Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 155

by William J. Carty, Jr


  “Jill,” Lady Hawthorne came into the library where Jill was researching her paper on government, “Just got word from Evac Command, Lamile is bringing the kids home.”

  “I thought it wouldn’t be until tomorrow.” Jill commented.

  “So did I,” Lady Hawthorne replied “Are you guys ready.”

  She had decided to let Jill manage and organize the reception of the children that Lamile was bringing in. She had reviewed the young woman’s plan. Delores was satisfied that Jill’s plan would work. Though she was surprised at who had done most of the planning.

  “We’re ready; Mitch and Gene have got things ready.” Jill answered. After the punishment detail she had worked with both kids to make sure they never walked tours again, and then turned them loose on getting things ready for when Lamile brought the kids she was escorting in. Mitch and Jill had worked with Sergeant Green and the IRS medics to set up a receiving operation to make sure that the kids were properly in processed. This would be the largest influx of kids they would get so far. Maybe the largest they would ever get. Jill wanted the operation to go perfectly.

  “Oh the Qqueen has asked that your honors platoon be at the palace by 1900. Sergeant Green has a bus ready for you.” Delores said.

  “How soon on Lamile,” Jill asked.

  “They should be landing in about half an hour.” Delores said.

  “Looks like I need to get busy,” Jill said closing up her books and standing up. She left the library and asked the School Mistress to get the reception team to the school’s landing pad. She also asked that the honors unit be turned out for a palace job. It would be the first time that they had ever gone to the palace as a unit.

  “Are we ready,” Jill asked seeing Gene and Mitch putting the finishing touches on the reception area as she walked onto the pad.

  “Almost Colonel,” Mitch said, “just waiting for the Medics to get in place.”

  Jill looked around and saw the medic team from the Recovery setting up their stuff. Nodding Jill turned to her cadets.

  “Okay cadets listen up!” Jill called, “the landing pad officer says we have three landing craft coming our way. tThey are loaded with about a thousand kids between them. When they come off the Elsies they will be a bit lost. Our job is to get them off the pad and to reception. There’s about a thousand of them so we have to be fast and efficient; but not cold. Remember they have been on the road for over a month and many of them have lost parents and are trying to avoid the authorities. So when they get off the landing craft, I want you to make them feel welcomed. They are part of us after all. Just be gentle and take your time. Major Atomi is with them, she is in charge of the detachment.”

  “We’re ready Jill,” Mitch said. She had most of the older cadets ready to go.

  “Okay Mitch,” Jill said as the first landing craft came in.

  It settled to the pad and began to unload. The kids came down out of the landing craft looking a bit lost and bewildered. Mitch went right to work forming them into two lines towards where her helpers were ready to take their names and ages. Jill was surprised that these kids appeared in better shape than what they had found the kids in, when she first came to the boarding school.

  to open it as the academy.

  “I want any brother and sister groups to come up to me.” Mitch called. “Just step out of line and come here.”

  Several of the kids stepped up to Mitch.

  “Okay,” Mitch called, “if you follow me, we’ll get you started.”

  A couple of adults were walking the line forming the smaller kids into a separate line to move them off the pad.also and they were there to help control the little guys. As they did Alan tried to stop them, “Who are you and where are you taking these little guys?”

  “I am Mrs. Jasper,” the older woman said, “We want to get the little guys to the cafeteria while we process them.”

  Alan was plainly upset. Jill was about to say something; but Mitch beat her to it.

  “Hello,” Mitch came up to Alan, “I am sSergeant Mitchum. iIs there something I need to know?”

  “Lamile is on the last transport and she wouldn’t be happy about separating out these guys.” Alan replied.

  “You are?” Mitch asked.

  “Alan Penrose,” the kid answered looking down a bit to the girl standing next to him. “Why?”

  “Alan we are trying to get you guys all sorted out.” Mitch said, “Major Atomi didn’t know what we were going to do here; but if you give me a second I’ll see if I can raise her.”

  “Okay,” the young man said.

  “Mr. Penrose I understand your concern,” Mitch replied taking out her com, “Wanderer this is Sergeant Mitch please respond.”

  “This is Wander,” the strange girl’s voice came from the communicator.

  “Wanderer I have an Alan Penrose with me, he wants to talk with you.” Mitch said handing the device to the young man.

  “What’s going on Alan? iIt’ll be several minutes before I will be down.” Jill heard Lamile’s voice on the device.

  “They are separating the little guys out of our group,” Alan replied.

  “It’s okay Alan! tThey won’t hurt them,” Lamile called, “I have promises that we’ll be okay.”

  “Are you sure,” the young man asked.

  “Is there a blond nearby that goes by the name of Jill,” Lamile asked.

  “I am here Lam,” Jill spoke up.

  “Are you going to take care of my kids,” Lamile asked.

  “I am going to take care of all my kids. Lady Hawthorne and Dad will have my scalp if I don’t,” Jill answered.

  “Alan you can trust Jill and her people.” Lamile responded. “Sergeant Mitch, Alan is one of my lieutenants. Work with him.”

  “Aye-aye major!” Mitch responded, “Mr. Penrose if you will come this way I will show where the kids are going to be for a while.”

  Mitch escorted the young man and a group of kids, both little guys and brother and sisters to the mess halldining hall. As they entered the mess halldining hall and were seated Sergeant Lucas’ team made sure each kid had a cookie and a class of milk. That eased Alan’s fears a bit. “All we are trying to do Mr. Penrose is to make sure that they are taken care of.”

  “It’s Alan, sSergeant Mitch,” the boy said.

  “Alan,” Mitch said with a radiant smile, “It is Mitch. Let’s get back to your kids. We need to get back to the pad.”

  “Okay,” Alan followed the girl out of the dining mess hall; but not before taking a cookie himself.

  Things were in full swing on the landing pad. The cadets and the adults were segregating the children into age appropriate groups and walking them up to other adults and young people who were taking their names and getting them registered. All the older children ages 12 to 18 were being given a package about the corps of cadets and how to join them. As they left the name takers, several more cadets worked to form them in to squads and lead them to where Millie Green waited with several adults and cadets to get them outfitted in clean new clothes. Then re they took them to the dormitoriesy where they were told to get rid of their existing clothing. Many taking their first shower in months.

  Children who were sick or injured were escorted to academy medics. There the medics checked the kids over and treated them as needed. Between treating them, the kids who acted as medics on the Long March, discussed what they knew about the children who were sick.

  “I don’t know what I expected,” Lieutenant Carnaye told Lady Hawthorne as he and the others were was taking a breather waiting for the last landing craft to land. “bBut I certainly didn’t expect those kids to tell me what kids were sick and what they did to help them.”

  “It was mostly first aid stuff,” Lady Hawthorne replied. “They were not as dirty as I expected either. I don’t know if it was Lamile Atomi, or what; but those kids were in better shape than I would have expected.”

  “Yes,” the medic Milli
e commented as the last landing craft landed and the ramp open. A single thonian female was seen at the top of the ramp. As Lamile began to walk down the ramp, the kids who were still being processed began to clap and cheer. Soon the cadets helpingworking the kids joined in as did the adults. Jill let it go on as she walked up to her friend and hugged her fiercely.

  “You ever scare me like that again I will kick your butt!” Jill spoke to her best friend.

  “Not a problem,” she held her friend at arm’s length to look at her, “I am so glad to see you! You don’t know how much your message meant to me! I was so worried about Carlin.”

  “He’s been worried about you too,” Jill replied, “you’ll see him soon.”

  Mitch came up and whispered in her ear. “You have that other detail colonel. I can finish up here.”

  “Okay Mitch,” Jill replied then turned to her friend, “Lamile we’ll catch up. This cadet commander stuff can be a royal pain. Since Mitch is needed more than I am here, I have to take the honors unit on a job.”

  “We’ll catch up,” Lamile responded then said, “Is there a place I can get cleaned up. Mom said something about needing to be at Serenity at 20in an hour.”

  “This way Lamile,” Lady Hawthorne called and took her young friend to change into clothes suitable for court.


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