The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2)) Page 11

by David Carner

  “Veronica, sweetie,” Mag began. “I don’t understand what is going on. Tell me exactly what happened.”

  Veronica went to sobbing just enough where she could talk. “I found this by the old mine shaft.” She was holding up the empty vodka bottle. “The boards were broken. I think they drank the vodka and then . . . and then . . . they fell through!!” Veronica sobbed hysterically. Mag was devastated. What would she do for money? The only steady income Mag had was the money she received for those two.

  Mag began to panic. I’ll have to get a full-time job, Mag thought. No, that wasn’t possible; there was no way she could pass any drug test. Mag began to think her life was over, but then Veronica said something that made Mag think all her problems were solved.

  “I’m gonna get in so much trouble for even showing them that shaft. If only there was something we could do where no one would miss them.” And with that, Veronica baited the hook. Mag realized that Veronica and her family were loaded. “You know the only money I get was the money I got for the kids,” Mag sobbed. Veronica looked at Mag through the tears in her eyes. Inside Veronica knew she had her.

  “Mag, maybe Daddy could help you. I mean you’ve lost the only two children you have. You should be compensated in some way for that. What if he were to give you $10,000.00?” Veronica asked softly. Mag smiled. Veronica continued.

  “Mag, you do realize if someone found the bodies of your children, you could face charges. You don’t want to go to jail Mag.” Mag shook her head no. Veronica pressed on. “Mag, you have to understand, if anyone were to find out what happened, you could go to jail for a very long time. People could say that you neglected your kids. They might make you take a drug test. Do you understand me, Mag?” Mag nodded. Veronica smiled and took Mag’s hand into hers.

  “You know? If anyone asks, you could just tell them that Beth and David went to live with their father . . . or fathers . . . however it worked out. No, I don’t want to know. If I don’t know, I can honestly tell people I don’t know where they are. If anyone presses you on it, just tell them it’s none of their business.” Mag nodded.

  “Do we have a deal?” Veronica put out her hand and Mag shook it. Veronica chuckled inside. She understood people and how their minds worked. They would sell anything for the right price. Apparently, the going rate to keep someone quiet about the death of two trailer park kids was $10,000.00.

  Chapter 51

  Veronica made her way to her father’s office after leaving the trailer park. She was a little upset with herself. She probably could have gotten Mag to take less than $10,000.00 but it was done with little or no fuss. She thought Daddy would be pleased. She had taken a negative and turned it into a positive. She walked into the building and up to her father’s office. The secretary saw her and nodded for her to go in. Veronica walked in, saw her father on the phone, shut the door and locked it. He father noticed her lock the door. He ended the call quickly, buzzed his secretary and told her to hold all of his calls. Her father offered her a seat. Veronica sat and then told her father everything. She didn’t sugarcoat anything, and he didn’t flinch with anything she said. When she finished, he sat quiet for a minute lost in thought. Then Veronica spoke again.

  “Daddy, I think I messed up.” Her father looked at her sharply. “I really believe Mag would have accepted $5,000.00, but I didn’t want to take any chances.” Her father smiled.

  “Dear, there’s a time when you have to pay a little more to get the desired outcome. In this case, I think that’s perfectly fine. You were faced with a unique set of circumstances. I’m very proud of you. You didn’t become emotional. You analyzed the situation and achieved the best possible outcome, exactly as I taught you. I assume you have a plan for taking care of everything else?”

  “Of course,” said Veronica. “I’ll meet with the others, and let them know how bad it would be for all of us if they were to find those bodies. I have explained to Mag how it is possible she could be brought up on charges of neglect if anyone were to find the bodies. I suspect she’ll be dead soon anyway. With that much money she’s likely to overdose. I was thinking, in about two months, if it wouldn’t cause you too much trouble, we could have all the parents of the others sent back to their original homes with a promotion. Then a month later, we could move back to Virginia. My running for president is out of the question, but I could become the first lady. Do you know anyone who could change my name?”

  He father beamed at her. “Dear, well thought out. Very well done! I have a few friends in the DOJ that can help with the name change. I am assuming you are doing it to make sure no one can ever link you back to this town?”

  “Yes daddy. I was thinking we could falsify some school records showing that I was taught with a private tutor until I start school in Virginia. That way if anyone ever comes looking for me, I don’t exist.”

  Archibald nodded. “It will take a little doing to get the birth records straightened out, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Are you sure they’re both dead?”

  Veronica frowned. “Well, I didn’t see them, but I’m almost sure that Beth was dead when Jason struck her from behind. There was an awful sound of bones breaking when the boy went over the side. I can’t see how he could have survived that fall, but it was too dark down the hole to see for sure. Do you want me to go back and look?”

  Archibald waved off the suggestion. “No, Veronica, if they survived the fall, I’m sure they both are dead from their injuries by now.”

  “Daddy, call me Lisa.” Her father was confused for just a second and then realized what she had done. He roared with laughter.

  “That’s my girl!! Cutting your losses and moving on!! Well, we can’t call you Lisa until we get you to Virginia, but if Lisa is the name you want, then I will get it started. I’ll also have a talk with the local police and sheriff to make sure that if anyone comes around asking or suggesting anything, it is properly ignored.“

  Veronica stood up to leave. Archibald stood as well and reached across the desk. He took hold of his daughter’s wrist.

  “Veronica, two people are dead today. Are you sure you’re ok?”

  Veronica looked her father in the eyes; her stare was of blue steel. “Daddy, I tried to make their lives better and all they did was ruin mine. They’re lucky that dying was all that happened to them. No one ever crosses me and gets away with it.” Her father let go of her wrist and gave her a big beaming smile. Veronica crossed the office and unlocked the doors. Her father picked up the phone and made a call. As she shut the door she heard her father talking to Fred. She didn’t know his last name, or his exact title. He was simply known as the Cleaner. She hated that someone else had to clean up her mess, or that she had a mess at all. As she walked out of the building, all she could think was sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

  Chapter 52

  Veronica met with Tom, Colt, Leroy, Amy, and Jason. She knew this was the last thing she had to take care of. They met back in the cave. They stayed away from the shaft that David and Beth had fallen through to their death. They all seemed a little spooked by the broken boards that were in front of the hole. Veronica thought about peering down to see if she could see the bodies, but decided that would just be too morbid. Honestly, she thought, how could anyone survive that fall?

  “Everyone,” Veronica started. “I need you to listen to me. What happened here today was terrible. What I’m going to say may sound harsh, but it’s only because it’s the truth, and many times the truth is harsh. I am sorry those two died earlier, but we can’t have our lives ruined over an accident. Now we could go to the police, but there is the chance they would arrest Jason. That would ruin any chance he has of being the starting quarterback next year. Jason has a chance to go to college on a football scholarship.” Veronica knew she had to make everyone understand that this was for everyone, not just Jason.

  “Amy, you want to be a teacher. Tom, you want to be a doctor. Colt, you want to be an accountant, and Ler
oy.” Veronica smiled as she looked at Leroy. “Leroy, do you think an amusement park for kids would hire someone that was involved with a questionable death?” Veronica looked around at all of them. “Do any of you think the profession you want to be in would?” She let the question hang in the air. “Look, as long as we don’t talk, no one will ever know. I know David’s and Beth’s mother won’t talk. She won’t go to the police because she’s afraid she’ll be arrested for neglect.” Veronica looked around at the group; she could see the agreement growing on their faces. She had to bring it home. She was proud of herself for leading the group exactly where she needed them to be. She was especially happy with herself because she knew her father would be so proud.

  “I hate to even mention this, but Beth was trying to rape me . . . “ Veronica started a fake sob to gain a little sympathy. She collected herself and continued. “Apparently she made her brother follow her to help if needed. There is no telling what those two deviants would have done to me if Jason hadn’t saved me. They would have ravaged me, and then . . .” She gave a shudder. “And then for all I know they may have thrown me through that shaft.”

  Veronica looked over the group. If she couldn’t become the first lady, then she had no doubt she could be a great trial lawyer. No one could out argue her.

  “Does anyone disagree with anything I’ve said here?” She looked around and they all shook their heads. They didn’t like it, but she had convinced them. “Ok, here’s what’s going to happen. To protect everyone, all of your parents are going to be transferred back to the original state you came from.” Jason looked crestfallen. Veronica put her hand on his knee. He raised his head and looked into her eyes. Veronica talked very softly. “Jason, please understand this kills me. We have to do it though; it’s to protect your future. It’s to protect all of us. We have to forget about each other. Once we each move away, do not contact me ever again.” The group looked shocked. “I know this seems harsh, but I plan to be a public figure one day, and I don’t want to go through the constant questions of what happened to me today. It would be too hard. I don’t think I could take the constant questions. Nothing happened to me today, but the press will try to sensationalize it. I don’t want to be one of those people who are connected to something when I was never actually raped. Do you understand?”

  Everyone nodded. Veronica knew they were still in shock and this was the best time to get everyone to agree. Veronica stood up and hugged each of them. The group began to break up and leave. Jason lingered until everyone left. He tried to approach Veronica, but she simply shook her head no, and pointed toward the exit. Jason nodded and walked away.

  For the most part, that was the last time Veronica ever saw them alive again. She stayed away from the group over the next few weeks as the transfer orders for the group’s parents took place. Veronica’s father announced that he was moving his family back to Virginia a few days after the last parent was transferred. The day Veronica got in the car to leave Kentucky was the last day anyone ever called her by that name. On that day, Lisa was born.

  Chapter 53

  Lisa looked up at the clock. An hour had passed. She hadn’t thought about that day for over twenty-five years. She could never forgive Beth and David for costing her a shot at the presidency. There was no way she could ever run with what had happened. Lisa felt secure the identity that was built for her was fool proof, but she didn’t want to chance it. She was afraid nothing would hold up to the scrutiny of the media if she were to have run for the nation’s highest office. She knew her only chance was to be the first lady. She had hopes of being Secretary of State someday, but anything more than that was now impossible. She was so angry at the George siblings for destroying her dreams. She sent an instant message for Agent McDonald to come to her office immediately.

  A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Agent McDonald entered. Lisa knew she couldn’t personally get too involved with the FBI or someone would start to wonder why she was involved. She needed Luke to take care of this for her. She had to stress that to Agent McDonald. When Luke entered, Lisa walked to the door and locked it. Agent McDonald stood there frozen like a statue. Lisa walked up beside him and ran her hand down his arm.

  “Luke,” Lisa purred. “I need you to get Agent Fowler off of this case. If I understand right, Bruce Cosby turned it down. Maybe you need to talk to Senator Cosby. I can’t believe a father wouldn’t want to see his son succeed.”

  Luke swallowed nervously, “Mrs . . . “ Lisa cut him off.

  “Luke, call me Lisa, or when we’re alone, Silk.” Lisa smiled at Luke seductively.

  “Lisa . . . I talked to Agent Cosby, and if I understand him right, he and his father don’t get along.” Lisa moved from Luke’s shoulder to stand right in front of him. Lisa straightened Luke’s tie and then raised her eyebrows twice, very quickly. She mocked at undoing Luke’s tie. Luke thought he might pass out. If anyone were to walk in . . .

  “Let me guess,” Lisa inquired. “Bruce wants Daddy to approve, right?” Luke nodded. “Then talk to Senator Cosby, and if that doesn’t work . . . maybe do something that would help Bruce impress Daddy. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you if you take care of this. Do we understand each other, Luke?”

  Luke nodded. He knew exactly what he could do. He would get Senator Cosby to help him with Bruce. If Senator Cosby wouldn’t assist Luke with Bruce, then Luke would “kidnap” the senator. Not for real. He would take the senator without Jeremiah knowing it was Luke. Luke could use a mask or something to disguise his identity from the senator. Luke would feed Bruce the information of where the senator was so Bruce could “rescue” him. Luke looked Lisa up and down. Lisa winked at him and waved him away. As Luke left, he wondered how far “Silk” was willing to go.

  John Fowler


  Chapter 54

  John was sitting beside the cave entrance. He was sick to his stomach. If all of this was true . . . he looked up at Brother Jim.

  “Jim, let me run through this from start to finish to make sure I completely understand.” Jim nodded. “Jason Sparks, Beth George, and David George were born and raised here in this town. Archibald Industries came here, and Lisa Staples moved here when her father, The Archibald Staples, moved to the community. Archibald brings several people from other plants whose children include Tom, Amy, Leroy, and Colt; the four people killed at Jason Sparks’ funeral. Veronica Staples starts to try and “save” Beth George, in her eyes, by making Beth the girl who beat the odds of a single, possibly drunk and drug addled parent from rural Kentucky.” Jim nodded, John continued. “The last time anyone ever saw Beth was when she came to you to tell you she was gay. She told you she was going to meet Veronica. There has never been any follow up by the police, when you talked to them, except that they told you Mrs. George stated her two children went to live with their fathers. Two weeks after you last saw Beth, the parents of the four murdered mourners moved back to their home states. Then Archibald leaves Kentucky and the next thing you know, Veronica Staples has disappeared from all public record and Lisa has taken her place.” John stopped, exhausted.

  “John, you got it, sadly, that is it exactly,” said Brother Jim. John shook his head. He had stepped in it, and it stank high to heaven. They both stared at the cave entrance. Brother Jim looked at the flashlights John had been carrying. John sighed and nodded his head. He handed Brother Jim a flashlight and they started inside. Brother Jim stopped at each branch within the cavern and looked for markings. John smiled; it was like something out of a Mark Twain novel. They followed the markings and entered a large room. Inside the large room, John looked around with his flashlight. He saw torches in the wall and a stone that resembled a throne. He continued to look and noticed an old rotted wooden barrier; one side was broken. John looked over the side with his flashlight. He called Brother Jim over and they both shined their flashlights down the hole. John lowered his head. He was pretty sure he could see a skull sticking up out of what lo
oked to be a shallow pool. Brother Jim was on one knee.

  “John, is that . . .” Brother Jim tried to ask. John nodded.

  “I only saw one. Jim, did you see another?” John asked. Jim shook his head no. John swung his flashlight around. He was trying to see if there was a trail to the broken boards. He got up and walked toward the back of the cave, looking for anything. He pulled out his spray, and moistened the broken boards. He sprayed around the ground and worked his way back out until he ran out of the chemicals. He put on the special glasses and did find some flecks of blood where the boards were broken, but not the amount he expected. He kept using his light as he walked away from the hole, and found a small pool about thirty feet away from the mine shaft. John nodded, and turned to Brother Jim.

  “Jim, I need you to do something that may be very hard. I need you to not tell a soul about this.” Jim looked surprised. “If this goes the way you and I are thinking, the last thing we need to do is involve the local police. I’m going back to New York. I’ll get a team together and they’ll be down here by the end of next week. Whatever, excuse me, whoever, is down there has obviously been there for years, so a week isn’t going to hurt.”

  Jim looked at the hole and back to John. “John, do you think she’s involved?” John shook his head, looked at the hole and then back to Jim.

  “Jim, I have no idea, but if she is, then you understand the need for secrecy, right?” Jim nodded. “Let’s get out of here.” The two of them left the cave and headed back to the church. They didn’t say anything during the walk. When they reached the church, John shook Brother Jim’s hand.


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