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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

Page 29

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Let's go change," Ryuu suggested.

  "Silver? Are you going to shower here or when we get back?" Wolfgang asked.

  "Are you guys planning to shower?" I asked.

  "We might as well," Yuriel answered. "We really can't walk in these. Wolfgang brought extra clothes for us."

  "Ah. True. I'll probably shower at home. I don't like public showers. It takes me longer to get ready though. You guys don't need to rush."

  "It won't take us long," Dimitri urged. "Just a quick rinse and change of clothes. We can take longer showers later tonight."

  The others nodded, and I gave them a thumbs up. "Good job, team. Be back here in ten to fifteen minutes?"

  "Yes!" they replied. We waved goodbye and I made my way back to the change room. It was quiet, but that was exactly how I liked it.

  Star ended up appearing once again, but I didn't mind. She was quietly playing with my bundled pair of socks while I stripped completely out of my drenched clothes.

  Even my bra and underwear were wet, and I stripped out of them, too.

  I definitely wished I could take a shower now, but I had a big phobia of change rooms. When I was younger, it was one of the main places I'd been bullied.

  Too bad I kicked all their asses.

  My parents had had to come to the school, but I didn't get in trouble. Scarlet had come along and had every date and time in which I'd told her about being pushed, punched, tripped, or picked on and that just pissed off my parents.

  Thankfully, I left school altogether soon after, until I was much older and couldn't be easily pushed around anymore.

  Snapping my fingers with a speck of magic, a new set of lingerie cloaked my body, and I reached into my locker for my white shirt first.

  I personally liked tucking my shirt into my skirt, so I always put it on first. After I buttoned it halfway, I conducted a wind spell to begin drying my hair.

  I'd have to bring some dry shampoo along for crazy days like these, just so my hair wouldn't smell. Once the warm wind dried my hair, I snapped my fingers again to cancel it, my long silver and turquoise strands falling down my back and sides of my face.


  I moved my attention from my shirt to Star, who began to hiss.

  Her fur rose up and little bolts of electricity jolted around her in different colors. With a sigh, I moved to pick her up; the electric current pulsing off of her had no effect on me.

  "Star? Shh. It's okay. I'm fine, see?" I cooed, lifting her up so she could have a good look at me.

  Her hissing sounds lessened, and she reached out with her paw to tap my forehead.

  "Yes, I'm fine." I moved and kissed her little forehead. "Want to go check and make sure the others are in the shower?"

  "Mewr?" She gave me a confused look but wiggled out of my hold.

  I lowered to the bench, next to my bundled socks, and she gave me a long look before her body faded into a pink cloud.

  My smile faded, and I rose up to stretch my back for a moment.

  My fingers returned to buttoning my shirt, but the presence I'd sensed since I'd started changing was lurking in the shadows.

  "Are you going to keep being a Peeping Tom, or you going to confront me already?" I announced. "I'm sure it's against S.S.S. rules for a male to be in the women's change room.”

  "You wouldn't tell on me. I've known you long enough to know you won't, babe."

  My body involuntarily shivered as I closed my locker door and pressed my back against it, facing off against Callister, who walked out of the shadows of the locker room.

  I immediately noticed those devilish wings of his and long blue tail in the shape of a spade.

  I bit my lip hard, realizing I was in a far more dangerous situation than I’d expected. I'd only sent Star away because I had no clue how to actively use her with my low magic levels at the moment.

  No wonder he's confronting me. He knows I'm exhausted from class. Can't fight that manipulative voice of his.

  "Callister. You need to leave," I announced.

  My eyes caught onto the way his trailed down my body. There was a different type of gleam in his eyes. A darker, sinister desire that made me want to crawl into a dark corner and cry my eyes out.

  Stay calm, Silver. He doesn't have the power to control you anymore.

  "You shouldn't be here," he muttered, taking his time as he began to approach me. Each step he took seemed to echo around me, the sound surpassing the loud pounding of my thrumming heart.

  "In the female change room?" I questioned, giving him a curious look.

  It was taking everything in me to mask my emotions, but I knew Callister all too well. He didn't feed off emotions reflected in someone’s facial expressions.

  He could taste the fear in the air, and he thrived on it like it was oxygen.

  "Why are you attending S.S.S.?"

  "Why is it any of your business?" I countered.

  He stood before me now, and I pressed my back further against the locker as he took another step forward, entering my personal space.

  He lifted his hand at a calculative pace, moving aside my long strands so he could lean in and brush his lips along my neck. I fought not to scream, to hide how afraid I was as my hands clenched into tight fists.

  "You're not a shifter."

  "Says who? Last time I checked, I was an angel," I muttered.

  I stiffened at his touch, feeling his hand lay upon my thigh and move right up to the specific spot that always left me frozen.

  Waiting for his command on me to take action.

  "Has that angel been touching what is mine?"

  "Callister," I breathed. "We're not together anymore."

  My words were laced with my inner rage. Why was it fair that he could still have this negative effect on me? That his closeness could leave me in this stony state of fright?

  "Why aren't we?" he questioned, leaning back to stare directly into my eyes. "Why?"

  "You know why," I snapped. "Nikko's your girlfriend now. I don't think she'd like to see you cheating less than twenty-four hours after seeing me. You've been dating for a while now. Why is it all of a sudden a big deal that I move on?"

  "You don't miss me even a bit." His finger trailed in circles along my outer left thigh, and I pressed my legs together as tightly as I could.

  He won't hurt me anymore. I'll fight off his effect. I can't let him win. Not again.

  "No. I've moved on. Just like you."

  Our stare was intense, and he frowned. "Silver."

  There it was.

  That incubus power of his working its magic. My breath hitched, my body seemed to relax from its tensed stature, and my once-clenched fists loosened up.

  Callister smiled, leaning closer till our lips were centimeters apart. "Let's get back together, Silver. You know what I can do. The influence I can gain at this school. You don't need those guys. All you need is me."

  I closed my eyes shut, trying to fight off the wave of power attempting to wrap its hold around me and influence my response.

  No. I'm not with Callister anymore. He's not my boyfriend. He's nobody to me. He hurt me. He let Dad die. He didn't care. Four strangers I just met care more than Callister ever did. They worry about whether I eat or sleep. They care about my health and wellbeing. They even care about my familiar. Callister didn't show a quarter of the love these men have shown in the last few days.

  My lip trembled, and I kept my eyes closed, letting my words come out slowly while I mentally fought his grasp.

  "No. I have Dimitri, Yuriel, Ryuu, and Wolfgang now. I don't need you, Callister. No. I don't want you in my life anymore. You won't hurt me anymore. You won't have a claim over my body or touch me without my permission. Leave me alone." My voice cracked on the last three words, wishing I had enough magic to invoke them and make that command turn into reality.

  I knew Callister wouldn't back off. He'd get what he wanted like he always did. He never once listened when I told him to stop. He never g
ave me the choice to lose my virginity to him.

  He commanded my permission. I was never given that chance to deny him. To walk away.

  And it still haunted me till this very moment.

  "Get your filthy hands off her, incubus. Or I'll be happy to turn you into ash right this second."

  My eyes snapped open to see Callister's malicious expression fall, the flood of annoyance settling into the lines of his face as he deliberately took his time to look over his shoulder and face Dimitri, whose eyes were molten red with burning golds and oranges that flickered like wildfire.

  Other Dimitri...

  I desperately yearned to warn him that Callister could use his words against him, that he only needed a few seconds and a sentence to leave his mouth to gain control of Dimitri, but I couldn't.

  "Don't interfere, hellhound. She's mine." Callister snarled.

  My eyes closed once more, waiting for Dimitri to give his verbal understanding and walk away. It was what always happened when a brave soul tried to interfere with Callister's task.

  I flinched at a loud crash, peeking an eye open to see that Callister was now in a neck hold and pressed firmly against the dented lockers opposite of me.

  My mouth went slack, and I trembled from the onslaught of heat that raged around Dimitri, flames erupting from his body and swirling around his feet.

  "Do you expect that pathetic skill to work on me? You believe a garbage species like yourself can take control of us? Beings created from the depths of hell? Foolish." Dimitri's voice was deadly and thick with power.

  His grip tightened on Callister's neck, preventing him from wiggling free as he coughed and choked.

  "This is your last warning. Stay away from our girlfriend, or I'll show you what this hellhound can do. These very flames will torment you for the rest of eternity while your soul will be tied to me. I'll make sure to use you the same way you manipulate others, and no one will be able to retrieve your soul," Dimitri threatened.

  Callister glared at him, but he was struggling to breathe. He finally gave in, nodding quickly until Dimitri let him go, his body falling to the ground.

  He scurried from the floor, giving Dimitri a look before his eyes locked with mine. I held his gaze, locking down my emotions so he wouldn't see right through me.

  "Leave," Dimitri commanded.

  Callister did exactly what he said, walking away until we heard the sound of the change room door closing.

  The room fell quiet.

  Dimitri turned around to face me; the red in his eyes was still intense and filled with burning rage. I looked down to the floor, ignoring how my body shook.

  " should go. Ca-Callister may try and get you in trouble." I struggled to speak, my voice shaking while tears stung my eyes.

  Again. I always feel so vulnerable because of him. He didn't even do half of what he would have done if Dimitri hadn't interfered, and yet I feel so hollow. I'm afraid.

  Dimitri didn't say anything, taking a cautious step forward. He took another, and one more, and I could see his bare feet in front of mine.

  Now that the original threat was vanquished, I took in his appearance, realizing he was in nothing but a towel.

  His black hair was dripping wet, and the orange, red, and gold ends held a slight brilliance to them.

  I finally gathered the courage to meet his eyes, feeling more anxious with the prolonged silence between us.

  Does he hate me now? Will Dimitri not want to be around someone who's been ruined by Callister? What about the others? What if Callister tells them that he still has ownership of me? This dating thing was a bad idea. I should have remained single. Then no one but me would get hurt. I don't want to hurt them.

  My eyes noticed Dimitri's hand slowly reaching for my cheek. I fought the urge to flinch and move away, but the slight jerking movement made him pause.

  "I won't hurt you, Silver.” Dimitri's smooth voice brought along a wave of equilibrium.

  It also left me even more worried about the future.

  "You guys can't date me," I whispered.

  My voice was thick with remorse.

  My mind felt as though it was fogging up with immense heartache. As though I was experiencing what it was like when I first broke up with Callister and realized he'd told everyone what a horrible girlfriend I'd been, just so I wouldn't be able to find someone else.

  I heard the sound of the door opening, but I continued on with what I had to say.

  "Callister. He won't let go. He'll tell you guys I'm a cheater or a money moocher or just make me look like the bad guy. I-I can't. I-I don't want to look like that in front of you guys. I'm sorry. You guys all deserve better. I know we haven't even dated for a week, and here I am trying to end it, but I’d rather be single and unhappy than have my image ruined again. I’d rather break up now, instead of allowing the rumors he'll create and feed into everyone's minds destroying your view of me."

  My vision blurred as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

  "He did the same when I broke up with him. I couldn't go out for months because everyone left and right looked at me in disgust. I was the gold digger. The one who dated him just to save my dad. Funny, isn't it? Daddy died anyway and I was left mourning the loss of a parent who supported me to the moon and back while also dealing with the hate of the town. It took so long before I could go back to work and keep my head up high. So long to open myself up again and be okay with trying and making friends. I thought S.S.S. would give me the chance to really enjoy what it's like to meet people, to have friends, to meet someone who loves me for me. I got lucky and met the four of you guys, and in less than a week, it's all going to disappear."

  My shoulders lifted and fell as sobs racked my body.

  "I'm sorry for doing this. As long as you guys don't hate me, I’d rather lose everything and be a loner." I lifted my hands to wipe away my tears.


  I looked down to my feet to see Star was sitting there, her eyes now a dark blue and glassy with tears.

  Her sadness made me even sadder, and I leaned down and picked her up, hugging her against my chest.

  I realized Ryuu, Yuriel, and Wolfgang were here, but I couldn't bear seeing the disappointment on their faces.

  I'd actually thought things would work out, and the idea of dating all four of them was scary, but also exciting.

  Now it was all up in flames on the first day of classes.

  I lowered my head in shame, still sobbing away. I mentally hoped they would quietly leave, and then I'd figure out how we'd deal with the next four years of being teammates.


  The gentle brush of Dimitri's hand gave me a hint of hope as I lifted my head to look into his eyes.

  They were back to their amber appearance and were filled with so much love, I almost forgot to breathe.

  "We're not going anywhere," he whispered. I hesitantly looked at the others who had moved to stand just behind Dimitri, the three of them with compassionate expressions.

  There was not a hint of judgment there, and it left me bewildered.

  "B-but Callister wi—" I tried to defend my decision but Ryuu spoke up.

  "S.S.S. is a school full of shifters, Silver. Shifters may love to gossip and pick sides, but none of us enjoys being manipulated. Callister may have gotten away with using his powers on your town because it's hard for witches to sense when their mind is being altered by an incubus, but there's no way in hell he can do the same to a shifter without being caught."

  Yuriel nodded. "S.S.S. is huge, Silver. He can't manipulate 5700 students, and it’s impossible to break the mental boundaries professors have on their minds."

  Wolfgang gave me a small smile as he nodded in agreement with the others.

  "Sorry, Blossom, but you're stuck with us. We may not know the whole story between you and Callister, but we know enough about you to say that we're not giving up on you. You said earlier that no matter good or bad, we'll work things out. We'd ride through th
e next crazy four years as a team. That ring on your finger is a sign of our oath from our mission and the bond that connects the five of us. Callister can try and do whatever he wants. We're not leaving you."

  Dimitri stroked my cheek and nodded. "And he's never getting this close to you again. None of us thought he'd make a move on the first day of school, let alone an underhanded one like sneaking into the girl's change room. I swear, Silver. It won't happen again."

  "Why? Why are you guys so nice? I d-don't...I..." I had no strength to finish, and Dimitri sighed. He gently tugged me forward, wrapping his arms around me.

  "We're nice because you're our girlfriend, remember?" he whispered. "And you smell amazing."

  I laughed a bit at his added comment and returned to sobbing into his bare chest. I felt the others’ closeness and their gentle pats and rubs along my back.

  "Let's go home, Silver," Wolfgang urged.

  "We'll help you dress if you need it," Yuriel encouraged.

  "My car is parked near the exit. We can drive back today," Ryuu urged.

  I nodded into Dimitri's chest, and after I cried enough, the guys helped gather my remaining stuff while Yuriel helped me finish dressing.

  The car ride home was silent as I sat between Yuriel and Dimitri. My head was resting against Dimitri's shoulder. He sat to my left while my right hand was in Yuriel's.

  I'd been fighting the urge to sleep the entire time, but as we got closer to home, I was beginning to lose the battle.

  "Silver?" Yuriel's voice was low but lacked emotion. "I have only one question."

  "Hm?" My body tensed up, but Dimitri reached for my other hand, squeezing it in support.

  "We won't judge you, Silver," Dimitri whispered.

  I mentally nodded, thinking it would somehow communicate to the others. Yuriel was quiet for a moment but finally asked his question.

  "In your relationship with Callister...did he..." Yuriel trailed off.

  I already knew what he wanted to ask, and that was why I was so tense.

  I'd never said it out loud. To say that specific word. Nikko knew about the mistreatment, but not the bedroom side of things.

  I was sure Scarlet had figured it out long ago but wouldn't say anything unless I was ready to say it to her and Mother.


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