The Old Dog and Duck

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The Old Dog and Duck Page 25

by Albert Jack

  Second War of Independence (Italy) 91

  Second World War 13, 88, 109–10, 111, 173, 257

  Sedgefield (Co. Durham) 175, 176

  Seljuk Turks 204

  Selkirk, Earl of 129

  Senate (Roman) 2

  Serbia 211

  Settlement, Act of see Act of Settlement

  Seven Sisters 205–6

  Seven Sisters, the 204–6

  Seven Stars, the 206

  Seven Years’ War 150, 179, 224

  Shaggy Dogs and Black Sheep xiii

  Shakespeare, William 13, 22, 24, 25, 60, 98, 107, 226

  Shaw, Captain John 135

  Sheffield Pals Battalion 237

  Sheffield, John see Buckingham and Normandy (John Sheffield), 1st Duke of

  Shelton Lock 66

  Shene 217–18

  Shepherd Neame (brewer) 25

  Sherwood Forest 86, 193, 195

  Shipton, Mother 250–2 see also Southiel, Ursula

  Shipton, Toby 251

  Shirehampton 134

  Shropshire 200

  Sicily 91

  Silent Woman Inn, the 183

  Simon of Sudbury 123

  Simpson, Wallis 75

  Siney, John 153

  Singeing of the King of Spain’s Beard 104

  ‘The Slow Train’ 229

  Snow, Dr John 129, 130–2

  Sol Invictus (Roman sun god) 189

  Somme, Battle of the 12, 237

  Sons of Ben 24 see also Tribes of Ben

  South Africa 82, 139, 207

  South America 103

  Southerness (Scotland) 129

  Southiel, Ursula 250, 251 see also Shipton, Mother

  Southwell (Nottinghamshire) 204

  Spain/Spanish 4, 7–8, 43, 47, 73, 79, 90, 105, 106, 107–8, 119, 137, 166, 168, 170

  Spanish Armada 107–8, 137–8, 251

  Spanish Main 135

  Spanish Netherlands 137

  Spectator (eighteenth century) 1

  Spectator (present day) 57

  Spion Kop, Battle of 207–8 see also Kop

  Spion Kop, the 207–9

  Spofforth, Fred 209–10

  Spofforth, the 209–10

  Sport Indeed 221

  Sporting Times 209

  Sports and Pastimes of the People of England 177

  Spotted Dog, the 174

  Spread Eagle, the 210–12

  Spurs, Battle of the 251

  Staffordshire 183, 200

  Stamford Bridge, Battle of 213

  Standard, the 212–14

  Star, the xvi

  Star and Garter, the xvii, 214–19

  Star Tea Company 210

  Station Hotel (Lake District) 70, 71

  Statute of Appentices (1563) 172

  Steele, Richard 1

  Stoke Poges (Buckinghamshire) 175

  Stoney Stratford 38

  Strand Riots 191

  Stratford-upon-Avon 195

  Straw, Jack 121, 122–3, 124

  Straw (Labour MP), John Whitaker (Jack) 121

  Stroke Row 61

  Strutt, Joseph 177

  Stuart dynasty 32, 136, 225

  Stuart, Prince Charles Edward see Charlie, Bonnie Prince

  Sudan 139

  Suez Crisis 45

  Suffolk 65

  Sumarians 241

  Sunni Muslims 204

  ‘The Sun Rising’ 190

  Surrey 1, 40, 256

  Surya (Hindu god) 189

  swan upping 219–20

  Swan with Two Necks, the 219–20

  Sweden 53, 179

  Swetnam, Joseph 134–5

  Swift, Charles 99

  Swing Riots 120, 228

  Syntax (cartoon character), Dr 258

  Syria 15

  Tabard, the xvi

  Taurus (constellation) 205

  Tavistock (Devon) 101

  Tennyson, Alfred 236

  Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 236–7

  Territorial Army 238 see also Territorial Force

  Territorial Force 237, 238 see also Territorial Army

  Tetbury (Gloucestershire) 227

  Texas 174

  Thackeray, William Makepeace 93–4

  Thames, River 30, 129, 182, 218, 220

  The Third Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of a Wife 258

  Thomas, Dylan 87–8

  Thomson, Charles 211

  Thomson, James 32

  Three Horseshoes, the 221–2

  Three Lions standard 212–13

  Three Lords, the xiv, 222–5

  Three Tuns, the 225

  Tickled Trout, the 226–7

  Tipton Slasher see Perry, William

  Tolkien, J. R. R. 78

  Tollgate, the 234

  Tollhouse, the 234

  Tolpuddle Martyrs 172–3

  Tourcoing, Battle of 75

  The Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque 258

  Tower of London 44, 49, 123, 246

  Trafalgar, Battle of 4, 7, 142, 168

  Tramecourt 12

  Tribe of Ben 24 see also Sons of Ben

  Triple Crown (horseracing) 257, 260

  Trollope, Anthony 99

  Trotter, Thomas 10

  Trouble House, the 227–9

  Trout, the 225

  Tudor, Henry 198 see also Henry VII, King

  Tudor dynasty 47

  Tumbledown Dick, the 229–32

  Turkey 204

  Turk’s Head, the xiii, 232

  Turnpike, the 233–4

  Turnpike trusts 233, 234

  Turpin, Dick 61, 195

  Twelfth Night 222

  Tyler, Wat 124–5

  Tynemouth 4

  Tyneside 90

  U-boats 69–70

  Ukraine 16

  Underground see London Underground

  Union, Act of see Act of Union

  Union Jack 135

  United States of America (USA) 9, 112, 211

  Urban II, Pope 204

  Uruguay 89

  Uruguayan Civil War 89

  Valley Forge 2

  Vatican 23, 37

  Venice 89, 109, 110, 111

  Vernon, Admiral Edward 7–10

  Victor Emmanuelle II, King 91

  Victoria, Queen 75, 90, 132, 139, 143–4

  Victoria Cross, 70, 113

  Victory, HMS 166, 168

  Vikings 32, 64–5, 206, 213

  Villiers, George see Buckingham (George Villiers), 1st Duke of

  Villiers, George see Buckingham (George Villiers), 2nd Duke of

  Virginia 9

  Virgin Queen 15 see also Elizabeth I, Queen

  Volturno, Battle of 91

  Volunteer, the 234–8

  Volunteer Act 234–5

  Volunteer Force 236

  Voragine, Jacobus de 95

  Wagner, Richard 84–5

  Wagon and Horses, the 228, 229

  Wakefield, Battle of 198

  Wales 32, 58, 234

  Walworth, William

  Warburg, Battle of 150

  Ward, William 148

  Wareham Forest (Dorset) 183

  Warwick (Richard Neville), 16th Earl of 22

  Warwickshire 21, 85, 97

  Washington, George 2, 159, 160

  Washington, Lawrence

  Waterhouse, Keith 57

  Wateringbury (Kent) 76

  Waterloo, Battle of 119, 120, 181, 182

  Wat Tyler, the 124–5

  Weavers Arms, the 43

  Welles, Orson 110

  Wellington (Arthur Wellesley), Duke of xx, 118–21, 145, 181, 190, 246

  Wesley, Colonel 113

  West Indies 3, 7, 8

  West Meon (Hampshire) 148

  Westminster 73, 119

  Westminster, 1st Duke of 260

  Westminster Abbey 79

  Westminster Hall 133

  J. D. Wetherspoon 238–40

  Wheatsheaf, the 240–3

  Whig party 120

p; White Cliffs of Dover 14, 15

  White Conduit Club (WCC) 146–7

  White Hart, the xvii, 187, 188, 243–4

  White Ladies Priory 200

  White Lion, the 244–6

  White Lion of Mortimer, the 246

  Whiteboys 152

  Whitehaven (Cumbria) 127, 128, 129

  Widow’s Son, the 246–8

  Wilkes Riots 191

  William of Normandy see William the Conqueror

  William of Orange 93, 136

  William the Conqueror 85, 213–14, 248

  Winchilsea, Earl of 147

  Windsor, House of 75

  Windsor Castle 144, 216

  Withington (Lancashire) 114

  Wolsey, Cardinal 251

  Woolpack, the 248–9

  Woolwich Arsenal 208

  Worcester, Battle of xx, 117, 200

  Workingmen’s Benevolent Association (WBA) 153, 154

  World’s End, the 177–8, 249–52

  Worshipful Company of Carpenters 100

  Worshipful Company of Cordwainers 100

  Worshipful Company of Cutlers 80

  Worshipful Company of Dyers 220

  Worshipful Company of Vintners 220, 225

  Wycliffe, John 122

  Yeomanry 236

  York 74, 251, 255, 257 see also Jorvik

  York, 1st Duke of 74–5

  York (title), Duke of 74–6

  York, Elizabeth of 198

  York, ‘Grand Old Duke of’ see Frederick Angustus (Duke of York), Prince

  York, House of 74–5, 196, 245

  York, Richard, 3rd Duke of 197–8

  York and Lancashire Regiment 45

  York Minster, the 88

  York rose 246

  Yorkshire 45, 74, 81, 195, 249, 250

  Young Pretender 225, 226 see also Charlie, Bonnie Prince

  Yule (pagan festival) 107

  Zeebrugge 70

  Zeus (god) 206, 210

  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  By the Same Author





  The Old Dog and Duck

  The Addison Arms

  The Admiral Collingwood

  The Admiral Duncan

  The Admiral Vernon

  The Agincourt

  The Albion

  The Alma

  The Anchor

  The Aunt Sally

  The Bag of Nails

  The Bear and Ragged Staff

  The Belvedere

  The Ben Jonson

  The Bishop‘s Finger

  The Blind Beggar

  The Bombay Grab

  The Britannia

  The Bucket of Blood

  The Bull

  The Bush

  The California Arms

  The Captain Kidd

  The Case is Altered

  The Cat and Cabbage

  The Cat and Fiddle

  The Chequers

  The Childe of Hale

  The Clog and Billycock

  The Coach and Horses

  The Cock

  The Crooked Billet

  The Cross Keys

  The Crown and Arrows

  The Davy Lamp

  The Dog Watch

  The Dover Patrol

  The Drunken Duck

  The Duke of Buckingham

  The Duke of York

  The Duke’s Head

  The Eagle and Child

  The Elephant and Castle

  The Flying Bedstead

  The Flying Dutchman

  The Foresters’ Arms

  The French House

  The Garibaldi

  The George

  The George and Dragon

  The Goat and Compass

  The Golden Hind

  The Green Man

  The Hansom Cab

  Harry’s Bar

  The Hero of Inkerman

  The Hope and Anchor

  The Horse and Hounds

  The Iron Duke

  Jack Straw’s Castle

  The John Barleycorn

  The John Company

  The John Paul Jones

  The John Snow

  The King’s Head

  The Lamplighters

  The Lion and the Unicorn

  The Lord Howard

  The Lord Kitchener

  The Lord Palmerston

  Lord’s Tavern

  The Maltings

  The Marquis of Granby

  Molly Maguires

  Molly Malone’s

  The Molly Pitcher

  The Nag’s Head

  The Nell Gwyn

  The Nelson

  The Oddfellows’ Arms

  The Old Dog and Duck

  The Pickled Parson

  The Pig and Whistle

  The Prince Blucher

  The Prospect of Whitby

  The Quiet Woman

  The Ram Jam

  The Red Lion

  The Rising Sun

  The Robert Peel

  The Robin Hood

  The Rose and Crown

  The Royal Oak

  The Sandboys

  The Saracen’s Head

  The Seven Sisters

  The Spion Kop

  The Spofforth

  The Spread Eagle

  The Standard

  The Star and Garter

  The Swan with Two Necks

  The Three Horseshoes

  The Three Lords

  The Three Tuns

  The Tickled Trout

  The Trouble House

  The Tumbledown Dick

  The Turk’s Head

  The Turnpike

  The Volunteer

  J. D. Wetherspoon

  The Wheatsheaf

  The White Hart

  The White Lion

  The Widow’s Son

  The Woolpack

  The World’s End

  Pubs Named in Honour of Famous Racehorses

  The Altisidora

  The Arkle Manor

  The Blue Peter (Peterborough, Cambridgeshire)

  The Brigadier Gerard (Eastleigh, Hampshire, and York)

  The Dr Syntax Inn (New Ridley and Prudhoe, Northumberland)

  The Eclipse

  The Flying Childers (Matlock, Derbyshire)

  The Flying Fox (Colchester, Essex)

  The Little Wonder

  The Seabiscuit Inn (Wells, New York)

  Further Reading





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