Pucked Under (Pucked #4.5)

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Pucked Under (Pucked #4.5) Page 10

by Helena Hunting

  “The sexy lingerie is nice, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  I mentally review the contents of my bag. I don’t remember putting anything exciting in there, apart from my bullet, but that’s nothing new. “What kind of interesting items?” I turn my head to the side and blow my hair out of my face.

  Randy pushes up on his arms and moves the remaining strands out of the way.

  A package comes into my field of vision.

  “Oh, shit,” I breathe. I’m not even remotely tired anymore.

  He rolls his hips against my ass again. “Wanna tell me about this?” His voice vibrates with excitement.

  Holy mother, he wants to invade my ass. Not once has he ever tried to go there. I mean, obviously when we have sex doggy style, he’ll slide his cock between my bum cheeks before he makes a home out of my vag, but in the year we’ve been together, he’s never tried to get into the Area 51 zone, as Violet calls it.

  “Umm…” The last time I used this bag was on our Vegas trip, months ago, when Alex and Violet got married. We went to a sex shop. I’d totally forgotten about the butt plug.

  I’ve had a vibrator for a few years, because I have needs. I have a fairly high sex drive, and my ex-boyfriend did not. I needed to take care of myself on a regular basis. But backdoor anything has never been on my radar—not until I started hanging out with Violet and Charlene.

  Randy’s nose brushes my cheek. “Lily? Did you buy this because you want me to use it on you?”

  “Charlene got that for me.”

  “Charlene bought you a butt plug?” He doesn’t sound particularly impressed.

  “Um…we went to a sex shop while we were in Vegas, and Charlene bought one for all of us. Kind of like a party favor.” My voice goes up at the end, turning it into a question.

  “You’ve had this since Vegas?” Now he sounds shocked.

  “I forgot it was in there.”

  “So it wasn’t meant as a surprise?” That’s one-hundred-percent disappointment, right there.

  “Not really, no.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  I consider for a moment whether or not this is something I want to try. I mean, obviously not butt sex, but, like, butt stuff. My magic marble is lit up like fireworks, and that’s based on Randy’s excitement alone.

  He scoots over, like maybe he’s about to get up. I grip his wrist—the one attached to the tattooed hand holding the still-packaged butt plug.

  “But we can try it out,” I say.

  He doesn’t make a move. “It’s okay if it’s not something you’re into.”

  “Is it something you’d be into?”

  This time he rolls to the side. I glance down at his massive hard-on with the glistening tip. I don’t think he actually needs to answer my question.

  He caresses my lip with his thumb. “Not if you’d only be doing it because you think it’s something I want. I just thought you brought it with you for a purpose. But if it wasn’t intentional, I can forget it even exists.”

  I snort. “Like hell you can.”

  “Okay, maybe not, but if you decide you never want it to come out of the package, that’s cool.”

  I trace a line on his tattooed arm. “And if I decide I do?”

  “That’s cool, too.”

  “Have you ever…” I drop my gaze from his, focusing on the landscape decorating his arm instead. Randy’s had a lot of sex with a lot of different partners. Before me.

  “Does it matter?”

  “No. I guess not.”

  Randy scoots closer until his nose touches the end of mine. Then he backs off and puts his finger under my chin. “Look at me, Lily.”

  I lift my eyes to meet his.

  “How do I feel about you?”

  “You love me,” I whisper.

  His smile is soft, warm. “That’s exactly right. I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. Do you know what that means?”

  “That you love me a lot?”

  He chuckles. “It means the sex we have is different, because it’s more. You get what I mean?”

  I nod.

  He presses a gentle kiss to my lips. “So whatever you want from me, I’ll give you, but only because it’s what you want, not because you think it’s what I want. Okay?”


  I ease my body against his, bringing our mouths together. I hook my leg over his hip, feeling the hot, hard press of his cock against my stomach. We kiss like that for a few minutes, soft and easy, hot tongues dancing.


  “Yeah, baby.” He skims my side with a light finger.

  “Let’s pretend like I meant to surprise you.”




  There are moments in life a person never forgets, good and bad. My first goal, nearly having my dick decapitated, being drafted to the NHL, winning the Stanley Cup, and telling Lily I loved her for the first time all fit into this category.

  The first time your girlfriend tells you she wants to let you near her ass also earns a special place in the memory bank of Holy Fuck.

  Until I found the plug in her bag, I’d assumed—with the way those girls talk about Area 51 and its access-denied status—that it was forever a no-go. Her reaction when I first showed it to her seemed to confirm this. I’m also aware that I’ve got more going on in the dick department than the majority of guys, so unless Lily is secretly an anal porn star, I’m not getting access.

  Except now I am. Maybe not with my cock, but this is a step in that direction. A small, pink step with a jeweled end. It’s gonna look fantastic peeking out of her ass.

  I’m so fucking excited, I think my dick is going to explode.

  I cup her cheek—the one on her face. “Are you sure?” I have to ask. This isn’t like a new sex position. This is way more awesome, and it requires a hell of a lot more trust—or a chick who’s been down the anal road a lot. Since the latter isn’t a reality, the former is where my concern lies.

  “Yes. Totally.”

  I kiss her again, aware she has to be nervous. I want this to be a good experience for her. I don’t have to ask if it’s something she’s done before; based on her reactions thus far, this is unexplored territory. That I get to do this first with her makes it a really big fucking deal.

  “I’m gonna make this so good for you, luscious.”

  “You always make me feel good.” The tremor in her voice gives away both her excitement and her trepidation.

  We make out for a while, and I keep one hand on her ass, just kneading. She’s rubbing herself on my cock, the satiny fabric of her bikini bottom the only thing in the way. She’s trying to get off, but without a seam, I don’t think she’ll have much success. Which is good. I need her excited and at the edge. She makes a plaintive noise, fingernails digging into my skin.

  I break the kiss. “Let’s get you naked.”

  “Best idea ever.”

  She starts to roll onto her back, but I turn her the other way so she’s on her stomach instead. I pull the ties on her top and the strings on the bottoms. Then I start with the teasing. I kiss a path down her spine. When I get to her ass, I start biting, massaging, caressing. I slip my fingers between her legs and circle her clit, then quickly withdraw them.

  “Randy,” she moans, lifting her ass off the mattress.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I wanna come.”

  “Is that right?”

  She groans and tries to slide her hand under her body so she can give herself what I won’t yet.

  I straddle her legs in one quick move and grab both of her hands. She moans again and bucks underneath me, like she’s trying to get me off of her. Threading my fingers through hers, I stretch out, keeping her legs tight together by planting a knee on either side of her thighs. This time there’s no bathing suit to prevent me from sliding my cock along her ass.

  Her fingers tighten around mine. “Oh, fuck.”

�That’s the plan. Eventually.” I claim her mouth. Every stroke of my tongue and roll of my hips is meant to remind her what she doesn’t have yet, and wants.

  I break the kiss and sit back on my knees, easing one between her thighs now. She immediately tries to wiggle her way down the bed so she can rub up on it. I give her ass a light slap, and she gasps, looking over her shoulder.

  “Just wait for it, baby. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  Grabbing a couple of pillows, I slip an arm under her waist and prop her up. Then I get the small bottle of lube designed specifically for this scenario and pour a thin stream along the cleft of her ass. That gets me another groan.

  With the tip of the plug, I stroke from her clit to her ass. I’m rewarded with a gasping breath and a shift of her hips. I make slow circles, easing the tip inside, watching carefully for signs of discomfort or uncertainty. There aren’t any. When it’s evidently not enough, she lifts her hips, so I go a little deeper with the plug. Lily sucks in a sharp breath.

  “Too much?” If I was using my finger I’d be about two knuckles deep by now. There’s less than an inch to go.

  She gives her head a furious shake. “Not too much. God, Randy, I wanna come.”

  “I know. I want you to come, too.” I give her a little more, and she arches her back, pushing it in the rest of the way for me. I knead her ass and stare, because Jesus, this is a million times better than any porn I’ve ever seen. It’s complete vulnerability and trust on her part.

  She reaches back and skims the jeweled end with shaking fingers. Looking over her shoulder at me she asks, “Will you take a picture so I can see what it looks like?”

  And I almost blow my motherfucking load right there. “Fuck, Lily, of course. Stay just like that.” I nab the Polaroid camera, which I had the good sense to leave on the nightstand. I snap a picture and toss the developing image to Lily. Then I grab the digital camera—because fuck just Polaroids for this—and take about twenty pictures. I switch to the video camera and hit record as I rub slow, gentle circles around her clit. And orgasm one hits her.

  Lily comes on a seriously loud moan. The picture she’s holding crumples in her fist, and she shudders violently. When it seems like it’s mostly over, I cover her body with mine again, aware my weight will put pressure on the plug.

  She mashes her face into the comforter to muffle a string of profanities. I have a feeling our sex life is about to ramp up a few notches, if this is any indication of how much experimenting Lily’s cool with.

  I prop myself up on one elbow, kissing along her jawline. “Lift your head for me.”

  It takes her a few seconds to comply, which is understandable since she’s still shaky from the orgasm. I hit record again as I brush stray hairs away from her face. Her eyes are glassy, her cheeks gorgeously flushed, lips parted.

  “Did you come, baby?” I ask on a whisper.

  She nods.

  “Was it good?”

  She tries to turn her head to look at me, so I encourage her to look at the camera again.

  “You’re recording this?” she asks breathlessly.

  “I’ll delete it when we’re done if you want me to.”

  “Did you get me coming?”

  This time I nod and kiss her cheek. “Do you want to see?”

  She bites her lip, white teeth sinking into soft pink flesh, and nods. So I show her what it looked like from my perspective. Fifteen seconds in, she stops watching and grips my hair, seeking my mouth. She’s aggressive and needy, rubbing her ass on my cock, asking me to fuck her.

  “Let me use my fingers first.” I shift to the left, kissing her neck while I finger-fuck her. She comes twice, hard and fast, and then she’s begging for my cock again. It’s so hot to see her like this: absolutely uninhibited, losing control and loving it.

  She pushes up on all fours when I get into position behind her. I tap the plug, and she moans. “You want this out before I fuck you?”

  “No. Leave it in.”

  “You sure?” Sweet Christ, let her be sure.


  “Just tell me if it’s too much or it gets uncomfortable, okay?”


  I run the head of my cock from her clit all the way to the little plug and back again a few times before I head to the Vagina Emporium and give her the tip.

  “How’s that feel?”

  “Full. Good.”

  “You want me to keep going?”


  “I’m probably not going to last very long, Lily. The view is fucking spectacular.”

  “Picture, please,” she rasps.

  I pick up the Polaroid again and snap one, tossing the undeveloped image to her. “Try not to ruin this one.”

  She snickers, then sucks in one of those high-pitched breaths when I ease in farther. I must not be giving it to her as fast as she wants, because she rocks back until I’m all the way inside her. Now, Lily’s always been a nice, snug fit, but this is way more intense. Based on the way she’s breathing, and the nearly constant moans, I’m betting it’s the same for her.

  “How’s that feel now?” I put my thumb on the jeweled base and push a little.


  I go slow at first, giving her time to adjust. When her arms start to give out, I bar one of mine across her chest to keep her from face-planting into the mattress. Also, we have a great view of what’s going on in the mirror over the dresser. Lily moves my palm to rest under her chin and bites the end of my finger when I skim her lips.

  “My sexy, sweet girl.” I kiss below her ear. “You look so good all filled up like this.”

  I take her mouth, swallowing moans as she comes again, and it doesn’t take long before I follow her. Then I roll to the side and wrap my arms around her, tucking her in close.

  After a few quiet seconds she says, “I think it’s safe to say I’m definitely into ass stuff.”

  “That’s good, ’cause I’m totally into your ass.”

  She traces the lily tattoo on the back of my hand. “I’m pretty sure that was the best sex ever in the history of fucking.”

  I smile into her shoulder. “Totally agree.”

  “Thanks for that.”

  “For you? Anytime.”

  We lie there for a while, sweaty and sated, until Lily says, “I need to unplug my ass and have a shower.”

  “I bet that’s a sentence you never thought you’d say.”

  “Before you? Not in a million years.” She moves off the bed. “You coming to help me, or am I on my own?”

  “Oh, I’m coming.” I fucking love this woman so much.


  We stay up too late and sleep in the next morning, even though it’s our last day. Lily wakes me up with a blow job, and we spend the day down at the dock—not drinking, just relaxing. Lance takes off late in the afternoon. Text messages have kept him distracted most of the day. I assume it’s Tash, getting under his skin again, but he’s tight-lipped about it, so I can’t say for sure.

  The rest of us pack up after a dinner of leftovers and don’t hit the road until nearly eight. None of us wants to leave any earlier than we have to, but all the girls have to work tomorrow, so it’s time to get back to the city. Halfway home, my phone rings.

  “Wanna see who that is for me?” I ask Lily.

  She checks and makes a face. “It’s your dad. Do you want to take it?”

  “Nah. Don’t bother. Let it go to voicemail.”

  She doesn’t ask questions, just sends the call straight to my messages. Right away he calls a second time, and we ignore it. Lily knows my relationship with my dad is shitty, and she gets it since she doesn’t have one at all with her father. Her mom’s current boyfriend, Tim, seems to be a decent guy, though, even if he’s shirtless half the time we see him.

  It’s been an awesome weekend. I don’t want to ruin the end by fielding another call from my dick of a dad asking for a place to crash.

  “He’s not i
n town, is he?” Miller asks from the backseat. Sunny fell asleep on his shoulder a few minutes after we hit the road.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have time to deal with him right now, not with training starting next week,” I say.

  Miller nods his understanding.

  I’m antsy the rest of the way home. I need to listen to that message and make sure my mom knows not to take my dad’s calls in case he’s decided to come to Chicago despite my not being there. They haven’t been together for more than a decade, but he still tries to see her and pull his bullshit when he can. She might not take it from him, but it affects her. She gets stressed, worried that he’s going to stop by the house and pull one of his stunts. I think back in the early days, when they’d just split up, he did that to her a lot—making promises, trying to win her back. She doesn’t need that kind of head game, especially not after this many years.

  I’m seriously hoping he’s not in town. I don’t want Lily to meet him. Ever.

  It’s after ten by the time we drop off Sunny and Miller and their dogs at home. Lily’s relaxed and quiet beside me; the sun and sex have worn her out. At least she doesn’t have to work until eleven tomorrow, so she can sleep in.

  Lights illuminate the kitchen when we pull into the driveway. I don’t remember leaving them on, but it’s entirely possible I did since I was in a bit of rush, wanting to get to the arena before Lily had to be on the ice with that Finlay guy. Who I still don’t really like for no reason other than he gets to put his hands on my girl. I get our bags from the back of the truck while Lily gathers up the items scattered around the cab.

  She still seems pretty awake and cheery, despite the long day. I’m hoping a shower and some slow, easy sex will round out this kickass weekend. Lily punches in the code, and I open the door. The TV’s on in the living room.

  “Did you leave the TV on all weekend?” Lily leans against the wall so she can toe her shoes off without dropping her armload of miscellaneous stuff.

  “I don’t—” A pair of bare feet hang over the edge of my couch. “Fucking shit.” I slam the door.

  Lily jumps, and the items tumble from her arms to the floor. I drop our bags and immediately shift her behind me. My first instinct is to walk right back out the door and drive her home, except she is home. Because she lives here. With me. And I don’t want anything to change that.


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