“No, of course not,” Raven shrugged.
“Why the strong refusal? In terms of species, sheep are about as far from you as humans are,” she grinned. “Lucas didn’t tell you a thing about what we are… about who you are, did he? Much less about what we are actually after, right?” she pried.
“I suppose I would like to hear your part of the story,” he evaluated carefully.
“First things first, we aren’t demons. The whole name demon prince is a clever use of words. It sounds like ‘demon who is a prince’, but actually means ‘prince who rules over demons’. Do we use demons? Yes, they are fun tools and very comfortable to use, but we have nothing in common with them,” she revealed.
“What are you then?”
“We like to call ourselves Children of the Sun. Awfully descriptive, I know, but it serves the purpose,” she smiled.
“Why would you tell me all this? There is no way I can verify anything you are saying,” Raven contested.
“You can’t verify it? Look at me, look at any other woman at the ball and you will know it. You know it already. You just haven’t accepted it, but you have known it ever since our first fight. I am much closer to you than you are to any human. You feel it,” she grabbed him by the waist and pulled herself to him, “don’t you?”
Raven had to shake his head to clear his thoughts. His heart was racing and he knew he was blushing madly. “What do you want?”
“To prove a point. We aren’t mindless monsters for you to heroically defeat. We are every bit like you, so what I want to do is to have some fun. We drink, we dance and by the end of the night, you can tell me if I’m still that monstrous demon you had thought me to be,” she stated charmingly.
“Alright, I guess we could try that.”
“Yen! Come with me, now!” Khalia bumped into Gly’Yen’Thn and then half dragged her to a side room.
“What is it, Khalie? You don’t look like you have come to me to have some fun,” Yen smiled innocently.
“I need your help, now!”
“Why? What’s happened?” Yen pried.
“Lucas has gone mad. He roams the ballroom and insults every demon prince he can find. He has already killed four of their companions in ‘self-defense’ over them attacking him in anger and he seems to have no intention of stopping,” Khalia revealed, “I seriously need better lawyers.”
“Can’t we just wait for him to knock himself out with drugs or alcohol? You could take him for a few drinks to speed it up,” Yen proposed.
“I tried that. He drinks mineral water, only mineral water. I couldn’t get a drop of alcohol into him, neither does he smoke or take anything. He’s apparently decided to be sober tonight and it makes him thousand times bigger asshole than he is normally,” Khalia sighed, “which I didn’t think was even possible.”
“So… what’s the plan?”
“Summon Flary and send her to him,” Khalia commanded.
“I am not throwing my dearest spirit at him!” Yen protested. “He will avoid her anyway!”
“I will pin him down so she can catch him. How much time do you need, Flary?” Khalia pressed.
“Bit under a minute,” Yen replied in an uncharacteristically playful voice. “Stop taking me over!” Yen sneered in her usual voice. “Summon me then, I want to have some fun,” she added in the playful voice.
“Girls, focus! We have no better plan, let’s move!” Khalia ordered.
“Rggghhh… FINE! You two…! I need about half an hour, get her a dress in the meantime,” Yen conceded angrily, “and I will expect some compensation for this.”
“Of course, dear, of course.”
Luna kept prowling through the ballroom. On top of finding Yen, she now needed to avoid Lucas while doing it. A difficult task, but nothing that would stop her. Yet there was another thing, which bothered her. Why is Yen avoiding me? There is no other explanation for her to always disappear before I even get to say hi. GRRRRRRRRR! This is so fucking frustrating!
‘I guess the world itself doesn’t want you to cheat on Miranda.’
The world can go kiss my ass. Wait a second… what the hell is that about?
Luna stared from the balcony at the scene below. There were many strange guests at the ball, but none quite as strange as the dark red skinned woman with horns in a flowery dress that was marching through the hall. She was making a beeline to Lucas. Luna positioned herself to get a better view. Lucas was just talking to Khalia when the red-skinned woman grabbed him from behind into a hug. He tried to slip out of it, but she caught his head and latched onto him into a kiss.
My, my… this looks like a golden chance to get some blackmailing intel on him and get him off my tail for tonight. Lovely… I guess the world isn’t so much against me, after all.
‘It should be.’
He struggled for a while, but it was futile. Luna enjoyed watching him get sucked in and, a minute later, getting dragged out of the hall by his crotch.
I see the queen is prepared to handle even the most troublesome guests.
Luna went on to follow him, but they disappeared in a room. Luna dashed around the nearby rooms to get on the wall. She climbed over the balcony to peek in. To her surprise, she wasn’t the first to arrive. A masked woman in a dress was already hanging on the balcony and watching Lucas.
“Got a spot?” Luna asked warmly as she took a spot next to her.
“Perhaps. Who are you and why are you here?” the masked woman asked harshly.
“Luna, hoping to figure out what the fuck just happened,” Luna breathed.
“That’s pretty obvious,” the woman breathed.
Lucas just literally tore the dress off from the red-skinned woman and slammed her on the bed under him. He pushed off his pants just enough to get it out and instantly slammed it into her.
“So much for foreplay,” Luna breathed.
“Hmmph,” the woman grunted and disappeared.
Huh? Who the fuck was that?
Luna gave it a bit to see if anything changes. It didn’t.
As much as it is interesting to watch Lucas ravage the demon’s snatch, I’ve got my own beaver to hunt down.
“Hey, Yen!” Luna caught Yen from behind. It took a lot of searching and stalking, but Luna finally caught her prey.
“Lunie, hi,” Yen smiled and turned to her for a hug.
“What’s wrong?” Luna asked as this was the first time their hug didn’t turn into straight up kissing.
“We need to hide,” Yen smiled and led Luna to a side bar, “here, let’s have a drink.”
“Who are we hiding from?” Luna asked as they sat down.
“Ah, nothing, it’s just that I’m not exactly supposed to be seen in public,” Yen breathed.
“Nevermind, it’s just stupid politics,” Yen refused and instead grabbed Luna’s head for a kiss. All of Luna’s senses exploded. She sat up on Yen and pushed herself into her.
“So, what have you been up to?” Luna asked sweetly.
“Not much… we are stuck here in the city before the Palai storm passes,” Yen breathed, “we really don’t want to get drawn into this mess.”
“Let’s leave the politics,” Luna smiled and grabbed Yen for another kiss.
“What the hell, Yen? Do you think you can hide from me like this?” the sharp voice of lady Luciande interrupted them.
“What is it now?” Yen turned angrily.
“What is it? You are whoring around hunting for pussy instead of trying to get some proper relationship!” Luciande complained. “Should I lock you up again?”
“I am not interested in that! Plus, how many noblewomen have you shagged tonight, mother?” Yen refused poisonously.
“That’s none of your business, anyway, I want grandchildren. So, stop this bullshit and find yourself a proper man!”
“Come the fuck on, mom,
not this bullshit again!” Yen exclaimed.
“It’s not bullshit, your pussy-hunting is. Now move, there are a few representatives from local banks to whom I shall introduce you… one of them has a son about your age!” Luciande grabbed Yen by the sleeve and started pulling her away, “stop resisting or I will ground you at my tower!”
Yen sighed loudly, then she let herself be dragged off with an apologetic look directed at Luna.
“Here, have a snack,” Luciande shouted over her shoulder and waved her hand. A dog bowl filled with dog food appeared in front of Luna. Luna just sat at the table, petrified.
I always wondered what it would be like to have a mother… mothers are scary!
“Khalia! We need to talk!” Zoey ran into the queen.
“I beg your pardon?” queen Khalia turned to her.
“Now! I shall explain in private,” Zoey pressed in a no bullshit tone.
“It seems like my curiosity shall get the better of me once again,” the queen agreed and led the way.
She walked her to a side room which she sealed off behind them.
“So?” Khalia asked.
“Do you seriously not recognize me?” Zoey asked.
“Got some black makeup and hair pins? I go by name Zoey, by the way, I do not desire for my real name to be said out loud,” Zoey asked.
Khalia gave her a small box she pulled out of her handbag. “Here.”
Zoey went on to rearrange her hair and apply the black makeup.
“Better?” she turned to Khalia.
“Holy shit, I seriously didn’t recognize you!” Khalia exhaled.
“Anyway, what does Luciande want from you?” Zoey asked and grabbed a cupcake from the table.
“She wants me to allow her to open a branch of her Hungry Daisy shop here in Sirissi Skalla,” Khalia revealed.
“I call one of my medium favors I’ve got on you, you will allow it if I confirm it,” Zoey told her.
“Come on, now! I really don’t want that thing around!” Khalia complained.
“Why not?”
“I need my people to fuck and make babies, not play with her toys!” Khalia explained.
“You don’t have enough food to support more people anyway,” Zoey slowed down, thinking, “oh… well… shit.”
“Hmm?” Khalia pried.
“Large favor for the branch, small favor for one of your undead birds to deliver a message, now,” Zoey breathed.
“We can do the bird tomorrow,” Khalia tossed up.
“It’s just a shitty messenger bird, that’s barely enough for the small one!” Zoey insisted.
“Hmph. I suppose I need to clear out the favors I owe you at some point. Medium favor and we do it now plus I toss in a basket of cupcakes for tomorrow,” Khalia made a counter offer.
“Fine,” Zoey sighed. She removed the makeup, rearranged her hair and left to seek lady Luciande.
“Lady Luciande, I am Zoey, may I have a minute?” Zoey asked.
“Buzz off, I’m not in the mood,” Luciande slashed her off.
“Such a shame, I thought we could talk about how shall the branch of your shop happen here in Sirissi Skalla, but if you aren’t interested anymore, there is nothing to be done,” Zoey mused.
“Wait. I still want that, let’s talk,” Luciande turned to her.
Zoey showed a way to a side room to obtain some privacy.
“So?” Luciande jabbed.
“I have made queen Khalia agree to your branch, but I want you to make me something in exchange. I have it confirmed, but can have it canceled at a minute notice,” Zoey revealed.
“Sounds good, what do you want?” Luciande smiled pleasantly.
“Something to put on my man so the fucking bastard can’t cheat on me anymore… I’ve been thinking about a chastity belt. It has to work in the Dream World the same way it does in reality and it needs to be irremovable. Now I’m not talking about a blacksmith being unable to remove it; I’m talking about you, Khalia, James, Salazar, Lucas, Gorash, Alexander, Crystal and anyone else from the crazy powerful people being unable to remove it. Then, I want it modifiable for the future, so I don’t have to start over when I want new functions, I want it to have an integrated controllable orgasm block and something to make his balls explode without me needing to open it should I ever so desire,” Zoey laid out.
“That’s going to cost you way more than one branch,” Luciande breathed.
“Fine, for starters, I just want the Dream World, irremovability and options for future modifications. It’s worthless to me without these,” Zoey stated.
“Does the subject have regenerative powers?” Luciande asked calmly.
“No, why?”
“It’s really hard to stop the subject from cutting itself in half to remove it. It will still take time. I need to test it, a lot, but I can deliver on it. To whom should I send the message once I’m done?” Luciande pried.
“I shall either come around Xona to check on it or send my deputy. I shall give her something to identify herself by. Shall two months be enough time for the first checkup?” Zoey inquired.
“Three and I shall guarantee that if the subject removes it, I shall make a new one that shall do better,” Luciande agreed.
“You are surprisingly cooperative on this,” Zoey observed.
“Do you know how hard it is to get a subject to test security? Too hard! The branch is nice, but two-thirds of the payment are what you get from someone powerful enough to be worthy of my efforts and monitor how it works. Do we have a deal?” Luciande asked.
“So, do you still think I’m a soulless monster?” Kayleanne asked softly. They had spent the entire night chatting, dancing and drinking.
“I’m just… confused. Why does Lucas hate you so much?” Raven asked.
“Oh no, he doesn’t hate us. I don’t think he hates anyone, aside from himself, obviously, he’s always been great at self-loathing,“ Kayleanne revealed.
“You speak like you know him,” Raven realized.
“Of course, I do, we all do. He’s one of us… but then he betrayed us and well… here we are,” Kayleanne breathed.
“Why? Why did he betray you, why does he want to kill you?” Raven pried.
“Because his dream of freedom is stronger than anything else. Us, Children of Sun, are made to serve our maker, our God. Lucas was made of a different dream. I don’t know why or how, but somehow he got into himself a desire to be free that is stronger than anything else… and about killing us, well, I guess his grudge against our God means more to him than us,” Kayleanne explained.
“Your God… who is it? What does he want?” Raven inquired.
“We call him the Red God. He wants to be free. For that, he sent us to obtain keys to the cell that holds him, but he’s been there for over five thousand years, so really, it’s more of a long-term goal than anything that would pressure us in the nearest centuries,” she breathed.
“Then why is Lucas insisting on it so much? You are leaving something out… what do you want? What are you and your kind trying to achieve?” Raven shot.
“We want to live. Live and reproduce. See, we were made to be unable to make children in any normal way. But we don’t want to let it go just like that so we all have been experimenting with it. The failed experiments are what you call demonic champions. They are our failed attempts to spawn children. There hasn’t been a single successful attempt, yet Lucas has deemed it’s time to exterminate us… you would have to ask him to find out why,” Kayleanne stated, “anyway, I’m getting tired, so I shall go hit the bed. I’ve had fun,” she leaned onto Raven and kissed him on the cheek, “see you soon.”
Raven had to shake his head to refocus his mind.
“What do you mean by that?” he caught up to her.
“I still need to kill Lucas, but don’t worry, you I shall jus
t capture and keep around as my pet before I let you go once things calm down… so try to not get too damaged in the meantime,” she smiled sweetly.
“I guess there is no peace to be had between you and Lucas, is there?” Raven tried.
“No. He wants me dead; I want to live. Neither of us shall compromise on it, so it’s one or the other. Sorry, Raven, some things do not have a good solution.”
He watched Kayleanne leave, then went on to search for Lucas.
“Hey, have you seen Lucas?” Raven asked Luna as he intercepted her.
“No,” Luna shot back before downing another glass.
“What happened?” Raven sat down next to her.
“Alright, I will go search for Lucas,” Raven smiled and rose.
“How clueless fucking are you? When an upset woman says nothing happened, it’s NOT nothing!” Luna exclaimed, exasperated.
Raven gave Luna a long-confused look. “Can I help in any way?”
Raven smiled and started walking off.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Luna shouted at him.
“To search for Lucas,” Raven replied calmly.
“God! You are so fucking clueless… have a few drinks with me and then I will show you where I last saw him,” Luna stated.
Raven sat down and grabbed a drink.
“Last time I saw him, he was behind this door,” Luna revealed, “why are you blushing?”
Raven made an awkward face. “He’s still in there.”
Luna frowned and went on to listen to the door. Now she heard the moaning as well.
“How the hell does he last so long?” she exclaimed.
“I have no idea. I will go catch some air,” Raven exhaled and turned to leave.
“Have fun,” Luna sat down by the side of the hallway to wait.
Raven walked up to the highest floor. He found a way to the roof and climbed onto it.
Nobody around, good.
Legacy of Death_Revenge Page 38