Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 98

by William J. Carty, Jr


  Lopez heard a commotion behind him and turned to see a one man air car hovering a few hundred feet away. Lopez turned to fire on the air car.

  “Attention on Trenaport F and P this is Air Patrol 8 I have the shooter on the roof of a hangar.” A voice called, “Request weapons free?”

  “This is the port police chief,” a new voice came on the air, “AP 8 Lady Wilson is the target. If you can take a shot without harming her do it.”

  “Where is she?” the Pilot called, “I see the shooter shooting. He’s about to take a shot at me. No he’s turned away from me and is taking a shot at a brown car. Near the hangar.”

  “That’s her car!” The police chief called, and another voice overlapped part of the transmission, “This is Healer’s detail, we are in the brown car on the curb. There is a red car next to us. We are down below the windows.”

  “AP 8 going to guns!” the pilot put a laser target and range finder on the shooter on the roof of the hanger made sure that only the shooter was in his sites, and called, “Firing guns!” He walked a short burst of laser fire into the roof of the hanger cutting the shooter in half. “Shooter down! Shooter is down! AP 8 shows no other hostiles on the roofs.

  “Roger shooter down!” the police chief called as an armored ambulance made entry onto the street where Lisa and Georgia cowered in their car.

  It continued up the road until it nudged the bumper of the red car and pushed it aside putting a serious piece of heavy metal between where the shooter was and where Lisa and Georgia were cowering. The side door of the ambulance open and two heavily armed and armored officers yanked the door to the sedan open and pulled Lisa then Georgia to safety.

  Between Air Patrol 8 taking the shooter down and Lisa being pulled to safety had taken only five minutes.

  The ambulance backed away from the red sedan, maneuvered around it and then roared to the flight line where there was a waiting landing craft. It was waiting light on its landing gear to take them out of the area. Unbeknown to Georgia, Mac, the head of the palace detail, had put both an armored ambulance and a landing craft on strip alert at the port just in case something like this might happen.

  “Lady Wilson,” One of the cops called to her, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes!” She called back, pushing her way through the assembled medics who were working on Georgia.

  “Damn it!” the young protective agent yelled, “Leave me the fuck alone! I’m okay! I’m okay! Make sure Healer’s okay!”

  “What’s all this fuss,” Lisa asked letting Georgia see her. She took a bandage cutter out of a medics pouch and began cutting the young woman’s shirt away from her arm, “You!” she put a finger in a medics chest, “Hang a unit of blood,” She consulted her implant where she had the medical information on her family and the staff of the residence. “O neg! Someone, tell this bus driver I want us en route to the Evac hospital stat.”

  “You’re the boss,” the medic said getting the blood, and conveying Lisa’s instructions to the pilot of the landing craft.

  “Did we get the cameras?” Georgia asked as Lisa began to see how much damage the shooting had caused her young protective detail agent. It wasn’t much the laser had cut through the muscle of her arm, blowing a chunk of it away. There wasn’t much blood; but she wanted to make sure that if there were any internal bleeding that it was covered. The bone hadn’t been harmed.

  “You don’t worry about the cameras!” Lisa said sharper than she intended.

  “We got the cameras!” one of the cops said, “You had a death grip on them Miss.”

  “Good,” Georgia replied feeling as if her arm had been blown away. She was in a lot of pain.

  Lisa saw the pain that the young woman was experiencing and gently placed her hands on either side of the wound. She visualized the anatomy of Georgia’s arm, zeroing in on the nerves around the injury. She concentrated on the function of the nerves and then the transmitters of the nerves convincing them that they didn’t feel pain. The effect was almost immediate Georgia’s pain started to ease.

  “That’s one hell of a pain killer you gave me Lisa,” Georgia said, feeling the pain go away in her arm. Lisa knew she couldn’t do this for much longer. It took too much energy on her part to do what she was doing. The medic was watching Lisa, he had heard of people like her, mostly specially designed clones. He was watching Lisa critically not knowing what to do.

  “Medic,” Lisa said trying not to break her concentration, “Give Georgia a local. Right here.” she indicated with her right little finger. “Then here also.”

  “This okay?” the medic showed her what he was going to give Georgia.

  “Half CC just about my little fingers on both hands.” Lisa said. The medic administered the dose and after Lisa felt it begin to work she withdrew her hands. She put a bandage on the wound and collapsed onto the medic as they landed at the Evac hospital.

  “Are you okay?” the medic asked. While he didn’t expect her to collapse; he hadn’t expected her to be helping her agent as she had.

  “Yeah,” Lisa said exhausted, the combination of spending several hours roaming the embarkation center, and the emotional drain of helping Georgia were taking its toll. She felt the ambulance move off the landing craft. Soon they were backing into the triage ward of the evacuation hospital.

  When the doors opened they got Georgia out in a hurry, followed by Lisa the medic helped Lisa into the triage ward. Both women were quickly in processed. The duty stuff quickly checked them out and released them. Georgia was given a dose of quick heal, and told to see her family doctor in the next day or so. By the time that the medics were done with them, Marshal Wilson had arrived at the hospital.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Lisa.

  “Yes,” Lisa said, “Georgia did her job. She got me to safety.”

  “Where is she?” Michael asked.

  “Here Sir Mike,” Georgia said standing slightly behind Lisa. Her arm was in a sling. She looked ashen and a little roughed up.

  “Georgia,” he looked to the younger woman, “Thank you. If there is anything you need let me know and I’ll make it happen.”

  “Getting back to duty as soon as I can and being allowed to work with your lady. She is one special lady,” Georgia said.

  “You don’t have to tell me,” Michael replied nodding.

  “Georgia,” Mac injected, “You’re on injury leave for a couple of days, but they’ll want you at the palace for debriefing. Oh they got him if you hadn’t heard.”

  “No I hadn’t,” Georgia replied. “I knew that one of the air units opened fire and that he reported shooter down; but not that he was killed.”

  Lisa winced but knew the reality of Georgia and Mac business. “Georgia, when you feel up to it stop by we’ll go over the photos we took today and see what we can do with them.”

  “Okay Lady Wilson,” Georgia replied. She was curious to see the photos they had taken.

  “Sir the press would like a statement.” Pete Voinic PIO had made the trip to the Evac hospital with him.

  “They are going to want something more than just Lisa’s status.” Mike commented “Lisa, Georgia, this way please?”

  They walked to where the security unit for the hospital was holding the press at bay. The Marine Black Guardsmen had their hands full. They were pushing at the guardsmen. Any other unit would be losing their cool, but not the Black Guard. One of the reasons they were used by the IRS was because of their legendary control.

  “Lord Wilson!” one of the reporters asked, “is your wife okay?”

  “Lady Wilson!” another yelled, “what happened!”

  “Settle down!” Pete Voinic called, “The Marshal has a short statement, but will not take any questions at this time. Marshal Wilson?”

  “Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen,” Wilson spoke, “I would like to thank the Royal Protective service, the Trenaport Mounted Patrol, the Space Port Police, the Imperial Interstellar Rescue Service, and othe
r agencies who ensured that the two beautiful ladies at my side are able to be with me. In particular to Georgia Lancaster, Lady Wilson’s principle agent, risked her life so that my wife can be here with me this afternoon. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to take my lady home and give her a chance to decompress. Like any incident like this, it is charged with emotion and stress it takes its toll on the soul. Both these ladies need time to get past what they have experienced today. Good afternoon.”

  With that he walked with Lisa and Georgia to the LC 4 Space and Air Executive Mission landing craft that had brought him to the hospital and would take them to the palace. At the palace when Lisa arrived at the residence Jill was waiting with Maggie and the Queen. Lisa saw Abby and picked her up hugging her fiercely. She hugged Jill also. She didn’t quite ignore the others but it was obvious where her mind was. She wanted to be with her family. It wasn’t lost on the Queen that Lisa held Mike’s hand all the way into the house.

  “Lady Wilson,” Maggie said, “Do you want me to bring you anything?”

  “No I’ll be alright.” Lisa said and seeing the concerned look on everyone’s face said, “Guys, I know you are concerned, but I need some space. I am going to lay down a while and try to get my head straight a bit.”

  “Okay Mom,” Jill said, “we’ll let you alone. Come on Abby let’s go help Maggie make dinner.”

  “Come on kids,” Maggie called and Lisa nodded to her step daughter. They went into the kitchen while her father escorted Lisa to their room. When he came into the kitchen to check things Jill asked, “Dad can I speak with you in the dining room?”

  “Huh huh,” He said carefully, suspecting what she wanted to talk to him about.

  “I heard they got the guy dad,” Jill stated once they were in the dining room.

  “Yeah one of the air units got him.” Mike replied.

  “Dad when are you going to get this bitch,” Jill roared, she was upset and needed to vent. Her father was the closest one she could get away with venting at.

  “Settle Down!” Mike snapped. His patience was pulled if not to the breaking point it was getting close. “We’re doing the best we can. I’ve got enough people on it that we should be able to get the job done! I am already talking with the port police trying to find out how this guy got through the system.”

  “We almost lost mom today!” Jill snapped.

  “Don’t you think I know that?” Mike snapped back. He counted to ten and said, “Jill we can’t do this. I know you are upset, so am I. But we can’t roar at each other! Lisa would kill us both.”

  “She would at that!” Jill calmed down a bit. “She would at that. What does Kellogg say?”

  “Not much,” Mike said, “He’s on top of it; but not even the ex-closer community can find this beast.”

  “Dad is there anything, I can do?” Jill asked.

  “Yes,” her father said, “Keep cool. I know you are upset. But yelling at me doesn’t help the situation. We are doing everything we can do. Kellogg knew the shooter; but because we took him out we can’t talk with him. Right now I need you to be cool and help keep the others calm. We have to get through this. We have to set the example. The cooler we are the better everyone else will be. Besides we don’t want Lisa to kill us!”

  “No we don’t. And she would!” Jill said, “Sorry dad. But I was so worried!”

  “Mike?” the Queen came in the dining room, “How is she?”

  “Shaken up a bit,” Mike said, “A little pissed. She is concerned about Georgia.”

  “I talked to Mac,” The Queen said, “He said she did it by the numbers. She wouldn’t have seen that assassin at any rate.”

  “Yes I read Mac’s, and Kellogg’s report. They both said she couldn’t have stopped the attempt. But they both say that her instincts were right on. She got them both into the car and under cover. She even managed to return a couple of shots. I am very pleased with her response.” Mike said.

  “She’s very good isn’t she,” The Queen asked.

  “Very,” Mike agreed, “She is one of the most professional protective agents I have worked with. I think I’ll wander by her place tonight.”

  “She would like that,” the Queen replied, “She feels that she didn’t do her job.”

  “You work fast Aggie!” Jill said, “I mean they’ve been home only a little while and you’ve already talked to Georgia."

  Aggie shrugged. Mike chuckled.

  “Marshal,” Maggie came in holding a plate of sandwiches, “Would you want to take this to Lady Wilson?”

  “Yes,” Mike said and took the plate and left the dining room.

  “Are you okay Miss Wilson?” Maggie asked. “We heard you in the kitchen.”

  “Sorry Maggie,” Jill feeling a little embarrassed replied and saw the look on Aggie’s face, “Thank you both. Now how can I help you Maggie?”

  “Help Abby make some sandwiches.” Maggie said following the girl into the kitchen. Aggie followed them in and helped also.

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