Free Trade Doesn't Work

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Free Trade Doesn't Work Page 36

by Ian Fletcher

  Gomory, Ralph, “Shipping American Jobs Overseas: A Hearing on the Bush Administration’s Claim That Outsourcing is Good for the U.S. Economy,” Senate Democratic Policy Committee Hearing, March 5, 2004.

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  Hausmann, Ricardo, Jason Hwang, and Dani Rodrik, “What You Export Matters,” Journal of Economic Growth, March 2007.

  Haveman, Jon, Nair, Usha, and Jerry Thursby, “The Effects of Protection on the Pattern of Trade: A Disaggregated Analysis” in Demetri Kantarelis, ed. Business and Economics for the 21st Century. Worcester, MA: Business & Economics Society International, 1998.

  Hertel, Thomas, David Hummels, Maros Ivanic and Roman Keeney, “How Confident Can We Be in CGE-Based Assessments of Free Trade Agreements?” Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University, May 2003.

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  Levinsohn, Jim and Wendy Petropoulos, “Creative Destruction or Just Plain Destruction? The U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries since 1972,” National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2001.

  Linden, Greg, Kenneth L. Kraemer, and Jason Dedrick, “Who Captures Value in a Global Innovation System? The Case of Apple’s iPod,” Personal Computing Industry Center, University of California at Irvine, June 2007.

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  Mankiw, N. Gregory and Phillip Swagel, “The Politics and Economics of Offshore Outsourcing,” Harvard University and American Enterprise Institute, April 2006.

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  Mastel, Greg, Andrew Szamosszegi, John Magnus and Lawrence Chimerine, “Enforcing the Rules: Strong Trade Laws as the Foundation of a Sound American Trade Policy,” Alliance for American Manufacturing, May 2007.

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  Meardon, Stephen. “A Tale of Two Tariff Commissions and One Dubious ‘Globalization Backlash’,” Inter-American Development Bank, November 2002.

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  Morici, Peter and Evan Schultz, “Labor Standards in the Global Trading System,” Economic Strategy Institute, 2001.

  Morin, Richard and Scott Keeter, “The Complicated Politics of Free Trade,” Pew Center for the People and the Press, January 4, 2007.

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  Rodrik, Dani and Ricardo Hausmann, “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as Predicament,” John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, September 2006.

  Rodrik, Dani and Ricardo Hausmann, “Economic Development as Self-Discovery,” John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April 2003.

  Rodrik, Dani and Arvind Panagariya, “Political Economy Arguments for a Uniform Tariff,” International Economic Review, August 1993.

  Rodrik, Dani and Francisco Rodriguez, “Trade Policy and Economic Growth: a Skeptic’s Guide to the Cross-National Evidence,” John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, May 2000.

  Rodrik, Dani, “Taking Trade Policy Seriously: Export Subsidization as a Case Study in Policy Effectiveness,” in A. Deardorff, J. Levinson, and R. Stern, eds. New Directions in Trade Theory. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1995.

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  Sachs, Jeffrey and Andrew Warner, “The Curse of Natural Resources,” European Economic Review, May 2001.

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