Westward Holiday

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Westward Holiday Page 13

by Linda Bridey

  Tentatively Rebecca ran her hands up his strong arms and felt them close around her. When she felt Jake’s hand make contact with her bare skin, she gasped against his mouth a little. Jake pressed her forward until their bodies touched. Rebecca began to forget her shyness and respond to Jake’s sensual kiss.

  He backed her through the bedroom door as their embrace became more fervent. Jake caressed her back and kissed her neck. Rebecca shivered against him and said, “Please no teasing. No stopping.”

  Jake looked down into her luminous eyes and said, “No teasing and no stopping.”

  He picked Rebecca up, laid her down on the bed and followed her down.

  Rebecca woke up the next morning and stretched. She smiled as she looked around the bedroom she now shared with Jake. The light outside was a little strange but she didn’t think much of it as she remembered their wedding night. Jake’s lovemaking had been all he’d promised her a few weeks back; slow and thorough. She was a well-loved woman emotionally and physically and Rebecca had never felt anything so glorious.

  She heard something from outside their room and got up to investigate. She didn’t bother dressing since it was nice and warm in the apartment. Rebecca heard Jake humming in the kitchen and tiptoed out there. It felt naughty to parade around naked and she loved it.

  Rebecca peeked around the doorway and saw him standing by the sink in his underwear. She made her way slowly towards him, mindful of creaky floorboards. A couple of times he moved and she thought he was going to turn around, but he didn’t.

  Jake finished filling the coffee pot just as Rebecca’s arms closed around him. He jumped and almost dropped the pot. Rebecca laughed and squeezed him tight.

  Jake felt her bare skin press against his and smiled. “You got me, lady. You scared the crap out of me.”

  “I’ve been taking lessons from Owl,” Rebecca said as she let him go.

  Jake put the coffee on to heat and then turned around. “I like what you’re wearing,” he said looking down at her nakedness.

  “Do you?” Rebecca asked. “I like what you’re wearing, too.”

  She caught movement out the window just as Jake slid his arms around her. “What’s that?”

  Jake asked, “What’s what?”

  She pointed out the window and Jake turned to look. “Oh, it’s snowing, that’s all.”

  “What?” she shouted. “Snow? It’s really snowing?”

  “Yeah,” he said as she struggled out of his grasp.

  She ran to the window and looked out at the flakes that flew by. “Snow!” There was already a thin blanket on the ground and it looked like there was going to be a whole lot more before the storm was through. “It’s incredible!”

  “Yeah, I like snow, too,” Jake said.

  She turned to him and said, “No, you don’t understand, Jake. I haven’t seen snow in years. I mean real snow! I have to see it.”

  She ran past Jake towards the door leading to the outside. In her excitement, she’d forgotten that she was naked. Jake caught her and laughed.

  “Rebecca, you have to get dressed first. Wait until after brunch and then we’ll go out in it,” Jake said.

  Rebecca laughed at her foolishness. “Oh my goodness! Thank you for saving me from unimaginable embarrassment, Jake. Yes. You’re right. There’s plenty of time. I’ll go get dressed.”

  She scampered off and Jake groaned as he watched her disappear into their room. “Looks like naked brunch ain’t gonna happen.”

  A romp in the snow wasn’t how Jake had pictured spending the day after their wedding, but seeing Rebecca so excited and happy made Jake glad it had snowed. Rebecca was thankful that she’d bought boots and gloves as they played and kissed behind the bar. Jake taught her how to make snowballs and they had a battle. He took it easy on her until she beaned him in the head with one.

  When they were tired, they decided to go to the Grady House for an early dinner. There were a few people there that they knew, but they were left alone for the most part. They enjoyed a leisurely dinner and walked home hand in hand through the snow-hushed town.

  As they walked, Rebecca looked at her handsome husband in adoration. In the two and a half months since she’d come to Dawson, Jake had taught her so much. She’d learned how to appreciate the simple things and that wealth wasn’t always measured in dollars and cents. Rebecca now had a wonderful circle of friends. That it included several different men was new to her. She’d never had platonic male friendships before and it was refreshing and amusing. Her new girlfriends made her laugh and were always willing to lend an ear or offer her advice when she needed it.

  She, Seth, and Luke were working on some Christmas music and were planning on having a short Christmas program at the Watering Hole two nights before the holiday. Her life had become so full in a short time that sometimes she couldn’t believe it.

  When they arrived home, Rebecca played a private performance for Jake. He always enjoyed watching her perform because she put all of her emotion into her playing. There was a part of her in every note that spoke to him. Often her eyes were closed and sometimes a smile crossed her face as she played a section that gave her joy.

  Rebecca finished playing and Jake clapped. She stood and curtsied, making Jake laugh. Then she tried to teach him to play a song on the piano and by the time he’d fumbled his way through the song, their stomachs hurt from laughing so hard.

  As they finished, Rebecca got up and said, “Catch me if you can,” and ran from the barroom to the stairs.

  She made it halfway up them before Jake caught her and gave her demanding kisses. Rebecca reveled in his passion-filled embrace and pulled his shirt from his pants. Jake unzipped her dress and picked her up so he could carry Rebecca the rest of the way to the apartment. Once there, they undressed each other and made it as far as the sofa.

  Their honeymoon week passed swiftly but they made the most of every day. When the bar reopened, the customers came back in droves and Jake was inundated with business. Rebecca helped pour drinks and had to wash glasses in between so they had them to use again for new customers.

  Jake figured that what they took in the first three days that they were opened again made up for being closed for a week. Joe and the gang came back full-force and Jake got out and danced. He’d missed it and gave Rebecca more dancing lessons.

  Jake taught Rebecca everything about running the bar. He said that since they were married now, they would work the place as a team. Rebecca was thrilled that he now considered her his partner.

  The Sunday after they’d reopened, there was a knock on their outside door to the apartment and when Jake answered the door, a man who resembled Rebecca stood on the landing.

  “Hello. Can I help you?” Jake asked.

  “Hello. I’m looking for my sister, Rebecca,” he said. “I’m her brother, Ben.”

  Rebecca came to the door. She was shocked to see her brother. “Benjamin? Whatever are you doing here?”

  Benjamin smiled and Jake could see the resemblance even more. “Why I came to see my sister, Rebecca.”

  Jake said, “Come on in, Ben.”

  The two men shook hands as Jake introduced himself.

  “Boy, you two sure look alike,” Jake said.

  Ben smiled and said, “We ought to since we’re twins.”

  Jake looked at Rebecca. “You never mentioned that.”

  “Didn’t I? I’m sorry for the oversight. Yes, we are twins,” she said.

  Jake noted that Rebecca didn’t seem especially happy to see her brother.

  “Take your coat off, Ben, and make yourself at home. I’ll put some coffee on,” Jake said.

  “Thank you, sir,” Ben said as he removed his heavy coat.

  Jake said, “It’s a shame that you couldn’t have been here for the wedding.”

  Ben sat on one of the dining room chairs. “Yes, I’m sorry that I missed your nuptials, Rebecca.”

  “It’s all right,” she said with a small smile as she sat down
across from him.

  She was suspicious of Ben’s motives for coming to Dawson. “How did you find me, Ben?”

  “Well, your friend Simmons gave me your address and so here I am,” Ben said with a smile.

  “Why are you here? I mean the real reason,” Rebecca asked.

  Jake came into the dining room with their coffee. He looked at the siblings with curiosity. There was an unmistakable undercurrent of animosity between them.

  Ben frowned at Rebecca. “I assure you that I have no ulterior motives, Rebecca.”

  “Frankly, I don’t believe you,” Rebecca said. There was an angry fire in her eyes. “If you are after money, you can leave right now. I do not have any money to speak of, Ben.”

  Ben’s dark brows drew down. “I do not need any money from you, Rebecca. I came here to personally deliver some news that I did not feel I wanted to impart to you in a letter,” he said in a cold tone.

  Jake stayed close to Rebecca. She steeled herself because she knew whatever he was about to tell her was bad.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Ben sighed. “I don’t know how to say this gently, so I’ll just say it. Father is dead, Rebecca. He took his own life two weeks ago.”

  Jake saw Rebecca go white and he sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. Rebecca grasped his arm for support.

  “Why did he do it? Because of everything that happened?” she asked.

  Ben nodded. “He and Mama had absolutely no money and he just couldn’t take it anymore according to the note he left. Mama is beside herself. She is going to live with our cousin Patricia. She will have to find work because I have no money to speak of, either.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Rebecca said. She felt numb and couldn’t absorb the information her brother had imparted to her.

  Ben said, “I couldn’t either when Mama wrote to me. I wasn’t upset that she sent a letter. She was grieving, after all. Despite everything, she still loved Daddy.”

  “I don’t know how to feel. I have mixed emotions,” Rebecca said.

  “As do I,” Ben said. “It isn’t as if we were very close or anything. Still, he was our father and I am sad in a way.”

  Rebecca nodded and took a sip of her coffee.

  Jake said, “Well, Ben, you’re welcome to stay in our guest room if you like.”

  He gave Jake a smile and Jake thought that he was as handsome as Rebecca was beautiful. “Why thank you, Jake. You are a true gentleman. My things are at the depot. I’ll collect them tomorrow.”

  Jake nodded. “That sounds great.”

  “How long are you staying?” Rebecca asked.

  Ben gave her a sharp look and said, “I really don’t know. I know that we’ve had our differences, Rebecca, but don’t you think it’s time we bury the hatchet? Life is short.”

  Rebecca bristled and said, “Well, you’ll have to forgive me for being suspicious, but your past actions have not instilled much confidence in me where you are concerned.”

  “Then perhaps it’s time that I show you that I have changed, sister dear,” Ben said. “All I ask is a chance to prove myself. Is that too much to ask?”

  Rebecca could sense no artifice in her brother and gave him a tiny bit of trust. “Very well. Please don’t make me regret giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

  Ben smiled and said, “Thank you, Rebecca.” He turned to Jake and said, “I’m sorry to have come here under such circumstances and barge in like this.”

  Jake said, “It’s ok. I understand. I’ll warn you, though; if you do anything to upset my wife, you’ll deal with me and you won’t like it.”

  “Duly noted, Jake. There won’t be any trouble. I give you my solemn promise,” Ben said with a serious expression on his face.

  Jake nodded and said, “Ok. I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  When they went to bed that night, Rebecca was preoccupied. She had serious misgivings about Ben’s sudden appearance and just couldn’t get rid of her anxiety over it. Jake held her and told her everything would be all right.

  The next night Rebecca introduced Ben around to their friends and he was a huge hit. His gregarious personality and quick smile made him extremely likable. He was amazed by Sammi and had hit on her at first until she told him in no uncertain terms that she was happily married. He’d graciously apologized and was no more than friendly towards her after that.

  Rebecca watched her brother with great suspicion, but so far he hadn’t caused any trouble. The third night Ben was there, he and Rebecca sat talking in the office.

  Ben said, “You know this is a nice place. You’ve got a good thing going, but it’s nothing like back in Georgia.”

  Rebecca took offense to his remark. “Jake and his father worked very hard to make the Watering Hole what it is today. Don’t you dare disparage it.”

  “Now, now, Rebecca. Don’t get your dander up. I was just merely commenting on it,” Ben said.

  Rebecca couldn’t stand his condescending attitude. “For your information, we have plans to grow this saloon into something that everyone will talk about for miles around. You wait and see. It can be so much more and we’re going to make it so. Then you’ll have to shut your mouth about it.”

  Ben arched an eyebrow. “You don’t say. What kind of plans?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say at this time. We are working out the details,” Rebecca said. “It may seem rough and tumble now, but by the time we’re done with it, it will be the greatest saloon in Montana.”

  Jake hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but he’d been coming to the office to put some cash in the safe and overheard Rebecca’s remarks. He was cut to the quick when he heard her negative statements about the bar. Angrily he went back out to the bar and hid the money behind some glasses in the back of a shelf.

  When Rebecca came out to the bar again, Jake tried to act as if nothing happened, but Rebecca could tell something was off with him. He smiled and kidded around with the customers but the smiles never reached his eyes. When she asked Jake what was wrong, he said that everything was fine, but she didn’t believe him.

  After the bar was closed, Jake went to the office to put money in the safe and look at the books a little and Rebecca followed him and closed the door. She sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  “Jake, will you please tell me what’s wrong?” she asked. Her concern was reflected in her eyes.

  Jake’s face settled into angry lines. “I didn’t realize that you had such a low opinion of my business.”

  Rebecca frowned. “I don’t.”

  “No? That’s not what you told Ben earlier tonight,” Jake said.

  Rebecca closed her eyes as shame stole over her.

  “If that’s how you really feel, why did you marry me? Is it that you waited until we were wed to decide that the Watering Hole wasn’t good enough as it is and that I need to make changes to make it bigger and better?” Jake demanded. Cold anger turned his blue eyes a shade lighter.

  Rebecca rushed to reassure him. “Heavens no, Jake. Ben just gets to me, that’s all. I said some stupid things. I’m so sorry.”

  “No, I think you meant what you said. Are you looking to get back into a higher financial bracket again? Do you miss all of the money?” Jake said.

  Rebecca was very offended. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing. I’m perfectly happy with the way things are.”

  “Look me in the eyes and tell me that the Watering Hole isn’t beneath you,” Jake said.

  “Not beneath me, but what’s wrong with improving things?” Rebecca said.

  Jake pounded his desk with a fist. “I knew it. As soon as I heard those words come out of your mouth, I knew that you’ve been lying to me all this time about loving the bar and being satisfied here.”

  Rebecca gaped at him. “I have not been lying! I am satisfied here. You are way out of line.”

  “No, you’re the one who’s out of line. What kinds of plans do you have for the place?” Jake asked

  Rebecca was angry now and shouted, “I don’t know! How about some nicer décor? Or maybe a longer bar with new stools and expanding the back wall to accommodate more people? How do those plans sound? It’s called ambition, Jake. Something you seem to be lacking.” Rebecca was shocked at the words coming out of her mouth and yet couldn’t seem to help herself. His accusations hurt and she thought she might as well do that of which he was accusing her. “Maybe I did mean it when I said it could be better. You’re satisfied with the way it is and have no vision about what it could be.”

  Jake sat back in his chair as if someone had physically hit him. Her cruel words felt like sledgehammer blows to his chest. “Boy, you sure fooled me, Rebecca,” he said quietly. “I thought you loved me and that you accepted my way of life. What an idiot I’ve been. You’ve probably been planning all of this from day one, huh?”

  Rebecca didn’t say anything.

  He let out an angry laugh. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Rebecca. This has all been a farce. I can’t believe I was so stupid to think that someone like you could be happy with this kind of life.” Jake couldn’t stay in the office with her any longer. He got up and left quickly. Grabbing his coat, he went out the back door and slammed it shut.

  Rebecca put her head in her hands and sobbed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When Jake came back from walking around town, he entered their bedroom to find Rebecca waiting up for him.

  “Jake, please listen—‘”

  “No! I’m done listening. I’ve heard all I need to, Rebecca,” Jake said as he began gathering clothes up for the next day.

  “What are you doing?” Rebecca said.

  “I’m moving to the other bedroom. I can’t share a room with a woman who doesn’t really love me,” Jake said.

  “Jake, I do love you!” Rebecca said. There were tears of distress in her voice.

  Jake closed his eyes against the pain her fake admission caused. “No, you don’t. You can’t love me if you can’t accept my way of life. I told you that in the beginning. I’ll get the rest of my things in the morning.”


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