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Desperate Measures (Men in Uniform #1)

Page 11

by Sasha Jayne Moretti

  “Everyone? Are we still talking about me and you?” Then it hit me like a slap in the face. Julian had found a way to blackmail every one of those models, forcing them to drop the charges against him. I’d bet my last dollar he’d found a way to get to her too. “If he threatened you, I will find a way to protect you. I swear it. But you have to tell me the truth.”

  “Julian didn’t do anything. He’s been a great friend and business partner,” she winced, as if the words were painful. “He made me a beautiful gown and we’re going to the Oscars together.”

  None of this conversation was making any sense. She hated Julian. Hated what he’d done to her and to her friends. She’d never want him to be her date. My instincts were firing, igniting every nerve ending in my body. Whatever he’d done to her must’ve been severe. The hurt that burned in my chest only seconds ago quickly turned to rage. “I’m going to figure out what he did to you, and I’m going to make his life a living hell.”

  “Please, Matthew,” she begged. “If you have any feelings for me whatsoever, leave Julian alone. Forget about the case.” She swallowed hard. “And forget about me too.”

  “I love you,” I blurted out, shocking myself. “Do you hear me? I love you, Sloane.”

  She gasped, putting her hand over her mouth.

  As she continued to stare at the floor I got on my knees in front of her. Our eyes met and it nearly broke me in pieces. “I know it’s too soon, and maybe I’m scaring you by admitting it, but I know how I feel.”

  “You can’t love me, Matthew,” she whispered. “You have to let me go.”

  “I’ll never let you go,” I replied, sternly. “Ever.”

  “Stop it,” she begged. “I can’t take much more.”

  “Let me help you.” I tried to reach for her hand, but she pulled away.

  She made her way to the door, turned the knob, and said, “Don’t attempt to contact Julian. You’ll only make this worse.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but she held up her palm to silence me.

  With tears streaming down her cheeks, she said, “Don’t ever contact me again.”

  I had no idea how long I was on my knees. My grasp of time had left the moment she shut the door behind her. An empty hole formed in my chest along with a complete sense of helplessness. My life crumbled right in front of me and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I put my hands over my face as I screamed. Was it really over? Was she gone forever? I stared at the wetness in my palm.

  Those tears belonged to me.


  A week had passed since Sloane broke up with me. At first, I tried to focus all of my attention on my cases to get my mind of off of her. But I took things to the extreme. And after I’d worked forty-eight hours straight, I’d fallen asleep at my desk. I ended up pushing myself so hard, my boss ordered me to take a few days off. My first vacation since I joined the force. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I’d never missed a day of work. Never been late even once. And now, I was forced to stay away.

  That was when the downward spiral began.

  I drowned my pain with alcohol, drinking Vodka straight out of the bottle until I passed out on my sofa. Aaron had called multiple times, but I didn’t pick up the phone. I was sure he was worried about me, but what was I supposed to say to him? I didn’t want anyone to see me like this. Hell, I didn’t even want to see myself. I had glimpsed at my reflection in the mirror. My stubble had turned to beard, and I had dark circles under my eyes. I couldn’t even remember the last time I washed my hair. I was a goddam mess. But the worst of it was that I didn’t care.

  I wanted to be exactly where I was.

  There was a heavy banging at my front door, then my window. I jolted at the sound, but didn’t want to get up to see who it was. They’d get the message and leave eventually. But the banging didn’t stop. It continued on for several minutes. Then I heard a voice I recognized, “I know you’re in there, Matt,” Aaron yelled out. “And I’m not leaving until you open this goddam door.”

  I growled as I threw the blanket off of me.

  “Can’t you just leave me the fuck alone?” I opened the door. “What?”

  Aaron stood on my doorstep looking like he was about to kick my ass. But when our eyes met, his arms dropped to his sides. “What happened to you?”

  I hadn’t seen the sun in days. Squinting, I replied, “It’s a new look I’m trying out. It’s called go the fuck home.”

  He pushed his way inside. “I’ve never see you like this, man. That girl did a number on you.”

  Sloane broke my heart when she left, but the worst part of it was knowing I couldn’t help her. She said I’d make things worse if I interfered, meaning I was rendered useless for the first time in my life. I couldn’t save the woman I loved. “Did you have a purpose for coming here?”

  “We’re all worried about you, Matt. You’re not returning phone calls.” He scanned my messy apartment. “And your house is a wreck. That’s so unlike you.”

  I didn’t feel like myself anymore. I’d always been tidy. My house, my car, and my clothes were always pristine. But all that changed when she walked out the door. “What do you want, Aaron?”

  “We had a break in the Julian Harkness case.”

  I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly. “What?”

  “That’s why I’ve been trying to reach you,” he insisted, with urgency in his tone. “One of the victims changed their minds. She’s willing to testify. And that’s not all.”

  That was the best news I’d heard in weeks. Maybe there was a way I could save Sloane. Maybe my situation wasn’t hopeless after all. “What else?” I asked, shaking with anticipation.

  “She said she was passed out, but she thought she woke up briefly and caught him taking pictures of her.” He stepped closer. “There might even be a video.”

  And if that dipshit was stupid enough to keep it, we could bring him in on multiple charges. “What about a warrant?”

  “The judge issued one about an hour ago.” He replied, with excitement in his normally level voice. “We can search his home and office. We’re about to head over there now.”

  “I’m coming with you,” I insisted.

  “Not like that you’re not.” He pointed to my clothes, which hadn’t been changed in days. “Your dirty ass isn’t going to stink up my car.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just give me ten minutes.”

  He held out his palm. “Take twenty.”

  I hadn’t realized I’d let myself get that bad, but the stains on my shirt told the story for me. Embarrassed, I replied, “Shut it, alright.”

  He pinched his nose with his fingers, making a stink face.

  “Alright, alright.” I waved him off as I headed toward the bathroom. As hope warmed the ache in my heart, I was sure we’d finally nail this guy. He was going to go down in the worst way possible, and I’d be there to see it. But none of this would’ve happened without Aaron. I owed the guy big time. Glancing over my shoulder, I said, “Aaron?”

  “Yeah?” he answered.

  I let out a long, relieved sigh. “Thanks.”

  Chapter Nineteen – Sloane Ardent

  A horde of photographers screamed my name as I posed on the bright red carpet. Movie fans cheered from the stands, while journalists interviewed all the celebrities they could amass. I joined my fellow cast members, greeting and congratulating them on our joint success. When it was my turn to answer questions, I spoke about my adoration for the actors, director, producers, and the movie studio that worked together on our project. I wouldn’t be standing here without them.

  This moment was exactly as I’d dreamed. Without a doubt, the happiest moment of my life. I wore one of the most beautiful gowns I’d ever seen and was nominated for the highest award in my profession. My performance and talent were complimented by some of the most prominent members of our industry. People I’d never thought I’d ever meet expressed interest in working with me on future projects. This was th
e pinnacle of success. Everything I’d ever wanted was right in front of me.

  Yet I felt hollow inside.

  Sickened by the person standing next to me. The man who’d blackmailed me. Who’d forced me to deny all the allegations against him, even though I knew they were true. I was horrified by all the lies I was told to say. All part of his plan to save his reputation. My stomach turned as I strode down the walkway with my arm in his, nauseated as I smiled and gushed about his genius.

  But more than anything, I missed Matthew. Breaking up with him was the hardest thing I’d ever done. It broke my heart. I hadn’t seen or heard from him since that awful night. He’d made no attempts to contact me in any way. I suppose it was for the best. I wouldn’t want him to see me like this. Watching helplessly as Julian paraded me around like his puppet. He didn’t need to be a part of any of this. He deserved much more than I could offer him.

  I was relieved when we got to our seats. At least I didn’t have to talk to anyone else. I’d try to ignore him as I watched the show. We’d been seated at a table close to the front with several other actors that appeared in my movie. The screenwriter and director were also close by with their spouses. I put on a happy face, determined I wouldn’t draw any more attention to myself. The host performed a funny monologue, then the awards began.

  When it was time to announce my category, my throat tightened. The previous year’s best actor winner was introduced. He told a quick joke, then announced each of the nominees. I smiled and waved at the camera when he got to me. Once he was finished with introductions, he slipped his glasses on and opened the envelope. The name of the winner was spoken and the crowd cheered. I applauded as she rose to her feet with a look of astonishment on her face. She’d been nominated several times but this was her first win.

  I waited for the disappointment to settle in. But it never came. People all around me said I should’ve won. They offered condolences, expecting me to despair. I was appreciative of their kindness, but I actually felt relieved. This moment had been stolen from me. The entire experience was tainted by Julian’s blackmail. And the very last thing I wanted was to get that award and have to share that special moment with him. To be forced to stand on a stage in front of my peers and thank him for his support.

  No thanks.

  I’d rather eat my own eyeballs.

  As I listened to the winner’s acceptance speech, she spoke about her love for her family and friends. She thanked all the people who’d helped her over the years she’d been in this business. Then she surprised me when she went on about the sacrifices she’d made. Although she ended up at this point, she regretted not making more time for herself. She urged the younger actresses to allow themselves to have a personal life. That the time we had was precious.

  It made me think.

  When my career was over, would I be happy? Would I regret that I pushed away the only love I’d ever known for the sake of my career? Would I end up alone with only my awards to keep me company? That thought nearly brought me to tears, and I’d had enough. I got up from my seat. People asked where I was going but I said nothing. It was time for me to take control back. I wouldn’t sit here another second being held captive. I’d find Matthew and beg for forgiveness.

  I headed outside where I knew the limos were parked. I was rummaging through my purse for my ticket when I saw my driver leaning against the limo. Relief spilled over me. I made my way over to him as fast as my uncomfortable heels would carry me. Images of Matthew raced through my mind, filling my heart with hope. I only prayed it wasn’t too late for us. There was a chance he’d been so hurt, he might refuse to accept my apologies. But it was a chance I was willing to take. I’d beg if I had to.

  “Is the show over already?” the driver asked, opening the door for me.

  It was over for me. “No, but I’m ready to go home.”

  He scratched his bald head. “Was it that bad?”

  It started out about as bad as it could get, but now that I’d made up my mind, things were about to drastically improve. “The show was great, but I have things I need to take care of.”

  He shut the door, and I sat on the black leather seat. Grabbing my phone, I considered sending a quick text to him. After a long pause, I turned the phone off instead. The things I wanted to say needed to be said in person, especially if I had to grovel. But first, I needed to get out of this dress. Knowing it was made by Julian made me desperate to remove it. I wasn’t exactly sure how I’d get that blackmail video, but I refused to live like this for even one moment more. I was going to be honest with Matthew about the tapes and see what my options were legally.

  No matter what the consequences, I was taking my life back.

  I jolted out of my thoughts when the door opened. Before I had a chance to react, Julian was inside. With his jaw clenched, he asked, “What the hell are you doing?”

  I was doing what I should’ve done from the beginning. The moment he touched me inappropriately, I should’ve contacted the police. I should’ve encouraged my friends to file charges. To take up for themselves, and put this asshole where he belonged. I’ve made a lot of mistakes since then. Things I wished I’d done differently. But my eyes were open now and I was no longer afraid.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” I rolled my eyes. “I’m leaving.”

  “You can’t leave,” he yelled. “We have after parties to go to.”

  His eyes were wild with rage. I guess he never expected me to resist. Assumed I was too weak or too scared to fight back. And maybe I was at the time, but I was done playing his game. This was the end for me. “This is over, Julian.” I yelled back, pointing back and forth between us. “I’m done pretending.”

  He grabbed me by the hair, pulling me toward his face. “This isn’t over until I say it’s over.”

  I dug my fingernails into the back of his hand. “Get off of me.”

  “You think you’re in charge?” I winced as he pulled tighter. Chuckling, he replied, “You’re an idiot, Sloane. I can ruin you anytime I want. All I have to do is publish those pictures.”

  Wait, that didn’t make sense. “What pictures?”

  “I meant to say video,” he replied, sounding a lot less confident. “What does it matter anyway? Videos and pictures are equally damaging.”

  As I struggled to free myself, I replayed the conversation we’d had last week. I’d been so afraid of what he was saying, I’d never actually asked him for proof. I just assumed that because I was arrested in his office, he had it all on camera. But why would he install a camera in his office? Many of the assaults had happened in there, meaning it was much less likely any of it was recorded. The last thing he’d want would be to incriminate himself.

  “There is no video, is there?” I asked, as I untangled his web of lies. “You fucking piece of shit.”

  “You fucking bitch.” He threw me to the floor. I landed on my stomach, and he jumped on top of me. I tried to swat his hand away as he began to unbutton the back of my dress. “You’re going to pay for what you did to me.”

  I attempted to make sense out of what was happening. Was he trying to take his dress back or had he planned to rape me? A cold shiver raced up my spine. I had to free myself but I was caught in between the parallel seats. The only way out of this was to get him off my back, but he was too heavy. I couldn’t move him. I tried to push his hands away. “Help me,” I screamed

  He laughed as he tore at my dress. “Yell all you want, you stupid cunt. I paid off the limo driver. He won’t be back for an hour.”

  Chapter Twenty – Detective Matthew Weggman

  Where had they all gone?

  I fully expected his office to be filled to the brim with employees. I thought award season was their busiest time of year? But when we arrived his secretary was the only one left. And she was about to leave for the day. Things changed, however, when I handed her the warrant to search the premises. Her mouth hung open as she read through the document. Soon after, she attempted to contact Juli
an, but he didn’t answer his cell. I had to admit I was a bit disappointed.

  I was hoping to see his face as his world crumbled around him.

  “Where’s your boss?” I asked, in a stern tone.

  She stared back at me like a deer caught in headlights. It was obvious that she hadn’t been in a situation like this before. “He’s at the Oscars with Ms. Ardent.”

  My fists clenched at my sides. If he hurt her or tried anything like he did with those other women, I swear, it will take every man in this room to get me off of him. I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten the award show was tonight. She must’ve been so nervous. I’d bet she was the most beautiful woman there. Man, I hope she won. I hope that sleaze wasn’t ruining her big moment. No one deserved happiness more than her. But if I was right and he was blackmailing her, she probably wasn’t having the night she’d earned. Anger burned in my chest. I had to stop thinking about it or I was going to go down there and rip his head off his neck.

  One of the officers came toward me. “No luck in his office. We didn’t find any kind of camera or video equipment. The place is clean.”

  I wasn’t surprised. He’d gotten away with so many crimes over the years, I wasn’t expecting it to be easy. But I had no doubt he’d collected memorabilia from his assaults. Things that would allow him to relive his conquests. All these dipshits were the same. If he’d videotaped his crimes, they wouldn’t be stored in his office. There had to be a place he’d go off the grid. Somewhere secret that would allow him some privacy.

  That gave me an idea. I texted over to the officers heading to his apartment. They needed to ask the building manager for blueprints. We needed to know if they had any unused space in between the walls. Maybe something they closed up years ago. The space could be big enough to fit a person or small enough for a security box. We could be looking for pictures, videos or pieces of clothing. These were the typical items chosen. And there was no doubt in my mind that something was hidden away.

  All I had to do was outsmart him.


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