3850 divided
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3851 coiling, twisting
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3852 piercing
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3853 breaking the organic continuity of Satan’s bodily substance
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3854 fluid, essence
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3855 bloody
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3856 withdrawn
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3857 files of war = rows/ranks of fighters
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3858 outrage, anger
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3859 disgrace
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3860 kidneys
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3861 except
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3862 similar [adjective]
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3863 troops serving under a single ensign/banner/flag
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3864 ranks
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3865 soon, at once
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3866 unfamiliar, never experienced
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3867 of the army: military formation
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3868 their: i.e., each of them vanquished “his” boasting opponent
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3869 boasting
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3870 Assyrian sun god
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3871 Asmodeus, the demon in the Apocryphal Book of Tobit: see Book 4, line 168, above
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3872 third of the nine angelic orders
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3873 inferior, lower
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3874 cut, hacked
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3875 “lion of God”
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3876 a Spirit of revenge; Arioch is mentioned in Genesis 14:1 as a “king of Ellasar”
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3877 “exaltation of God”—although in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch, Ramiel’s lustfulness with mortal women causes him to fall from Heaven
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3878 judgment, sentence
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3879 that which is just
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3880 unworthy
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3881 dishonor, disgrace
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3882 fate, destiny
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3883 crushed
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3884 changed
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3885 raid
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3886 stuck, stabbed, pierced: i.e., into the rebel ranks
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3887 hideous
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3888 spiritless, feeble
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3889 ashen
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3890 attacked, captured
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3891 unable to be violated/broken/injured [five syllables, second and fourth accented]
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3892 close-packed battle array, sixteen-man-deep square, perfected by the Romans
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3893 as a whole
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3894 not exposed/liable
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3895 hateful
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3896 victorious, dominant
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3897 around
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3898 red
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3899 side
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3900 gone away
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3901 devoid
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3902 claim
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3903 seek, aim at
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3904 uncertain
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3905 disdained
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3906 celestial
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3907 ponder
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3908 effective, technically perfect
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3909 an Assyrian deity
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3910 fifth of the nine angelic orders
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3911 principal, first
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3912 fatigued
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3913 split, cracked open
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3914 weapons, armor
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3915 destruction
Return to text.
3916 darkened
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3917 countenance, face
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3918 invulnerable
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3919 vanquished, crushed
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3920 weak
Return to text.
3921 dispense with
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3922 complain
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3923 find, discover, produce
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3924 attack
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3925 correctly
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3926 important
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3927 composed of ether or similar celestial material [trisyllabic, second accented, “-eous” elided]
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3928 ground
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3929 only seeing the surface (an erudite pun)
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3930 think
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3931 foam
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3932 modified, worked
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3933 surrounding
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3934 birthplace
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3935 stuffed
Return to text.
3936 aperture, hole
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3937 (1) distended, amplified, enlarged, (2) spread abroad
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3938 (1) opposite, (2) hostile
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3939 accomplishment
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3940 countenances
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3941 lit up, illuminated
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3942 drooping
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3943 perhaps
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3944 contrivance
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3945 similar
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3946 original elements
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3947 mixed
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3948 arranged, systematized
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3949 granules
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3950 some of them
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3951 melt and mold, build
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3952 missive ruin = missilelike destruction
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3953 kindling
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3954 swift
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3955 conscious Night = Night, aware of what they were doing
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3956 caution
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3957 bright
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3958 armor
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3959 gleaming, radiant, resplendent
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3960 army
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3961 joined/formed into a company
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3962 discover
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sp; 3963 “spy of God”
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3964 sober, serious, firm
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3965 confident [adjective, modifying “resolution”]
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3966 buckle
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3967 level, horizontal
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3968 can predict
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3969 the call to arms
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3970 in battle order
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3971 slow
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3972 massive
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3973 of great size
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3974 pulling
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3975 surrounded, enclosed
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3976 their face-to-face meeting
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3977 open
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3978 agreement, settlement
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3979 opening, revelation
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3980 obstinate
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3981 at once
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3982 bring forward
Return to text.
3983 forms
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3984 opening, aperture
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3985 uncertain, doubtful
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3986 staring, puzzled
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3987 vent = hole, here the “touch-hole”
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3988 most precise, delicate
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3989 vomited
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3990 filled
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3991 enormous
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3992 overflowing amount
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3993 violent, forceful, rapid
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3994 because of
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3995 armor
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3996 scattering
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3997 loosen, open
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3998 pressed close together
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3999 ranks
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4000 unseemly
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4001 discharge, explode
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4002 volley
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4003 frolicking
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4004 amazed
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4005 overthrew
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4006 (1) comprehend, (2) be supported (“stand under”)
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4007 excited
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4008 the angels
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4009 located
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4010 swiftly/easily
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4011 [prosodically, “When coming towards them so dread they saw”]
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4012 thrown, so as to cover
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4013 attacked, intruded upon
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4014 great, solid
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4015 headlands
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4016 weighed down, crushed
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4017 distended
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4018 inexorable
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4019 hurling, throwing
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4020 horrible
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4021 disaster, wreck, ruin
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4022 judicious, deliberate
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4023 associate, sharer
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4024 radiance
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4025 sentence, judgment
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4026 hold out
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4027 the whole, the rest of Heaven
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4028 tolerated, allowed
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4029 poured, instilled
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4030 wicked, stubborn
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4031 disturbance, sedition
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4032 curbed, checked
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4033 anointing
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4034 as likes them = as they please
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4035 beyond the power of words
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4036 consider, value
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4037 serpent, snake
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4038 purified
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4039 undreamed
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4040 innate
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4041 carried, conveyed
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4042 racing
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4043 i.e., resembling a shower
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4044 the heavens
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4045 the jewels on the high priest Aaron’s breastplate: see Exodus 28:30
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4046 pouring-out
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4047 flashing, glistening, quivering
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4048 exalted
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4049 luminous, gleaming
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4050 drew/led back
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4051 diffused around
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4052 leader
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4053 united
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4054 withdrew
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4055 dutiful, obedient
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4056 usual, habitual, familiar
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4057 unlucky
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4058 unyielding
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4059 foolish
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4060 forming, taking
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4061 reform, win back
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4062 thinking
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4063 finally, in the end
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4064 fate
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4065 test
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4066 desirous
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4067 grant
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4068 army
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4069 dark, dismal
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4070 [four syllables, first and third accented]
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4071 scourges, wounds, afflictions
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4072 stunned
Return to text.
4073 useless
Return to text.
4074 wrath
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4075 adorned
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4076 rapid
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4077 customary
Return to text.
4078 empty
Return to text.
4079 edge
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4080 unbearable, intolerable
Return to text.
4081 falling headlong, falling into ruins [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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4082 rigorous
/> Return to text.
4083 disordered, confused
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4084 defeated army
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4085 opening wide
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4086 filled
Return to text.
4087 walled
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4088 joyful shouts
Return to text.
4089 Adam’s
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4090 be cautious, take warning
Return to text.
4091 occurred
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4092 so that
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4093 like him, together with him
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4094 deprived
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4095 spiteful injury
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4096 once and for all, forever
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4097 as companion
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4098 weaker partner, Eve
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4099 i.e., Christ
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4100 “heavenly”: muse of astronomy
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4101 Bellerophon’s flying horse
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4102 i.e., “above” (beyond) pagan inspiration
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4103 live, keep company
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4104 breathed in
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4105 of thy blending/alloying/preparation
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4106 surroundings
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4107 Bellerophon was unhorsed by Zeus, when attempting to fly up to the gods’ home
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4108 to which Bellerophon fell when unhorsed
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4109 wandering aimless, straying (as Bellerophon had done)
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4110 lost, abandoned
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4111 enclosed, contained, confined
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4112 diurnal sphere: the sphere that revolves daily around the earth
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4113 swept away, carried
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4114 above the pole = into Heaven
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4115 compassed round = surrounded
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4116 group or class of persons, here Bacchantes or worshipers of Bacchus
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4117 Orpheus
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4118 mountain range in Thrace, sacred to Bacchus
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4119 ecstasy
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4120 Calliope, muse of epic poetry
Return to text.
4121 happened
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4122 ignore, disdain
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4123 unsteady, not fixed
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4124 partner in marriage
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4125 wonder
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4126 pensiveness
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4127 exalted
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4128 astonishing, unknown
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4129 disorder, commotion
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4130 turned back
Return to text.
4131 dismissed, abandoned
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4132 visible
Return to text.
4133 flowing
Return to text.
4134 messenger
Return to text.
The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems Page 91