SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1) Page 6

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Scarlet uncrossed her arms and smiled.

  "I know you're fierce and powerful, Silver. Just keep all that in mind. The first year will breeze by, and it's going to be your chance to meet people who you'll need to trust with your life in their hands when push comes to shove. Be careful and be observant of everyone's actions. Doesn't matter who they are. Sometimes the people you trust the most are the ones who will lay your life on the line to save theirs. Remember that."

  "I will," I reassured her.

  She gave me another hug and sighed. "I better get going. Mom needs help at your cafe. Now that Nikko's potentially going to S.S.S., we need to hire pronto."

  "Right," I replied.

  When I'd called Nikko to tell her about the news, her phone was off. Her parents said she'd already gone to the school and could be working on her quest since each applicant’s entrance was based on when their mail was activated.

  This helped for those who got invites later than expected, while also ensuring other means of contacting a potential student if their mail had yet to be activated.

  Scarlet smiled and reached out to pat my shoulder. "I'm sure Nikko is busy. Once you both get in, you'll see her around for sure."

  "Are there dorms and such?"

  "There are, but every year is different. In the past, it’s been split up by gender or shifter race. Last year it was based on age. This year could be random. They do that so it's unpredictable, especially for those who come back after experiencing the school before. As a spy on the battlefield, you can never be comfortable," Scarlet explained.

  "That's true. Guess I'll find out after the initiation quest."

  "Yes, you will. Now get going. We're early, which is a good thing. Seeing as it's lunchtime, if you get to the assembly area and choose your quest, you could potentially finish before nightfall, which is a huge advantage. Nighttime quests can get tricky and dangerous," Scarlet warned.

  "Leaving!" I declared and gave her one last squeeze. "I love you and Mom. I'll text you once I get my results."

  "I'm sure it will be good news," Scarlet replied. "And while you’re there, find a boyfriend, please. I don't want Mom putting all her hope of grandkids on me."

  I rolled my eyes with a wide grin. "I don't even want to deal with the grandkid talk. Being single suddenly feels awesome again."

  "Meanie," Scarlet whined but looked super happy for me.

  I waved goodbye, watching as she boarded the pod that was about to leave. After one last look at her, I turned around and began to make my way to the school, following the large signs that were either attached to the pillars that guided us to the main gates or those that hovered in the air.

  As I got closer to the huge golden gates, I cut off my magic, not wanting to give away my potential.

  Since my sister and I had been trained since we could crawl, it was easy for us to see someone's magic potential through something called an aura.

  Some people had super strong ones that could consume an entire room with energy, while others were so weak, you pondered whether they had any magic at all.

  It wasn't the best determiner when it came to magical strength, because the person could do what I did and lower their aura to a non-existent level.

  Wizards and witches, on the other hand, normally loved to flaunt their power, which only made get-togethers a real pain in the ass. I remembered the multiple events we were forced to go to with our family, and how I always returned home with a headache from the surging of magic throughout the rooms.

  Shifters indeed loved to show off, but they could do that with their simple half form appearances, something I was witnessing as of now.

  I'd almost forgotten that at the school, shifters could remain in their human forms or could shift to their half or full shifter forms.

  So far, I'd already seen a half lizard man, a full five-foot tiger, and a huge blue gorilla. However, many students were still in their simple human forms.

  To me, it was the smartest move to make. Why give away all your cards when you hadn't even been accepted yet? Being a spy meant understanding your circumstances and using them to your advantage.

  I'm sure many of the students didn't think they were being judged the moment we walked through those gates, but my instincts told me that was where the real initiation began, and it would either be used in our favor or be our downfall.

  Reaching the gates, I snapped my fingers to summon the golden invite, showing the guard both sides which included the seal.

  With a long scan up and down my body, he nodded in approval and gestured for me to walk straight into the castle infrastructure and turn to my right to reach the auditorium for initiates.

  Following his instructions, I made my way there, my eyes scanning my surroundings while taking in the tremendous beauty of the modern castle that was designed with gold.

  The structure was built with white cement blocks, which were the only type of cement that could withhold the strongest magic.

  It could have been simply due to the purity of the cement that held magic far greater than the darker tones, but it looked magnificent matched up with the gold. My body thrummed with the energy around me. It was starting to influence my train of thought, manipulating my objective to reach the auditorium by making me want to do a little sightseeing.

  I came to a stop, tempted to go down one of the many corridors to check out the various colorful paintings that neatly decorated each side of the path.

  Normally, I wasn't one to take a huge appreciation in art, but I could sense the bonding magic that leaked off each colorfully framed artistry.

  Seeing other shifters taking their time to view the works of art made me want to do the same. Taking a step toward it, something wrapped around my waist.

  The restrictive action would have freaked me out, but it seemed almost natural and the familiar scent of cologne tickled my nose, tugging my attention for a brief moment.

  The person who held me took a slow sniff of my hair. "I thought you said you weren't attending, Blossom."

  "It's Silver." I countered, before seemingly snapping out of the hazy mindset I was in. "Wait. Why was I going this way?"

  "Diversion is the key to failure." I moved my body slightly in his hold, meeting those flaming magma irises as they danced around his pupils while he focused his undivided attention on me.

  "Did you just save me from failing?" I asked.

  "If you see it that way. You did help me out yesterday when I was lost in that Narnia place."

  "That wasn't Narnia."

  "You said I looked like a lost adult in Narnia," he elaborated.

  "It was a figure of...never mind." I decided not to bother, getting distracted from the main focus: the initiation.

  "The least I can do is thank you. Though, it would be nice to know your name at least," I acknowledged. "Unless you're going to stalk and kill me."

  He smirked. "Dimitri. Nice to see you again, Blossom."

  "Silver," I corrected, knowing he was teasing me.

  "Silver," he replied, his husky voice making my name sound like an amazing dessert. "Shall we make our way over to the auditorium?" he asked.

  "Sure," I replied. He pulled away from me but wrapped his hand around mine like it was a common thing to do.

  Tugging me along, we made our way to the auditorium, following the group of individuals who were all trying to get into the large open space.

  I should have done my part in analyzing the people around us, but I was trying to figure out why Dimitri had helped me back there.

  The moment we walked on S.S.S. soil, everyone became a competitor, and yet here he was, guiding me through the madness around us.

  I noticed his attire was similar to when I'd met him, the only difference being his shirt, which was orange with a black silhouette of a wolf.

  When we came to a stop, he didn't let go of my hand. "Dimitri?"

  He peered down at me. "Yes, Blossom?"


  "Sure," he replied with
a small smile. "What's wrong, Silver?"

  I was originally going to bring up the fact he was still holding my hand, but now I wasn't as sure. "Thanks for back there." He at least deserved some genuine thanks from me.

  His expression seemed to soften as he nodded. "You're welcome, Silver."

  We shared a look before someone bumped into my left side. Dimitri's arms wrapped around me, stopping me from falling over or into more people. I heard a grunt before an annoyed voice huffed.

  "Watch it. You're making me bump into other people."

  Turning my gaze to the person who must have been a victim in human dominos, I stalled in my attempt to interfere. Not because I wanted the two male shifters to work it out themselves, but because the man who bumped into me was hot beyond limits.

  The male stood at 6'3", and his slim-but-built body frame complemented his delicate features. His beauty alone was a different type of handsome, almost as though his skin had never been touched by the sun, leaving its smooth beauty impeccable.

  His silver hair shifted to black, immediately leaving me in wonder as to how powerful he was.

  Silver hair was always a rare trait, so for him to have it left me wondering what shifter he must have been. His hair was long enough to reach his lower back, and he wore skinny black jeans and a black t-shirt. I caught a glimpse of his built biceps, and he had magic incantation symbols on his arms, unique ones that reminded me of the ones on my ribs.

  I noticed his eyes, catching onto how they were navy blue with hints of silver. Almost like stars twinkling in a dark night sky. Only by being close up would you be able to tell they weren’t black with silver dots.

  From my view, he was definitely a person not to be messing with, but maybe the imbecile who bumped into him had no clue of the power that was wrapping around the perfect hottie.

  "What you gonna do about it, weakling?" the student threatened, taking a step forward.

  He wasn't even my height, reminding me of a short person trying to fight a giant. Even though this new guy wasn't as built as Dimitri was, anyone with common knowledge and magical sense would have been able to see the vast difference in levels.

  "Hey, dude. You trying to die?" Dimitri asked.

  He let go of my hand for a second to move to the guy's side. "Don't be an idiot and start something here. Your focus should be on the initiation, not picking fights you can't handle."

  The guy growled back, glaring. He must have realized he wouldn't be able to fight both of them. "Fuckers," he snapped and moved away through the crowd, a few of the other individuals tracking his movement as he retreated.

  Boo. I actually wanted to see some man-to-man combat.

  I totally shouldn't have encouraged violence, but mages weren't about empty threats. If you challenged us, we'd go full throttle, and even if it was just a provocative joke, we’d make sure you remembered your place for the next time.

  Dimitri chuckled. "Wimp." He turned to the newcomer and began to sniff him.

  "Dimitri. Don't go sniffing people." I warned, reaching out for his hand to tug him back over to my side. Dimitri wiggled his nose before looking at the starry-eyed guy.

  "You smell like the bringer of death."

  I groaned. "Totally insulting."

  "No, it's not. That's what he smells like," Dimitri countered. "Not my fault for being truthful."

  The newcomer just rolled his eyes but looked amused. "Thanks."

  I met his gaze for a brief moment, wondering what kind of shifter he was.

  Especially with Dimitri saying he smells like death. Hmm. That reminds me.

  "Dimitri?" I asked.

  "Hmm?" He gave me a puzzled look. "What, Blossom?"

  "Silver," I corrected but continued. "Wasn't your initiation supposed to be yesterday since it's based on arrival?"

  "Oh," he replied, glancing away. "Yes, but I told them my girlfriend wasn't here yet, so I'd rather take the last session."

  I blinked and stared at him. "And which girlfriend is that?"

  He smirked and squeezed my hand. "Guess she's imaginary for now. See, she doesn't realize yet."

  The sound of someone tapping a mic caught our attention, the once-buzzing auditorium calming down to a soft whisper as everyone focused their attention to the stage.

  "Attention, attention." The room fell to a pin-drop silence.

  The woman who stood on the stage looked pleased. She stood taller, and I took in her 5'8” appearance.

  Her aura was what was distracting, a mixture of purple and pink energy that pulsed around her. She had shoulder length black hair and a pink witch hat, making me wonder if she really was a witch.

  If it wasn't for her slight look over her shoulder, with her body moving slightly to the side, I wouldn't have seen her devil-like wings. She wore a simple black dress with pink bats that decorated the thick fabric and black heels.

  "My name is Clarissa Shine. I am one of the professors of S.S.S. school, specializing in the magical essence department. I'm the one who assesses your magic abilities and progress over your four years at this school. I am also the one who saves your life when you're brought into the nurse's office. Do show some respect if you do make it through the initiation, for I don't save disrespectful shifters."

  I could tell she meant every word, looking as unapologetic as ever.

  After glancing through the crowd, she continued. "You will be given forty-eight hours to decide which quest you would like to accomplish. All quests are hung up on the board outside of the auditorium."

  We could already feel the buzz of impatience in the air, everyone ready to fight one another to get the best quests that would be easy to accomplish. Clarissa cleared her throat, and there was silence once more.

  "There are enough quests for everyone. However, before you all go trying to kill one another to get a shot at the best quests, realize that this year you all need to form teams."

  A few gasps and groans echoed through the auditorium, and when it escalated into loud chatter, Clarissa clapped her hands once.

  Sparks of pink lightning crackled above our heads, everyone dipping down to the ground to avoid its electric wrath. The room was silent yet again and Clarissa smiled.

  "Do not waste my time." She flicked her black hair and fixed her hat. "Teams will be formed for these quests. Each team should consist of five members. When choosing a quest, keep in mind that we will judge what quest you choose and reasoning. Just because you complete an easy quest, doesn't mean you will be accepted. Same goes to those who choose a hard quest to show off. Decisions made should always have a reasoning behind them. Without that, they have no learning value. You can choose your quest either before forming a team or after."

  She looked across the crowd again and nodded. "One final note. You must decide on a leader. They will be in charge of keeping the quest item safe until you return back to be judged by myself and the Dean."

  I glanced at Dimitri, who seemed calm, his head turning to meet my gaze. He winked and returned to looking at the stage.

  "These quests are not walks in the park. Each of them is calculated to demonstrate various skills, strength, and survival needed if you want to last at S.S.S. Also remember that you can die while doing these quests."

  I could feel the tension shift in the room, yet Clarissa grinned. "Did you forget what S.S.S. is? We are the best spy school in the world. With this diploma, you will find numerous opportunities. To obtain such power means sacrifice. Your lives will be on the line when you graduate and become spies to help stop the growth of evil and violence across the world. School should be no different."

  She took the mic and walked around the stage, the sound of her heels echoing through the quiet crowd.

  "That is why from the very get go, you are tested. This school is not for the weak. It's not even for the strong. It's for the ELITE! The best of the best. Shifters who are ready to lay their lives and even souls on the line to save others. To secure that item or information and deliver it to the right people
to save thousands. Millions! To many, our methods are harsh, but it has never failed our graduates. These four years will be the best of your entire life. It will make you realize that being uniquely different will be rewarded."

  She stopped at the center again, her eyes scanning the crowd. They locked onto mine, making me wonder if she was truly looking at me. A pleased smile formed on her lips.

  "S.S.S. embraces all those with the determination of being the best they can be. No matter what boundaries, weaknesses, or differences you all may carry. Being different will surely bring out the best years of your life at this school because you will learn your purpose and meet others who will respect the individuals you become over the course of the next four years."

  She nodded and put the mic back into the stand.

  "You all may not know one another but analyze and allow fate to guide you to your fellow teammates. You never know. The people you choose today could potentially be the teammates you rely on throughout your years here. May the odds be in your favor. Let the Initiation of S.S.S. school begin."


  Honesty And Tie

  Staring at the massive crowd in front of us, I bit my lip, unsure how we were even going to get a quest at this point.

  The number of people between us and the board baffled me, and I wasn't going to fight to get through.

  Dimitri was standing behind me, his arm protectively around my waist.

  I wasn't sure why I was already comfortable around him, especially when he so easily was able to hold my hand or hold me as though we were actually a couple, but I didn't have any conflicts regarding it.

  Totally weird, but whatever.

  We had more important things to worry about, one being we now needed three others on our team. I hadn't even asked Dimitri if he considered us a team, prompting me to lift my head to peer up at him.


  "Yes, Blossom," he replied, his eyes still scanning the crowd. I ignored the apparent nickname he'd given me.

  "Are we a team then?"


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