White Girl Bleed A Lot

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White Girl Bleed A Lot Page 25

by Colin Flaherty

  They need to get over this false guilt about what’s wrong with black people.

  Most blacks are suffering not from racism from white folks but from lack of moral character.

  Black people have been encouraged to hate whites and to discriminate against them from the so-called civil rights leaders and others. And that is evil.

  The evil will get worse from generation to generation if you don’t deal with it.

  White Americans do not understand what they are doing about allowing this to happen. Generation to generation of black people had been trained or encouraged to hate white folks, and these kids are growing up without good parents in their homes and they’re angry about that.

  And they are taking it out on white folks because they had been told that it is white racism that is holding them back and it is absolutely not true.

  But it is out of control.

  In my speeches that I give around the country, I encourage white people to get over that fear.

  When I asked white people if they are afraid of being called racist when it come to dealing with black people, most of the people in the audience raise their hands, and say ‘yes, they are afraid.’

  They gotta get past that. Otherwise we are headed for something in this country that we do not want to deal with between the races.1


  James Harris is a radio talk show host out of Tucson. In this interview on WTMJ in Milwaukee, he told a television audience his views of the racial violence problem in America in response to a black mob that looted a convenience store then beat up ten to fifteen white people at a nearby Fourth of July party.

  This was not a color-blind crime. We have this epidemic of black teenage mob violence happening all over the country.

  It is from a perfect storm of entitlements, political correctness, and white guilt where people are afraid to identify who are doing the crimes and why they are doing it.

  (The Mayor and Police Chief) were more worried about being accused of racial profiling than the fact that black mobs were roaming down the streets hurting people.

  This was a PC response because it was black mob violence. You guys (fellow panelists) are in denial. … We have a real problem. A real sickness in the (black) community, that until we address it, it will continue to explode.

  Milwaukee and other major cities in this country are facing a crisis of mob violence this summer. And if the powers that be refuse to identify the problem, how can they expect to combat it?2


  Abdul Hakim-Shabazz was the host of “Abdul in the Mornings” and is a contributor to the Indiana Barrister. There is at least one voice in Indianapolis that is unafraid. Attorney Hakim-Shabazz is out of patience with people who have too much patience for black pathology:

  It’s time for some tough love in this town. There is a criminal element in this town that consists primarily of young black men. The recent attacks on the Monon; the perpetrators were young black men. The “Pop It Off Boys” gang; young black men. The most high ridden crime areas of the city, who are the bad guys? Say it with me, they are usually young black men.

  This may be painful, but the truth hurts… There is also something even more wrong when people will read this column and get mad at me and call me a “sellout” or an “Uncle Tom” because I was the guy who was brave enough to tell truth.

  Indianapolis, you have a problem. Your problem is young, black men who are out of control. It’s time to step up and start making examples out of people. Decent citizens black and white should not have to live in fear of urban terrorists. The elderly man who marched for civil rights in the 1950s and 60s should not have to live in fear because some Robin Hoodlum doesn’t know how to honor the social contract. Young people who are trying to do the right thing, shouldn’t have to live in fear because a bunch of cast extras from a Spike Lee film don’t know how to behave. And I shouldn’t have to write blog posts like this because young black men act like social predators and terrorize the very neighborhoods they live in.3


  Taleeb Starkes is the cowriter and co-executive producer of the documentary “Mothers of No Tomorrow,” a hard-hitting documentary about violence in America from the vantage point of mothers.

  During a 2009 speech commemorating Black History month, U.S Attorney General Eric Holder took America to task for its inability “to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us.”

  He professed, “in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards. We, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.”

  While other African-Americans applauded Attorney General Holder’s interpretation of national affairs, I found it extremely hypocritical to expect a national, interracial dialogue when we (African-Americans) refuse to dialogue or even acknowledge the destructive subculture residing within our race!

  Understandably, other races typically avoid calls such as yours for honest, interracial discourse because of the assured accusations of racism. Statistics, facts, evidence witness testimony will all be dismissed as “racist,” regardless of intent. As a result, no true dialogue can commence, especially when not-so-flattering facts (a.k.a., the truth) cannot be included into the discussion.

  Pertinent truths such as the disproportionate amounts of crime, murder and societal dysfunctional that is consistently perpetrated by an African-American subculture remains off-limits.

  Consequently, Mr. Holder, instead of dialogues, the African-American community seems to prefer monologues; that way, the conversation is one-dimensional and heavily regulated. In other words, we bury our garbage (the subculture) in our backyard and get upset when others complain about the smell.

  Instead of using the BLACK history month platform to chastise America, Attorney General Holder should have emphasized the cleaning of our backyard. Three years and thousands of bodies later, the highest cop in the country remains committed to the code of silence that is doing so much damage to the true story of what is happening in our neighborhoods.


  Mychal Massie is the former National Chairman of the conservative think tank, Project 21-The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives, a syndicated op-ed columnist, and author of the hard-hitting new site The Daily Rant.

  The solution is simple, but unpopular. We must stop explaining the problem away vis-à-vis blaming it on external sociologic problems. Every town, city, neighborhood, and corner bar knows who the trouble makers are. It is up to them to police themselves by immediately identifying the source to the police department. It is not white people going into those neighborhoods shooting, looting, raping, establishing drug cartels and gangs; it is those who live within those neighborhoods. It is up to those residing within same to make it known those elements are not welcome.

  Without expanding further, it is necessary for the people living in these areas to understand they cannot condemn law enforcement, whites, and those perceived to be better off on a daily basis and not have it define a person’s psyche. As I said, I’m not taking time to expand on these points, but they are ground zero for any attempt to change the culture of violence.

  There are lots of people speaking out, demanding we stop ignoring the culture of pathology and lawlessness that has done so much damage to so many people. More and more people are listening.



  Swing and a Miss!

  Writing about race brings out the best in some, the worst in others, and for the folks at Salon Magazine, it brings out the stupid. This of course is the outfit that issued the now infamous plea: “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.”1

  Salon’s take down of an earlier edition of White Girl Bleed a Lot was not quite as breathtaking as its Boston remarks, but close. Ready?


  In 2011 a group
of twenty to forty black people attacked a weird bicycle-like contraption that carries alcoholic drinks. Here comes the big take down:

  Flaherty says “a group of black people attacked a mobile alcoholic beverage cart in Minneapolis,” but there’s no such thing as “mobile alcoholic beverage carts” in Minneapolis. The thing attacked was a bunch of people on one of those stupid group bicycles with a beer keg.

  That’s it? A crowd of black people terrorize a group of people out for a good time on some crazy thing I had never heard of—but describe correctly nonetheless—and all Salon can say is that somehow I violated its guidelines for describing goofy alcoholic beverage carts? And they can’t even get that right?

  Harumff! I stand by my story.


  I wrote about twenty black people who beat up a white woman at a park. Salon commented:

  He also seems to intentionally elide the stated motive for the attack, which wasn’t anti-white animus but a missing pair of sunglasses.

  Note the word “seems.” (A word I never use.) Something happened and I confirmed it. Or I did not write it. There is no seems. I did not say the attack was anti-white. I describe the attackers as a mob of black people as part of a pattern of dozens of such attacks in Minneapolis. I don’t do the mob mind-reading trick, so I do not speak to motivation. But I do keep my eyes open and watch what happens. It is called reporting.

  Even folks like Bill O’Reilly will not report on racial violence because they say they cannot tell if it is racially motivated. Unless the rioters are carrying signs, issuing press releases, and creating videos with racist slogans, there is no story.

  That brings us to the essence of this book: There are so many episodes of black mob violence, so astronomically out of proportion, so often celebrated in popular black culture, that we no longer have to do the mob mind-reading trick. Something is happening, something peculiar to black people. And no one wants to talk about it, because people don’t know how. Here’s how: No generalizations. No stereotypes. And also, no apologies. I also don’t do causes or solutions. It’s above my pay grade.

  I’ve been writing about race for a while, including an investigative article that got a black man out of prison after I showed he was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend. NPR, the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune, and Court TV all reported how I made it happen. It was a big deal. I also wrote newspaper columns for the first black Chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

  If you keep your eyes open you will see stories from everywhere and anywhere, even Salon readers. Check out these comments about your humble correspondent in the Salon story from one of its readers, Esteban Moberley:

  I haven’t read the book, nor do I have any desire to. Right wing screed books are a dime a dozen.

  However, I live in Champaign, Illinois-home of the University of Illinois. For the past several years, we have had an onslaught of groups of young black men assaulting white men at random. They ambushed and beat students on the campus and people in their own yards. These victims were not typically robbed, just ambushed and beaten senseless.

  They beat up our weather man in one incident:





  It is important to note that none of the offenders that were caught were sentenced for hate crimes, and in one case a man received probation and was then arrested again for another racially motivated beating.

  Perhaps this sort of thing doesn’t happen everywhere, all the time, but it does actually happen, and I can’t believe my liberal college town of 100,000 is the only place this sort of thing is happening.

  I had not heard about these crimes. But once I started looking into it, I found a whole nest of racial violence, the news of which barely escaped that small college town of Champagne, Illinois. The thugs even gave the crime a name: Polar Bear Hunting. It’s also called the Knockout Game, see chapter 2.

  Thank you, Mr. Moberley.

  Others posted their own personal experiences with racial violence. Some apologized for noticing the race of their attackers. Salon readers then took it to another level. After the denial, then excuses, several readers said we deserved more racial violence. One reader conceded there was an “element of truth there.” But, “if they don’t want hordes of angry poor people rising up to slay them, perhaps they should stop promoting such unfair economic policies?”

  Another said:

  Obviously 50 years of food stamps and integrated schools hasn’t miraculously fixed the psychic damage black people incurred through hundreds of years where white people treated them worse than dogs, damage that reverberates through the generations as soundly as white Americans’ privilege continues through their bloodlines.

  My favorite was the poster who knew the real reason for the epidemic of racial violence was because a:

  country of racist thugs, initially stealing land from natives and other countries by whatever lethal means required, then gaining economic dominance over the rest of the world using any means necessary, no matter how brutal. Internally, racism was used to subjugate non-whites, and provided an effective “affirmative action” program for the ruling whites, especially the hillbillies and rednecks.

  Here’s another fun thing about reporting: if you pay attention, every once in a while you catch a liberal telling the truth.



  After looking at more than five hundred cases of black mob violence in more than ninety cities all over the country in the last three years, I have found that racial violence is far more widespread than I had ever imagined.

  As is the denial of it.

  But you do have to know how to find it.

  So let’s look at one case in more detail: How the press ignored it; how the police denied it; and how we figured out what really happened on August 5, 2012, when eight hundred black people were fighting, firing guns, destroying property, and “confronting” Delaware State Police at 2 a.m. Contrary to what a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch told one of my readers, you cannot just assume the crowd is black. No matter what part of town the riot takes place. In this case, the violence and mayhem took place in an office park complex in a usually quiet section of a suburb of Wilmington, Delaware. The local paper did not give us much to go on:

  When troopers arrived, they could hear the gunfire and were confronted by a large crowd of between 500 to 800 patrons who were attending a back-to-college party being held there in a warehouse facility.1

  Back to school? I had images of book bags and pencils. No one was arrested and no names were reported. Thus under the reporting standards so popular in places like Riverhead, it never existed. All this happened two weeks after a Presbyterian minister was attacked by a mob of black people in Wilmington.

  First stop, the police. I called and emailed: “What happened? Was this a case of black mob violence?”

  No reply. I get that a lot. It is a red flag. But red flags are not proof.

  I posted comments asking if anyone knew anything both at the website where the news story was posted and on Craigslist. Sometimes it works. This time, nothing.

  I had a radio show coming up and the liberal morning host had been talking trash about my book. He had not read it, but he did not believe there was an epidemic of racial violence in America. He scorned anyone who disagreed. A WND.com reader said it best: People who deny racial violence when confronted with overwhelming evidence of it “are suffering from infantile omnipotence. If it didn’t happen to them, it just didn’t happen.”

  There seems to be a lot of that going around.

p; One way or another, I wanted to nail this story. If eight hundred Italian or Asian or American Indian or Eskimo people were rioting, shooting guns, destroying property, and confronting police, that would have been a “man bites dog” story. So I contacted the police again with a wave of e-mails and phone calls. Finally I received a reply saying that no one took any notice of the “racial or ethnic background” of the eight hundred people creating all the mayhem.

  Fair enough. Was there a police report? “No.”

  No surprise there. As far as police were concerned, eight hundred people on the streets firing guns, destroying property, and fighting never happened.

  The newspapers did have an address: 200 Lisa Drive. Google Earth had a picture of the front of the building, but there was no name. I ran that through several data bases and came up with a Pentecostal Church. Bingo! I thought. A church party that got out of hand. But that was a false alarm. The church had come and gone several years before.

  I placed some calls to the high-end commercial real estate firm representing the property, but they went unanswered. After much online searching, I finally hit it on a Facebook page for FamEntertainment, a party company. I found hundreds of photos—replete with gang signs and obscene gestures—and details of that party and others.2

  The dull warehouse at 200 Lisa Drive was transformed into a professionally produced party with lots of lights and cool props promoted by and for black people.3 The same people had the same kind of party one year before at the same place with the same result: fighting, property damage, shooting, and a big police response.4

  I tried to track down the promoters and many of the party-goers. Nothing.

  As to the “back to school” angle, the party company sent buses to several black colleges within fifty miles. They told the partygoers to behave properly or they will get kicked out of the warehouse and not invited back. “No Drama Tonight If you getting saucyy, Make sure you act right,” said @Amazing_Fey.


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