After [A Journey of the Twins Novel]

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After [A Journey of the Twins Novel] Page 27

by Janet Durbin

  "I'm sure it will be fine,” Shyanne responded. She felt like she was already asleep, only in an upright position.

  "Good. Then let me show you in."

  The key went into the lock. With a twist of the wrist, it unlatched. Louis stood back as he pushed the door open wide enough for them to enter.

  Shyanne entered first, followed closely by Joseph. The area inside was dark except for the light shining in from the hall. She stopped a couple of feet inside until her eyes adjusted to the darkness. When they did, she drew in a sharp intake of breath. On the bed, in the partial shadows, lay her brother and her companion, Drizzle.

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  Chapter Sixteen

  A gasp escaped Shyanne when she realized who was lying on the bed. Joseph could not see who was there yet.

  "Shyanne, what is it?"

  "It's Drayco ... and Drizzle!"

  "What? They're here? I thought they hadn't arrived yet."

  Before either could recover from the shock, the door across the hall opened. Ruben leapt out and hit Joseph hard on the back of his head. The blow caused him to crumple to the floor, stunned. Ruben grabbed Shyanne before she could react. A hand swung up and backhanded her across the face. She spun around, slammed into the wall, and fell to the floor, unconscious.

  The big man bent over and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder with ease. On his way out, he kicked Joseph in his abdomen, knocking the wind out of him, and to make sure the downed man could not follow too quickly. Joseph lay there, curled in a ball, moaning, trying to get his breath back, when Ruben shut the door. The departing laughter echoed long after the man from hell disappeared, taking Shyanne with him.

  Drayco squirmed frantically, trying to cut his bonds with the big cat's claws. He was able to do so, but only after receiving several gashes in the process. He sat up quickly and removed the gag. The rope holding his legs followed. In an instant, he swung the door open and darted into the hall. It was empty. Ruben and his sister were nowhere in sight.


  He hurried back to Joseph. “Are you okay?"

  "Yeah...” Joseph managed to gasp. “Where's Shyanne?” His breath was finally returning after the brutal kick. He sat up and leaned back against the wall, his knees bent to relieve the tension to his tender abdominal area.

  "I don't know. The hall was empty by the time I got to it.” Drayco stood. “Stay here, I'll be right back.” He returned to Drizzle and removed the ropes that bound the cat's mouth and extremities.

  "Good to see you again, old friend."

  "And you.” He stretched his legs to loosen them from the long period of restraints. “It feels good to finally be free."

  "Are you able to move?” Drayco sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing the animal's extremities to better help circulation flow through them again. “Can you help us track Shyanne?"

  The cat shrugged the man's hands off. He tried to get up, but his legs gave out. He flopped down on the mattress.

  "I'm afraid it will be a minute or two before I can do that,” Drizzle said.

  He struggled to stand several more times before he finally succeeded. Drayco watched. He knew better than to help the big cat. Drizzle was just as independent as he was.

  "Who did this? I didn't see who it was before I was hit,” Joseph asked as he stood up gingerly. Only one word was uttered. It was said with such hatred that he paused to look at the dark man.


  Drizzle curled his lip at the sound of the name. A low grumbling emitted from his throat. “I'll make him pay for what he has done."

  "First,” Drayco reminded the cat, “you and I need to replenish ourselves. Neither of us will be of any use right now in the shape we're in.” When the cat started to say something, Drayco added, “Ruben won't have gone far with Shyanne. With your nose, we will find him quickly."

  "What can I do to help?” Joseph asked.

  "Find that Louis fellow. He may be able to give us some information that could be useful."

  "We wouldn't be lucky enough for him to be at the front desk. That would be too easy.” He made his way to the door. “I'll go see what I can find out. You two stay here and conserve your strength."

  Before he could get there, Drizzle laid his ears back and stared at the entrance to the room. A low growl escaped from him. Joseph crept to the door and grasped the handle, yanking it open suddenly. He reached into the hall, seized the shirt of a man standing with his ear pressed against the door, and threw him to the floor inside. The stained apron over his clothing showed he worked in the kitchen.

  "Don't hurt me, don't hurt me,” he cried out. He was bent over on his knees with his hands held open over his head, waving them in the air.

  Joseph walked over the kneeling man and asked, “Who are you? What do you want here?"

  "I'm Wally, one of the kitchen hands. I just came to get some supplies from across the way. I was almost finished and had everything stacked by the door when Ruben ran in, knocking everything over, including me.

  "He had a woman slung over his shoulder. When I shouted at him for messing up my work, he ignored me and disappeared around some boxes. I thought it was a bit odd when he didn't come out so I went to investigate. He was gone, nowhere to be found. I don't know where he went, but he was gone.” Wally looked up at the man who towered over him. “I heard voices coming from this room so I leaned over to hear what was being said. I was curious what Ruben was up to."

  "Joseph, check out the other room. See if you can locate the secret hidden inside,” Drayco said in a voice almost too soft to hear. He was leaning forward, his elbows resting on his upper legs, his hair hanging in front of his face, hiding his features from view.

  "What are you planning?"

  "I want to have a private chat with this person here. Drizzle, you stay with me."

  Joseph saw the big cat sit on his haunches and watch Drayco's hunched form. When the dark man lifted his head, he and Wally inhaled sharply at the sight that met their eyes; Drizzle remained silent. The color of Drayco's eyes were almost entirely black, as black as the hair on his head. A look of undisguised hunger was written all over him.

  "Drayco, wha—” Joseph stammered

  "I said go. Now!"

  Wally looked at Drayco, then back at Joseph. He whined, “What is he going to do?” He scooted back against the far wall. “I promise to leave and never tell anyone about this. I promise! Please! Tell him I promise to tell nothing.” Drizzle merely yawned at the pathetic man who squirmed against the wall.

  Drayco stood slowly with his hands balled into tight fists. “Joseph, please. This is not something you want to watch."

  Joseph felt the dread creep into his belly as he moved toward the entrance. He paused, glanced at the dark man half hidden by the shadows and turned back. Grasping the handle leading out, he said, “I'll be waiting for you in the other room.” With that, he left.

  Drayco could feel the hunger rise to an agonizing level. He felt sorry for the innocent man who had stumbled into the wrong place at the wrong time, but could not prevent what was going to happen next even if he had wanted to. The needs of his body were taking over.

  A groan of anguish escaped his lips as he made his way to the one sitting on the floor. Wally glanced up with trepidation. He didn't move as Drayco squat next to him and reached out to brush a hand across his neck. Fear had him frozen in place.

  "I'm sorry for killing you. It is not something I would have done any other time, but today I must."

  Wally locked eyes with Drayco; a tear started down his cheek. “I haven't done anything to you. Why, why are you doing this?"

  "Because I must,” Drayco whispered. He bent over and sank his teeth into the soft flesh of the neck. He bit deep.

  The skin gave way, allowing the blood to flow. But it wasn't enough. He bit again and found what he was seeking: the jugular. Now the blood gushed out of the ravaged neck into Drayco's mouth. Wally's breath hissed in, but he never cried out.
The shock of what was happening was enough to keep the man silent. Wally's eyes rolled back into his head.

  Drayco closed his eyes, unable to look at his victim. He sucked on the neck until he felt nothing more come out. Releasing his hold, he sat up. Wally's eyes stared at the ceiling, his mouth hanging open. A look of extreme sadness had settled on his face. It remained there even after death.

  The dark twin hung his head in sorrow, sorrow at the loss of this unfortunate man. He whispered, “Ruben, here is another death I will kill you for. When I find you, I will make sure your death is agonizingly long in coming."

  He stood and removed Wally's shirt. His had been ruined when Ruben ripped it off his body. The wounds on his chest, put there by the sharp knife, were pink and healing. Quite an amazing thing considering they had been put there only a few hours ago. The gray streak in his hair was still there. The abuse his body endured the last few days had left its mark.

  His strength was almost at full capacity. The blood he had received earlier, and again just now, had helped in bringing it back. Drizzle continued to watch what he did. Interest in knowing what his companion's brother was going to do next was visible in his eyes. It took him by surprise.

  Drayco finished undressing Wally's body. He picked it up and carried it to Drizzle, where he set it down carefully and backed away. “Here is the nourishment that will help you gain strength, my friend. I suggest you make the most of it. One never knows when the next meal will happen.” He turned his back to the cat and walked to the exit. As he put a hand on the handle, he stated, “Don't take too long, though. Shyanne needs us.” He went out the door without looking back.

  The room across the hall was only a few steps away, but it felt as vast as the Grand Canyon. Drayco shuddered at what he had done. Unfortunately, it was necessary if he was to help Shyanne.

  He opened the door to the storage area and shut it quietly behind him. The things Ruben had knocked over in his haste were still spread out on the floor. All kinds of wares, including boxes full of restaurant items, were stacked against the walls, leaving little space available in the room. Drayco stayed by the door, looking for Joseph. He wasn't anywhere.

  "Joseph? Are you in here? Where are you?” No answer.

  Without warning, the sound of whooshing air came from an area off to his left. He reached where his sword should have been and found it missing. The dark man felt a momentary pang of loss. He banished it from his thoughts.

  No sense in mourning over things you can't bring back.

  He crouched behind a stack of boxes, intent on taking down whoever came into sight. A long shadow stretched before him. Drayco started to attack, but pulled up abruptly when he saw who it was.

  "Joseph, where the hell have you been?"

  "You would not believe what I found. It's a passageway hidden behind a secret door. I found the trigger for it totally by accident.” A huge grin covered his face. “Come. Let me show you.” Joseph reached for Drayco's arm. The dark man pulled it back abruptly.

  "I can make it on my own."

  "Oh ... okay. Here. This way ... over here."

  Joseph sounded like a small child who had discovered a secret treasure trove of toys stashed away for the holidays. He retraced his steps to a wall located behind some boxes filled with eating utensils. No door or seams were visible in the area. Reaching up, he touched what looked like a dot up near the ceiling, hidden in the shadows.

  A whoosh of air, similar to the type Drayco heard earlier, occurred. Three seams appeared on the wall, then a small section slid into itself. The air beyond was stale, but breathable. A stairway cut in the stone disappeared downward into the darkness. A thin layer of dust covered the floor, and several sets of footprints marred the smooth surface.

  "These go on for only a short distance then level out. I couldn't go any farther because I didn't have a light."

  Joseph beamed at Drayco, the incident next door temporarily forgotten. Drayco frowned as he looked at the floor. Three sets of footprints were present, two heading into the darkness beyond with only one set coming out. Ruben must have gone this way. And from the looks of it, he's still down there.

  "Help me look through this stuff. Maybe we can find something to create a light source while we wait for Drizzle to finish."

  Joseph's feeling of accomplishment evaporated. A shiver ran up his spine at the picture that entered his thoughts. Turning to the nearest stack of boxes, he began to go through them. Distraction would help him avoid thinking about what was going on in the room across the hall, or so he hoped.

  Drayco moved to another stack and opened them. Nothing but dried foodstuff and things for the restaurant were in them. Just as he was about to give up hope on finding anything, Joseph called out.

  "I found something. I'm not sure what it is, but it lights up when I push this.” He held up a silver cylinder for Drayco to see.

  "It's something from a time long ago, something I never thought I'd see again, not a working one at least."

  "What do you mean? What is it?"

  Drayco walked over the Joseph and took the object from his hand. He turned it over until he found the button, then pushed it. A circular glow hit the wall, driving the growing shadows away. “It's a flashlight."

  "A flashlight? What's a flashlight? Is it dangerous? Is it a weapon? Can we use it?"

  Drayco smiled for the first time in a long time. “No, my friend, it's not a weapon, and it won't hurt anyone. It provides light for us to see with in the dark, that's all. Are there any more of them?"

  Joseph looked at the flashlight with wonder and a bit of skepticism. Drayco watched the man, his amazement at the lost technology refreshing.


  "Humm? Oh ... no, there aren't any more, just the one."

  Drayco turned it off to conserve the batteries and returned the light to Joseph. They were about to look in the last couple of boxes when the door to the hallway opened. Both men spun around to face the intruder.

  Drizzle crept quietly into the room. He observed the two men across the way and the thing in Joseph's hand. His expression never changed, but Drayco could see the interest in his eyes. “A flashlight. How amazing."

  "Am I the only one who hasn't ever seen a flashlight?” Joseph groaned.

  "Have you finished with your task?"

  "If you mean have I made full use of what was left me, the answer is yes. My strength has returned."

  "Good. Because we need you to track Ruben. We've wasted enough time.” The smile on Drayco's face faded. “Joseph, did you find any weapons while you were going through the boxes?"

  "No. But I did find these.” He held up two batteries. Their outer coating was dry and intact; no signs of corrosion were on them. “I think they go with this.” He held up the flashlight.

  "They do, bring them along. Hopefully we'll find more along the way.” Drayco moved to the open stairwell. He stopped just inside and turned back to the others. “Well?"

  Joseph and Drizzle looked at each other before following the dark man through the opening. The big cat slid past and disappeared into the darkness beyond.

  "Don't get too far ahead, Drizzle. We don't want to lose you."

  "You won't."

  Joseph still had the light in his hand. He flicked it on as they made their way down, away from the light shining in. A small landing carved out of the surrounding stone appeared. The small circle of light from the flashlight showed nothing except more walls.

  A few paces away, another set of steps led further underground. The air grew thick with humidity the deeper they went. The lack of air currents made it feel like a sauna in the small, enclosed space. This fact did not make sense to Drayco. Every time he and his family had gone spelunking in caves, those many years ago, the air was always cool.

  The two men were drenched with sweat by the time they made it to the bottom of the stairs. With nothing to show the passing of time, it felt like they had been walking for hours. Drizzle was nowhere in sight.

/>   I wonder where that cat has gotten to, Drayco pondered. I told him not to go far.

  He touched Joseph on the shoulder and indicated for him to shine the light around. Joseph pointed it in all directions, but could not pierce the seeming endless darkness ahead. The room beyond was vast.

  "Where do you suppose we are?” Joseph whispered. Even with the softness of his voice, the sound echoed across the open space.

  "I don't know, somewhere underneath the inn."

  "This must have taken years to do. Why would someone take the time to cut such a vast space in the stone?"

  "Again, I don't know. Let's follow the wall around. Maybe we'll find another exit, or at least the way Ruben or that fool cat went."

  Joseph led because the light was still in his hands. They had gone about one hundred paces when the wall of stone was replaced with a wall of some unknown substance. Drayco reached out, putting his hand on it. It felt cool, even in the stifling warmth of the room, and was seamless for as far as they could see with the light.

  "Odd,” Drayco said. “This situation is getting stranger and stranger with each step."

  "I agree. I've never seen material like this before. Do you know what it is?"

  "At first I thought it was steel, but now that I've touched it, I'm not sure what it is."

  "Some more things from the past?” Joseph questioned

  "It must be. Nothing like this exists nowadays."

  They continued to follow the strange wall. After another one hundred and fifty paces, they discovered something even more interesting to Drayco, and more disconcerting to Joseph. The wall stopped at a corner before it continued around, disappearing into the darkness once more. Parked in the corner was an ancient vehicle.

  "It's a golf cart! And in mint condition no less!” Drayco rushed up to the vehicle and jumped into the driver's seat. He leaned over, squinting to see the dashboard. “Joseph, come over here with the light. I need to see."

  Joseph remained where he stood. He wanted no part of whatever this thing was. I've heard about the items created from the past, and about how they destroyed the lives of so many people. I'm not about to let this contraption destroy me.


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