by Joe Perry
“Shut Up and Dance,” 271
“Sick as a Dog,” 165
sideburns, Perry’s, 12–13
Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars, 338
Sierra Tucson care center: Aerosmith rehab at, 261–66, 283
“Sight for Sore Eyes,” 174
Simmons, Gene, 137, 138, 327
60 Minutes (CBS-TV), 359
Skid Row, 257
Slash, 252, 253, 312–13, 361
“Slingshot,” 346
Slippery When Wet, 243, 247
Small Faces, 34
Smith, Henry, 52, 56, 112, 115, 344
“Smokestack Lightning,” 47, 259
and Aerosmith members in rehab, 262–63, 264–65
and Collins-Aerosmith conflict, 294
Collins’s concerns about, 262–65
and Collins’s monitoring of Aerosmith members, 251–52
Guns N’ Roses and, 252–53
and image of Aerosmith, 244
and increase in number of fans, 256
Perry’s views about, 259, 264
preaching about, 252–53
and rebirth of Aerosmith, 245, 251–52
of Tyler, 358
“Somebody,” 117
“Something,” 361
“Something’s Gotta Give,” 285
Songwriters Hall of Fame, 362
Sony Records
Aerosmith contract with, 274–75, 326
Collins and, 264, 265, 274–75
control over Aerosmith by, 326
final record for, 325, 326, 328–31, 343–44, 345, 353, 354–56, 359–61
Honkin’ on Bobo (blues record) for, 328–31
and last record for Geffen, 269
Music from Another Dimension for, 359–61
Nine Lives for, 282, 284, 285, 286–87, 288–89, 292, 297, 298–99, 301
O, Yeah! CD collection for, 320–21
and rehab for Aerosmith members, 264, 265
as Roman Records distributor, 323
and Tyler-Ringo Starr issue, 326
“SOS,” 130
Perry’s interest in, 11–26, 132, 145
Toys as reshaping Aerosmith’s, 148
South America: Aerosmith tour in, 358–59
South Shore house (Boston), Billie-Joe house on, 254, 270–71
“South Station Blues,” 204
Spectrum (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania): Aerosmith show at, 179–80, 187–88
Spendlove, Randy, 363
Spiegel, Nick, 159, 169–70
Springsteen, Bruce, 118, 121, 161, 162
St. Holmes, Derek, 151, 203
Stanley, Paul, 137
Starr, Ringo, 326
Steinbeck, John, 4, 318
Steps (Malibu Beach rehab)
Aerosmith members at, 292–94
Kramer at, 286–87
Stewart, Rod, 40, 152, 339
Stewart, Ronnie, 197
Stone Temple Pilots, 271, 272, 276, 282
“Stop Messin’ Around,” 329, 331
Strangeurs (Tyler band), 36–37, 52, 53
“Strutter,” 327
Studio A (A&M): Aerosmith at, 269–70
Suffolk Downs (Boston): Aerosmith gig at, 127–28
suitcase story, 74–75
“Summer in the City,” 32
Summerthing (Boston outdoor concerts), 127
“The Sun,” 36, 53
Sun Studios: Perry family tour of, 322–23
Sunapee, New Hampshire
Aerosmith gigs at, 82
Billie-Joe vacation at, 296–97
Elyssa-Joe visit to, 160–62
“Endless Summer” at, 296–97
English roadies in, 161–62
gays in, 33
history of, 9
as Joe’s refuge, 8
Joe’s summers in, 7–8, 9–10, 19–20, 31–37, 51, 52–54, 55–59, 65–66
Perry cabin in, 8, 9
Tyler at, 296–97, 300–301, 309
Tyler-Cyrinda wedding at, 186
Tyler family–Perry family outings on, 324
Tyler home in, 160–61, 173
and Tyler-Joe relationship, 296–97, 300–301, 324–25
Supa, Richie, 285, 298
Suzi Quatro, 135
”Sweet Emotion,” 148, 160
T-shirts, Aerosmith, 160
Tabano, Raymond “Ray,” 67–68, 73, 77, 78, 80–82, 83, 160, 174
“Take a Chance with Me,” 239
Tallarico, Steven. See Tyler, Steven “Steve”
Tanzi, Rudy, 346–47
Tapely, Tom, 345
“A Taste of India,” 299
tattoo, Joe’s, 322
Tea Party (Boston club), 40, 41, 45, 107, 135, 204
Tebo, Casey Patrick, 363–64
technology: Perry’s views about, 214, 325–26
“Tell Me,” 361
“Temperature,” 330
Ten Years After, 45, 48, 125
therapy/therapists, 261, 264, 274, 278, 283, 290
This Thing of Ours (movie), 323
Three Stooges, 74, 95, 130, 269
Thunders, Johnny, 103, 146
Tileston, Ben, 346
Tokyo Dome (Japan): Aerosmith at, 303
Toledo, Ohio: Blue Army fans in, 152
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (TV show): Perry on, 359
Aerosmith bus for, 235–36
and Aerosmith rebirth, 246–47
and Blue Army formation, 152
and Collins’s control, 252, 274
drugs on, 144, 333–34
and fans, 122
and financial affairs of Aerosmith, 233, 234
first full rock-and-roll, 135–36
with Guns N’ Roses, 252–53
importance of, 121–22
of Joe Perry Project, 201, 202, 210–12, 214
length of, 121–22, 144
and marketing of Aerosmith brand, 272
of 1979, 195–96
and Perry family bus, 316–18
Perry’s feelings about, 160
and popularity of Aerosmith, 135
and rebirth of Aerosmith, 234, 251
and sex, 122
and Toys success, 151, 160
wives and families on, 278–79
with ZZ Top, 348, 349
See also specific tour
Townshend, Pete, 51
“Toys in the Attic,” 146
Toys in the Attic, 144, 146–48, 150–51, 160, 161, 167, 173, 177, 234, 318
“The Train Kept a-Rollin’,” 34, 53, 76, 130, 166, 343, 361
transportation: for Aerosmith, 87–88, 100, 315–16
“Trip Hoppin’,” 310–11
Tull, Jethro, 117, 152
twelve-step meetings. See rehab/twelve-step meetings
“Twist and Shout,” 29
Twitty (guitarist), 82
two-stages: working on, 313–14, 323
Tyler, Liv, 300
Tyler, Steven “Steve”
Aerosmith contract with, 352
Aerosmith letter to, 290–91
Aerosmith members relationship with, 290–91, 348–53, 354–56, 358–59
Aerosmith separation from, 348–53
and Aerosmith’s financial status, 189
airplane of, 179
audience and, 125–26, 167
bands of, 36–37, 52, 66
Billie and, 226–27, 290, 310, 324
and Billie guitar, 320
and Billie-Perry relationship/wedding, 240, 243, 287, 290
Brady (Erin) and, 334–35, 341–43
and Brand Tyler, 349, 350, 355
Tyler, Steven “Steve”
burnout of, 173
and Carne-Perry relationship, 111
as cheating on Teresa, 291, 292
Columbia contract and, 105
communal living and, 78, 86–87
cozying habit of, 352
and Cyrinda Foxe, 181, 186, 342r />
and decline of Aerosmith, 203
divorce of, 332, 334
dreams of, 153
drugs and, 112–13, 123, 139, 144, 156–67, 174, 178, 195, 196, 197, 198, 213–14, 232, 235, 242, 243, 261–62, 333–35, 336, 348–49, 352
as drummer, 52–53, 65, 66, 248, 286, 326, 361
and dysfunction of Aerosmith, 190
early jobs of, 68
ego of, 340, 343, 359
and Elyssa-Joe relationship, 116, 148, 188
and Elyssa-Joe wedding, 156–57
Elyssa-Joe’s visit to Sunapee home of, 160–62
and Elyssa-Karen comments about Tyler and Cyrinda, 186–87
and Elyssa’s relationship with Aerosmith members/wives, 196
Elyssa’s relationship with, 38, 51, 52, 116, 148, 153, 180, 342
Elyssa’s views about, 38
fame as driving force for, 362
family background of, 38
family of, 268, 270, 280, 324–25, 331, 337–38
fans/backstage groupies and, 179–80, 258, 314
fellatio and, 262
financial affairs of, 340, 359
and finding gigs for Aerosmith, 75–76
in Florida, 270, 282, 285, 288, 291
and forming of Aerosmith, 65–67, 68, 69
and future of Aerosmith, 349
girls/women and, 118, 119
guns and, 173
and Hamilton’s bass amp problem, 89–90
health problems/injuries of, 179–80, 187, 188, 302, 331, 332–33, 338, 345, 348–49
homes of, 160–62, 173, 254, 297
influence on Aerosmith of, 70
insecurity of, 53, 118, 125–26
Jam Band and, 52
Joe Perry Project and, 198, 212–13
Joe’s views about, 38
and Krebs comment about Perry’s role in Aerosmith, 205
and leadership of Aerosmith, 69–70, 81
marriages of, 186, 254
musical vision of, 82
and naming of Aerosmith, 76
outfits of, 103
paranoia of, 342
personality of, 69, 71–72, 73, 86, 118, 150, 160, 229, 298, 333, 336
as quitting Aerosmith, 350, 351
and reasons for Aerosmith’s breakup, 236
and rebirth of Aerosmith, 234–36, 238
in rehab/twelve-step meetings, 244, 261–62, 285, 290, 293, 352
and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 277
on Rolling Stone cover, 167
and Rolling Stones analogy, 125
scarf thing of, 126, 302
as singer, 65–66, 71, 77, 118, 126, 146, 164, 167, 178, 200, 230, 267, 289, 299–300, 326, 332–33, 344, 351, 360
sobriety of, 244, 358
in Songwriters Hall of Fame, 362
stealing by, 75, 77
stop-and-start methodology of, 69, 70
stories of, 74–75
at Sunapee, 36–37, 38, 52–53, 57, 58, 160–62, 173, 296–97, 309
uncivilized banter arrest of, 167
in Vancouver, 247, 248, 269–70, 272
views about Aerosmith of, 188
as writer/lyricist, 71, 130, 147–48, 196, 248–49, 255, 263, 269–70, 271, 282, 284, 285, 309, 320–21, 326
See also specific person, recording, or topic
Tyler, Steven “Steve”—Joe’s relationship with
Alaska fishing trip and, 301–2
backstage groupies and, 258
and Billie-Joe relationship, 310
as brothers, 296–97, 321, 324–25, 358, 367
bumping and, 352–53
Collins and, 261, 292, 297
Connelly and, 149
cultural bond in, 71
and death of Joe’s father, 158
and differences between Tyler and Joe, 311
drugs and, 112–13, 144, 213–14, 333–35, 336
and Erin Brady, 342
and first meeting between Tyler and Joe, 36–37
Greenwich Village trip and, 71
Hamilton’s views about, 359
influence on Aerosmith of, 139
and Irving Plaza meeting, 351
and Joe as pilot, 259
Joe in rehab and, 243, 357–58
Joe’s arrogance and, 204
and Joe’s confrontation with Tyler, 76–77
and Joe’s depression, 188
Joe’s fiftieth birthday party and, 311
and Joe’s mic accident, 352
Joe’s move to Boston and, 58, 65–66
Joe’s replacement at Aerosmith and, 203
and Joe’s return to Aerosmith, 227–35, 236
and Joe’s role in Aerosmith, 205
Joe’s semi-duet with, 164–65
Joe’s split from Aerosmith and, 196, 197, 212-13
and Joe’s thoughts about Tyler, 367
and Jones-Perry at Wembley Stadium, 339
Kent Street apartment and, 112–13, 115, 116
Maui vacation and, 321
and musical relationship, 52–53, 70–71, 76–77, 130, 160, 249, 255, 271, 307–11, 320–21, 325, 326, 343–44, 346, 360, 363
as physical, 187
and private jet ride, 358
reconnection of, 296–97
respect in, 359
role in Aerosmith success of, 149
separation and togetherness in, 173, 249
and Songwriters Hall of Fame, 362
and Sony final record, 326, 343–44
at Sunapee, 65–66, 296–97, 300–301, 324–25
trust in, 271, 310–11, 363
and Tyler on American Idol, 354–56
and Tyler-Perry family outings, 270, 280, 324–25, 331, 337–38
and Tyler at Villa Elyssa, 159
and Tyler’s Led Zeppelin audition, 344–45
and Tyler’s personality, 336
and Tyler’s throat surgery, 332–33
and volume on Joe’s guitar, 76–77, 160
Tyler, Taj, 268
Tyler, Theresa, 227, 231, 240, 242, 254, 268, 272, 287, 291, 292, 334
Unplugged (MTV show), 258
“Up on the Mountain,” 361
Ursillo, Mary. See Perry, Mary
Vallance, Jim, 248, 249, 254–55, 271, 360
Van Halen, Eddie, 198, 238, 288
Vancouver, Canada: Aerosmith in, 247–49, 255–56, 269, 272
Velvet Underground, 28, 71
Venezuela: Joe Perry Project tour in, 214
Perry home in, 357, 365–67
Tyler-Perry families in, 337–38
Vermont Academy: Perry as student at, 27–31, 35, 39–43, 47
video games, 340, 341, 348, 362
videos, 251, 256
See also specific video
Vietnam War, 34, 63
“Vigilante Man,” 332
Villa Elyssa (Newton home), 159–60, 171, 173, 178, 180–81, 220
Vindaloo Studio, 360
Virginia Beach, Virginia: Aerosmith at, 315–16
voodoo: Perry’s interest in, 322
“Voodoo Medicine Man,” 255
“Walk on Down,” 271
“Walk This Way,” 144, 146–48, 200, 234, 240–41, 242, 246, 251, 351
“Walkin’ the Dog,” 117, 118
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 319
Wang Center (Boston): Aerosmith at, 267
Warren, Diane, 299, 300, 361
death and, 9–10
and Perry as swimmer, 9
and Perry’s Barbados vacation, 170
Perry’s love of, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 21
and Perry’s sobriety, 245
and Sunapee summers, 19, 296
and Tyler-Perry cultural bond, 71
in Vermont, 365
water skiing, Joe’s, 9, 296, 324
WBCN (Boston radio), 80, 133, 210
“We All Fall Down,” 361
Webster Hall (New York): Joe Perry promotional concert at, 332
bsp; “Welcome to the Jungle,” 252
Wembley Stadium (England)
Aerosmith at, 299
Jones-Perry show at, 339
Wherehouse (Waltham, Massachusetts), 160, 163–64, 188, 198, 204
White House Correspondents Association dinner, 287
White, Kevin, 108
Whitehall Hotel (Chicago, Illinois): Aerosmith at, 186–87
Whitesnake (band), 237, 250, 272
Whitford, Brad
Aerosmith and, 117
and Aerosmith members in rehab, 263
Aerosmith replacement for, 212
and Aerosmith’s financial status, 189
Billie guitar and, 320
Charles Playhouse rehearsals and, 98
and closing of Commonwealth apartment, 112
Collins and, 292–95
communal living and, 130
Connelly and, 92, 95
drugs and, 99–100, 122, 123
and Elyssa-Karen comments about Tyler and Cyrinda, 186–87
family of, 268, 321–22
financial affairs of, 170
girlfriend of, 112
and “Girls of Summer,” 321
in Hawaii, 240
influence on Aerosmith of, 82–83
injuries to, 139
Joe Perry Project and, 198, 203, 234
joins Aerosmith, 82–83
Just Push Play and, 308
and Kramer diet joke, 175
and Kramer’s breakdown, 286
Manchester Sheraton gig and, 104
Marquee show and, 259
and Music from Another Dimension/final Sony record, 361
New York Dolls and, 103
Whitford, Brad
Night in the Ruts and, 188, 189
Nine Lives/first Sony album and, 288
nunnery recording/Draw the Line and, 174, 175
passion for sound of, 145
Pentagon tour and, 319
Perry family outings with, 321–22
and Perry’s Les Paul Gibson guitar, 312
Perry’s relationship with, 83, 203, 367
and Perry’s return to Aerosmith, 230, 232, 233
personal and professional background of, 82
personality of, 82
Pump and, 255, 256
and rebirth of Aerosmith, 235–36
Rocks and, 165
and separation-togetherness concerns, 174
split from Aerosmith of, 203
as teacher for Perry, 145
and Tyler knife incident, 235–36
and Tyler letter, 290
and Tyler-Perry relationship, 139
and Tyler and Perry in Songwriters Hall of Fame, 362
and Tyler’s decision to leave Aerosmith, 350
Tyler’s relationship with, 352
Whitford, Graham, 268
Whitford, Karen, 186–87, 266, 268, 283
Whitford St. Holmes band, 203
the Who, 45, 48, 139
the Wild Cats, 25
William Proud band, 52
Williams, Big Joe, 329, 330
Williams, Guy, 56–57
Williamson, “Sonny Boy,” 23, 329
Willis, Bruce, 300, 363