Wild Irish Envy (Copperline #2)

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Wild Irish Envy (Copperline #2) Page 19

by Sibylla Matilde

  Drew stood behind her, looking equally guilty and shocked and whatever else. I glared at him, and the nob had the balls to glare back. Like I was the one after his feckin’ wife.

  “Where’s Maggie, ya bleedin’ bastard?” I snarled.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” he caustically replied.

  “I’m talking about you being all cuddled up to my wife.” I looked down at Fliss, who was shaking her head with a faint sheen of tears in her eyes. “So, are you just making the rounds, or what?” I asked her.

  “What?” she gasped, having the gall to look shocked and hurt.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I suppose I’m not meant to know about you and my boy there. How long ya been going at it? Is that why you don’t care for Maggie? Are ya jealous?”

  She shook her head. “I guess it’s good to be reminded what you really think of me.”

  “I didn’t really believe it until now,” I ground out.

  “Bullshit,” she snapped. “You’ve always thought this about me. I’m just a little hoor, remember?”

  “Play the innocent all you like, but I saw it with me own eyes.”

  “What the fuck, Denny?” Drew snapped. “I was comforting her—”

  “Oh, is that what you’re calling it then?” I interrupted.

  “—because of something you did, you fucker.”

  “Ah, sure… that’s not worth a shite to me,” I snarled back at him and Fliss. “So do you like his piercings better than mine, what with his apa and all?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” she said, shaking her head.

  “His cock… I’m interested in which you prefer.”

  “I’ve never seen his fucking cock,” Fliss snapped back.

  “Cute,” I growled at her clever response. “Was it dark then?”

  “I’ve never seen it or felt it or tasted it, either.” Her voice was getting louder, her jarring stupor wearing off and her anger taking hold. “I’ve never so much as looked at Drew that way.”

  She stepped away from Drew, coming closer to me. Her eyes were furious, sparkling blue, and her cheeks had flushed an indignant pink. As much as it pissed me off, it sorta hypnotized me for a moment, how amazingly stunning she was. Even now when she looked about ready to rip my dick off.

  As she neared, I saw tear tracks down her cheeks, dried smudges of mascara. As though she’d been… crying.

  And the thought first began to slip through my head that she maybe had been upset about something. That seeing her and Drew had maybe been innocent like they claimed.

  “Besides,” she continued to rant, “like you’re one to fucking talk. Just because you’re feeling a little guilty yourself is no reason to lay all this shit on me.”

  Wait, what?

  “What in the name of Jaysus do I have to feel guilty about?” I gaped.

  “So,” Fliss spat, “Laura, huh? Is that who’s doing it? Or do you have a whole herd of fillies lined up to ride?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Sucking your dick every day!” she shouted.

  The music had died down. Those close around us in the kitchen had quieted when Fliss and I had started in, so when she popped out with that line, everybody heard it. Like she’d said it into a fucking microphone.

  “For fuck’s sake, what are ya talking about?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I fucking heard you, Denny.”

  “I haven’t had me nob polished in donkey’s years! Not since you did it out our feckin’ wedding night.”

  Fliss was right furious. “Right, you lying bastard.”

  Shaking with the intensity of her anger, she whirled around and pushed her way down the hall towards the bathroom.

  Off to the side, I heard someone ask Justin, “His nob?”

  “His dick, I think. He’s talking about a blowjob if I’m not mistaken,” Justin replied, watching me cautiously, waiting to see what I was going to do.

  “Damn,” the other guy muttered, “and Denny hasn’t had a BJ since his wedding night? With a beautiful mouth like that, it’s a shame she isn’t keen on giving head.”

  “Fucking good job, Denny,” Drew scowled at me. “She was back there bawling her eyes out a few minutes ago. Looks like she’s up for round two.”

  “What the hell was she crying about?” I asked.

  “Maybe you should go ask her!”

  “Yeah,” Cody said, eyes wide as he came to stand beside me, “she seems a little pissed off.”

  I shot a scathing look over at him. “Ya think?” Shaking my head, I quickly followed her through the crowd, stopping the door just as she was about to slam it behind her.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Denny!” she spat.

  But I forced my way in anyway. Fliss backed up against the wall of the cramped powder room as I came closer, reaching behind me to shut out the party around us.

  “So what in the bleedin’ hell are ya throwing a feckin’ moody for?” I snarled.

  “You. You’re being a dick.”

  “Maybe I am,” I retorted, “but you’re being a bitch.”

  “I’m just being a bitch because you’re being a dick.”

  “Are ya cheesed off about Laura?”

  “Why would I be mad about Laura? Coming onto my fucking husband right fucking in front of me.”

  “Right, and you… wrapped up in Drew’s feckin’ arms.” I leaned into her, pressing her against the wall as she tried to push me back. “Is he meetin’ your needs, then? Keeping you from feeling too lonely?”

  “Like you fucking care. You who wanted to celebrate one month closer to freedom.”

  “What in the Jaysus are ya talking about?”

  “You and your whole ‘One month down and eleven to go.’ Do you want a fucking countdown clock?”

  I shook my head in complete disbelief. “Feckin’ hell, be a long time waiting before I understand a bleedin’ thing that goes on in your head. This whole thing was your idea.”

  “I never said it was a good one.”

  “You said right from the start that it would be over in a year. Temporary. You said that’s what you wanted.”

  “Now more so than ever,” she cried, shoving again at my chest.

  But I wasn’t going to let her push me away. Not this time.

  “You’re jealous,” I stated simply in a lower voice.

  Angry tears sprang into her eyes as she frantically struggled against me. As I closed in a little more, her breathing became labored and shaky. Her lip trembled, but after putting up a brief fight, she shook her head and turned her face down and to the side.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said in a harsh, shaky whisper.

  “All the shite you said the other night, about you’d be okay with me sleeping around and that shite about my next wife. You made it sound like you couldn’t wait to be rid of me,” I murmured. My head dropped down as my lips grazed her ear, and I felt a shiver run through her body. “But that’s not it, is it Fliss? I think ya maybe fancy me a bit after all.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she whispered. “You’ve been very clear with me, and you can’t be this Denny to me again.”

  “What do ya mean, this Denny?”

  “Acting like you give a shit. I need you to be the wanker. The asshole. My God, Denny, you’re driving me insane.”

  Her fingertips had gone from flat against my chest to clenching slightly, gripping and clawing into my shirt. The force of her exhalations dusted across my skin with every breath and pushed her firm breasts tight against me, beckoning me even closer. Her flushed cheeks felt warm against my neck as she buried her face into my shoulder.

  She was losing the battle... with herself and me. I could almost feel the cracks forming in her icy resistance.

  “You said it was torture,” she breathed in a broken sob. “Lying beside me every night…”

  “You weren’t meant to hear that,” I murmured as one of my hands slid down her waist to grasp her hip. My thumb bru
shed the skin just above her low waistband, and her body responded by arching against me, begging me to touch her again, despite what her stubborn mind was telling her.

  “Maybe not, but I did,” she panted, “I did hear, and I keep hearing it over and over and over…” Her voice broke in a heartbreaking sob.

  “Then you should have listened harder, Fliss,” I said against her neck, “because you could have heard the meaning behind it.”

  “That was pretty clear.”

  I could taste tears, tears that had spilled over and trailed down her cheeks, seeping down to the delicate curve of her neck. I pressed my lips up the trail, raining gentle kisses as I replied.

  “It is torture, lying there beside you every night… not touching you. Every feckin’ night I ache to feel you wrapped in my arms. I want to press my lips against yours, to pull the clothes from your body and take ya on a spiteful ride.” I lifted my head and cradled hers in my hands, then growled my words a hair’s breadth from her lips. “I want to fill you up to the point that you feel like I do.”

  I couldn’t hold back another second. The sheer desperation to taste her kiss overpowered my resolve. With a faint sob, she rose up to meet me, to kiss me and wrap her arms around my neck. She pressed every centimeter of her blazing little body up against me and curled her leg around mine.

  My hands dropped to her arse, then down her thighs to the hem of her skirt, back up taking the tight, stretchy material with them. Fliss moaned deep into my mouth, nudging her pelvis against mine as she arched up on tiptoe, grinding against my cock.

  In a frenzied motion, I grasped her little lacy knickers and tugged them to the side, sweeping my fingertips through her wet flesh. Somewhere in the midst of this, the door opened just slightly and I rolled, bringing Fliss with me, to slam her against it, effectively stopping anyone from coming in. I quickly flicked the lock on the knob as Fliss began to rip open my jeans to free my dick. Running her fingers along my my length, toying with the barbells and squeezing a moan from my lips. Just like the first time, I lifted her and buried myself inside her as she cried out against my kiss.

  She was so wet and hot, pulsing all around me. Her pussy felt fucking amazing, and she tilted her hips a tad with every thrust, increasing the drag of my ladder inside her silky depths. I felt as though I would simply explode with lust, with the amazing sensation and the pounding of my heart. She was fervent and unhinged, clawing at my shoulders. The door banged against the frame as I pounded into her, savage and wild… amazing.

  “Fliss, I can’t even begin to tell you what it’s like,” I panted against her lips, “lying beside you and wanting this. Every. Feckin.’ Night.” My words were driven home with every rough and fierce thrust, and Fliss responded with gasping cries.

  “Yes,” she sobbed, “yes, Denny.”

  And her faint breathless voice triggered my release. A wave of heat flushed through my cock, then coated my dick as I jerked into her a few more times. I slowly became aware of her breath, hot and ragged against my neck. Her fingertips clutched at my shoulders, and her sweet pussy pulsed and constricted around me.

  “Let’s go home and do this again in our bed where I lay there and ache for ya,” I whispered, and Fliss weakly nodded into my shoulder.

  “Okay,” she said breathlessly.

  We were treated with more than a few jeers and cat calls as we emerged from the bathroom. But I couldn’t be arsed to give two fucks. My dick was still wet from her and I was already hard as a feckin’ stone again. I pulled her along behind me to the door, essentially ignoring everyone as I pushed through the crowd.

  “You guys leaving so soon?” Justin laughed.

  “Would ya ever just fuck off, you eejit,” I growled.

  “I’d say they’ve made up,” Drew smiled, then leaned into me. “No thanks necessary, buddy.”

  I almost told him to feck off, too, but ended up pausing for a second as we walked by him. “Sorry for being a wanker to ya, Drew.”

  “Meh, I figured it would be a matter of time before you figured the truth out for yourself,” he grinned. “Now, get the fuck out of here.”

  A few minutes later, and I opened the driver door to my truck, practically throwing Fliss inside, then laying my hand possessively on her thigh as I climbed in beside her. I wanted her right up against me for the quick trip home. I didn’t want her thinking about what had happened back there.

  I just wanted more of it.

  I could feel the uncertainty vibrating through her, radiating into my chest and tightening around my heart, but I pushed the feeling away. Brushing my thumb along her inner thigh, my fingertips dipped up to her still wet pussy. Her labored breathing hadn’t totally normalized since the fuck up against the bathroom door, but I had to keep her hot. I had to keep her all horned up so she didn’t try to process anything.

  So I banged her hard on the drive home, dipping inside her, then pressing circles around her swollen clit. About halfway home, she exploded against my hand, her sharp cry filling the cab of the truck as she trembled beneath my touch. Her hand reached down to grasp mine, stilling it as her fingertips slid through her release. The scent of her orgasm hung in the air, making my mouth water to taste her.

  She had barely come down as I pulled up to the house. Jumping out of the truck, I gave her a hand down and pressed her up against the cold metal as I kissed her roughly. I could have about taken her right there in the driveway, right in front of all the bleedin’ neighbors and whoever the fuck happened to be walking down the street. I wanted to throw her down on the lawn and lose myself in her.

  Somehow, I managed to lead the two of us up the porch steps. I had her skirt nearly over her arse by the time I’d fumbled through unlocking the door, and we stumbled inside and up the stairs to our room leaving a trail of clothing behind us.

  As we neared the bed, I flipped her around, and shoved her down onto the mattress on her hands and knees. I still had one leg of my jeans around my ankle as I pushed into her and sharply smacked the skin of her rounded bottom.

  I pressed hard against her until her thighs quivered, then pulled back to slam into her again. And again. And again.

  “Yes,” she breathed and moaned, “harder, Denny. Hurt me.”

  “I want to spank your ass until it burns, ya know,” I growled, and her body quivered below mine. “Until it’s red and hot to the touch. Ya know that, don’t ya, Fliss?”

  “Yes,” she rasped and she surged back against me. “Please, do it. I need it.”

  I pushed down between her shoulder blades, urging her face down on the bed. The angle of her body, still impaled by my dick, caused her spine to curve up to me. I knew my ladder would rub her just right, every stroke hitting her perfectly.

  With a sharp crack, I slapped her curvy ass again, feeling her body contract almost painfully around my cock.

  “Feckin’ Jaysus, every time I’m inside you, I can’t believe how amazing you feel.”

  A hoarse, ragged moan sounded from my lips, and I spanked her again, the other cheek. Looking down, I watched as the reddened prints of my hand began to appear. Then she rushed back again, forward and back, using my steady, solid strength to fuck herself against me. Every pull of my dick, the hot, wet slide of her tight pussy brought me way too close way too fast. And the low, husky sound of passion in her voice spurred me on.

  “Please, Denny,” she gasped. “More. Be rough and wild with me. I want you to hurt me.”


  My palm landed sharply on her arse and she tightened around me with a sob.

  “Yes! More!”


  “Oh fuck!” Her voice sounded desperate and strangled. Her pussy squeezed my dick even tighter.


  Every moan and cry amped me up even more, brought my need to a frenzied, frantic rhythm. Her skin burned under my hands, warmed by the force of my palm.

  I surged violently against her, ramming into her with wet slaps of skin. Reaching around my cock, I rubbed my
fingertips against her clit, gathering some of her wetness as I trailed my hand back up to her perfect little arse. I fucked her steadily, pressing my middle finger deep inside, feeling the thrusts of my own dick through the thin walls.

  I matched the rhythm of my finger with that of my cock, long sure strokes with her pussy and arse in the air. Her sobs became desperate, high-pitched but muffled by the mattress. Suddenly, she flew apart underneath me. Her hoarse wail of release came just a second before her body froze tight and then completely broke, shuddering around me, soaking me with her orgasm. For a moment, I teetered on the precipice of sheer heaven before I exploded inside her.

  I awoke a little later with Fliss still spooned tightly up against me, completely exhausted. The tip of my cock was still nestled between her thighs. Aside from falling to our sides in exhaustion, neither of us had moved since we’d come. All I wanted to do was stay right there, just like that, for the rest of my life.

  For about a week, everything was grand.

  I couldn’t seem to get enough of her, like I was starving for her touch all day every day. I couldn’t help but devour her the minute she walked through the door in the evening.

  “I didn’t mean to just horse it into you like that,” I laughed as she lay gasping for air below me following one particularly exuberant homecoming. “It seems like every time I touch you, I lose my feckin’ mind. Someday, perhaps we should try to have mellow sex.”

  She smiled into my chest before lifting her eyes to meet mine. Dark blue pools in the fading daylight. Beautiful.

  Her fingertips drifted down my jaw as she whispered to me.

  “Perhaps we should try it now,” she whispered, and then pressed a long, languid kiss to my lips. Her warm body moved closer, reigniting the embers of need and desire as she stroked and scraped her nails against my skin. She wrapped herself around me, melting into me. Held me close in her loving arms while she slowly brought my sated body back to pulse-pounding life.

  I rolled to my back, and she pushed to rise up over me, taking me inside and rocking her hips. She watched the sensations wash over me and moved in gentle circular motions that caressed me along her sweet inner walls, dragging with an excruciating precision to slowly raise us both to exquisite heights before dropping us into a freefall, leaving us shaking in each other’s arms.


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