, W. G. 209

  Gramaphone Company 175

  Granby (John Manners), Marquess of 150–1

  ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ 73

  Grantham, PC Joseph 192

  Great Baddow (Essex) 122

  ‘Great Custom’ (tax) 248

  Great Depression 112, 262

  Great Fire of London 250

  Great Plague 163, 250

  Great War see First World War

  Great Yarmouth 76

  Green Knight (Arthurian legend) 107

  Green Man, the 105–9

  Green Man folk tale 105–9 see also Jack-in-the-Green

  Grey, Earl 120

  Grimsby 237

  Guildford 134

  Guinevere (wife of Arthur), Queen 200

  Gwyn, Nell 162–4

  Hadrian, Emperor 31, 32


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