Gael: The Callaghan Mafia Book 3

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Gael: The Callaghan Mafia Book 3 Page 9

by Rylan, Savannah

  He shrugged. “Fifteen, twenty minutes.”

  I paused. “And nothing has been served yet?”

  “We were waiting for you,” Mom said.

  “Try not to be late next time,” Martin huffed.

  I lunged out of my seat and Colleen jumped back. I pushed my chair back, making my way for that man. My eyes set on his jugular as it pulsed against his neck. Mom stood up. She placed her hands against my chest. Someone grabbed at me from behind as I reached around my own mother. Ready to strangle a man I once considered my own family.

  “Gael, enough.”

  “Sit down.”

  “It’s not worth it.”

  “Gael, please.”


  Mom’s tense voice pulled me from my trance.

  “Come on, Colleen. We’re leaving,” I said.

  “But we haven’t even—”

  “Get. Up. We’re leaving.”

  I held my hand out, waiting for her to take it. Mom’s hands rubbed my chest as I stared Martin down. Not letting him out of my fucking sight. I felt Colleen’s hand in mine as she stood. I wrapped her arm around my own and led her away from the table. Both Declan and Brody tried to whisper in my ear, but I dodged them. I didn’t want a damn thing to do with them so long as they sat at a table with Fiona and the man I believed to have ruined this family.

  I was all but certain Martin had something to do with his own brother’s death.

  I led her out of the brownstone. I opened her car door. I quickly dipped down next to her, telling the driver to get us the fuck out of here. Then, I sat. With Colleen on the other side of the seat, I sat there. Devoid of her warmth. Devoid of her eyes. Devoid of her voice. It killed me inside not to feel her against me like she was when we were coming here.

  So, my mind started turning. Churning. Trying to figure out ways I could prove to her tonight that she was more than just a pawn to me. That she was beautiful. That she was sexy. That she had a great deal to offer than being a mere transaction in a game of rich men. After all, I couldn’t have the newest woman in my life looking upon me in fear. I couldn't have her looking at me for the rest of my days as if I were born in the bowels of Hell itself.

  I couldn’t have her scared of me. I wouldn't allow it.

  Even if her stare in the reflection of the car’s window showcased nothing but.



  The second we walked through the door, all I could think about was getting away from him. Getting out of Gael’s presence. Maybe he’d let me sleep downstairs tonight. Though, I doubted it. He ushered me through the front door and I moved away from him as he closed it. My heels clicked quickly against the stairs as I approached the kitchen. Hoping to get out of sight.

  “Go upstairs and get those clothes off. I’ll be up in a bit.”

  I froze at the top of the steps. “Are you sure?”

  A pin dropping would’ve sounded like a booming cannon in the silence that fell between us.

  “Yes. I’m very sure,” he said.

  Though, there wasn’t the edge to his voice that I figured there would be.

  I nodded. “I’ll see you soon, then.”

  I took my time getting upstairs. I kicked my heels off and practically ripped the dress off me. I tossed it all into the corner. I didn't give a shit about picking it up. If this was going to be my life, I might as well accept it. Which meant no tiptoeing around him for the rest of my life. If he didn’t like the fact that I was used to my clothes being in a corner, that was a personal problem. I wouldn't let another man bully me around.

  I’d rather him kill me instead.

  As I stood in the middle of the room, trembling with nerves, I heard his footsteps finally coming up the steps. I waited on pins and needles as the door opened. As he emerged. As he brushed past me, not giving me a second glance. I let out the breath I held and swallowed hard. I turned to face him, watching as he shed his own suit to hang up.

  “Go stand in the bathroom. I’ll run you a bath in a second.”

  I paused. “Come again?”

  He sighed. “Go stand in the bathroom. I’ll be there in a bit to run you a bath to get into.”

  “A bath?”

  His eyes peered over his shoulder. “Yes. Now go.”

  Confusion filled my gut as I moved. I walked into the bathroom and stood next to the tub, trying to keep myself out of the way. But I couldn't take my eyes off Gael. All this time, and I hadn’t seen his body yet. Hell, I’d barely touched it, with his penchant for tying me down. For pinning me against things. My eyes roamed his long legs. His lean muscles were pulled taut over his body. His skin, with a soft tan that made me extremely jealous, almost seemed to glisten as he moved. His muscles undulated. His movements were precise. He turned toward me, and his beauty took my breath away.

  Definitely not the boy I remember.

  “Lavender or vanilla?”

  Gael’s question gave me pause. “Uh, vanilla?”

  He nodded. “Very well. Hot or warm?”

  The bath. “Um, hot. Steam. I like steam.”

  “Me, too. If I can’t hear the bacteria screaming as it swirls down the drain, it’s too cold.”

  I blinked. “Was that—a joke?”

  “Depends. Was it funny?”

  I smiled softly. “A bit, yeah.”

  “Then, it was a bit of a joke.”

  I giggled. “That one was better.”

  He grinned. “Good. You can keep me on track with my jokes, then. Let me know when they land and when they don’t.”

  “You want me to do that?”

  He started fiddling with the bath knobs. “Who else is going to be spending enough time with me to do as such?”

  He poured way too many bubbles in it, but I didn’t care. He took great care in helping me to get in. Making sure I didn’t slip. Making sure the water was comfortable. Making sure I didn’t need anything. It was a completely different side to Gael. One I didn’t think existed.

  And I found myself enjoying it immensely.

  “In the morning, we’re going to head out after coffee and get you the toiletries you need. We’ll stock up, so you don't run out anytime soon.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “In the meantime, I’ll wash your hair with my shampoo and conditioner. So, let’s get your head wet.”

  “Wait, you’re going to wash my hair?”

  I looked up at him and watched him nod.

  “Yes. I’m going to wash your hair, wash your body, then put conditioner in your hair.”

  “But… why?”

  He shrugged. “Why not?”

  I was stunned the entire time he washed me down. It wasn’t even sexual, either. And oh, how wonderful his touch felt. I closed my eyes. I drank it all in. I relished the care he took with my body as he washed every inch of me. A part of me wanted it to be sexual. The part of me that was already addicted to him. But the care in his voice as he gave his soft commands for me to “sit up” or “close my eyes?”

  So much better than sex.

  “All right, scoot up.”

  My eyes ripped open. “Wait, why?”

  He stood. “I’m going to get in with you. It’ll make the back massage easier.”

  “Back massage?”

  “Yes. While the conditioner sits in your hair.”

  “I—didn’t even realize you’d gotten to that point.”

  He chuckled. “Then, I guess you’re as relaxed as you can get.”

  Holy shit, did he just laugh? Well, maybe not laugh. But, wow. What a sound. What a glorious, beautiful, lovely sound.

  I want him to do it again.

  I couldn't help but stare as he took off his boxers. His cock swung between his legs, boasting of the possibilities to come. I licked my lips as I scooted up. He stepped into the bath with me and the bubbles overcame us both. He sat down with his legs sliding around my body. Then, he pulled me back into him. Until his hands sat perfectly against my shoulders.

/>   “Now, you relax and let me do what I do best, Colleen.”

  I hummed. “Mmm, no problem.”

  Even if he wasn’t meaning to be seductive, he was anyway. This was what really got me going. A man that cared. A man that gave care in order to get it. A man who gave as much as he took. That was my kink. That was my fairytale ending. And with every ministration of Gael’s fingers into my muscles, I groaned a bit deeper. Relaxed a bit more into his touch.

  “God, this feels good,” I whispered.

  “Well, I’m glad.”

  I drew in a deep breath as I leaned back. I rested against his chest as he cupped water and sprinkled it softly over my body. I felt it running between the valley of my breasts. Leaving sparkling trails behind I was almost sure he was staring at. His hot breath against the shell of my ear made me shiver. His cock growing against my back made me ache for him. His hands slid down my arms. Over my stomach. Along my thighs.

  And when I bucked softly back against him, he nipped at my ear.

  “So impatient,” he murmured.

  I sighed. “Gael.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  I parted my thighs a bit. “Gael, please.”

  “I said tell me, beautiful.”

  My eyes fluttered closed. “I want to feel you.”

  “You feel me against your back. Is that not enough?”

  He brushed his fingertips softly against my pussy lips.

  “Oh, Gael,” I whimpered.

  “Tell me, and I’ll oblige.”

  Really? He’d listen to me? “I want to feel your fingers.”

  He slid them up my slit again. “Like this?”

  I swallowed hard. “Inside. I want to feel them inside.”

  His hand reached down and he inched a finger inside my entrance. Making my back arch as I moaned.

  “What next?” he asked.

  “I-I-I—I, uh, clit. Um, touch—touch my clit.”

  His finger booped it. “Like that?”

  “Damn it, Gael.”

  He bit into my shoulder. “Let’s try that again.”

  I groaned. “I want you to finger me while you tease my clit. Please.”

  He kissed where he bit. “Much better.”

  His finger swirled around my aching mound as he slowly pumped in and out of me. My toes curled. My hips rose. And I pressed further against him to give him more room to fill me up. I gasped for air. The water started sloshing over the edge of the tub. I bucked back against him. Harder and harder, as his movements matched my ferocity.

  “Gael, yes.”

  “Are you close?”

  I whimpered. “Please, please, please, please.”

  His lips fell to my ear. “Don’t hold back, Colleen.”

  “Oh, Ga—e—l!”

  My orgasm crashed over me as his hand pumped. Hard. Water sloshed everywhere as he kissed my neck. Hummed against my skin. Pressed his fingers against my throbbing clit. I panted for air. My toes curled so deeply my legs started to cramp.

  But even as I collapsed, Gael didn’t stop.

  “What the—Gael, I can’t. I can’t. It hurt—oh. Right there. Right there. Holy shit.”

  He chuckled. “So beautiful for me. Unravel, Colleen. Take what’s yours.”

  “Yes, yes, yes, yes. Gael!”

  “Come for me!”

  “I’m coming! I’m coming! Ye—ah—oh!”

  His hand cupped my pussy as my entire body fell weak. I leaned against him, my eyes falling closed as the room tilted around me. I couldn't speak. I couldn't see. Even my brain seemed to be nothing but waves of silence as my body shivered with aftershocks. His hand stroked my pussy. Relaxing me against his throbbing girth. My head fell back against his shoulder and he kissed me. Repeatedly. Soft kisses against my skin and my ear and my neck and my shoulder.

  Before he softly captured my lips.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he murmured.

  My eyes fell open and I smiled. “No one has ever told me that as much as you have tonight.”

  “Hmm. A shame. I will rectify that.”

  I snickered. “Oh, you will, huh?”

  “Mhm. I will. You have my word. But it’s time.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Time for what?”

  He growled. “Time for me to have my fill.”

  He scooped me out of the tub, holding me against his chest. I curled into him, helpless against whatever was coming. And oh, how he delivered. He spent the night exploring me. Kissing me. Marking my skin and lapping my pussy clean. Never had I felt so alive. Never had anyone been so attentive to me and what I needed. I experienced things with him I knew I’d never experience with anyone again. Only him. Only for him.

  “Gael,” I whispered.

  He kissed my shoulder. “Sleep. It’s been a long night for both of us.”

  “Oh, Gael.”

  He slipped his arm around me and that was the last thing I remembered. The soft throbbing of my wrists when he tied them up with his ties. The way my pussy ached from the pounding it took. The marks on my body with his teeth that I knew would be staring back at me in the morning. It all culminated into the most passionate night I’d ever had in my entire life.

  I wanted it to happen again.

  I wanted to experience it again.

  And when I woke up the next morning, hope blossomed in my chest. Because when I rolled over, there he was. Gael. With his sleepy eyes and his disheveled hair and his lips, still full and plump from our escapades last night.

  “Morning,” he murmured.

  I smiled. “You’re here.”

  I cupped his cheek and felt the stubble growing against his skin.

  “Shouldn’t you be working? I’m sure it’s late,” I said.

  “You’re up early. It’s a few minutes past eight. I was just about to get up before you started stirring.”

  I felt my hope falter. “Oh.”

  He moved away from my touch. “Whenever you’re feeling up to it, I’d like to set a date for our wedding.”

  I’m not supposed to know that. “Our what?”

  He padded over to his closet. “Our wedding. To seal the contract I signed. It’s not completely fulfilled until we get married. I want to set that date today.”

  I sat up as hope drained from my body. “Is that the only reason we’re getting married?”

  “Is there any other reason?”

  And, goodbye hope. “No. I suppose not.”

  “Great. I have a busy morning, but I should be back by lunch. What do you say to a picnic?”

  Do I have a choice? “That sounds lovely. What should I pack?”

  “Don’t worry about that. I have it under control. Just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.”

  “I mean, don’t I kind of have to be?”

  He paused. “If you don’t want to go—”

  “That’s not the point, Gael. The point is—”

  He turned to me. “Yes?”

  I sighed. “The point is, I don’t know when I have a choice with you and when I don’t. So, do I obey you all the time? Or is there a signal I’m supposed to pick up on that tells me I actually have a choice?”

  We stared at one another for a while before he nodded his head.

  “I’m sorry I can’t take you toiletry shopping like I said I would. But my driver will be at your disposal. I’m going to be with Thoman for the morning, so I’ll be in Declan’s car.”

  “What will I buy everything with?”

  “I’ll leave my credit card on the kitchen table. Take that to the drug store and get everything you need. And if you have some time left, you can go clothes shopping as well. Be back here around one, if you want to go to the picnic. If not, I’ll simply work from home until it’s time for dinner.”

  I watched him peer over his shoulder after finally settling on an outfit for the day.

  “That enough of a cue for you?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes. It is. Thank you.”

  “Good. Hope
fully, I’ll see you around one.”

  Then, he disappeared into the bathroom to get ready. Leaving me wondering when this whiplash game with his personality would end.



  As I slipped into the car for me downstairs, Thoman started rattling off all sorts of things. But I wasn’t paying attention. The only thing playing around in my mind was Colleen’s face at the mention of marriage. She looked scared. Weary. A bit done with things. And as much as I tried to block that reaction out of my mind, I couldn't.

  She still sees me as a monster.

  My theory was that if I married Colleen, I could at least protect her from her father. If she was mine, outright, he wouldn't have a bargaining chip when it came to taking her back. And I wasn’t to do that. I wanted to protect her at all costs.



  “Is that going to be all right?”

  I cleared my throat. “What was that again? Sorry, I was thinking.”

  “Did you just—apologize, sir? What for?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it. Where is this first property we’re going to look at?”


  I looked over at him. “Thoman.”

  His eyes widened. “Yes, sir?”

  “Snap out of it.”

  “Of course, sir. Yes. My apologies. The first property is across town. Not ideal in terms of location, but it fits all the parameters of what you’re looking for.”

  When Thoman stopped talking, an odd feeling slammed into my gut. Something I’d never felt before. It left me feeling odd. Off-kilter. With a taste for disgust in my mouth.

  “Unless you want to go look at something else,” Thoman said.

  That feeling happened again. Like a balloon popping in my stomach. It sent me reeling. And as my eyes fell out Thoman’s window, I found myself wanting something… different.

  “Take me home,” I said.

  “What?” Thoman asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Take me home. We’ll do this another day.”

  “Sir, you were very specific on your timeline—”

  “I know the fucking timeline, Thoman. I made it. We’ll make the damn timeline. For now, take me home.”


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