Kissing Santa, A Clover Park Novella (Clover Park, Book 4) Contemporary Romance (The Clover Park Series)

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Kissing Santa, A Clover Park Novella (Clover Park, Book 4) Contemporary Romance (The Clover Park Series) Page 7

by Kylie Gilmore

  He popped open the cap and took a long drink. He should call Elena and let her know he got the doll. He pulled out his cell and punched in her number.

  When she answered, he surprised even himself when he blurted, “The doc says I’m in love.”



  “Did you get Violet?”

  “Yes, I got the doll. Did you hear me?”

  “I heard you, but you’re not making any sense. The doctor said you’re in love. Are you seeing a shrink?”

  “No.” He blew out a breath. “I thought I had a heart condition, so I went for a physical. The doc says my heart’s fine and—”

  “You’re in love.”

  “I need advice. She wants nothing to do with me.” Then to butter her up, he added, “I’m asking you first.”

  “Hmph. You should always come to me first. Is it Samantha?”


  “She didn’t go for your romantic date? What’d you end up doing, anyway?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “How can I help you if you won’t tell me what you did wrong?”

  He started pacing. “I didn’t do anything wrong! I did everything the guys did in the movies!”




  He stopped pacing and blew out a breath. “She keeps harping on the fact that I’ve been with other women. Why does that even matter? I’m sure she’s been with other men. God, I hope so.”

  He shuddered. He didn’t want to break in a thirty-year-old virgin. Way too much pressure for a guy.

  “What exactly did she say?” Elena asked.

  He stared at the beer in his hand, thinking hard. “I dunno. Something about being part of my long list of conquests.”

  “Did you brag about other women?”

  “No! I know better than that. I mean we ran into Jolene, and there was that song about Jamie—”

  “All right, little bro, I got this. It’s simple. She wants to feel special.”

  “I told her she was special.”

  “That’s not enough. Okay, here’s what you gotta do.”

  Rico listened, feeling a little queasy, then quickly got off the phone. Was he really going to do this? Could he bear to go through with it?

  ~ ~ ~

  The next morning Rico showed up at Book It the moment they opened. He wanted to be the first one at the bookstore—in and out with no witnesses. The owner, Rachel Miller, who also co-owned Something’s Brewing Café with Shane, flipped the sign to open and let him in.

  “Good morning, Rico,” she said. “I haven’t seen you here before. Is there something I can help you find?”

  His eyes darted around the store. “Just browsing.”

  She gestured inside. “Enjoy.”

  He cruised up and down the aisles, scanning the labels on the shelves. History, Biography, Sports. No, no, no. He kept going. Kids section. He grabbed several picture books for his youngest niece and some adventure novels for the older nieces and nephews. It was a good cover for his real mission anyway. He kept going. Cookbooks, Hobbies, Mystery. And then he found it. The label for the large section was in purple script: Romance.

  The bell jingled on the front door, and he quickly moved back to the mystery section. He picked up a book and watched as an older woman approached. She went straight to romance and picked out a book. He glanced over. It was in the New Releases section. She went to the register. He snatched a copy of that same book and hid it behind the mystery in his hand.

  The books were becoming unwieldy. He needed a basket or something. He set the stack of books on the floor and pretended to be checking out the mysteries while he listened to Rachel chatting with her customer and ringing up the purchase. Finally the woman left.

  Rico took one of each on the New Releases shelf, bringing his total to a dozen romance books. Elena better know what she’s talking about, he thought grimly. He balanced the romances under one arm and bent to scoop up the stack of books he’d left on the floor.

  Crash! The books scattered everywhere.

  Rachel appeared in front of him and took in all the books, her eyes lingering on the romances. “Oh my.”

  “It’s for my sister!” he exclaimed.

  She bent down and started gathering books. “Sure, sure. No problem. She might like the latest from Lorelai White too.”

  “Okay, I’ll try that—I mean, take that one. It’s Christmas, after all.”

  She grinned.

  He avoided her eyes and quickly grabbed all the other books. He followed her to the register.

  “You really want all these other books or are they just a cover?” Rachel asked. She looked like she was trying not to laugh.

  Rico cringed. “I told you I’m Christmas shopping. I need everything.”

  The bell jingled again, and Barry, the guy who played elf to his Santa, walked in.

  “The picture books alone will run you a hundred bucks,” Rachel said.

  Barry stopped at Biographies.

  “Yes, yes, hurry!” Rico slapped his credit card on the counter.

  Rachel giggled and started ringing them up. Rico kept his back to Barry, who had moved to Personal Growth. Was Rachel going extra slow on purpose? Sweat broke out on his forehead. Barry was a loudmouth. He did not want this getting around Clover Park.

  He should’ve just bought this stuff online, but he wanted to get started on his research right away. He ducked down, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Hey, Rachel!” Barry called.

  “Hey, Barry,” Rachel said. “Can I help you find anything?”

  Suddenly Barry was at his side. “Hey, I know you! Santa, right?”

  Rico grimaced. There were still two books to go, both of which featured a bare-chested man about to kiss a woman who appeared close to orgasm. He had to distract him. He shifted, blocking Barry’s view. “Yup, that was me. Good to see you. How’s the fro-yo business?”

  “Wonderful! I just got a few new flavors for the holidays: candy cane, cinnamon swirl, and gingerbread.”

  Rico smiled tightly. “Great. That sounds great.”

  Barry peeked over his shoulder. “Ooh, Carnal Werewolf. That’s a good one.”

  Rico’s eyes widened.

  Barry shrugged. “My mom leaves them lying around.”

  He lived with his mother? He was in his thirties. And he openly admitted to reading these girly books?

  Rachel finally finished ringing him up and slid the books into a brown bag, a small smile playing on her lips.

  “It’s for my sister,” he insisted. He signed the credit card slip and bolted out of the store.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rico emptied the bag of books on the coffee table and stared at them. Was he really going to read romance novels? His sister was probably laughing her head off at the stupid advice she’d given him. His leg jiggled nervously. What was the big deal? It was just a book. He was alone. He’d already done the hard part, buying them. His leg jiggled again.

  He stood abruptly and got a drink of water. He could do this. Sure, he wasn’t much of a reader, except for the sports section of the paper, but Elena said it would make everything clear for him. He was confused. He really wanted to figure this thing out. Not just to sleep with Samantha, though he did want her in his bed. If he was in love, he wanted to be with that person. He wanted Samantha to think better of him. He wanted to be better.

  He finished his water in one long swallow, set the glass in the sink, and marched determinedly over to the table. He stuck the gift books back in the bag and lined up the romances across the table, unsure where to begin. A lot of half-naked men here. He got up and slid the deadbolt on his front door.

  He grabbed Blazing Embrace and began to read. Okay, no big deal. The guy was some billionaire industry tycoon. Must be nice. The woman was applying for a job as the new CFO. Hey, now, this woman was already hot for the guy. He kept going.

ree hours later, he wiped a tear from his eye, glad he was alone. It was so fucking beautiful at the end when they finally got together. He just knew Cole and Mia were gonna make it. A real happy-ever-after. He sniffled and picked up the next book in the pile, Highlander’s Mission. The guy wore a kilt. He had no idea how this one might help him. Ooh, it started out with a battle. Nice. He kept going.

  Three hours later, throat tight, he closed the book. He took a deep, satisfied breath. Roan and Brianna were perfect for each other. He grabbed a bag of chips and a beer and dove into Carnal Werewolf. He shifted uncomfortably as the opening scene began doggie-style. He couldn’t take much more of these sex scenes without some relief. Damn, it was hot in here. He went for a shower to take care of business before he got blue balls, and went right back to reading.

  By the end of the weekend, he felt calm, satisfied due to numerous showers, and confident he’d gleaned a key insight into the female psyche. Elena was brilliant. He finally understood what women wanted both physically and emotionally. The men took charge in the bedroom. He already did that, but he could up his game. They went down on the woman a lot. Well, duh, of course women liked that. He usually received that pleasure, but with Samantha he really wanted to give. They also talked a lot about emotions. He wasn’t so good at that. He could steal a line or two from the billionaire or maybe the laird. He flipped through the books and took some notes.

  Samantha hadn’t liked the moves he’d pulled from the movies, but this was different. This was gold. Like the keys to the kingdom—a clear vision of the female mind. There was no way she could resist someone that understood her as he now did.

  So at seven o’clock on Sunday night, he dressed in a shirt he left half unbuttoned to show off more chest like the men on the book covers, and drove to Samantha’s house.

  Chapter Nine

  Samantha was helping clear the dinner dishes on Sunday night when the doorbell rang.

  “Could you get that, mija?” her mother asked.

  She set the plates in the sink. “Sure.”

  She headed to the door and peeked through the peephole. Rico!

  What was he doing here? She’d thought she’d been pretty clear she didn’t want someone like him in her life.

  Just open the door. See what he wants.

  She opened the door, and her jaw dropped. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, and his white shirt was half unbuttoned, revealing a golden, muscular chest with pecs and six-pack abs. She’d never seen such a beautiful man in real life, only in the movies or on the covers of her favorite novels.

  “You must be freezing!” she exclaimed, tearing her eyes away from his swoon-worthy chest. “Come in.”

  He stepped inside.

  “Who is it?” her mother asked, coming out of the kitchen to see.

  “It’s Rico,” Samantha said.

  “Hello, Mrs. Dixon,” Rico said.

  “Oh!” Her mother giggled. “Just call me Terisa. I’ll leave you sweethearts alone.”

  “We’re not sweethearts, Ma!” Samantha called over her shoulder. She turned to Rico. “So…”

  “Can we talk?” he asked.

  “Uh, sure.” She gestured for him to follow her to the formal living room. No one ever went in there, so it was sure to be private. The room was all white—white sofa, white chairs, and white carpet that still had the vacuum lines on it in perfect symmetry. She sat on the sofa, and he sat next to her.

  “What did you want to talk about?” Samantha asked.

  “I’m a strong man, and I need a strong woman at my side,” he said.

  Her brows scrunched in confusion. Was this part of the arranged marriage deal? Did her mother tell him to say that? It sounded so formal.

  At her silence, he went on. “I don’t know what love is, but I had a glimpse of it once, and…I just want to get to know you, and I want you to get to know me.”

  She opened her mouth to ask him if her mother had put him up to this, but he covered her mouth with his fingertips and gazed into her eyes. “Yes, I’ve been with other women, but I’ve thought of nothing but you since the day we met.”

  She blinked. “Really?” she asked around his fingertips.

  He dropped his hand. “Really. And I’m not just trying to get you into bed, though that would be great. I want both the physical and emotional side.”

  She had to admit he was getting to her. He just kept trying so hard. She had to give him some credit for that. “Rico, that’s really nice—”

  Her words were lost as he gripped her hair and his mouth crashed down over hers. She tasted passion like she’d never felt before. It was exhilarating and exciting like she’d always dreamed about. She roamed her hands over his overheated beautiful chest as his kiss stole her breath away.

  The phone rang nearby, and she reluctantly pulled away as reality seeped back in.

  He stroked her cheek. “My family is scattered around the country, but I want you to meet my second family so you can get to know me. They’re having a tree-decorating party on Friday night. Can you go?”

  She smiled. This was what she really wanted. Getting to know each other. And his words tonight. They were so heartfelt. So powerful. So honest. “I’d love to.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Rico stood with Samantha on the front porch of Maggie O’Hare’s house on Friday night for the tree-decorating party. They could already hear loud voices inside and some really awful Christmas carols blaring that sounded like they were sung by chipmunks.

  He turned to Samantha. He should warn her. “So I told you how Trav’s like a brother and his grandmother’s like a second mother to both of us, but I left out something. Maggie can be a little out there, but you know, whatever she does…she means well.”


  He nodded once and knocked on the door.

  A few minutes later, it swung open. Maggie stood there wearing a Santa hat with mistletoe dangling on the pom-pom right over her forehead and a red velvet jumpsuit with a black sash. Surprisingly, she held a Chihuahua wearing a tiny headband with mistletoe that stuck straight up from the center. A tiny red bow wrapped around the top of the mistletoe.

  “Welcome, welcome!” Maggie kissed Rico’s cheek and turned to Samantha. “So nice to meet you finally, Samantha. I’ve heard all about you from your mother.”

  Rico stared at her in alarm. Maggie was in on that too?

  “You know my mother?” Samantha asked. She looked as shocked as he felt.

  Maggie nodded. “We met at Jorge’s dance studio. She’s a beauty on the dance floor.” The mistletoe on her hat bobbed as she talked. “Come on in. We’re just getting started.”

  Rico stepped inside as the pieces fell in place in his mind. Maggie had talked to Mrs. Dixon, and he already knew she chatted with his mother regularly. Then he remembered when he’d played Santa, Maggie had sat on his lap and told him, “You’re next on my love-match list.” Maggie had brought him and Samantha together.

  Rico leaned down to whisper in Maggie’s ear, “Thank you.”

  She grinned and whispered back, “Harold was in on it too.”

  His mind reeled. Maggie was the reason he'd suffered through three hours in the red suit? He glanced over at Samantha. Ah, it was worth it.

  “Eggnog?” Maggie asked loudly over the music.

  “No, thanks,” Rico said. He couldn’t help smiling. This crazy, meddling woman brought him Samantha.

  “I’m fine,” Samantha said.

  It smelled so good in here, like fresh pine, cinnamon, and gingerbread. A Christmas tree stood in one corner of the living room. Trav’s brother Shane must be baking something good in the kitchen. He was a chef. A fire crackled in the fireplace. The mantel was covered with greenery and pine cones with silver glitter. Red stockings embroidered “Maggie” and “Jorge” hung from the mantel.

  “Who’s that?” Rico asked loudly, pointing to the dog.

  “Oh! This is Jorge’s early Christmas present!” Maggie hollered over the music. “Say hello to Ri
ce and Beans.”

  “Long name,” Rico hollered back.

  The music suddenly quieted, and Maggie turned. Her husband of one year, Jorge, approached. “The kids said it was too loud,” Jorge said.

  “It’s a classic,” Maggie said indignantly just as the chipmunks hit a high note wishing them a merry Christmas.

  Jorge smiled and gazed into Maggie’s eyes. “Mistletoe.”

  They kissed.

  Rico and Samantha exchanged a look. It was sweet.

  “How did you pick Rice and Beans for a name?” Samantha asked.

  “Maggie knows she’s the rice to my beans,” Jorge said. “So he’s Rice and Beans.” He turned to Samantha, took her hand, and kissed it. Samantha blushed prettily. “Welcome, Samantha, I am Jorge.”

  “Thank you,” Samantha said.

  “We call him RB for short,” Maggie said. The bobbing mistletoe was a little distracting. “Aren’t you a happy dog, RB?”

  RB looked with soulful eyes up at Maggie as if to say, Why am I wearing this damn headband? I look like a dork.

  Maggie scratched RB behind the ear. “He’s a senior citizen. We got him at seniors-for-seniors day at the shelter.”

  “Hey, you made it,” Trav said, coming over to greet them.

  “Trav, I want you to meet Samantha.” Rico suddenly felt like this was a momentous occasion, introducing his love to his best friend. “Samantha, Travis O’Hare.”

  “Very nice to meet you, Samantha,” Trav said. “You let me know if this guy gives you any trouble. I’ll put him in his place.”

  Rico resisted the usual punch to Trav’s arm he would’ve done at that remark. He really wanted to make a good impression on Samantha now that he had a third, no, fourth chance. Geez, this was probably his last chance. He wanted to be that mature guy.

  Trav looked at Rico strangely.

  “I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” Samantha said.

  Trav’s wife, Daisy; Ryan’s wife, Liz; and Shane’s soon-to-be wife, Rachel (from the bookstore), came over to meet Samantha. While the ladies talked, Rico said hello to Trav’s brothers, Ryan and Shane. Trav’s son, Bryce, ran by, squeaking a blue bone dog toy.


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