Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 237

by William J. Carty, Jr


  One of the outside cadets reported seeing a big explosion in the sky. Shortly thereafter Jill’s father called to say that the emergency was over and that the Republican fleet had been destroyed. He didn’t think they would rescue to the point that there were almost no many survivors.

  “Oh, Lady Hawthorne,” Her father said, “We lost Jonesy. She was aboard the weapons barges. She took the weapons barge to the middle of the Republican Fleet and directed the fire from the Majestic onto herself. Oh that other issue, the traitor. He was on the barge fighting Jonesy. The same fire that killed Jonesy also destroyed theat AI we’ve been searching for.”

  Delores was silent as she digested the information. Jonesy, the Artificial IIntelligence who had ran the Boeing Space Works complex and had become was the Evacuation Command’s Chief Logistics officer, had been one of the officer’s that Delores worked the closest with. “She’ll be greatly missed.”

  “She will at that,” The marshal said. “We’re standing down. You can also.”

  “We’ll stand down,” Delores said. “School Mistress, get the word out.”

  “It’s going out now Major,” the school’s AI replied. The AI who had become friends with Jonesy as she tried to get things for her kids was not her usual upbeat self. “Major, okay if the flags go to half staff?”

  “Make it so School Mistress,” Jill commanded. She had, had frequent contact with the AI herself. She got up from the cot where one of Lady Hawthorne’s kids had curled up beside her. Most of the kids were asleep.

  “We’ll let the kids sleep here tonight,” Delores said, “Jill, make sure there’s a CQ here tonight.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Jill said and as she left the shelter, she saw Mitch standing a post with Jenny her principle agent outside. Jenny had a laser riffed draped casually over her shoulder, and Mitch had a pistol belt around her waist. “I think you can return that to Jenny, Mitch!”

  “Gladly,” Mitch said removing the belt and handing it to the agent. “Tom had to go off duty and Jenny needed someone to stand post with her. I got picked.”

  “Aunt Mylea is not to know of that,” Jill commanded wondering where the rest of the detail was.

  “We’re stretched,” Jenny answered her unasked question. “We’re actively patrolling the grounds.”

  “I see,” Jill remarked then turned to Mitch, remembering he last time they had armed Mitch and Lamile, her Aunt had almost taken her scalp over the issue, “Thank you for looking out after us.”

  “You’re welcomed,” Mitch replied.

  With that, Jill walked the grounds to see what her cadets had been up to and see how they were reacting to the alert and the stand down. She was pleased the way they had responded to the alert. They had practiced the alert a couple of times and had worked out some of the problems. As she walked the grounds Mitch walked with her, as did Jenny.

  “Major Atomi’s compliments,” Gene came up to them.

  “Go ahead Gene,” Jill replied returning the cadet’s salute.

  “Major Atomi reports, that the cadets are back in their dorms and the CQ watch has been mounted.” The boy reported, “Lieutenant Morgan is taking the CQ watch in the gym.”

  “Pass the word Gene,” Jill asked, “good work. Everyone did well.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Gene replied saluted and left.

  “He’s grown up bit hasn’t he,” Jenny commented, “But so have all of you.”

  The trio walked down to the amphitheater to see if there was anyone hanging out there. There was a burst of light and everyone looked to where it was and saw that McKay appeared to be on fire. As the fire died in intensity, School Mistress materialized beside them.

  “Your majesty, Major, there’s been reports of wide spread sabotage in the off world habitats. McKay’s primary settlement had a nuclear bomb detonated in it as did a couple of the bigger settlements in the space habitats. Only the orbital facilities around Trena were not impacted.”

  “My god,” Jill commented, “all those people! Was it part of the attack?”

  “Sarge at Fletcher thinks so,” School Mistress replied, “They think some Theocracy agents took the opportunity to strike.”

  “Look at that!” Mitch pointed to the port. iIt looked like it was on fire.

  “Dad is going to have his hands full,” Jill remarkedplied.

  “Sergeant Green, I want us secured and arm the cadets!” Delores commanded from where she sat in the shadows with sergeant Green, “Until things settle down I want us secured!”

  “Yes Ma’am,” the sergeant said watching as Jill principle agent handed Mitch back the a pistolpistol belt. “Sergeant Mitch you are to stay with Her Majesty.”

  “Aye Ma’am,” Mitch said as she buckled the pistol belt on.

  “Hey watch the insults,” Sergeant Green smiled, “a simple aye-aye sergeant will suffice. I work for my living! Jenny, Mitch, take care of her!”

  “We will Sergeant Green,” Jenny said wondering where Tom was.

  They watched as other fires erupted aroundin the capital. Jill became worried as one of the firesm seemed appeared to be close to where she knew Serenity. She tried to get through to her mother; but there was no answer at the palace. but secure communications to Serenity had failed. It was shut down to all in coming com traffic. Even using her emergency set up, the same one she had used when her mother had been kidnapped couldn’t get through to her family at Serenity. She wanted to know how they were. Finally near mid night the School Mistress put through a call to her from her mother.

  “We’re okay Jill,” she said, “we’ve been in the shelter with Aggie since the attack. We stayed there when the other stuff started. How are you?”

  “We’re okay,” Jill answered, “Everyone’s a little frightened. We’ve been watching the fires, especially the big one near the palace.”

  “They are getting them under control,” Lisa reported, “The Trojack Fire Fighters have been deployed to the palace and they have the fire near us almost under control. Your dad and General Qoum have been hunting these people down and have been taking care of business.”

  “We heard they might be Theocracy agents.” Jill remarked.

  “They are. They are working with some republican agents,” Lisa replied, “Chief Able is getting most of the fires under control. They fires were set supposed for be in support of the invasion. Many have set in so they were mostly in abandoned building. and stuff. Distractions to keep us busy so we couldn’t fight an invasion effectively.”

  “That figures,” Jill commented, “we’re safe here for the time being. I am going to stay here. Do you want to join us?”

  “No! We’ll be okay,” Lisa replied, “Your father doesn’t want us together until this is over. He wants you and Abby to be separated just in case. We don’t want to lose either of you. but So we need to make sure the succession is secured by keeping you and Abby apart!.”

  Jill didn’t like it much; but she understood. She said her goodbye and decided to take a walk around the facility. It had always felt odd to be shadowed by Jenny, now doubly so with MitchMitch, who was quietly shadowing her. It surprised her how easily Mitch seemed to take to the duties of being one of her protective agents.

  “Mitch,” Jill spoke to the girl, “I don’t want you to get too comfortable being my protective agent.”

  “Jill,” the dark haired girl replied, “If this is what my life’s work is to be; there are a lot of worse things I could be doing.”

  “And I thought you wanted to be chief of the Home Patrol!” Jenny quipped.

  “Eventually,” Mitch answered back as they once again were at the amphitheater. They looked across the bay to the capital and saw that many of the fires were out. A pall of smoke was hanging over the city. Jill shook her head wondering why now.

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