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LOVE, LIFE, and VOWS Page 3

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Their cabin wasn’t too far from the dock. Vicky wanted to walk back but Jason didn’t want her to over-do it. He’d had a car waiting for them. On the ride over they sat close to each other holding hands.

  “Come on Jason, we can walk from here. Please…it’s just a short distance to our place. I want to feel the sand in between my toes.”

  Jason raised Vicky’s hand to his mouth and kissed it; anything to make her happy. Then, he signaled the driver to stop. They got out and walked on the beautiful sandy beach to their cabin hand in hand.

  As they made their way towards the door to their cabin Vicky pulled Jason back.

  “Thank you for an incredible morning and afternoon. I can’t say there have been many times in my life that I’ve been happier.”

  Jason couldn’t think of many times in his life that he’d been happier either.

  “My hope is that this is the first of many memories for us. Every day I want to make you happier than the day before.”

  When Jason opened the door Vicky walked ahead of him and stopped dead in her tracks. She was speechless. She was in awe. She didn’t think there was anything left that Jason could do but he managed to up the ante. The room was full of red roses. There were petals on the floor that led from the door to…everywhere…she didn’t even know where. She turned around and around and everywhere she turned there was some type of exotic flowers peppering their room.

  “I thought we’d create our own Garden of Eden right here minus the whole forbidden fruit fiasco.”

  Vicky went into his arms and kissed him hard. His lips parted and he deepened the kiss; flicking his tongue with hers as they tangled with each other.

  Jason and Vicky were so caught up in each other they almost missed the sounds of someone knocking on the door.

  He frustratingly broke the kiss, “Who the hell is knocking on the door? Obviously, someone who doesn’t want their job…be right back.”

  “Just meet me in the bedroom.”

  Agitated, Jason stalked to the door.

  “Mr. Rutherford, my apologies for disturbing you but I have an urgent message from Mr. Franklin Roth.”

  The messenger handed Jason a note. He tipped the man a few bucks, took the envelope and closed the door. Why wouldn’t Franklin just call him on his cell? Damn. He forgot he’d turned it off last night and forgot to turn it back on this morning.

  Jason opened the note.


  You received a legal notice from State Senator Ryan Carter’s attorneys. He’s doing a press conference at four o’clock your time regarding the attached story. Jason, it’s going to be in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Call me ASAP.


  Jason read the headline of the article, “State Senator’s Love Child Hidden from Him”.

  Chapter 5

  Vicky came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but a sexy two piece number and a beautiful smile on her face. “What are you doing? What’s taking so long?”

  Vicky could see by the look on his face that something was wrong. Panic rose up inside of her. The last time she was away from Angel…she couldn’t even think about it.

  “Jason, what’s wrong? Angel…Is Angel okay?”

  He saw the panic on her face. How the hell was he going to tell her about this?

  “Yes, babe, Angel is perfectly fine. But, we do have a problem.”

  Jason handed Vicky the newspaper clipping.

  Vicky read the headline and article. The clipping slipped from her fingers and dropped to the floor.

  “My god Jason…everything in here is lies! The only thing that’s true is Ryan is Angel’s father. How could they print this? No one even contacted me for my side of the story!”

  Frustrated, Jason ran his fingers through his hair. “Sweetheart, that’s not all, Ryan is doing a press conference in few minutes regarding this.”

  Jason turned his cell phone on and as soon as he did it started ringing and beeping.


  “Jason, thank god. We’ve been trying to reach you for the last few hours. We’ve got a problem.”

  “I know Dad. Franklin sent over a messenger.”

  Jason put the phone on speaker and grabbed Vicky’s hand as they walked into the great room with the satellite television. Jason turned to the channel for the press conference. It hadn’t started yet.

  “We’ve already contacted our lawyers on this and they are working on a full retraction. Where is Vicky? Is she okay?”

  Vicky sighed “I’m here dad. I was wonderful until about five minutes ago.”

  Jason could hear his mother’s high pitched voice in the background, “Hi Jason…Hi Vicky. Please don’t worry too much. I can’t believe he did this. He knows you guys are on your honeymoon. Dad’s got our attorney John Lucas on this one. Jason, you know he’s a bull dog.”

  Jason was seething “I should have beaten his ass when I had the chance.”

  Vicky rubbed his arm to try to calm him down.

  “Cooler heads will prevail son.”

  Vicky turned up the volume on the television. Her eyes were glued to the TV. She tensed when she saw Ryan and his wife enter the room to stand at the podium. Alicia had the dutiful looking wife expression down pat.

  Jason rubbed her lower back trying to keep her calm. He knew she was beyond angry. They both were.

  They’d forgot his parents were even on the phone until he heard his dad say “Here we go…looks like it’s about to start.”

  “Good afternoon everyone, thank you all for attending this press conference. I’d like to start off by reading a brief statement before taking your questions.

  ‘Almost four and half years ago during one of the lowest points in my life, my wife and I separated. Let me be clear, the separation was not due to any third party. The stresses of marriage, the stress of my career, and the stress of trying to start a family took its toll. I thought the marriage was over. During this time, I met a young woman and we started a sexual relationship. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the relationship was going nowhere because the only woman for me was Alicia. I fought hard to win my wife back'

  Ryan looked lovingly into his wife’s eyes before continuing to read from his statement.

  ‘I made every effort to sever ties but she tried in all manner of ways to continue the association even using the knowledge that my wife and I were unable to conceive. She told me that she was pregnant. I informed her I would step up, be responsible and care for my child but we could not continue the relationship. In her anger, she informed me that there was no baby and that it had all been a lie. What I didn't know at the time was that she'd had a history of dating wealthy men and that I was one of several she'd dated at the same time.'

  Vicky screamed at the television, “My god! That bastard is lying!”

  ‘Several months after Alicia graciously and lovingly accepted me back into her life, I ran into the woman at an event. After noticing a small baby bump, Of course, I inquired about the paternity only to have her tell me that she’d met the man of her dreams. He was rich and that he was the father of her child. I wished her well and did not hear from her again until about four months ago.

  I was told that the child I’d inquired about all those years ago was really my child. She was three and a half and in need of a life-saving operation. She threatened that if I didn’t come to the hospital immediately to be tested as a blood donor – which was in another state, she would ruin my political career. She would inform the public that I’d had an affair that produced a bi-racial child. I immediately informed my wife about this situation and we flew out to Atlanta as soon as possible so that I could be tested. Fortunately, I was a match.

  Anyone who knows me or Alicia is aware of how much we love all children – including bi-racial children; if there was anything we could do to save any child’s life we’d do it. And, if the child were mine, there would be no way anyone would prevent me from being there for her.

owever, since Alicia and I found out about my daughter four months ago, we’ve taken repeated steps to try and establish a relationship with her. The mother, who is now onto her third relationship with a prominent business man here in Minnesota, refuses to allow me to see her. That is why my wife and I will be filing papers today for full custody. I’ll take any questions now.”

  Vicky’s legs almost came out from under her. If Jason hadn’t been standing there she would have crumbled to the ground.

  Reporters started yelling out questions all at once.

  “Is the woman you are referring to Victoria Nicole Martin?”, “How do you think this will affect your run for Governor?” “Do you think she was a gold digger?”, “We’ve heard rumors that she’s married to Jason Rutherford do you know this to be true? “Was it a shotgun wedding?”

  “One question at a time please; I prefer not to identify who she is at this time. After all…she is the mother of my child. Nick Jones in the back, I’ll take your question.”

  “Can you elaborate on what was the life-saving illness?”

  “Yes. Due to a lack of supervision and poor judgment, my daughter was left in the care of a teenager driving recklessly. The teenager was killed instantly and my daughter almost lost her life as well. Michael Davis, up front.”

  Vicky covered her mouth with her hands hoping it would muffle the sounds of anguish coming from her.

  “Do you think your opponents might try to use this information to hurt you in the governor’s race?”

  “I don’t know what my opponents will do but I hope they take into account that there is an innocent little girl who is in the middle of all of this. Amy Johnston.”

  “Why now? Were you afraid your political enemies were going to use this knowledge against you.”

  “As I stated previously, this is not about politics. This is about having a relationship with my daughter.”

  Ryan answered several more questions before calling an end to the press conference.

  Jason and Vicky stood stunned.

  “Dad, it’ll take a couple of hours to fuel up the jet but we’ll be home before the end of the night.

  Chapter 6

  The limo ride over to Ryan’s campaign headquarters was cold. Alicia sat rigidly as she looked out of the window in her Michael Kors blackened-out sunglasses. Alicia sat so far away from him that he could see the condensation of her breathing on the opposite window. The flash bulbs of the press were not helping the situation.

  She’d followed the script perfectly and had done everything his campaign manager suggested from how she should wear her hair to the type of makeup and clothing she’d worn. It had been a long time since Ryan had really looked at his wife with anything other than contempt. However, he had to admit, after everything they’d put each other through, she was still a beautiful woman. Her soft raven tresses fell softly in waves over her shoulders. It gave her an angelic appearance. The white pencil skirt and matching jacket looked wonderful against her sun-kissed skin. Those toned legs and slim waist hadn’t changed much since they’d met all those years ago. Her eyes were hidden by the sunglasses but for a moment at the press conference he’d gotten lost in those violet eyes. Those eyes….the way they used to look at him especially when they made love had made him feel like he could do anything; that was such a long time ago.

  Alicia entwined her hands together as they lay across her lap. The hurt but forgiving look she’d worn at the press conference had been replaced with lips that were pursed together tightly barely able to contain her rage.

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that she was furious; furious because she had her own ambitions and this interfered with them, because she was embarrassed, or because she was hurt? Ryan wasn’t exactly sure? However, he didn’t think there was a shred of love left for him. He couldn’t honestly say if he still loved her either. They’d gone through the motions of their marriage for so long; it was hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t. Love didn’t really matter at this point.

  Although the marriage was irretrievably broken, he still needed her families’ connections in business and politics for just a little while more.

  One thing he did know for sure was that she wanted to be the First Lady of Minnesota. If Alicia felt that showing support at the press conference would help her achieve that goal then that is what she was going to do. No…she wouldn’t divorce him and let some other woman have the glory of being the First Lady of Minnesota; that was too enticing for her to divorce him.

  Ryan knew that divorcing her would destroy everything he’d worked so hard for too. Whatever this unspoken arrangement was between them he was going to have to make the best of it, at least for now. However, he wasn’t fool enough to believe that Alicia wouldn’t make him pay for the mistake of Angel. She was just waiting for the opportune time to name her terms.

  “The press conference went well. I’m sure Harry would be pleased you followed his instructions.”

  If it were possible, Alicia stiffened even more at the sound of his voice but did not respond. How could he be so cavalier about this situation was beyond her? Alicia’s emotions had been all over the place ever since she’d found out about Angel. She was furious! She was embarrassed and surprisingly, hurt.

  Alicia thought back to the time when she really loved Ryan. Until she discovered he loved her families’ name, money, and connections more than he loved her. But, she’d learned to live with it. And, over the years, she’d known Ryan had been unfaithful to her, hell she hadn’t been faithful to him either. But, how could he father a child outside of their marriage? It was the dagger that cut her the deepest. Alicia had once wanted children with Ryan. They’d tried for years with no results. They’d even unsuccessfully tried in vitro fertilization. After every failed attempt to have a child it seemed they drifted further and further apart.

  She now sat next to a man she despised. He was going to pay for all the hell he’d put her through. But, for now she’d have to bide her time and just focus on the Governorship.

  “Alicia. Did you hear me?”

  She was pulled out of her thoughts and slowly turned to look at Ryan. Icily she responded, “No. What...did you say?”

  “Harry just called and the press is set up outside of our campaign headquarters. He just wanted to give us a heads up. I’ll need to actually touch you to help you out of the car and I know how much you love it when I do that.”

  “I know how to play a loving and dutiful wife, Ryan. I’ve been playing my part for years. If you’d been playing your role more successfully…maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

  “Touché, Mrs. Carter, Touché.”

  The limo pulled up to the curb. Throngs of press and paparazzi were present. As soon as Ryan got out of the car the camera’s bulbs started to flash. He walked around to open Alicia’s door and reached inside to help her out of the car.

  Under her breath, Ryan overheard Alicia saying, “Lights, camera…action”

  Chapter 7

  Jason and Vicky had been in the air for several hours. They’d been quiet for most of the trip. She sat in the crook of his arms.

  She lifted her head to see Jason’s head thrown back with his eyes closed. She knew he wasn’t sleeping because his breathing was too choppy.

  “Jason, do you really think he’s going to file for full custody of Angel?”

  “My gut tells me this is a political stunt but we’ll know more once we land and talk to my lawyers. Even if he does, I don’t want you to worry. He’ll never get custody of Angel.”

  Vicky rubbed the back of her neck and pinched the bridge of her nose. This whole ordeal had given her a massive headache.

  “Why now after all of these months?”

  “More than likely he was trying to hide the skeletons in his closet before he went public.”

  “He really made me sound like a horrible person in that press conference.”

  Jason took his finger and turned Vicky’s face towards his, “You know
that you’re not. You’re an amazing woman and that’s why I love you. I don’t want you worrying about this. I told you that I’ve got it.” He gently kissed her on the lips.

  Vicky knew that Jason would take control of this situation but was a little uncomfortable that he was treating her like a porcelain doll. She wanted to fight this together.

  The pilot came over the intercom, “Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, we’ve been cleared for landing. We should be putting the plane down in the next few minutes. So, please buckle up.”


  As soon as their plane landed, both Jason and Vicky’s cell phones started ringing. Vicky had turned her phone off while they were on the island because Jason had his and was checking it periodically. If there was an emergency she knew they would call him first.

  Jason answered his phone and from the sounds of it he was giving someone instructions about a car meeting them at the private gate.

  Vicky looked at her phone and wasn’t going to answer until she saw that it was Sandy.


  “Hey. How are you doing?”

  “Aside from a massive headache and this child being really active, as well as I can. I just want to get home to see Angel.”

  “I understand, but what the hell? I can’t believe Ryan’s doing this.”

  “Believe it because he is.”

  “Franklin and Mr. Rutherford Sr. have been working overtime to get a handle on it. You guys have just been through so much…you don’t deserve this. But, between Jason, Franklin, and Mr. Rutherford they are going to crush his ass. He might have bitten off more than he can chew. Political career be damned.”

  Vicky rubbed her stomach as she felt her child move.

  “I hope so. That press conference was…something else. And, I hate to say this but if I didn’t know any better Ryan and Alicia came off more than credible; sympathetic even.”

  Sandy hated to agree but it was true. “Honestly? They really did. But, it doesn’t matter what the public thinks only what he can prove in court. We all know he can’t prove any of that bullshit.”


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