Fire and Temptation

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Fire and Temptation Page 9

by Melanie Shawn

  It hadn’t been a hardship. The two men had talked almost nonstop. There hadn’t been a moment of peace on the way up the mountain.

  Still, he knew that he wasn’t doing himself any favors by spending one-on-one time with her. The more time he spent around her, the more mannerisms and characteristics there were that were permanently imprinted on his brain. Like how her lips twitched in the most adorable way when she was concentrating. Or how she would blow out an audible breath when she was frustrated. And how perfect her rounded ass looked when she was climbing over a large tree trunk.

  That vision was tattooed on his soul.

  Beside him, he noticed Shayne struggling with her footing.

  “We can take a break if you want,” Evan suggested to Shayne for the third time as they slowly made their way down the mountain.

  She inhaled through her nose and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, there was only resolve in her vibrant stare. Her jaw clenched with determination as she shifted the strap of her backpack up higher on her shoulder.

  “I’m fine.”

  With her directive clear, they continued on.

  He’d never been more thankful for his twenty-twenty peripheral vision. Keeping an eye on Shayne had become essential for her safety since she wasn’t familiar with this path. But in doing so, Evan had discovered something. The moment she became aware that anyone was watching her, she instantly put a mask on that hid any discomfort she might be in. It happened so seamlessly that he’d had to test his theory several times before he was sure that he was correct.

  After alternating between blatantly looking her direction and covertly studying her, he’d concluded that she was struggling. Not that she’d complained. She’d barely said a dozen words total since they’d embarked on the hike and half of those were to tell him that she was fine. That’s what she was saying, but other signals were telling a different story.

  Her breathing was labored, her skin ruddy from exertion, and the strain of the pack was evident by her posture and form. Despite all of that, he could see in her constitution that she was going to go the distance and she wasn’t about to complain about it.

  She was tough. She was strong. She was determined.

  They continued on, silently, until coming to a portion of the hike that was much more precarious than Evan was comfortable with. The incline was steep, the trail was narrow, and there was a twenty-foot drop off on their immediate left. That would’ve been difficult enough, but there was also a boulder sitting directly in their path.


  “Hang on.” Evan stopped and assessed the area.

  Going back up the way they came would only give them the option of taking the path that Kyle and Rob had taken, which he knew had several steep drop-offs itself. He calculated the risks and made the decision. This roadblock was unexpected and he didn’t like it, but it was possible to navigate safely.

  After tugging a branch that was hanging low to test its strength, he held it for stability as he carefully rounded the large barrier. When he was safely on the other side he found himself holding his breath as he waited for Shayne to do the same. Following his lead, she reached up and grabbed onto the same branch that he had and expertly navigated around the massive formation.

  When she made it around and was standing in front of him, her lips pulled up in a smile so big, so warm, so bright that it heated him like the sun as she proudly exclaimed, “I did it!”

  His entire body exhaled in relief and that’s when he heard it.

  A loud snap.

  Her eyes grew wide as she gasped in fear and lost her footing.

  Although he knew it was impossible, he felt as if his heart stopped beating, his lungs stopped working, and his world stopped spinning.

  Instinctively he leaned forward and wrapped his arm around Shayne’s waist. The momentum of reaching out to grab her caused his feet to slide out from beneath him. Knowing that he was going down and taking her with him, he did the only thing he could think of in that moment.

  His muscles burned as he used all of his strength and pulled her on top of him as he tightened his abs and threw all of his weight away from the drop-off. His eyes shut as he prepared himself for the pain of impact as he slammed onto the ground.

  Air was forced from his lungs as they landed with a thud on the hard weight of his backpack. The entire ordeal was over in a matter of seconds but while it was happening it seemed like much longer.

  He cringed at the pain that shot through his spine as he forced his eyes open. At the same time that he felt the weight of her body, he saw that she was on top of him and relief washed over him.

  Shayne’s eyes were squeezed shut and she was gripping his chest like a cat hanging onto a screen door.

  “Are you okay?” His voice was low and gruff.

  He watched as her inky eyelashes fluttered open. When their eyes met, his heart started beating again. He inhaled, and his world was once more on its axis.

  “I think so,” she panted, desperately trying to catch her breath.

  He could see that the force of the fall had knocked the wind out of her.

  “Breathe. Slow, deep breaths,” he instructed. He inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth so that she could imitate his action. The heat of her sweet breath fanned across his face, and he was sure that his was doing the same to her.

  As they stared at one another, their breathing in sync, he became aware of the way that her body melted into him. Yes, there were several layers of clothing between them, but he could feel her curves. He noticed the way her slender frame fit perfectly in his arms. In particular, his attention was drawn to the way her hips were lined up against his like a puzzle piece. These discoveries caused all of his blood to travel south. He felt himself begin to swell under the arousing pressure of her hips.

  At the same moment that his pants were growing tighter, the aqua blue pools of her stare flared with something that he’d seen in other women. Especially women that he’d rescued. It was the “hero glint.” That was not a role that he was comfortable with. When women got that look, he ran the other direction.

  Not wanting to see that look in her eyes, he blinked and looked away, breaking the bubble that managed to form around them. Their connection was so real, so intense, that it took every ounce of self-discipline not to act on it.

  He reminded himself of the reasons that this was a bad idea.

  She was too young. She was in recovery. She made him do things, feel things, and forget things that he shouldn’t.

  Acting on his desires, on his urges, on his impulses was wrong, so why in the hell did it feel like it would be so right?

  Frustration and uncertainty battled with his arousal as he held her tightly. And he hated it. He was used to being completely in control, and he had no control over any of the feelings that she was inspiring in him.

  Perhaps sensing the shift in his energy or just wanting to get the hell off of him, she flattened her palms and pushed herself up.

  “Wait,” he spoke gruffly as his arm tightened around her.

  At his command, her entire body stilled. His internal battle was still waging and he just wasn’t ready for her to be out of his arms yet. Her eyes shot up to his and what he saw in them was a mirrored reflection of what he was feeling.

  Uncertainty. Desire. Confusion. Need.

  With her lips just inches away from his, the temptation to lean forward and kiss her was so great, it almost won. But as he started to lift his head, moving it closer, he stopped himself.

  If he did this, then what? He had no plan. No answers. Giving into this would only cause more uncertainty and confusion. And more than likely more desire and need.

  This was exactly the kind of bad decisions he’d been worried about making.

  Using every bit of strength he could muster, both physical and emotional, he rolled slightly to his right, pushed off of his elbow, and stood, taking her with him. As soon as he was solidly on his feet, he carefully set her dow
n. Slowly. Deliberately. The motion caused her entire body to slide against his, and he felt himself stiffening to the point of pain. It was inappropriate, and at the same time, he couldn’t blame himself. All of his reactions to her were involuntary. Still, he hoped she hadn’t noticed them.

  When he was sure that she had her footing, he gently released his hold on her. She licked her lips and tilted her head back. She was still breathless, but now her breaths were heavier. And her cheeks were flushed with a pink tint, but this time he didn’t think the dangers of the mountain were the cause. He was pretty sure it was the danger of whatever was transpiring between them.

  Her baby blues gazed up at him beneath dark lashes, and he saw that she was trying to figure out what had just passed between them.

  Join the club.

  After several moments of searching his stare, she took a tiny step back, straightened her shoulders and cleared her throat before speaking in a formal tone, “Thank you.”

  He sensed a distance between them that he’d never felt before. The connection that they had was broken. Even if it was for the best, he didn’t like it.

  Not knowing what else to do, he teased, “If you wanted to take a break, all you had to do was ask.”

  His comment must’ve caught her by surprise, or she still had pent up nerves from what had just happened because he knew it wasn’t that clever or funny, but her head fell back and she laughed. The sound was melodic, light, and tinkling. It reminded him of the wind chimes that hung outside his window growing up.

  The last thing he needed was for there to be one more amazing thing about her. Her laughter was familiar and sweet. It was also contagious and he felt himself grinning from ear to ear.

  “You ready?” he asked, as his smile remained firmly in place.

  She stared up at him and nodded, and he could see that the walls she’d put up had disappeared. The connection was back. And even though it shouldn’t have, it made him smile even wider.

  Chapter 10


  Shayne’s heart was still pounding like it was trapped in her chest, banging to get out as she and Evan reached the base of the mountain. She was shaky, unsteady, and all she wanted to do was throw herself back into Evan’s arms.

  She understood that the physiological reaction she was having was adrenaline that was still racing through her. She could rationalize and accept that. Her emotional response was just as easily explained but not quite as easy for her to admit. She’d gone into full hero-worship mode. Evan had saved her and she was doing everything she could not to swoon.

  It was odd since the last thing she ever wanted to be was a damsel in distress. She was all independent woman, all the time. She’d learned the hard way that the only way to survive was to depend on herself. She never had and never would need anyone.

  Yet, despite her aversion to ever playing Jane to anyone’s Tarzan, she had to admit the experience was not without its charms.

  Her limbs hadn’t stopped trembling since Evan had pulled her on top of him. She knew it had to be attributed to what she was mentally referring to as her hormonal Triple-A: Adrenaline. Attraction. Arousal. It was a potent combination.

  Evan Bishop had her mind and body spinning like an Olympic figure skater going for the gold, and she wasn’t sure where the toe pick was or how to use it. No one had ever put her so off balance. He was, in a word, overwhelming in the most delicious way.

  The entire hike had been a test of her willpower. Partly because of the topography. But the most significant challenge she’d faced on the mountain was the temptation to flirt with Evan, to brush up against him just to feel his sculpted muscles, and to blurt out the way he made her feel when he looked at her. When the group had been a foursome, it was easier to avoid her inappropriate impulses, but once Kyle and Rob had continued on without them, it had been nearly impossible to ignore.

  She’d thought that was as difficult as it could get but then their fall happened. Once she felt his body beneath hers, all bets were off.

  After being on the receiving end of his bionic reflexes, her entire body had instinctively melted into his solid strength. When Evan held her in his arms, the feeling of their bodies pressed together was the most confusing combination of safety and danger. Safety because she inherently knew that he’d do anything to protect her physically. Dangerous, because she inherently knew that he could easily destroy her emotionally.

  And the worst part was, she had no clue what he was feeling. Every time she thought she had a read on him, he would completely change directions.

  When she was on top of him, she was sure that he was going to kiss her. But instead, a curtain lowered over his eyes, his nostrils flared, and he looked away, breaking their connection and making him feel like a total stranger to her.

  When she’d stepped away from him and thanked him for saving her, she’d expected him to gloss over the event and go on as if nothing had transpired between them, but instead, he reignited the spark between them by making a smartass remark.

  She was sure that the ice had officially been cracked between them and she’d assumed that they would talk the rest of the way down the mountain. Instead it had been radio silence. Now the hike was over, and she still had no idea what, if anything, was happening between them.

  The sun was rising in the sky as they stepped out from the vast, pined forest into the clearing where Ruby had dropped her off. It was deserted. There was no sign of Kyle, Rob, or their SUV. The only vehicle there was a small, lone car parked at the far end. She hadn’t noticed it when she’d arrived and assumed that it must belong to other hikers.

  “Was Kyle supposed to give you a ride?” she asked, making small talk since she wasn’t sure what else to do.


  Evan’s deep voice vibrated through her. It set off her memories of how she’d felt the low vibrato through the layers of clothing that had separated them when she’d lain plastered on top of him. The sensation had reverberated through her from head to toe. The epicenter had been where their chests were crushed together and it spread like wildfire, covering her entire body from the inside out. She blushed at the memory.

  Hoping that he didn’t notice the flush that rose on her cheeks, she pulled out her phone and prayed that she’d have reception.

  She didn’t.

  “Shoot,” she murmured under her breath.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Do you need a ride?” he asked.

  “No. That’s okay.” She’d just hiked for miles up and down a steep mountainside, she could walk down a paved road to find reception. Keeping her phone in her hand, she shifted toward Evan. “Thanks again. For everything.”

  He remained silent.

  This man was as frustrating as he was enticing.

  At a loss for what else to say or do, she waved as she sighed, “Okay, well…see ya later.”

  “Where are you going?” He asked before she’d taken two steps away from him.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “I don’t have reception here.”

  He mumbled something that she couldn’t make out as he walked past her to the tiny car at the far end of the clearing and opened the passenger side door.

  Her brow furrowed as she stared at him. He was apparently insisting that he give her a ride, but he didn’t look happy about it. Once again, she couldn’t get a read on him.

  “It’s a rental,” he practically growled.

  That wasn’t the question she’d been pondering, but it did make sense. “Oh. Okay.”

  “Let me give you a ride.”

  She had the feeling he was telling her more than asking, which usually wouldn’t sit well with her, but for some reason with Evan, she didn’t mind.

  “Okay,” she agreed readily as she walked toward him.

  The thought of spending more time with this enigma of a man was one that she was not about to pass up. Plus, she had zero desire to walk on her noodle legs in search of a signal.

nbsp; Before she got in the car, she slipped the weighted backpack off her shoulders and moaned at the blissful relief. Evan, who was still standing beside the passenger door, took the pack from her before waiting for her to get in and then shutting the door. He then went to the back and placed both of their packs in the trunk.

  Opening and shutting the door for her, and storing her backpack, were innocuous gestures in and of themselves. But with her brain in hero mode they seemed as chivalrous as him riding up on a horse to slay a dragon. She was being ridiculous. She knew that, yet still, her insides were mush.

  She was beginning to wonder if this is what everyone went through when they were attracted to someone. If so, when did it go away? How did they get it out of their systems?

  Her questions remained unanswered as Evan joined her in the car. On the hike, he’d been the epitome of agility. Which was an odd thing to say about a man of his size. But watching him squeeze into the front seat was anything but graceful.

  When he finally shut the door and managed to get his seatbelt on, she noticed that his head brushed the roof, his thighs touched the steering wheel, his left shoulder was pressed up against the driver’s side window, and his right arm spilled over the console. He reminded her of Clifford the Big Red Dog when he’d tried to fit into an average-sized dog house.

  Her lips turned up at the comic sight. But very quickly that amusement evaporated when he looked over his shoulder to pull out onto the road, and she caught a glimpse of his neck. Specifically, a sexy muscle that ran up his neck. The urge to lean forward and press her lips to it before running her tongue along it was so intense she whipped her head forward and pressed back into the seat.


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