Single Dad's Surrogate

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Single Dad's Surrogate Page 27

by Annie Young

  Wyatt moved like this for a few slow thrusts, then he pulled back and brought his tip to her opening once again. He bucked his hips forward, plunging his entire length back into her in one motion.

  “Yes...” Lily closed her eyes and buried her face into the pillow in an effort to muffle her moans.

  She felt him squeeze her hips firmly and as he began to pound her. This new position felt even better than the first. It created pressure in all the right places and if she tilted her hips just the right way, she could control the intensity.

  Once again, she became dizzy as Wyatt pumped ecstasy into her body with each of his powerful thrusts. Both of their bodies were now slick with sweat, and each time their skin collided, it made a soft slapping noise that filled the room.

  He increased his pace. He began fucking her so hard that she had to drop the pillow and hang onto the blanket to keep from being pushed up the bed.

  Holy shit, she thought, completely overwhelmed with bliss.

  Wyatt pounding her like this for a while. It wasn't long before she felt the pace of his thrusts increase even further. She opened her eyes and used her hands to push herself up, before glancing back over her shoulder.

  His face was flush and his jaw was clenched. He looked focused and determined, the way she imagined he would look if he was at the gym and getting in a hard workout. It was sexy beyond belief.

  She brought one of her hands up and gently squeezed her nipple between her forefinger and thumb.

  “You could make me come right now,” Wyatt grunted. “You want me to?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Come for me.”

  His eyes were half closed as he squeezed her hips even harder. She knew that was going to be red marks there from his grip, but she didn't care. In fact, she kind of liked the idea that she would wake up in the morning and have a little reminder of what had happened the night before.

  “Should I pull out?” he asked, through heavy breaths.

  “No.” Lily shook her head. “Just come in me.”

  She wanted to feel him release his sexual energy into her pussy. The idea of it sounded so unbelievably hot to her. She'd never had a guy come inside of her before. The only reason she could justify it, though, was because she knew in her heart that Wyatt was the person she was going to end up with for the rest of her life.

  Wyatt continued thrusting his cock into her and Lily watched as his lips turned upward into a lust-filled grimace. His cheeks became even more red. He leaned his head back and then let out a guttural groan. It sounded almost animalistic. A kind of carnal and instinctual noise from the center of his chest.

  “Fuck. Yes,” he grunted, then drew in a breath and held it.

  At them same time, he plunged his shaft into her pussy and held himself there. Lily felt his cock swell between her folds. It twitched and trembled, and immediately after, she felt something even more unique. A hot splash poured from his tip, pumping deep into her body and coating the walls of her womb. It was a sensation she had never experienced before. It was sexy as hell and for some weird reason, it gave her a content feeling in her belly. Almost like having his seed inside of her was meant to be, like fate had finally come to a rest and it happened to land in the most fertile possible environment.

  She placed her hand over her stomach, savoring the sensation for as long as she could feel it. There was obviously no way she could know for sure, but something in her woman's intuition told her that his sperm were already on their way to her egg. She just knew that, even though this was the first time having sex with Wyatt, it was going to end with a pregnancy. That idea couldn't have made her any happier and she hoped that her intuition was correct.

  Wyatt kept himself pressed against her for a moment longer. Lily watched as he slowly opened his eyes and drew in a long breath.

  “You're the most amazing woman I've ever known,” he said, on the exhale.

  She smiled. “You're the most amazing man I've ever known. So I'd say we're a pretty good match.”

  “I'd say so,” Wyatt agreed.

  He pulled out of her and as he did, Lily felt some of his hot seed leak out of her opening and dribble down the inside of her thigh. He had completely filled her up with his come, to the point that she was overflowing with it.

  As soon as he had pulled out, he crawled up next to her on the bed and laid on his back. He was still catching his breath as Lily laid her head onto his chest.

  There was a moment where she wondered if she had just been dreaming. It seemed almost too good to be true. Making love for the first time with a man who had he heart was always something that seemed out of her reach. But there he was. Laying next to her on the bed.

  She could hear his heart beating and feel his breathing. It was real. This wasn't just some dream.

  Lily drew imaginary lines over Wyatt's bare chest with her finger. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. It wasn't but a few minutes before her body began to cool down now that the sex was over. She felt a little chill.

  “Can we get under the covers?” she asked.

  “Yeah, of course,” Wyatt said.

  The two of them crawled under his blanket and cuddled up again. She felt so safe there in his arms and under the blanket. It felt like she was completely invincible. Nothing in the world could harm her there. Because of that feeling of security, it was only a few minutes before she began to get sleepy. Her last thoughts before drifting off to dreamland were about the new life that she was confident was now growing in her belly. She also thought about how interesting it was how things had turned out for her.

  She'd started as a surrogate mother for Wyatt's child and would now be a real mother for a different child of his.

  Who would have ever imagined that me meeting Wyatt and his ex-wife, would have led to me finding the love of my life? She thought. I'm really starting to think this whole 'fate' thing is real. But even if it's not, I suppose it doesn't matter. I don't really care what brought me to this moment, all I care about is that I'm here now. For that, I'm eternally grateful.

  Then she closed her eyes and let sleep take her. She'd never felt so happy.

  Chapter 29


  Sunlight poured in through the window. Birds were chirping. Wyatt swore he had never slept so good.

  He knew why, of course. The angel sleeping beside him was snoring softly, still worn out from the night. He had stayed awake until he was sure she was asleep, making sure she was going to spend the night. But when she snuggled even closer into him as she dreamed, he had allowed himself to fall asleep.

  Now he looked at her, peacefully sleeping the last few minutes of the dawn away. They were both still naked, and her legs were entwined with his. He knew he wanted to wake up like this every day for the rest of his life.

  She stirred a little, then opened one eye. A smile crept across her face. “Hey,” was all she said.

  “Hey,” Wyatt responded.

  They looked at each other for another moment before Lily closed her eyes and pulled the blanket back over her head, clearly trying to get a few more minutes of sleep.

  He was about to leave her there, letting her sleep while he made a pot of coffee, when he suddenly heard a very familiar set of footsteps stomping through the house.

  Oh no, he thought.

  Lily poked her head out from the covers, her eyes going wide. She looked like she was in a panic for a moment.

  “Daddy!” came the cry from the other side of his bedroom door. With that, Lily hid her head back under the covers. Wyatt turned his back to her and toward the door.

  The door opened, and in came Maggie. “Daddy, are you awake?”

  Wyatt brought his finger to his lips, saying “Shhh.”

  Maggie whispered as loud as she could, “Daddy, are you awake?”

  “Yes, Maggie, I’m awake. What do you need?”

  “You have to come with me right now!” she cried.

  As usual, his heart began to race. “Is everything okay?

  She pouted. “My swimsuit is missing. I need my swimsuit!”

  Wyatt let out a sigh of relief. He seemed to remember having this exact conversation a week or two ago. “Okay, honey. Let Daddy get dressed and he’ll help you.”

  “But Daddy, I need it now!” She began to crawl up on the bed, but stopped. “Who’s that?”

  Wyatt’s heart sank. “What do you mean?”

  Maggie pointed. “There, in bed with you. Is it a stranger?”

  Wyatt didn’t know how to respond. Lily slowly poked her head out from under the covers. “Hi, Maggie,” she said sheepishly.

  Maggie made an exaggerated motion of wiping the sweat from her forehead. “Phew, it’s Aunt Wiwey. For a second, I thought it was a stranger.”

  Wyatt could tell that Lily’s heart melted a little bit at not being a stranger. This was hardly how he wanted this kind of admission to go, but it could have gone worse.

  Lily held out her hand for a high-five, making sure to keep her body still covered. “Maggie, I know exactly where your swimsuit is. If you wait for five minutes in your bedroom, I’ll be in there to show you.”

  “Okay!” Maggie said, then jumped down and ran out of the room, noisily stomping the whole way.

  Wyatt turned to Lily. “You don’t have to help us out today, you know. Mildred can take care of anything.”

  Lily leaned in and kissed Wyatt deeply. If he thought they had more than five minutes…

  When she broke the kiss, she smiled. “Don’t worry about that. I want to spend time with her. And with you. With your family.”

  Wyatt ran a hand down her side, stopping when he reached her tummy. He placed his palm on it. “Not ‘your family’. ‘Our family’. Or at least, it will be soon.”

  Lily grinned wider than he had ever seen. “That’s the plan.” She jumped up, walking over to his dresser. He checked out that ass before she pulled on a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt. “I’ll have to bring some clothes over.”

  He smiled. “I’ll make room for you.”

  She gave him one last wink before going out the door to help Maggie find her swimsuit.

  Wyatt leaned back and put his hands behind his head. Being a single dad had never been the plan. He would never forget Caroline as long as he lived, but he knew that with Lily around, his family would be whole once more.

  Thank you!

  Thank you for reading and enjoying Single Dad’s Surrogate! Included is a special eleven chapter preview of “A Baby For My Billionaire Boss”!

  If you’ve finished reading, I would love it if you sign up for my newsletter, or like my Facebook page!

  A Baby For My Billionaire Boss (preview)

  "I'm going to tear that dress off of you..."

  Winthrow Financial. The fastest growing firm on Wall Street, and I had been lucky enough to land a job there right out of college.

  Despite being the youngest woman on the floor, I quickly made waves in the company. Carter Winthrow, the sexiest boss a woman could ever have, noticed me quickly. When he came to meet me personally, he also took notice of my body.

  Within days, I was promoted to Carter's personal assistant. While the job itself was fantastic, the real perk was getting to work with Carter himself. The suave and sexy billionaire playboy managed to exude charm and confidence every time we spoke. And as I proved myself great at the job again and again, he became more and more comfortable with me.

  As I saw him giving to charities and holding his niece, I realized he was the ultimate alpha male. Those strong, chiseled abs and huge arms was all that the “Sexiest Bachelor” lists saw, but I saw the real man. A family man, just waiting for someone to give him that family.

  I knew that what I wanted, more than this job, more than a career, more than life itself, was Carter's to give. I would do anything to get Carter to give it to me. And as he took my fertile body over and over again, I knew that he wanted more than just a business partner.

  He wanted it all. A wife. A family. But most of all, a baby...

  This novel contains the five serial parts of "A Baby For My Billionaire Boss", re-edited to fit together as a single story. It is a standalone novel and has a Happily Ever After. If you like sweet and steamy stories featuring impregnation, you'll love this story of a Plain Jane and a handsome billionaire falling in love.

  A Baby For My Billionaire Boss 1

  Chapter 1

  Is it possible to die from nervousness?

  I cleared my throat as I pulled on the collar of my sweater, trying to let some cool air in. Facing the long aisle that separated the sea of cubicles made the moment seem even more real. The sound of phone chatter and the clacking of keystrokes on keyboards filled the air. My heart was pounding and my palms were coated in sweat, making it hard to hold onto my briefcase.

  “Hi there!” A rotund woman stepped in front of me. She spoke with a soft tone, holding out her hand. “Welcome to Winthrow Financial.”

  I was surprised to find that I actually felt a bit of relief. The woman's beaming smile and pleasant tone of voice seemed genuine, putting me a little bit at ease.

  “Hi, I'm...” I began to respond.

  “Jane.” The woman finished the sentence for me. “You're Jane, right? The new hire.”

  I cocked my head, causing my blonde hair to swing to the side. “How did you know?”

  She shrugged. “News spreads fast around this office. We're a pretty tight-knit group and new hires don't come around as often as they used to. I'm Maddy, by the way.”

  “Good to meet you,” I replied, feeling my shoulders relax as the tension began to release from my body.

  “I think I'm supposed to meet my new boss,” I said. “Can you tell me where his office is?”

  “Oh, David?” Maddy said. “Yeah, his office is in the back corner, near your cubicle. He's usually in meetings until noon or so, though. Want me to show you around?”

  “Sure, that'd be great,” I said, wondering if Maddy was taking me on this tour just to avoid work.

  Maddy showed me around the building, and mostly talked about office gossip and politics. All things that I didn't give a shit about. When we went to the North Wing, I saw a sexy man in a suit. Maddy pulled me to the side of the hallway as the man walked quickly past us. He walked with purpose and hardly even noticed our presence. I, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at him.

  As soon as he had passed, Maddy said quietly, “You dum dum. That's our boss's boss's boss. Don't you know anything about this company?”

  I admitted that I only knew his name, but had never actually bothered to look up a picture of him. I didn't care much for People Magazine or any of the other grocery store tabloids.

  So that's Carter Winthrow, boy prodigy of Wall Street and billionaire playboy, huh? I thought, still tingling from my near encounter with him.

  “Come on,” Maddy said. “It's 10:45 already. Let's go get lunch and then you can meet our boss when we get back.”

  “This place is cute,” I said, glancing around the small patio.

  Maddy and I sat at a table under an umbrella, but the shade only covered her half. I had sunshine falling over my fair skin and the warmth felt amazing.

  “You'll love the food,” she said, opening the menu for just a split second before closing it. “I already know what I want. The BLT is fantastic here.”

  “I'll do the same.” I put my menu on top of hers and took a sip of my water.

  After giving our order to the young waitress, I let out a relaxed sigh.

  “So, tell me about yourself, Jane,” Maddy said. “What brought you to Winthrow?”

  I shrugged. “I really just wanted to get my foot in the door at a bigger corporation. I figured that there would be a lot of growth at Winthrow. When I saw that they were hiring accountants, I jumped on the opportunity. I can't tell you how happy I am that I got the job. Most of my friends that I graduated college with haven't been able to find any work yet.”

  “It's a tough market out
there,” Maddy said, as the food arrived. “You found a good company, though. I've been with them for almost ten years. Hard to believe how fast the time has gone by, but I can honestly say I wouldn't want to work for anybody else but Carter Winthrow.”

  I raised my eyebrows as she said his name. I still hadn't actually met the guy, besides seeing him walk by me in the hallway that morning. As far as he knew, I probably didn't even exist. I was just a lowly number cruncher, hardly even worth a mention on a spreadsheet as far as he was concerned.

  “The only things I know about Carter are the few things I've read about online,” I said. “Most of which was probably lies.”

  “I don't know about that,” Maddy said, lowering her voice so that the others on the patio couldn't hear her. “He's every bit of the playboy that he's made out to be. I heard that once, he had sex with a girl in one of the break rooms. God, I wish I could be so lucky.” Maddy picked up her napkin and waived it in front of her face as if to cool herself down. “I've only spoken with him on a handful of occasions, but I swear, I got soaking wet just looking at him.”

  “Maddy!” I squealed, feeling my face blush at her crude comment.

  “Sorry, sorry,” she said, with a chuckle. “It's true, though. The man is nothing but eye candy that I could eat for days. Mmm, hmm. It's not just his muscles and broad shoulders, though. No, it's those green eyes of his. There's something seductive in them. They're a big part of why he's able to get whatever he wants, I'm sure of it.”

  The way Maddy described him almost made my panties get a little wet. I mean, what girl wouldn't be intrigued by a billionaire CEO, who not only had money but also good looks?

  “Well, I don't think a girl like me ever has to worry about ending up with Carter in the break room,” I said, looking down at my plate of food.


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