SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1) Page 26

by Yumoyori Wilson

  He nodded his head and lifted his fingers, looking back at Adam and his friends, who were now silent.

  "Wonder what would happen to...Mr. Molark and his friends." I thought Mr. Thanos was going to wait to see the fear in the other students’ eyes, but I focused on the slow motion of his fingers as they moved into a snapping motion.

  I fluidly mimicked his move, feeling Wolfgang's gaze, but set my concentration on the silent spell I was conducting. The sound of our fingers snapping in unison felt like it echoed through the room, and there was a five-second moment of silence.

  I looked back to Adam and his friends; the three of them were tense while the remaining students all stared in anticipation of something happening.

  Fifteen seconds of absolute silence and nothing happened. Mr. Thanos looked back at me, but I gave him a confident smirk.

  Wait for it...

  "Haha. See. Nothing even happened. What a waste of time." Adam chuckled nervously.

  "Just like your interruptions are a waste of time," Wolfgang acknowledged with a shrug. "If you knew nothing was going to happen, you wouldn't be all tensed up. Now, why don't you shut it or shrivel up like the small dick between your legs."

  A few students gasped while some female shifters to our left began to giggle.

  "What did you—" He didn't finish as his legs began to disappear.

  "Uh. Adam?! Your legs are turning into sand!" One of his friends pointed to his legs.

  Now the class erupted into a wave of gasps and shrieks, while the sheer panic that crossed Adam's face made me laugh. The sound was a little too sinister, but I couldn't help it.

  "Look what we have here. I guess the effect is slower in real life, isn't it, Mr. Thanos?"

  He looked pleased with my manipulative magic as he nodded his head. "At least class will be nice and quiet. We'll see you next year, Mr. Molark."

  "Don't hit the door on the way o...oh right, you're fading away. You won't make it to the door," Wolfgang joked.

  "Wait. This is some joke, right?!" Adam began to panic. I shrugged.

  "This is the best spy school in the world. I don't think professors joke about these things. You can wait till you disappear and find out?" I lifted my hands up to my sides to dramatically shrug.

  "Hey, man. Just apologize, yo. Your dick is next!" his other friend acknowledged.

  "Let it disappear." I brushed off the urgency. "I heard guys with micro-penises are the ones who talk big and interrupt class all the time. Something to do with their overconfident ego. Hides their wounded pride.”

  "Nah," Wolfgang disagreed. "Guys with micro-penis are just assholes."

  "Fuck off," Adam snapped.

  He looked back to Mr. Thanos and groaned. "Sir. I apologize for interrupting the class. Please don't let my body turn into sand! Especially my cock."

  "He needs it to masturbate, sir," Wolfgang emphasized, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head. “Don’t take away the only joy he can receive from himself.”

  The class broke out into laughter, and Mr. Thanos sighed. "Seeing as you've disturbed the class enough and apologized, I'll end your misery," he replied, glancing back at me.

  We snapped our fingers at the same time, and the spell was broken. We looked back to Adam, who was gripping the chair for dear life as the fading sand spell stopped a second before his crotch.

  "Fuck," he groaned.

  "Is he going to stay without legs for the rest of class?" his friend asked.

  "Let him stay like that. It'll be interesting watching him slither on the floor with half his body to go to the washroom," Wolfgang encouraged.

  "I'll think about it. Just note if either of you acts up, I'll snap my fingers again and won't change my mind," Mr. Thanos declared, pointing to Adam’s friends.

  The two gulped and nodded swiftly, sitting up in their chairs.

  A few students from behind me leaned in to pat my back and whispered thanks for settling things.

  Mr. Thanos gave me an appreciative nod and turned to the class.

  "Seeing as class has been rather disruptive, we'll have a break now so we have enough time for our actual uninterrupted lesson on weaponry and enhancements. Does that sound like a good plan with everyone?" Mr. Thanos questioned.

  "Yes!" we all replied.

  "Good. Enjoy your break. Mr. Molark, a word."

  I couldn't help but glance back at Adam, who looked at his legs that were still "gone". Mr. Thanos followed his gaze. "Oh. Right." He walked toward Adam's desk, while a few snickers broke out around us.

  "Finally. We had Adam in Magical History and it was hell," a girl admitted with a sigh.

  "We didn't learn shit. I wish some shifters took into account that we're actually here to learn and not fool around," another girl declared, flicking her blonde locks.

  "Ms. Solange. Thanks for that." A short guy with curly ginger hair and freckles smiled brightly at me.

  I shrugged. "We're here to learn and be the best. Don't have time for interruptions when shit hits the fan."

  "Exactly. We're given a chance to attend this school that will give us multiple job opportunities in the future. I'm not playing around with it," Wolfgang declared with a firm nod.

  A couple of other students agreed, giving us thanks and praise before they focused on their own groups, leaving Wolfgang and me to have our own discussion.

  "That was sneaky of you." Wolfgang grinned.

  "You look like a proud parent at a mage match." I returned his smile with my own. "Proud of me?"

  "Very. That guy is legit a douche. So are his friends, but I'm not surprised. Only had two classes and I want to go home already."

  "You never said how class was at lunch break," I noted, remembering we had to get going before we got to hear how Wolfgang's class had gone.

  "It was okay. Everyone sticks to their cliques or people they think they will have a connection with. I felt like a lone wolf in the last class, but it doesn't bother me too much. We're there to pay attention and learn. Not mingle and fit right in."

  "Hmm. When you get all serious and share moments of wisdom, it feels weird. No offense," I acknowledged.

  "I get that a lot." Wolfgang grinned happily. "I have one of those personalities where everyone thinks I'm playing around."

  "But you analyze every single detail," I concluded.

  "Pretty much. It's why I respect Dimitri. Wolves and hellhounds don't get along, but for the last couple of days we had to celebrate and adapt to the school, I can tell he's one who takes things easy but picks up on everything. People don't normally see or understand that," he admitted.

  Crossing his arms on the desk, he laid his head down, his eyes focused on the front of the classroom. "I think I became far more observant when Ryuu and I had to take classes with some other shifters. It was those private school types."

  "Ryuu explained to me about your brotherly connection," I admitted, lowering my voice so it was between us.

  "He told you? That's a little shocking. He doesn't like telling people about our past. People question why we call each other brothers, but Ryuu hates socializing unless it's necessary. I don't blame him for telling you, though."


  "There's something about you, Silver. I don't know how to explain it, but you're very easy to like. I can also see why people may be envious of you. I don't think you can see what us shifters see, but many people in the class can sense your power."

  "They can?" I frowned, feeling worry trickle through me. Am I not hiding my aura?

  "Mewr!" Star poofed out of nowhere, falling right onto Wolfgang's head.


  "Oops. Sorry, Wolfgang," I apologized, reaching to pick up Star, who began to wiggle in my hold.

  I let her down and she nudged her little head against my hand before she hopped off my desk and began to explore.

  "Aww look! A kitten!" one of the girls squealed.

  "It looks like a kitten with a horn," another girl stated.

  "A uni-kitten! Aww. Come here little one," a third girl said.

  Wolfgang quietly chuckled while I sighed. "I never used to summon my familiars like that before."

  "Does fitting in worry you?" Wolfgang questioned.

  "Yes." I wouldn't hesitate to admit the truth. "I never fit in when I was a kid. I just don't want to fuck up now. Not to forget what I really am, remember," I noted, whispering the last part.

  "Yeah, a hot, powerful angel shifter," Wolfgang replied with a wink. "Nevertheless, it's not like we can sense your aura or anything. You have that on lockdown. Think of it more like an instinct. When you see something creepy in the forest or feel a weird sensation in your gut, you try and avoid the situation, right?"

  "Yes. If it gives me the creeps, I’d rather avoid it in general and listen to my gut."

  "Think about it like that, but it's not like you creep anyone out. When I look at you, I'm already taken aback by your beauty and general charm."

  I blushed at his words and listened in closer as he continued.

  "But your silver hair is a rare trait — like Yuriel's — and proves you have strong magic potential. With how frequently Star appears, it means your magic is so intertwined with your emotions that it can be summoned without much thought. When you walk, you hold yourself with confidence. There are times that you do appear nervous, unsure, or really intrigued, but it proves to me that you aren't someone who typically dives right into a situation. You’d rather absorb everything around you and figure it out at a slower pace if possible than tackle everything right away without any research."

  "You got all of that from knowing me for just a few days?" I commented in astonishment.

  "Yup. I like to analyze people. It's what I did when we took classes. I wasn't really social when I was young. Actually, I didn't speak regularly until I was sixteen."

  "Sixteen," I whispered, recalling how Ryuu said he didn't talk for a long time.

  "I figured Ryuu told you everything about what happened."

  "Yes. Uh, sorry if you didn't want me to know."

  "Nah. Ryuu's my brother and we shared the same crazy sad past. The only difference was how we handled it. Ryuu took it hard, but he didn't see his parents killed in front of him." Wolfgang's voice was low, while his eyes darkened.

  "When you see the people you love and cherish die trying to protect you, it really hits you. Some of the adults said because I was a child, I took it harder than an adult would, but I don't think age defines how you manage loss."

  I slowly nodded, lowering my head to the desk and turning it to the side to stare at him.

  "Whether you're a hundred years old or just a baby, anyone can recognize when the people they love or look to for comfort are gone."

  His golden eyes glistened for a bit, showing me a vulnerability that made my heart clench. "It wasn't like I didn't want to speak in the beginning. It was as though my body couldn't. After some time, I felt that I didn't deserve a voice because I'd let my entire pack die. I couldn't do anything to stop it, and it made me feel being mute would be the best. It wouldn’t bring my pack or Ryuu's parents back, but it would remind me of the ultimate sacrifice they made for me to keep breathing."


  "Ryuu would still speak with me. He actually learned sign language so we could speak. I'd been taught by one of the dragon elders so I could communicate basic needs, but it really moved me that he was willing to learn on my behalf. I started talking again because Ryuu was having some difficulty in class. He hates presentations because of the attention being focused on him. He got super sick before his class, and by the time he was next to present, he was as pale as a sheet. I asked the teacher in sign if I could present for him, but our teacher said unless I spoke, Ryuu would have to go up. So I got up there and did his entire presentation."

  "Just like that?" I asked.

  "Ryuu had been practicing all week for his presentation. I memorized it."

  "I feel that's something you would do," I admitted.

  He smiled. "Yup. My voice wasn't in the best of shape and I stuttered and mumbled a lot, but I did the entire thing and left the class shocked. Ryuu got a perfect score on his presentation and I was given the same score for being a good sport."

  Wolfgang closed his eyes. "After that, I tried slowly to speak again. It wasn't an immediate thing, and no one forced me to speak, but I gradually worked on it. Ryuu and I have always been pretty close, but I think that's when he realized I'd always be his bro and would never abandon him. I know losing his parents and younger brother hurt him, but even if we're not siblings by blood, he can always count on me."

  "It's good he has you as a part of his support system."

  "He's mine, too. Ryuu's super nice. He just doesn't show it often outside. If he does, he's making sure people know who not to mess with."

  "Like in the cafeteria when he almost kissed me?" I inquired.

  "Perfect example. Those elite students were bugging him."

  "You noticed?"

  "I notice everything before anyone else really catches onto it. Sometimes it’s last minute, and other times I don't like mentioning it, but I keep it in my mind. Those elites are royal shifters. With the exception of two of them, they’re dragons. They were eyeing you when we were walking away. Ryuu moving to sit next to you was a long distance declaration for them to keep away from you," Wolfgang explained, lifting his head to move a bit of his black hair from his face.

  "Seriously?" I wasn't sure what to say. “Dragons are that territorial?"

  "Sometimes. In this case, Ryuu's making it known that you're not someone he's simply using for gain. He almost kissed you to prove that you two are more than just buddies or students with your own agendas. Obviously, you made it clear that there's something deeper going on by kissing him, but it made it so those elites won't try to pick you up onto their team."

  "Interesting. We're already in teams right now, though," I reminded.

  "Yes, but what if we need to tag team? Also, just because we're technically in teams, doesn’t mean everyone will want to stay in their designated teams during gym. I heard it’s a free for all there. You can be with your team or with whoever you think will make gym class go more smoothly."

  "I see what you mean. If you don't feel your team is a good fit during gym, you choose a team or group of individuals you fit into better." I understood what he meant.

  I wouldn't want to choose anyone else right now. Am I being too dependent on the guys, though?

  Wolfgang placed his hand lightly on my head, and I looked over to him, noticing he sat back up. "Your boyfriends are an exception, though. Can't have anyone trying to take advantage of our Blossom."

  "You guys can just admit you're all the jealous type," I teased.

  "That's true." Wolfgang looked pleased with my comment. "Can you really see the others wanting you around anyone else? Dimitri would go all hellhound on people, Ryuu would burn everything, and I don't want to think about what Yuriel could do. Angels are dangerous, especially with what I know about him."

  "What you know?" I emphasized.

  He winked at me and leaned forward. "It took you guys way too long in the vent to get back. What took so long?"

  "U-uh..." I stuttered, completely caught off guard by his question.

  He chuckled and leaned back. "When Yuriel's ready to share, I'll be there to listen and then I'll ask you again," he assured me.

  "Wolves are dangerous," I muttered.

  He laughed, catching a few students’ attention. "We're not ones to mess with. Where did Star go?"


  The sound came from our left and we looked to see Star rolling around on the desk, surrounded by the girls from before. She got to her feet and hopped off the desk, just when Mr. Thanos walked back into the classroom.

  Star stopped right in his path, staring up at him for a long moment. "Mewr?"

  "Who owns this...unicorn kitten?" Mr. Thanos looked impressed with a hint of confusion.

sp; "Oops. Star. Don't get in the professor’s way,” I urged.

  She slowly looked to me, blinking her color-changing eyes. "Mewr."

  Wolfgang sighed and got out of his seat, walking over to pick Star up. "She's intrigued by Mr. Thanos’s hair."

  "Is she?" I commented, looking back at Mr. Thanos. His hair was an unusual color of lavender with hints of silver and pale blue. At 6’4”, he was also tall, like Mr. London, and had striking green eyes.

  "I bet. To cats, purple is a really eye-catching color. Think of it as neon pinks and greens," the girl with blonde hair noted.

  "That is true," Mr. Thanos admitted, walking up to Wolfgang, who moved out of the way to let him pass. "Familiars, in particular, like to analyze those with power and get a better understanding of them. Just in case the individual becomes an opponent."

  From the few Oh's and Ah's, it wasn't something many shifters knew about.

  Not like I had that much knowledge about them either.

  "You'll learn more about familiars and their benefits in missions next year. Now, everyone ready to continue class? I'd like no other interruptions," Mr. Thanos articulated, his eyes landing on Adam, who hadn't said a word since.

  Adam nodded and the rest of us verbally agreed.

  "Excellent. I'll make sure to give you back your legs after class, Mr. Molark."

  Wolfgang moved back to his seat, and Star began playing with his tie. I looked to him and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Thanks for being awesome."

  He blushed a bit, but his smile made my heart skip a beat. "Thanks for being you, Silver.”

  We shared a look of appreciation and turned our attention back to Mr. Thanos, who began his lesson. Time flew by as we learned about the importance of weaponry and were given an overview of what was expected from us.

  The bell rang, and we began to gather our things. I snapped my fingers and reversed the spell completely, restoring Adam's legs when Mr. Thanos was having a final chat with him.

  We were ready to leave, and Mr. Thanos gave us an acknowledging nod. We said our goodbyes in respect and headed down the chaotic hall.


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