Return to text.
5278 place, abode
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5279 rule, control
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5280 [adjective, modifying “dominion”]
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5281 draws me on = leads me on
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5282 whether, either
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5283 affinity, harmony
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5284 congenial
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5285 is powerful
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5286 profound depth
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5287 not affording passage
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5288 enterprising
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5289 create
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5290 mainland
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5291 communication, passage
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5292 mistake
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5293 miss, mistake
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5294 breathe
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5295 I taste
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5296 take in hand, attempt
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5297 absent
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5298 fatal
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5299 shape
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5300 perceiving by smell
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5301 separately
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5302 fluttering, flapping
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5303 whatever
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5304 swimming together
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5305 Arctic, Satanian: frozen, northern
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5306 block, close up
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5307 fancied
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5308 the River Pechora, in Siberia, flowing down from the Urals into the Arctic Ocean
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5309 Cathay = China
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5310 muddy/wet places
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5311 causing things to be petrified/turned to stone
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5312 three-pronged fish spear or scepter: wielded by Neptune in creating the Cyclades (islands in the Aegean)
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5313 one of the Cyclades: it floated until Zeus fixed it in place, for the birth of Apollo and Diana/Artemis
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5314 the most famous (and the only mortal) Gorgon, Medusa, turned to stone anyone who looked at her
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5315 harshness, strictness
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5316 blackish mineral, containing among other things pitch
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5317 seashore
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5318 mass, massive structure
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5319 worked
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5320 the primum mobile or other shell of the universe
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5321 (1) without a safeguarding fence, (2) defenseless
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5322 given up
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5323 easy
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5324 Persian king who invaded Greece in 480 B.C.
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5325 biblical Shushan, founded by Tithonus, Memnon’s father
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5326 the Dardenelles, the strait between Turkey and southeastern Europe
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5327 beat, whip
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5328 bridge-making
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5329 suspended, hanging
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5330 disturbed
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5331 descended
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5332 flying, flight
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5333 regions, borders
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5334 pushed itself in
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5335 different
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5336 roads, paths
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5337 discovered
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5338 turning, moving
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5339 i.e., steering a central course, through the high point of the sky
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5340 the sun (Uriel) rises under the sign of Aries; it is opposite to Scorpio, which is near Centaurus
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5341 recognized
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5342 unnoticed
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5343 unknowing
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5344 covering
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5345 Christ’s/God’s
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5346 he (Satan) returned
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5347 luckless
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5348 filled
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5349 follow after
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5350 inevitable, deadly
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5351 relationship, connection
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5352 (1) to build/establish a position/structure of defense, (2) to become powerful
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5353 (1) marvelous, prodigious, (2) bearing portents, omens, signs
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5354 with odds = and more (“and then some!”)
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5355 defeat, repulse
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5356 rule
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5357 decision, judgment
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5358 turned away
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5359 Heaven is square
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5360 the earth and all our world/universe is round/globular
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5361 test
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5362 i.e., on earth
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5363 slave
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5364 invested with full power/authority
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5365 i.e., the “new kingdom” has, by his action, been exposed to sin and death
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5366 action
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5367 loss, damage
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5368 poison, destruction
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5369 suddenly infected
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5370 (though planets usually influence the earth, they are now struck, in their turn, by the activities of Sin and Death)
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5371 [bisyllabic, second accented]
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5372 darkening, loss of splendor
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5373 causeway
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5374 divided-into-parts
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5375 cried out
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5376 walls, gates
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5377 withdrawn
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5378 compared
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5379 anxious, apprehensive
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5380 cut off, stop, hinder
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5381 [adjective, modifying “emperor”]
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5382 i.e., had earlier commanded
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5383 near the mouth of the Volga
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5384 Pers
ian ruler
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5385 greater Armenia
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5386 Tabriz, in northwestern Persia
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5387 Kazvin, in northern Persia
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5388 recently
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5389 deserted
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5390 outermost
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5391 drawing together
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5392 unnoticed
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5393 appearance
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5394 of low rank
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5395 soldier
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5396 canopy
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5397 gleaming
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5398 hellish
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5399 directed, turned
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5400 gaze
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5401 (1) hall of state, (2) raised floor area, used (with pillows) as a kind of couch or sofa
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5402 unformed
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5403 unknown
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5404 travel
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5405 stubborn, difficult, unmanageable
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5406 possessing no creator, since existing from the very beginning
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5407 unfamiliar
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5408 rumor, report
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5409 product
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5410 complete
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5411 beguiled, led astray
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5412 (although there are no stage directions, this being an epic poem and not a drama, Milton clearly intends at this point a burst of laughter from Satan’s devilish audience)
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5413 God
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5414 sudden attack
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5415 move hither and thither
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5416 break, smash, crush
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5417 ordained, established, fixed
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5418 brought low, stumbling
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5419 struggling
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5420 sentence
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5421 presumptuous, audacious
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5422 tumult, disorder, violence
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5423 twisted/twined together
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5424 mythical serpent with a head at each end
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5425 mythical water snake
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5426 swordfish?
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5427 dismal, melancholy
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5428 the bite of which caused intense thirst
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5429 serpents grew from Gorgon blood
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5430 “full of snakes”: one of the Balearic Islands
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5431 the dragon whom
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5432 the Pythia = the prophetess of Apollo
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5433 i.e., the sun’s heat engenders the monster in the mud (“slime”) of the Nile River
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5434 Satan
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5435 mob, crowd
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5436 in station = at their proper post
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5437 proper
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5438 proud, erect
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5439 corruption
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5440 alike
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5441 along with
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5442 make worse, weigh down, exasperate
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5443 view
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5444 unfamiliar
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5445 a Fury, all three of whom had snakes in their hair
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5446 pitchy
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5447 the Dead Sea
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5448 foolishly
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5449 gusto
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5450 nauseated
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5451 aversion, disgust
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5452 triumphed over
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5453 i.e., only once
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5454 extreme hunger
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5455 on certain
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5456 depress, frustrate
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5457 relate/transmit as a tradition [verb]
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5458 spread about
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5459 booty
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5460 “snake”: a Titan, first ruler of Olympus
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5461 “wide-ruling”: Ophion’s wife
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5462 i.e., more or less the pagan equivalent of Eve?
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5463 Ops/Rhea/Cybele: wife of Cronos
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5464 Dictaean Jove = Dicte, mountain in Crete, where Jove/Jupiter/Zeus grew up
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5465 at one time
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5466 actuated/made actual by Adam and Eve
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5467 see Revelation 6:8
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5468 quickly
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5469 suffer, am tormented/troubled
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5470 prey
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5471 not limited/bound by his body
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5472 a body, living or dead
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5473 plain, rude
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5474 mercilessly
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5475 in different
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5476 ripen
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5477 consume, diminish, destroy
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5478 devastate, destroy
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5479 attribute, ascribe
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5480 permit, allow
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5481 winking, tactly permitting
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5482 reward, oblige
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5483 carried away
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5484 renounced, abandoned
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5485 at random = without consideration/care/control, purposelessly, heedlessly
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5486 dregs, refuse
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5487 till the time when
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5488 filled/stuffed to excess
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5489 glutted, satiated
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5490 almost
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5491 sucked-dry?
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5492 chokingly/sickeningly overfilled
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5493 garbage, rubbish, putrid flesh
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5494 throw, fling
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/> 5495 gaping
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5496 will obstruct
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5497 saintliness, holiness
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5498 takes precedence
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5499 like
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5500 weaken, lessen
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5501 i.e., next they sang
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5502 different tasks/responsibilities/mandates
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5503 fitted
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5504 order, authoritative command
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5505 feeble, worn out
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5506 connected with the solstice, i.e., when the sun is halfway between the two equinoxes and, in the summer, at its farthest point from the equator
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5507 pale, white
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5508 planets
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5509 relative positions of the planets, as seen from the earth
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5510 two heavenly bodies at 60-degree angles from one another (60 degrees = one-sixth of the whole zodiac)
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5511 two heavenly bodies at 90-degree angles from one another
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5512 two heavenly bodies at 120-degree angles from one another
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5513 two heavenly bodies at 180-degree angles from one another
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5514 harmful, unwholesome
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5515 conjunction
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5516 the fixed = the fixed stars, in the eighth of the heavenly spheres
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5517 stormy, passionate [trisyllabic, second accented, “-uous” elided]
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5518 north, east, south, west
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5519 storming, raging
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5520 throw into confusion/disorder
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5521 sideways
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5522 at a slanting angle
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5523 centric globe = the earth, which was at the center
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5524 Apollo’s chariot
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5525 celestial equator
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5526 equally
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5527 the Bull
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5528 the Pleiades
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5529 Gemini
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5530 Cancer
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5531 (1) without delay, rapidly, (2) exceedingly
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5532 the Lion
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5533 Virgo
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5534 Libra
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5535 otherwise
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5536 blossoming
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5537 undarkened
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5538 make up for
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5539 Labrador
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5540 strait at the extreme southern tip of South America
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5541 i.e., when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit
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5542 Atreus, Thyestes’ brother, killed Thyestes’ sons and served them to their father at a banquet
The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems Page 96