Rocks: My Life in and Out of Aerosmith

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Rocks: My Life in and Out of Aerosmith Page 44

by Joe Perry

and Perry’s living arrangements, 211

  and Perry’s return to Aerosmith, 227, 229, 231, 232–34

  Perry’s views about, 210, 232–33

  and psychiatric evaluation of Aerosmith members, 287–88

  rage of, 265

  and rebirth of Aerosmith, 234, 235, 251–52

  and rehab/twelve-step meetings, 251, 285, 292–94

  reputation of, 262, 275

  role in Aerosmith of, 286

  and sobriety of Aerosmith members, 244, 251–52, 253

  Sony and, 264, 265, 274–75

  threat of, 264

  triangulations of, 261–62, 273–74, 281–82, 294

  Tyler and, 212–13, 229, 231, 232, 233, 242, 261–62, 273–74, 282, 286, 287, 289–91, 292, 293, 294, 295

  Tyler letter and, 290–91

  and Tyler-Perry relationship, 261, 297

  at White House Correspondents Association dinner, 287

  and wives of Aerosmith members, 261, 263, 274, 283–84, 291, 292

  Cologne, Germany: Aerosmith trip to, 169

  Columbia Records

  Aerosmith return to, 323

  Aerosmith’s first record with, 116–17, 118, 121

  and Draw the Line sales, 179

  “Dream On” as single release from, 133

  as dropping Aerosmith, 233

  and financial affairs of Aerosmith, 233

  and I’ve Got the Rock ’n Rolls Again, 204, 205

  Joe Perry Project and, 199–200, 204

  Leber-Krebs/Aerosmith contract with, 105, 106, 110, 129

  Leber-Krebs relationship with, 121, 129, 187

  Live! Bootleg and, 186

  Perry’s split with, 210

  Springsteen and, 118, 121

  See also Aerosmith; Get Your Wings

  “Combination,” 164–65

  “Come Together,” 185, 186

  Commonwealth apartment (1325) (Boston)

  closing up of, 112

  open-door policy at, 115

  of Perry and band, 64–67, 72–75, 78, 82–83, 86–87, 93–94, 99–100, 366–67

  plaque for, 366–67

  communal living, 78, 86–87, 99–100, 129–30

  Concert for Bangladesh, 106

  “Conflict of Interest,” 199

  Conflict and Resolution Week, 292–95

  Connelly, Frank “Father Frank”

  advice/counseling of, 105–6, 121, 129–30, 134

  Aerosmith contract with, 93–94

  as Aerosmith supporter, 127, 129–30

  Aerosmith’s audition for, 92–93

  and Aerosmith’s financial affairs, 99, 134, 149

  appearance of, 94

  and biker gang incident, 118

  and Boston’s Summerthing, 127

  Cabozzi-O’Toole incident and, 102, 119–20

  cancer of, 106, 107, 127

  and Columbia Records contract, 105–6

  and Daddy Warbux band, 197

  death of, 149–50, 156

  drinking by, 97–98, 100–101, 149

  and Leber-Krebs agency, 102, 106

  limitations of, 102

  and New Jersey drug arrest, 123

  Ohio tour and, 123

  Perry first meets, 92–93

  Perry’s car incident with, 96–97

  Perry’s Giro’s meeting with, 94–95

  Perry’s relationship with, 149–50

  Perry’s views about, 100

  personality of, 94

  and rehearsal places for Aerosmith, 109, 110

  and Revere gig, 118–19

  and showcasing in New York City, 102, 103–4

  and Shrewsburg gig, 133, 134

  stories of, 96

  as surrogate parent for Aerosmith members, 95

  and transportation for band, 100

  and Tyler-Perry relationship, 149

  Conrad, John, 33, 52, 56, 57

  Conserva, Phil, 363

  Constantino’s music store (Lawrence, Massachusetts), 17, 25

  Cooper, Alice, 131, 152, 167, 184, 227–28, 229, 230

  corn stealing incident, 56–57

  “Crazy,” 271, 276

  Cream, 30, 105, 117, 145

  Creem (rock magazine), 125

  Crespo, Jimmy, 203, 212

  Criss, Peter, 137

  “Crystal Ship,” 332

  CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (TV show), 363

  cult: and cult mentality of Aerosmith, 260, 267, 283

  cultural revolution, 34–35, 40, 44–45, 63, 64

  Cushnie, Scott, 150

  dance lessons, Joe’s, 14–15

  Dave Clark Five, 21, 23–24

  Davies, Ray, 125

  Davis, Clive, 105, 106

  Dead Boots, 282


  Perry’s views about, 10, 19, 179

  water and, 9–10

  See also specific person

  Debney, John, 363

  Def Jam records, 238

  DeLeo, Dean, 271, 276

  DeLeo, Robert, 271, 276, 282

  demos, Joe’s, 173–74, 196

  Depp, Johnny, 360, 361

  Derringer, Rick, 89, 166

  Desmond Child & Rouge, 248

  Detroit, Michigan

  Aerosmith–Kid Rock in, 321

  as Aerosmith stronghold, 126–27, 135

  and Rocks tour, 166

  Diddley, Bo, 15, 330, 337

  diet joke, 174–75

  “Dirty Little Things,” 204

  Disney World: Tyler and Perry families at, 270


  drug incident and, 130

  in Perry’s childhood/youth, 10, 18, 24

  Done with Mirrors, 238, 246–47, 250

  “Don’t Get Mad, Get Even,” 255

  Doobie Brothers, 179, 238

  Doors, 44, 204, 216, 332

  Douglas, Jack

  as Aerosmith’s main producer, 131

  and Columbia-Perry solo deal, 199

  Depp and, 360

  Draw the Line and, 179

  Get Your Wings and, 131–32

  Joe Perry Project and, 202

  and Kramer chocolate joke, 174–75

  and Lennon’s death, 202

  Music from Another Dimension/Sony last record and, 328, 329, 354, 360

  nunnery recording and, 172, 173, 174–75

  Perry’s relationship with, 131, 173

  personality of, 131

  Rock in a Hard Place and, 203

  Rocks and, 163, 165

  as teacher, 132

  Templeman compared with, 238

  Toys and, 146, 147, 148, 150

  Tyler and, 298

  Douglas, John, 319

  draft, military, 45

  Draper Corporation, 5, 43

  See also factory job, Perry’s

  “Draw the Line,” 173

  Draw the Line album/video, 171, 172–77, 179, 361

  “Dream On,” 117, 133, 160, 267, 345

  dress code. See clothes


  and Aerosmith as band of addicts, 136–37, 188

  Aerosmith fans and, 152–53

  and Aerosmith success, 167, 170

  and Aerosmith’s burnout, 172

  arrests/raids for, 99–100, 122–23, 152–53

  at Beacon Street apartment, 130

  benefits of, 245

  and Billie-Perry relationship, 334–36

  Billie-Perry wedding and, 240

  on Block Island, 49–50, 51

  in Boston Commonwealth apartment, 73, 81, 99–100

  Buker-Perry meeting and, 79–80

  Carne-Perry relationship and, 110, 111, 113, 114

  and Collins control of Aerosmith, 251

  cough syrup and, 28–29, 33

  in early years of Aerosmith, 143

  and Elyssa-Perry relationship, 153, 166

  and Elyssa-Perry wedding, 156–57

  and Elyssa’s relationship with band members, 153

  and fans of Aerosmith, 99, 152–53

in use of, 143–44

  influence on Aerosmith of, 136–37

  influence on New York Dolls of, 135–36

  Japan tour and, 170

  Max’s Kansas City gig and, 104

  Montserrat vacation and, 182, 183

  Night in the Ruts and, 190

  nunnery recording and, 173, 174

  and Perry hiring of Collins, 206–7

  and Perry in rehab/twelve-step meetings, 243–44

  Perry’s concerns about, 158, 188

  Perry’s (father) questions about, 83

  and Perry’s return to Aerosmith, 221, 226–27

  Perry’s use of, 28–29, 112–13, 143, 144, 165, 173, 178, 180, 182, 183, 188, 190, 196, 201, 202, 206–7, 208, 210, 213–14, 238, 240, 242–43, 245

  Perry’s views about, 50, 83

  Perry’s withdrawal from, 182, 201, 225

  and pressures on Aerosmith, 170

  reasons to use, 134, 143

  and rebirth of Aerosmith, 242–43

  romantic relationship between music and, 47

  and showcasing in New York City, 104, 105

  and Stones at Boston Garden, 108

  and suitcase story, 74

  at Sunapee, 33, 35–36, 57

  and threats against Perry, 202

  Tiger (great dane) and, 130

  on tours, 144, 333–34

  at Vermont Academy, 28–29

  See also specific person

  drugs, prescription: Perry’s use of, 333, 334, 335, 336, 357

  Drummer’s Image (Brookline, Massachusetts): rehearsal space at, 130

  “Dude (Looks like a Lady),” 248, 249, 250, 251

  Dufay, Rick, 212

  Dylan, Bob, 21, 22, 24, 28, 41, 105, 118, 280, 359

  “East Coast, West Coast,” 204

  “Eat the Rich,” 271

  The Ed Sullivan Show (TV show), 16, 134

  Electric Ballroom (Atlanta club): Aerosmith at, 77–78

  Electric Ladyland, 131


  Aerosmith trips to, 167–69, 258, 299, 338–39

  blues musicians from, 40, 125

  Connelly’s views about, 94

  Draw the Line and, 179

  Elyssa’s visit to rock-and-roll London in, 57

  and English roadies in Sunapee, 161–62

  and English rock bands as American blues bands, 168

  Flash art/music scene in, 34

  influence on Perry of, 23

  Perry family tours in, 317

  and respect for Aerosmith, 135

  rockers in, 23

  and Tyler-Perry cultural bond, 71

  See also specific musician or group

  Epstein, Brian, 96, 232–33

  Eurofest ’77 (Munich, Germany), 178–79


  Aerosmith trips/tours to, 167–69, 178–79, 258–59, 277, 278–79, 299

  fans in, 246

  See also specific nation

  Eyers, Jimmy, 301–2

  “Eyesight to the Blind,” 329

  Ezrin, Bob, 131

  factory job, Perry’s, 43–45, 46, 51, 54–55

  Fairbairn, Bruce, 247, 248, 254–55, 256, 266, 269–70, 271, 288

  “Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees),” 299

  “Falling Off,” 299


  Aerosmith’s gratitude for, 187–88

  Aerosmith’s mystical connection with, 152–53

  arrest and bail out of, 152–53

  Boston base of, 127–28

  and breaking up of Aerosmith, 236

  comparison of New York Dolls and Aerosmith, 136

  of early Aerosmith, 99, 118, 124–25

  in Europe, 246

  and expansion of fan base, 124–25, 135

  in farming community, 146

  Get a Grip and, 272

  girls/women as, 152

  grunge groups as, 276

  importance of, 106, 122, 138, 151

  and increase in Aerosmith popularity, 134

  in Japan, 363–64

  of Joe Perry Project, 198, 299

  loyalty of, 363

  Music from Another Dimension and, 361

  and Perry as singer, 299

  Perry’s early, 46–47

  and Perry’s return to Aerosmith, 233

  and Perry’s split from Aerosmith, 205

  pyrotechnics of, 167, 179–80

  and rebirth of Aerosmith, 246, 256, 260

  Rocks and, 173

  tours and, 122

  Toys and, 173

  and two-stage show, 314

  Tyler and, 314

  video games and, 340

  worldwide, 367

  See also Blue Army; specific show

  Fantasy Studios, 238

  Farrell, Perry, 350

  Farren, Charlie, 202, 204, 206

  Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 211

  Fenway Theatre (Boston)

  Aerosmith’s audition for Connelly at, 92–93

  rehearsals at, 91–92

  Ferrone, Steve, 287, 289

  financial affairs, Perry’s

  and Aerosmith’s financial status, 189, 200, 203–4

  and Billie-Perry relationship, 221, 227

  and Billie-Perry wedding, 240

  Casper loan and, 202

  drugs and, 202, 206–7

  and Elyssa-Perry relationship, 208, 209, 220

  Elyssa’s spending and, 201, 207, 209

  and hiring of Collins, 206–7

  IRS and, 201, 203, 205, 207, 220

  Joe Perry Project and, 200, 201–2, 204, 205, 207, 210

  and move to Boston, 54, 56

  and Perry’s Les Paul Gibson guitar, 312

  and Perry’s return to Aerosmith, 221

  Perry’s (Tony) concerns about, 157–58

  and rehab for Aerosmith members, 266

  and Tyler’s arrangement for private jet, 358

  Fincher, David, 256

  “F.I.N.E.,” 255


  in Boston apartment, 73–74

  at Villa Elyssa, 180–81

  fishing trip, Alaska, 301–2

  Flash (Perry band), 46–48, 51, 53, 76, 95, 143

  Fleetwood Mac, 45, 67, 107, 125, 137, 329

  “Flesh,” 271

  Florida: Tyler and Perry family in, 269, 270, 282, 285, 288, 291, 316

  Fox Chase, 52

  Foxe, Cyrinda, 135, 159–60, 181–82, 186–87, 213, 227, 342

  Framingham, Massachusetts: Aerosmith rehearsals in, 109, 110

  Frampton Comes Alive, 184

  Frampton, Peter, 89, 166, 184, 185

  Frederiksen, Marti, 284–85, 298, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 320, 331

  free agents: Aerosmith as, 325

  “Freedom Fighter,” 360

  Frehley, Ace, 137

  “Full Circle,” 284

  funk, 147

  Gallagher, Rory, 139

  gangsters, 74–75, 119, 149, 202

  Garde, Keith, 249–50


  Connelly story about, 96

  and film about Aerosmith, 85–86

  at Sunapee, 33

  Geffen, David, 237, 238, 252, 254, 262, 268, 269, 272, 282, 320

  Geffen Records, 237–38, 252, 254, 268, 272

  See also specific record

  Geoffrey Beene Foundation, 346

  Germany: Aerosmith shows in, 169, 178–79

  Get a Grip album/videos/tour, 268–70, 271–72, 273, 275–76, 277, 281, 282, 345

  “Get It Up,” 159, 173

  “Get the Lead Out,” 165

  Get Your Wings, 129–30, 131–32, 133, 135, 138–39, 146, 151

  G.I. Joe: Retaliation (movie), 363

  Gibbons, Billy, 214

  “Gimme Some Lovin’,” 47

  “Girls of Summer,” 320–21, 325


  as Aerosmith fans, 152

  at Beacon Street apartment, 130

  and Billie guitar, 320

  on Block Island, 49–51, 97r />
  Connelly’s views about, 97–98

  dates/weekends with, 97–98

  and Elyssa-Perry relationship, 122

  and Joe Perry Project on tour, 211

  and Perry’s dance lessons, 15

  and Perry’s early days in Boston, 68

  as Perry’s friends, 24, 31

  Perry’s interest in, 20, 24, 84, 97–98

  as Presley fans, 13–14

  See also specific person

  Giro’s (Boston steakhouse)

  Connelly-Perry meeting at, 94–95

  Connelly’s pistol incident at, 120–21

  Glenda (Perry’s girlfriend), 214, 217–18

  Glory Days (movie), 363

  gold records, Aerosmith’s, 151, 157

  Golden Bear (Huntington Beach): Joe Perry Project at, 210–11

  Goldstein, Burt, 286, 294, 299, 302

  Gordon, Shep, 228, 229

  Gore, Al, 336–37

  Grammy Awards, 255, 277, 332

  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Aerosmith fans in, 152–53

  “Great Balls of Fire,” 76

  Greek (Los Angeles club): Aerosmith at, 246

  Green, Peter, 45, 125, 148, 329

  Green, Trudy, 303, 339

  Greenwich Village: Tyler-Perry trip to, 71

  groupie phenomenon, 122

  Gruhn Guitars, 177–78

  grunge groups, 276

  Guitar Hero (video game/tour), 340, 341, 348, 362


  Billie, 319–20

  bridge-and-nut combination for, 144–45

  broken, 177–78

  Danelectro, 323

  electric, 11–12, 17–18, 20–21, 24–25, 40

  Elyssa’s selling of, 220

  Epiphone, 360

  and fire at Villa Elyssa, 180

  Gibson, 20–21, 25, 40, 45, 54, 145, 172, 312–13, 319–20, 337

  Gretsch Country Gentleman, 26

  Guild, 25, 40

  interaction between two, 145

  inventory of Perry’s, 172

  Les Paul, 145, 146, 172, 177–78, 259, 312–13, 346

  and Perry as left-handed, 15–16

  and Perry at Vermont Academy, 35

  Perry’s buying of, 148

  Perry’s early, 13, 14, 15–26

  Perry’s learning to play, 15–16, 17, 18–19, 20, 25–26, 40

  Perry’s lust for, 26, 145, 201

  and Perry’s relationship with girls, 24

  Portuguese ukulele (cavaquinho) as, 11, 14

  Silvertone, 247

  six-string bass, 148

  stealing of, 132, 147

  Stratocaster, 26, 132, 144–45, 147, 172, 201

  and Sunapee summers, 19

  Travis Bean L500, 201

  volume on, 76–77, 160

  whammy bars on, 145

  and Whitford as Perry’s teacher, 145

  See also specific musician

  guns, Joe’s, 10, 14, 18, 19, 24, 41, 172, 173, 180, 365

  Guns N’ Roses (band), 252–53, 272, 313

  Guy, Buddy, 40, 331

  Hagen, 345–46, 351

  Hamburg, Germany: Aerosmith in, 179

  Hamilton, Terry, 112, 153, 196, 227, 268, 283

  Hamilton, Tom


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