The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems
Page 89
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3299 accustomed
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3300 plan, aim
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3301 wearisome, irritating, tiring, annoying
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3302 except
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3303 look
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3304 [verb]
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3305 ecstasy
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3306 forbidden
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3307 exuded, let fall
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3308 overloaded
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3309 imposition of a limitation
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3310 is it set
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3311 venturesome
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3312 dazed, depressing
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3313 declared
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3314 plucked
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3315 instigator, the Creator
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3316 a portion of
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3317 firmly, soberly
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3318 unusual, unfamiliar, strange
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3319 imagination
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3320 closest, nearest
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3321 function
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3322 vigilant
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3323 bring before the mind
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3324 what we call
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3325 recent
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3326 dismal
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3327 hidden, confined
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3328 a dam or any device holding back water
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3329 disclosing (i.e., making visible, after the darkness of night)
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3330 prayers
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3331 different, variable, changing
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3332 lacked
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3333 suitable, appropriate
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3334 (1) flow of impassioned language, (2) style
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3335 ready and willing
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3336 metrical
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3337 tuneful, musical
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3338 structure, fabric
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3339 harmonious music
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3340 Venus (as morning star, called Lucifer; as evening star, called Hesperus)
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3341 promise
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3342 gemlike headband
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3343 early morning (either dawn or about 6 A.M.)
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3344 attained, achieved, reached
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3345 gleaming, bright
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3346 flees (it)
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3347 moves quickly (rotating once every twenty-four hours)
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3348 i.e., not having fixed orbits
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3349 the known planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter
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3350 in fourfold combination
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3351 exhibit divergence
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3352 not of different colors, but only of one
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3353 more usually used for “streams, brooks,” than in the modern meaning of a man-
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3354 sing
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3355 testify, give evidence
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3356 made vocal = sounded, turned into/endowed with music
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3357 always
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3358 accustomed, usual, habitual
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3359 agricultural, pastoral
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3360 pampered boughs = crammed with boughs
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3361 without offspring
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3362 entangled branches?
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3363 the elm becomes the stepparent of the vine’s “children,” her bunches of grapes
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3364 bunches (of grapes)
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3365 unproductive
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3366 “With pity, Heaven’s High King (God) beheld Adam and Eve thus employed”
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3367 see Book IV, above, at lines 168–71
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3368 plans, schemes
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3369 relieve
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3370 food, a meal
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3371 unsettled, fickle, variable, subject to change or alteration
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3372 confident
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3373 moreover, in addition
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3374 resisted
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3375 claim, put forward as an excuse
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3376 unexhorted, uninformed
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3377 satisfied, did, performed
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3378 order, responsibility
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3379 radiant spirits
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3380 shrouded, covered
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3381 brilliant, magnificent
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3382 contrived, built, intended
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3383 placed between
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3384 corresponding
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3385 competent
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3386 islands in the south Aegean Sea
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3387 Greek island
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3388 island off the coast of Asia Minor
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3389 sees, identifies
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3390 headlong
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3391 wing
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3392 beats
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3393 flexible, unresisting
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3394 the altitude attained in soaring
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3395 mythical bird that perpetually renews its life, first burning its old body, then being reborn from the ashes
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3396 stared at
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3397 solitary
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3398 the phoenix’s
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3399 Raphael
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3400 features
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3401 draped
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3402 belt
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3403 covered, bordered, edged
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3404 soft
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3405 dyed (by immersion)
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3406 colored
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3407 dye
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3408 Hermes
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3409 plumage, feathers
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3410 so that
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3411 circuit wide = wide surrounding space
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3412 participating in, performing
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3413 blessed, beatified
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3414 an aromatic balsam
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3415 sported, played
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3416 beyond
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3417 aromatic
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3418 burning, glowing
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3419 properly
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3420 render distasteful
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3421 command
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3422 condescend
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3423 confer as a gift
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3424 liberality, bounty
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3425 discharging its load
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3426 hoard
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3427 holy, sanctified
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3428 soil
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3429 supply
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3430 suffice
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3431 careful
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3432 laying by
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3433 (1) unneeded, (2) excessive
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3434 moisture
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3435 thicket
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3436 hurried, quick
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3437 [four syllables, first and third accented]
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3438 sustained, supported, confirmed
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3439 most natural
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3440 busies
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3441 Mediterranean
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3442 the Black Sea
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3443 Carthaginian/Phoenician (North African)
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3444 king of the Phaeacian island, now Corfu
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3445 homage, tax
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3446 table
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3447 unfermented juice
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3448 mixes
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3449 sweet
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3450 smooth (creamy) and frothing liquids
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3451 lacks
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3452 suitable, appropriate
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3453 not burned, as incense would be, since there was as yet no fire available to burn them
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3454 original
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3455 grand, imposing
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3456 submissive, subdued
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3457 lack
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3458 condescend
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3459 noontime, midday
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3460 sink down
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3461 seventh of the nine angelic orders
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3462 at will = as I please
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3463 pastoral
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3464 Roman goddess of fruits
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3465 orchard, bower
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3466 (1) from fables rather than real, (2) sham, because pagan
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3467 a beauty competition among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite; Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, gave the prize to Aphrodite
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3468 “veil” could then mean “cloak” or “mantle”
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3469 weak, shaky
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3470 table
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3471 Adam
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3472 generous gifts
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3473 in part = who is in part
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3474 distasteful, unwelcome
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3475 as “rational” creatures, human beings are required to (and can) think in order to know; their knowledge is therefore of necessity partial. “Intelligential” creatures, however, are endowed with complete knowledge that is of their very essence
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3476 both angels and men
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3477 heat for digestive purposes
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3478 [adjective]
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3479 unpurified
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3480 land
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3481 everything else
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3482 nutritional
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3483 evening
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3484 dines
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3485 flowing as sweet as honey
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3486 on earth, in the Garden of Eden
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3487 fussy
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3488 food
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3489 so far as one can judge
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3490 in mist = blurred (as an immaterial object)
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3491 interpretation, explanation
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3492 [bisyllabic]
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3493 see footnote 200, above
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3494 to turn corporeal to incorporeal, i.e., to make spiritual that which was material
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3495 is excessive, superfluous
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3496 is emitted/breathed/vaporized (i.e., passes through their “bodies,” is excreted)
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3497 lower-ranking, merely experimentally oriented (rather than the higher, theoretically oriented)
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3498 as from = just as if it had come from
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3499 served
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3500 filled to overflowing
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3501 unlustful, unlecherous
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3502 food
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3503 i.e., their natures
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3504 conversation, meeting [trisyllabic, second accented]
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3505 splendid radiance
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3506 careful
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3507 shaped, articulated
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3508 condescended
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3509 member of the hierarch (order) of angels [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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3510 perverted, corrupted
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3511 earliest (primeval)
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3512 invested, supplied
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3513 upward jumps
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3514 completed, perfected, supreme
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3515 elevated, refined, purified
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3516 complete instantaneous knowledge requiring no prior thought
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3517 unsuitable, inappropriate
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3518 duration
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3519 He whose
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3520 offspring
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3521 of what
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3522 gracious, helpful
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3523 added, annexed
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3524 lack
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3525 listen, follow me closely/carefully
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3526 remain firm/steady
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3527 hereby notified, warned
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3528 complete
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3529 unalterable
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3530 from which one cannot extricate oneself
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3531 tested
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3532 must will
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3533 guarantee
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3534 [noun]
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3535 ancestor, forefather
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3536 command, single = single command
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3537 raise, stir up
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3538 narrative
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3539 dedicated
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3540 ample, abundant
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3541 daylight hours (since the angel has said, in line 376, that he will stay on earth “till evening rise”)
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3542 region, encircling band
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3543 impose on
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3544 first, original
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3545 sober, serious
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3546 regretful remembrance
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3547 finally, last of all
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3548 permitted
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3549 sketch, draw, portray
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3550 for men, a foreshadowing
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3551 calculated by Plato, in his Republic, as approximately thirty-six thousand years (i.e., when all the heavenly bodies have returned to their created starting points)
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3552 celestial
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3553 archangels
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3554 banners, flags
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3555 military banner or flag
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3556 banners with tails/streamers, suspended from a crossbar rather than a pole
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3557 front, foremost
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3558 for distinction serve = used in order to distinguish
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3559 fabric, cloth
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3560 inscribed
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3561 [trisyllabic, second accented]
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3562 prominently
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3563 enclosed
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3564 as if
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3565 offspring
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3566 unrevoked shall stand = shall stand unrevoked (not rescinded/annulled/withdrawn, etc.)