SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1) Page 41

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "You did it, Blossom," Wolfgang whispered.

  Yuriel smiled, and slowly nodded to me. "You belong to no one, Silver," he whispered.

  I gave him a small smile as I looked at the amazing staff in my hand.

  Is this Star? Or the ring?

  Yuriel and Wolfgang moved toward me, and I took a protective glance around to make sure Callister wasn't trying to jump us again.

  "Let's go now," Wolfgang urged. “I'll meet you there!"

  We nodded in agreement and rushed to the cliff. The wand in my hand began to fade until there was nothing but the ring on my finger.

  Yuriel picked me up and we were off the ground and heading toward the other island. The first boom of thunder roared around us, but our focus was solely on the island that was getting closer and closer.

  The rain began to fall, beating on the two of us, but it didn't slow Yuriel down.

  It felt like forever, but we finally reached the other island, Yuriel lowering me onto the cliff platform. He landed next to me, and we both looked back at the other island, which appeared so far away.

  My knees buckled and I braced myself to hit the ground, but Yuriel caught me.

  "Silver! You okay?" He panicked, shaking me slightly as I tried to remain oriented.

  "I'm okay. Just need a minute," I assured him, taking a few breaths while I focused solely on balancing out my magic.

  Yuriel began rubbing my back. "That's it, just breathe. Wolfgang will be here soon, and we'll find shelter."

  I nodded and continued to breathe in and out. Five minutes went by, and I began to grow more and more worried about Wolfgang.

  "Yuriel. Check...check on Wolfgang. Can you see him coming?" I breathed.

  He rose up and approached the cliff, looking around slowly. "I don't...shit!"

  I looked over my shoulder to see Yuriel's wings spread out.

  Where is he going?

  "Yuriel? Where?" I asked.

  "He's in the water! He's drowning, Silver," Yuriel called out, pushing off the ground and soaring into the air.

  "Drowning?!" The thought of Wolfgang's life at risk pushed a sudden surge of energy through me, giving me enough strength to get up and rush to the edge.

  I followed Yuriel's path, noticing Wolfgang's human form in the water as he struggled to stay afloat against the rash currents.

  "Wolfgang!" I screamed, but something came to my mind.

  "Just to swim that far out would be hard," I commented.

  "Not for an Olympic swimmer like me,"

  Wolfgang complimented himself.

  "Ryuu says all the time that if I wasn't a wolf, I should have been a dolphin shifter or merman. I love to swim. I'm super fast and can hold my breath for thirteen minutes."

  "Thirteen," Dimitri and I said together in astonishment.

  "Yup. Trying to reach fifteen this year, but we'll see." Wolfgang grinned with pride.

  "I can't swim for my life." Dimitri groaned. "I'll have to learn. My other side probably knows how, but I’d rather try that out in the kiddie pool."

  "Wolfgang can swim..." I whispered, connecting the dots as I remembered what I'd said in the club.

  "Make sure you tell Yuriel and Ryuu. Just in case you guys have a class involving water," I stressed.

  "YURIEL! It's a trap! That's not Wolfgang!" I screamed as loud as I could over the thunder and lightning.

  Yuriel must have heard me because he came to a stop and looked over his shoulder.

  I waved my arms frantically, doing everything I could think of for him to come back, but my eyes grew wide as a massive purple magic circle appeared above Yuriel and below where the fake Wolfgang was.

  Yuriel looked down first before he lifted his head up; a sea of purple lightning arrows shot from the sky and straight to him.

  "YURIEL!" I screamed, but there was no way he could avoid it.

  I watched in horror as his body was struck by the multiple bolts and an ear-shattering scream escaped him.

  His body went limp and I stared in frozen fear as his body fell into the consuming ocean.

  I watched my angel boyfriend fall.


  My Fallen Savior


  The single word was drowned out by the raging thunder and crash of the waves down below. My teary eyes tears were glued to the spot.

  The place where Yuriel fell...

  A loud, sorrowful howl sliced through the roaring sounds around me, tugging my attention to see Wolfgang was racing to the edge of the island I now stood on.

  My eye grew wide as he tried to go into the water, but a purple shield stopped him.

  He tried again and again, smashing against the wall until he was left whimpering and struggling to move.

  He howled even louder with the bit of strength he had left; those desperate eyes were focused solely on the spot I'd been staring at.

  It can't end like this.

  I looked to the cliff of the opposite island. My eyes seemed to zoom in on the sole person standing there — Callister.

  It seemed as though the distance between us was nothing but an illusion, for I could see the wide smile of victory on his lips. He thought he'd won.

  I'd show him. I didn't need magic to help me. I'd show him how powerful I was. How strong the bond I'd created with my men was! It wasn't over.

  The growing power within me wasn't my magic. I had none of my pink energy that needed me to be calm.

  There was no way in hell that I could be calm after I watched my fallen angel die.

  No. I'd save him. He's not dead.

  A warmth swelled inside me, spreading from my chest all throughout my body. Then a wave of power rushed through me from my toes straight up to my head.

  But it wasn't enough. I needed more.

  Closing my eyes, I lifted my head to the sky, the words coming to me before I could think.

  "Intrada Lo Sha Monda!"

  The energy that was begging for an exit tripled inside me, and as painful as it was, I jumped backward, the simple movement lifting me up farther than I'd expected… landing right at the entrance of the forest behind me. I had focused intently on Callister, seeing his shocked expression.

  It was all the motivation I needed as I crouched down and dashed forward. Everything slowed down around me, the way it did in the movies when an epic moment was about to happen.

  I knew with every fiber, nerve, and bone in me that this was that awakening moment. The one chance I'd get to defy the odds and obtain what was mine.

  The man who deserved to live.

  A sharp pain tore through my back, a scream escaping me, but I still charged forward, my focus on the center of the ocean.

  I'd fight off the pain. I'd reach where I needed to be. Nothing would stop me from being the savior my fallen angel needed.

  With one final step, I pushed off the ground and into the air. The crashing waves hit the wall of the cliff, but I knew they wouldn't hit me.

  For gravity had nothing against me anymore.

  My body soared gracefully through the air, avoiding the bolts of thunder that attempted to strike me down.

  As I got closer, I spread my arms out and then forward in diving position seconds before I hit the water.

  It took three seconds for my eyes to adjust but I locked onto Yuriel's drifting body and the upward path of black feathers around me.

  The water didn't slow me down and I soared deeper and deeper at the same speed at which I’d flown.

  Reaching Yuriel's body, I hooked my arms under his armpits and fought to move upward.

  Gritting my teeth, I pushed for more energy, the blazing warmth within me coming to my aid. My speed increased until we shot out of the water and were soaring back to the second island's cliff.

  A howl echoed ahead, and I caught a glimpse of Wolfgang making his way up the path on the side of the cliff to meet me where I was seconds away from landing.

  The large mass that had punctured out of my back spread out wide, slowing me down
until I hovered above the ground. Once my feet hit the soil, I laid Yuriel onto his back.

  Dropping to my knees, I whimpered at the sight of his super pale skin and blue lips. He already had purple blemishes around his face and his body had multiple wounds that were beginning to bleed out beneath us.

  I flinched and looked to see what was attached to my back, realizing that I had a pair of large white wings. They had spread out from my mere acknowledgment but retracted into my back seconds later.

  The pain was close to making me throw up, but I fought the urge. I couldn't focus on me.

  Yuriel needs me.

  "Woof!" Wolfgang closed in, his body beginning to shift until he was in human form again. I trembled uncontrollably as the energy I'd somehow conjured began to crash.

  Placing my hands on Yuriel's chest, I lowered my ear to listen for a heartbeat.

  "H-he's not breathing.” My lips were trembling even more from the freezing cold of the water.

  Wolfgang crashed to his knees when he reached us. I moved my hands out of the way while Wolfgang immediately started compression.

  "C'mon, Yuriel. Breathe!" Wolfgang commanded, doing his best to try to restart Yuriel's heart. Compression after compression, Wolfgang kept trying. He paused so I could blow some air into Yuriel through mouth-to-mouth, but it was no use.

  Wolfgang met my devastated gaze as I stared at Yuriel's limp body.


  "H-he...he's..." I choked on tears as they began to fall, but Wolfgang vigorously shook his head.

  "No! He's not."

  He reached out and pressed his hands onto my shoulders.

  "Silver. You can heal him."

  "I-I can't. I have no more magic."

  "You don't need magic! Use the energy you have left. The force that drove you to fly through the sky with your angel wings and retrieve Yuriel from the depths of the ocean. We promised..." He trailed off, tears flooding his eyes. "We promised to last these four years together. No matter what."

  He was on the breaking point, just like me, but he still had a hint of hope.

  He was right. I promised. We promised. I couldn't let Callister's interference break that vow we made.

  With a slight nod, I placed my hands on Yuriel's chest. Wolfgang placed his on top of mine, and we shared a look.

  "I believe in you, Silver. Please," he whispered.

  Closing my eyes, I searched long and deep for the remaining ounce of energy within me.

  It came to my call at a slow rate but began to build stronger and stronger. The warm energy returned, and it contributed every bit of warmth it had left to my silent plea.

  Please. Heal my fallen hero.

  The warmth began to migrate from the pool in my chest to my fingertips. It escaped my hold and began to pour into Yuriel's body.

  I weakly opened my eyes, watching everything transpire as more and more energy poured out of me.

  The golden light that poured into Yuriel's chest and enveloped his body had a hint of pink and amber in it.

  The combination was a wonderful sight, and I begged deep in my heart that this would work.

  The flow of warmth finally stopped when I had nothing left to give. Anything more would cost my own life. I was willing pay that price, except I needed to see the result of my work.

  The light dimmed, and Wolfgang and I both sighed in relief when Yuriel's chest began to move up and down.

  "Silver. You did it," Wolfgang sobbed, slightly shaking Yuriel, who let out a weak groan.

  "I'm sleeping," he mumbled, but slowly opened his eyes.

  He looked at Wolfgang in confusion before turning my way.

  His eyes immediately widened and he tried to sit up, but Wolfgang stopped him. "Oh, no, you don't. Stay still."

  "Silver. she so...pale?" Yuriel asked.

  I let out a weak laugh, leaning down to give him a smothering kiss before I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating against his chest.

  "My Never-Smile-Hottie-Angel. You scared us and yet you're...worried about me," I mumbled.

  I felt his hand on my back. I slightly flinched at his gentle touch. The pain in my back was still evident, but dulled when he continued to rub soothingly, using less pressure after I flinched.

  "What...happened? Why are you two crying?"

  "We'll explain later. After...a nap.” Wolfgang sounded exhausted, and I didn't blame him.

  The relief of reviving Yuriel was enough to put me to sleep.

  Yuriel said something, but my hearing was fading as my eyes grew heavy. I stared at my limp hand, my wrist and watch in the corner of my view.

  Before my eyes closed, a bright green light illuminated on the screen, followed by a beep.

  A tiny smile formed on my lips, and I allowed my eyes to close.

  We did it. We...passed.


  Apply Spy And Supernatural To Reality

  "Why am I stuck in bed?" I complained.

  "Me too," Yuriel grumbled. Ryuu rolled his eyes at the two of us.

  "Well, aside from Yuriel being struck by who knows how many thunderbolts, and Silver saving his ass and depleting herself, I think the two of you are forced to stay in bed until the results come in that state you guys aren't going to randomly code on us."

  "Code as in dying on us," Wolfgang emphasized.

  "I don't get why you two are so anxious. Relax. We passed and we're technically about to start our four-month vacation," Dimitri cheered, walking over to the left side of the bed.

  The five of us were in the emergency S.S.S. room, where we'd been for the last three days.

  Long story short, we'd passed the exam with a triple S score for our quick thinking, the strength and skill we displayed throughout the test, and our exceptional performance of survival.

  We had no clue what happened to Callister, and I didn't even want to know. I was simply glad the exam was behind us and we'd officially passed Year One.

  Mitten had been taking care of all of us, but Yuriel and I were forced to stay in bed the longest because of our injuries. I'd healed Yuriel enough to keep him alive, but he still had to undergo treatment and a scan like me.

  Wolfgang had also gone through one, but his results came back super fast compared to mine and Yuriel's.

  Professor Xin, or Daichi now that school was on summer break, went to get our results after being told they were ready and had been reviewed by the Dean.

  I was a little worried that we'd be held back if our results showed we weren't physically or magically fit to continue, but I did my best to stay positive.

  Star was hugging the sock she'd stolen from Yuriel's foot while he was sleeping, as she currently laid at my feet.

  Wolfgang and Ryuu were on Yuriel's right side of his bed; our two hospital beds were put together so I could snuggle against him during the night.

  My mom and sister had been here to check in, and now that I was hopefully going to be discharged, they were going to come to our dorm and help me pack for the summer break that I'd spend at home.

  "Staying here is weird," I grumbled, unable to hide the hint of worry in my voice.

  Dimitri kissed me on the cheek. "Don't worry, Blossom. Everything will be fine. I can sme—"

  "You can't smell if something is going to be fine," Yuriel interrupted.

  "I smelled your ass would survive. Now look at you, talking up a storm," Dimitri countered.

  "I'm going to miss them arguing," Wolfgang admitted.

  "Me too," Ryuu said with a smile. The three of us looked at them, and we ended up all smiling.

  "We made it together," Dimitri whispered.

  "That's thanks to Silver," Yuriel reminded.

  I shook my head, looking at each of them.

  "It's thanks to all five of us that we made it here. I wouldn't have been accepted into the school if it wasn't for all of your cooperation and willingness to help me out."

  The sound of the door sliding open caught our attention, and we turned to Dai
chi, who was back with two sets of papers.

  We readied ourselves for the news as he walked to stand at the end of our joined beds to face the five of us.

  Daichi looked at each of us and announced, "You two are both cleared and have been approved fit to continue attending S.S.S. school. Congratulations. Your team has officially passed and will be welcomed back for Year Two."

  We all were silent until Wolfgang cheered. "We're OFFICIAL!"

  He hopped up and down, howling in joy while the rest of us broke out in laughter.

  Daichi grinned, waiting for us to settle before he looked at the reports. "Yuriel, you should be fine with some more bed rest. Mitten scheduled an exam with an angel healer to make sure your wings are intact. That isn't until mid-summer."

  Yuriel looked worried, but I reached out and held his hand. "I'll come with you if you want."

  He seemed relieved by my offer. "I'd appreciate it," he whispered, squeezing my hand back.

  "As for Silver," Daichi continued, drawing our attention. "There's one small problem."

  My heart immediately sank, as my anxiety spiked. "Problem?" I squeaked.

  Star sat up and ran up to snuggle her head against Yuriel’s and my joined hands.

  "It's nothing life-threatening," Daichi cleared up, noticing the spike in tension in the room.

  We all sighed.

  "Thank goodness," Dimitri whispered.

  "Before we get to it, did you guys look into the ring?" Daichi questioned, eyeing each of us. We all looked away from his judging gaze, realizing we'd really been slacking on that research.

  We did have the key and access to everything in the master library, but with our chaotic schedule, we'd kept forgetting.

  Daichi sighed. "Why don't you guys work on that during summer vacation. In terms of what I have to announce, I'll simply let you read it," Daichi concluded. He walked over to where Dimitri was, offering me the report.

  I took it and gave him vocal thanks, immediately scanning the document until I reached the last page with the scan and Mitten’s report.



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