SEAL's Second Chance (A Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance)

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SEAL's Second Chance (A Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance) Page 49

by Ivy Jordan

  She smiled weakly. “I got my camera, didn’t I?” she snapped.

  He nodded and winked.

  The EMTs quickly rushed to Tamara, giving her oxygen, and covering her in a cool cloth.

  “What happened here?” he asked, his eyes lingering in my direction. “I mean, I want to see you, too, but this is a little extreme,” he smiled.

  Even in this horrid situation, Josh had a way of making me feel safe and at ease.

  I explained the situation, how Lisa burnt dinner, and we lit candles and opened windows to kill the smell. The candle in the kitchen had most likely brushed with the curtain as the wind blew through, causing it to ignite.

  Josh seemed to agree it would be tough to determine the house was on fire with the smell and smoke still so strong from earlier. I felt foolish, but I was glad to see him.

  The fire was finally contained, but there wasn’t much left to the house. “You’ll obviously need a place to stay for a while,” Josh said.

  “Where are we going to go?” Amy cried.

  “Do you have anywhere?” Josh asked. “Family? Friends?” he added.

  “None of us have family here,” I explained.

  “All my friends live here,” Lisa laughed nervously, pointing at the house. “Can I stay with you?” she asked me with a laugh.

  “Sure, bring your own marshmallows, though,” I teased.

  Tamara was fine despite how long she’d been inside with the blaze, and was released by the EMT. She assured us that the insurance would handle everything. “We can stay in a hotel. They’ll reimburse us,” she suggested.

  “Why don’t you girls go to my house,” Josh offered, reaching under his suit and into his jeans.

  “Here,” he said, handing me a key.

  “We couldn’t,” I argued.

  “Of course you could,” he said with a wink.

  He leaned in, kissing me softly on my forehead. He reeked of smoke, but I didn’t mind. He was sensual, sweet, and so kind that I could feel my heart swelling inside my chest.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he insisted.

  The girls all thanked him as the other firefighters pulled him away. “I gotta go. Emily knows how to get there,” he said, grinning as he turned to head back toward the truck.

  Wow, only two official dates, and I’m already moving in.

  Chapter Five

  The girls all gushed with excitement when they saw Josh’s place. “He’s a keeper,” Tamara said with a wink. I already knew he was; that was the problem.

  The first night, we all snuggled under blankets in the living room, not sure if we should venture out to the guest rooms.

  It was gracious of Josh to let us stay the night, but when he told us we could stay until our house was fixed, we were all a little more than shocked.

  “And, you need to be in my bed, keeping it warm,” he whispered in my ear, kissing me softly on the neck.

  “Yes, sir,” I agreed, vowing to never sleep on the floor again.

  He situated the girls in guest rooms, each with their own room. It was nicer than our house, and much more spacious. None of us were worried about getting back home anytime soon, especially me.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to get a hotel?” I asked after our third day there.

  “Absolutely not. You’re so busy with the movie, at least this way I get to see you,” he smiled.

  Damn, his lips tasted delicious as he pressed them against mine. Tamara made a growl as she passed us, laughing at our public display of affection.

  I didn’t care. I’d fuck him right there on the kitchen counter if he wanted to.

  “I have to go,” I groaned, sinking into his arms.

  I hated working so many hours, especially knowing Josh was off work for the next two days.

  “I’ll have a bottle of wine chilled, a delicious dinner made, and a movie ready for you when you get home,” he said sweetly.

  Home. I liked the sound of that.

  He slapped my ass playfully and then pushed me gently out of his arms. “Have a great day,” he winked.

  It was a great day, although long and tiring. The scenes were dramatic, and even though the director was virtually unknown in the industry, I felt he’d really make a spot for himself with this film, and for me.

  I drove back to Josh’s place—home, as he’d called it so lovingly—floating on cloud nine. My body was worn and exhausted, by my mind alert and reeling from the possibility of having a relationship, an actual relationship, with Josh.

  He was a keeper; Tamara was right. I wanted nothing more than to keep him.

  “Welcome home,” Lisa said sleepily.

  She rubbed her eyes and then gave me a quick hug. “Josh made an amazing dinner.”

  “He’s a great cook,” I acknowledged, excited to see him. “Where is he?” I asked.

  She smiled. “Waiting for you in the living room.”

  I let out a soft squeal as Lisa ushered herself to bed. The other girls were already out, having been properly fed, entertained, and cared for by the most amazing man I’d ever met.

  “You’re home,” Josh said, leaning against the frame of the living room entrance.

  I couldn’t contain my endearment towards him, quickly sliding into his arms and letting my head rest against his chest.

  Soft beats of his heart lifted my cheek from his chest, gently, and then lowered it back down again to rest against the warmth of his chest.

  “Hard day?” he asked.

  I looked up, letting my tired eyes answer for me.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  I nodded, slipping from his arms to let him guide me towards the stairs. I took the step, one at a time, slowly, enjoying the feel of his hands around my waist. At the bedroom entrance, I paused. “What about dinner?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “We’ll get you dinner. First, we need to get you relaxed and comfortable,” he said.

  His hands slid my jacket from my shoulders and down my arms. I stood there, allowing him to undress me, one piece of clothing at a time, slowly, sensually.

  Sex with Josh was so romantic, so thoughtful, and I knew from the bulge in his sleep pants, he was about to get really thoughtful.

  “You must be exhausted,” he whispered, kneeling in front of me with his hands on my pants button.

  He pulled, opening my jeans, and then tugged the material from my body. I stepped out of them, with his help, and then let out a sigh as his hands rolled up my legs and to my thighs.

  “How about a massage?” he asked, slowly rising back to his feet.

  “You’ve already done so much. I should give you a massage,” I protested.

  He hummed a deep vibrating sound from his lips as his eyes lingered on my bare chest. “Lay down,” he ordered.

  I climbed onto the bed, laying on my back as I watched Josh open the drawer to his nightstand. He pulled out a jar of oil and set it on the nightstand near the bed. My body tingled with anticipation. I’d never received a massage before. I was excited.

  “I don’t want to get oil on those sexy panties,” he said softly, eyeing the silk panties still covering my most intimate parts.

  His hands slid up my legs, slowly and sensually. He gripped my panties, tugging at them as I lifted my ass from the mattress. I loved the look he got when staring at my body. A hunger, a desperation, a thirst was in his eyes as they lingered between my legs.

  He climbed onto the bed, lowering his mouth between my open legs. The warm wetness of his tongue made me shudder when it slapped against my swollen flesh. It buried into my plump lips, sliding between them, gently dipping into my pussy to taste the juices created by my excitement.

  His lips tugged at my flesh, sucking it into his mouth, making me squeal. My back arched, pushing my pussy against his willing and hungry mouth. My clit hardened between his lips as he sucked it in, massaging it with his tongue, making me moan out into the large room.

  “Roll over,” he ordered, lifting
his head from between my legs.

  My legs were quivering, weak, and barely held my weight as I rolled over to my belly.

  His hands massaged my ass, circling my flesh as he parted it, creating a wild sensation shooting through my entire body.

  His tongue glided across my skin, slipping between my cheeks and touching a part of my body not yet explored by anyone. My breathing quickened as he lifted away from me. Suddenly, the scent of lavender filled the room and I could hear his hands rubbing together to warm the scented oil.

  Warmth filled my body as his hands touched my skin, massaging with power, precision, and a sensuality I couldn’t have dreamed up if I’d tried.

  His hands pushed my legs open, giving him a view of my shaved pussy as he massaged my legs, and then my feet. I wanted to come as his hands glided up my thighs, letting his fingers touch my sweet, tortured flesh.

  “Don’t come yet,” he whispered in my ear, sliding his body along my back and letting his cock press into my leg.

  It was hard, warm, and I wanted it inside of me so bad, I begged. “Fuck me, please.”

  “Not yet,” he chuckled with a deep vibration in his voice.

  His hands pressed into my back, pushing all the stress and exhaustion from my body. I could feel the toxins releasing from my skin as he let his hands glide to my shoulders, and then down my arms to my fingers.

  “Roll over,” he ordered.

  I quickly obliged, rolling to my back and letting my breasts become the focal point for his viewing pleasure. His hands rubbed more oil, and then immediately dropped to my tits. His palms pressed gently into my mounds of flesh, circling around my nipples and causing me to groan.

  My pussy ached to be touched, and I was pretty sure Josh knew that he was torturing me. I cried out his name, begging him to fuck me please. He just smiled, leaned down, and kissed me softly on the lips.

  I rolled my hips towards his cock as my back arched. He chuckled, pulling away as his hands continued their caressing massage along my sides, and then my hips. My legs opened as he massaged each one, slowly reaching my feet. His strong fingers pushed into the soles of my feet, and then worked between my toes as his mouth kissed at my ankles, and then my calves.

  It was sweet torture as his mouth moved towards my thighs, and then the hot breath coming from his lips could be felt on my throbbing pussy.

  My entire body had been awakened by his teasing, bringing me so close to the edge of my orgasm, I could feel myself teetering on the edge.

  Josh climbed up the bed, mounting me with strong arms and hungry eyes. My body pressed into the softness of the mattress as my heart raced with excitement.

  He reached over me, opening the drawer to the nightstand. My hips pushed towards him uncontrollably as my body reacted to the impending satisfaction.

  He pushed up, leaning back on his knees and gripping his hard cock in one hand. My eyes lingered, unable to fight the excitement the sight of his manhood stirred in me. I squirmed from my position, turning myself around, and lowering my mouth to the flesh between his legs before he could slip on the protection to cover the sweet taste of his sex.

  “Oh, hell,” he sighed as my mouth surrounded the head of his cock.

  He flinched between my lips as they rolled down his shaft and my tongue flicked at the bulging veins along the side.

  My hand reached between his legs, cupping his heavy, warm balls. He growled with delight as he allowed me to take full control, sucking him into my mouth slowly, deeper and deeper with each thrust.

  Josh rested his hands on my head, his fingers curling into my long, brown hair. He tugged gently, pulling my mouth from his member. “You’re gonna make me come,” he gasped, his cock already beginning to pulsate between my lips.

  I wanted him to come. I wanted to taste his sweet excitement rolling warmly down my throat.

  “I want to come together,” he argued, groaning again as my mouth tightened around his cock.

  I released, knowing that the sultry sensation of him inside me was my ultimate goal.

  His hands pushed against my shoulders, sending me gently to my back. I exhaled, letting my body relax as he tore open the foil package and slid the protection onto his hard, teased shaft.

  The weight of his body against me made me sigh with satisfaction. My body squirmed beneath him, positioning my opening to receive his hard cock.

  His eyes dropped onto mine, filled with love and kindness. I watched his lips curl into a smile, and then part, as if he was about to say something, something sweet. Say it!

  I opened like a butterfly spreading its wings, allowing him to enter with a soft thrust. He stopped, not moving, breathing hard and staring at me as if to apologize for his quick excitement.

  My grip around his shoulders tightened, and my back arched, pushing him deeper into me. He groaned and then lowered his mouth to mine. The sweetness of my own juices on his tongue made me quiver beneath him, sending his thrusts back to a stronger, faster pace.

  Tingles shot through my nipples, electricity rocked my entire body, and soon I was lost in a fog of ecstasy, moaning loudly and calling out his name, careless about who could hear.

  His body tightened in my grip, his cock throbbed against my begging flesh. The sweet release we’d both held back was let go in unison. Wildly delicious, and oh so sweet.

  I hadn’t noticed the bottle of wine chilling on the nightstand earlier, or the movie on the TV stand. “Relax here. I’ll go get your dinner,” he whispered, lifting his weight from my satisfied body. Yes, this man is a keeper.

  Chapter Six

  “Good morning,” Josh whispered in my ear.

  I opened my eyes to the sunlight blasting through the bedroom window, and to Josh, who leaned over my shoulder, kissing my bare skin.

  “Good morning,” I said softly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “What time is it?” I mumbled through a deep yawn.

  “Seven,” he replied, and then jumped up from the bed, leaving my back empty and cold.

  I shuddered. “I have to leave in an hour,” I whined, hating that I couldn’t stay and enjoy breakfast.

  “Breakfast is already made. Get your shower, and come down for coffee and waffles,” he said cheerfully. How did I get so lucky?

  I stretched my body, pushing my hands into the headboard. I couldn’t remember the last time I woke up so satisfied and relaxed.

  The shower did its job, waking me up quickly with the lukewarm water splashing into my face. The scent of lavender was thick on my body as the oil washed away with the body wash. I quivered from the memory of our night. So passionate, so sensual. There was something more to what we were doing. It wasn’t just sex. It was much, much more.

  The smell of coffee and bacon rolled up the stairs as I opened the bedroom door. Lisa’s wild laugh sounded like a semi’s horn, startling me as I took my first step down towards the delicious scent, and boisterous noise.

  “Good morning,” Lisa chimed, smiling from ear to ear.

  It was easy to see she was smitten with Josh as she batted her eyelashes in his direction, and laughed at everything he said. Oh, brother!

  I moved towards Josh, wrapping my arms around his waist and tip-toeing to reach his lips for a quick kiss. My head rested on his chest after my kiss, turning to Lisa and giving her the ‘he’s mine’ look, to which she rolled her eyes and smiled.

  “This looks amazing,” I said, looking at the spread Josh had created.

  Belgian waffles, strawberries, whipped cream, and bacon were plated on the counter next to the freshly brewed pot of coffee. “Eat,” he insisted, pulling out a chair for me at the kitchen table.

  “I’m so glad our house burnt down,” Lisa laughed.

  I gave her a smirk, knowing that if Tamara heard that remark, she’d come unglued. She’d loved that house. It was her first adult purchase; even though she needed three other roommates to help her pay the mortgage, it was hers.

“Where is everyone?” I asked as Josh slipped a mug of hot coffee in front of me.

  The mug was so warm and inviting on my hands as they gripped it, and the smell of the coffee so strong, it immediately perked me up.

  “Tamara had an early shoot, and Amy stayed at Maria’s,” Lisa announced. “I’ve gotta run. Thank you for the breakfast, Josh. Good luck today, Emily,” she said as she grabbed another slice of bacon and rushed out the front door.

  “You didn’t have to do all this,” I smiled at Josh.

  “I love seeing you smile,” he replied, with a grin of his own.

  Damn, just hearing that ‘L’ word gave me chills and made my heart race.

  “I have to head to the station today to prep for the fundraiser next week,” he said quickly, as if he just realized he had things to do today.

  “Fundraiser?” I asked.

  “Yes. Why don’t you come? In fact, you should all come,” he insisted.

  “I would love to. I’m sure the girls would too,” I said, loving the chance to use the ‘L’ word with him.

  “It’s a week from today,” he said.

  “Okay. Well, you can give me the details when you have time,” I said, shoving a piece of bacon into my mouth.

  The waffle was too good to leave behind, so even after Josh kissed me goodbye and took off for the station, I stayed and finished it. I savored every last bite.

  The movie set was just as I’d left it: chaotic, exhausting, and crowded. Cameramen, makeup artists, actors, extras, sound people, the director, and a handful of others were all clamoring around the set as I walked in, ready to start my day.

  But there was nothing that could ruin my mood, no way. Last night had been too perfect. This morning was too perfect. I only wished every night and every day could be just like that.

  The big scene for the day was my first abuse scene, getting hit hard in the face and then tossed onto the floor by my on-screen husband. It was unbelievable how upset it really got me, just to play the part of the abused woman. My insides were twisted, my brain throbbing, and my entire body ached from the stress I couldn’t seem to shake.


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