Living With the Bad Boy

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Living With the Bad Boy Page 6

by Sharlay

  “You look great,” he said as he stood there, smiling at me.

  “Thanks, ready?” I asked as I rushed out of the door.

  “Yeah,” he said as he chuckled slightly. “You’re in a hurry,” he continued.

  “Sorry, I just don’t want to miss any of the movie,” I lied. Well, I didn’t want to miss any of the movie, that’s the truth but the real reason that I was in such a hurry was because I didn’t want Caleb to suddenly come back and make this moment awkward for me.

  “Ok, your chariot awaits you,” he said as he held the car door open for me.

  “Thank you,” I said as I smiled at him.

  * * *

  Honestly, the night had been going really well. James was such a gentleman. He was like every girl’s dream guy. He held doors open, paid for movie tickets, paid for food and he even said that he was going to switch his phone off while he was with me, since he didn’t want any interruptions. He was so sweet, probably not the guy that I would spend the rest of my life with but he was still sweet.

  We were about an hour into the movie when some idiot came charging into our screen, like a maniac. If I had been here with Courtney and not trying to be ‘lady like’ on a date, I would have kicked his stupid butt myself. Not only was his noise disturbing the movie - which may I add, was the perfect choice, made by me - but he was also making other people make noise too which was extremely annoying. Ok, so I get it, he was raving on about his girlfriend cheating on him and coming here with some other guy, and that’s sad and all but could you just save it for Jerry Springer, seriously!

  “Wow, talk about drama,” James said as I chuckled next to him.

  “I know, this is like a 3d soap opera,” I said as we both burst out laughing.

  “I feel sorry for the girl, when he finds her,” James said as he looked down at the uncontrollable delinquent, who was currently scanning each row for his ‘cheating lover’.

  “Have you seen the muscles on that thing? I feel sorry for the guy, someone’s going to get K.O’d tonight,” I said as we both burst out laughing again.


  “Addy? There you are!” An angry voice said, interrupting us.

  “You?” I asked in complete and utter disbelief as I realized that the raging delinquent, was none other than Caleb! “What the hell are you doing?” I asked in a state of shock.

  “I knew it, I just knew it! You said that you’d never do this to me again,” Caleb said as I sat, staring at him in shock.

  “Do you know this guy?” James asked as he gave me a bewildered look.

  “No, I mean yes but not in that way-”

  “Stop lying, Addy! You can’t keep doing this to me. You can’t keep breaking my heart and then thinking that it is just ok,” Caleb ‘the actor’ continued.

  “What the hell are you talking about? Why are you doing this?” I screamed, which received a few ‘sshs’ from the other people in the theater.

  “You ssh,” I said as I turned towards one woman, who looked rather terrified by my sharp reply.

  “Addy, what is he talking about?” James asked as he stared at me.

  “Nothing, he’s just being a moron. We are not together-”

  “Liar! We live together, how can you say that?”

  “You live with him?” James asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, but not in the way that you think-”

  “Look, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you three to leave,” the movie theater, security guard said as he looked at me, Caleb and James in disgust.

  “Oh, with pleasure,” James said as he stormed out of the movie screen with me following closely behind him.

  “James, wait, please?” I said as I grabbed onto his arm.

  “For what? More lies, no thanks. No wonder you were in such a hurry to leave your house earlier, it was because of him,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Yes, but just not for the reasons that you are thin-”

  “Just save it, Addy, you are not the girl that I thought you were,” he said before walking towards his car, getting in and driving away.

  I am going to kill Caleb; not because I really liked James, and I’m upset that he has gone but because he was my ride home!

  As I stood there shivering in the cold, I did the only thing that I could do...wait for Caleb.

  “Aww, somebody looks cold,” a voice said, making me turn around and face it.

  “You, are a complete moron, you do know that, don’t you?” I said as I faced Caleb, who was now happily eating a box of popcorn and slurping on some soda which made my blood boil even more.

  “Hey, takes one to know one, right?” He said as he let out a loud burp before chuckling to himself. “Popcorn?” He asked as he tilted the box towards me.

  “No,” I screamed as I knocked the entire box out of his hand, causing myself to get covered in popcorn. As I watched Caleb, standing there and laughing, I had to fight the urge to rip his eyes out. “It’s not funny, James was a really great guy, he didn’t deserve that, and he probably hates me now,” I said in an angry voice as I stared at him.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him, that guy looked way too nice for you anyway, let’s face it, you don’t do happy,” he said as he smiled at me.

  “Well, he was my ride home,” I said in a sad voice as his words once again touched a raw nerve.

  “Oh, now it all makes sense. You need me, don’t you?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

  “Caleb, just sto-”

  “Ok, ok, calm down. I’ll just go and get my ‘dumb truck’. Here, hold this,” he said as he handed me his soda.

  “Yeah, whatever,” I said as I took it off him and waited while he went to get the car. As I stood outside of the movie theater, lost in my thoughts, I suddenly jumped as the sound of a car horn frightened me. As I walked towards the car door, I suddenly heard a clicking sound just as my hand touched the handle.

  “You’ve locked it,” I said in a state of confusion as I tried to open the door.

  “Yeah, I know, but don’t worry, it’ll only take you about forty minutes to walk home from here, it’s good exercise,” he said as he smirked at me. “Oh, and Addy?” He said as he continued smirking at me.

  “What?” I growled in frustration.

  “Now, we’re even. Night, night Princess,” he said before pretending to shiver from the cold and then driving off into the distance, leaving me stood there in disbelief.

  I stood in the same spot for five whole minutes before I realized that he was not coming back. As I prepared myself to walk all the way home, I vowed that Caleb would pay for this.

  There I was, this morning feeling sorry for what I had done to him when all along he was calculating his pathetic revenge plan. Well, if that’s the game that he wants to play then fine! If he wants a war, then a war is what he’ll get. Caleb, be prepared to meet Uncle Destruction, I thought to myself before taking a huge gulp of the soda in my hand and preparing to walk home.


  The Bra, The Thong & The Little Black Dress

  “All I’m asking for is five minutes,” I said - for the fifth time - as I looked up at what I can only describe as the Hulk’s twin, without the green skin.

  “No,” he said as he kept a stone cold expression on his face.

  Ok, so I know that you’re probably thinking what on earth is going on here. Let me begin by saying’s all Caleb’s fault! You see, after his little disappearing act earlier, I decided that rather than walking home, I would call my dad, so that he could give me a ride. Unfortunately, that was the tragic moment when I realized that I had lost my cell phone. Instead of walking home, I was left standing in the rain, trying to convince the beast of a security guard to let me back inside, so that I could search for my cell.

  “Seriously? Is no the only word in your vocabulary?” I grunted.

  “No.” Great, I’m dealing with a two year old on steroids!

  “Look, Banner, I’m not asking fo
r blood, I’m simply trying to get back inside to look for my phone. All that drama that you saw earlier was really not my fault, so, I promise you that I’m not going to cause any trouble, if you let me back in,” I said as I placed the best fake smile on my face.


  Ok, so maybe the whole Banner/Hulk joke didn’t help the situation but this illiterate moron was asking for it.

  “Who are you? A member of the freaking secret service! What are you actually trying to protect around here? Popcorn?” I yelled as I felt the cold drips of rain running down my face. On a positive note he didn’t actually say no this time, instead he just stood in silence and stared at me...creepy. Since it was clear that Banner wasn’t going to let me back inside, I did the only thing that I could do; I began walking...home.

  * * *

  I was about five minutes into my journey when I started to think about all of the slow and painful ways that I could torture Caleb. I used to think that the Saw movies went a little too far but now I sympathise with the guy, he probably had a Caleb in his life too. Believe me, that jerk is enough to drive anybody crazy.

  It was the sound of a car engine that dragged me out of my silent, Caleb bashing monologue. As I took in my surroundings, and realized that I was pretty much on a deserted road, I began to get uncomfortable. It didn’t help that the car that was driving behind me, sounded as though it was slowing down. This could have very well been my last moments on earth, if a psycho was driving that car, and who would be to blame? Caleb! My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of somebody’s voice.

  “Hey, you ok?” A male voice asked as I continued to walk straight ahead, as though I couldn’t hear him. I guess that I was hoping that if I ignored him, then he would eventually get bored, and drive off. Wake up Addy, this is your life, not some fairytale, you are never that lucky. It suddenly dawned on me that this guy was not driving away, and that I had two choices. I could be ‘that girl’ in the movie that runs off at full speed - because I suddenly think that I’m Usain Bolt - trips over an unknown object, falls on the floor, twists her ankle, gets hit across the head by a psycho, and ends up in a white room, tied to a bed. Believe me, it happens, just watch any horror movie and see what becomes of ‘the runner’. My second choice would be to do an Angelina Jolie in Mr and Mrs Smith, and kick some serious butt. Now, I think that we all know which type of girl that I am.

  “What exactly do you want?” I said as I span around and faced the guy in the now, parked car. This went a lot better in my head when I pictured a greasy old man, with grey hair and decaying teeth. Of course, I was a little taken by surprise when I came face to face with beautiful green eyes, silky brown hair, tanned skin and a smile that said ‘you know you want me’. Oh gosh, I just did the same voice that Courtney does when she tries to 'be a guy', what is the world coming to? Anyway, my Angelina Jolie stance was getting weaker by the minute.

  “Wow, do you speak to everybody that tries to help you, like that?” He asked with a slight smirk on his face. This guy was hot, like should be the lead in a Hollywood movie hot but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t a psycho. I needed him to see that I wasn’t scared and that he should think twice before messing with me. I took a slight pause before I replied.

  “Only the ones that follow me down deserted roads,” I said as I kept my eyes fixed on his.

  “I like you, you’re not afraid to speak your mind even though I could be a serial killer, who is just about to drag you into my car, and kill you,” he said as he attempted to keep a straight face.

  “True, you could be, but just so you know, if you do kill me, I will come back to haunt you. And believe me by the time that I’m through with you, I’ll make Paranormal Activity look like an episode of Sesame Street.”

  He suddenly burst out laughing before extending his hand out of his car window, towards me.

  “Blake,” he said as he smiled at me.

  “Great, and I’m gone,” I said as I turned around and started to walk away. Don’t get me wrong, this guy was very, very hot but he was still a stranger, and I was still standing on a deserted road, alone. As much as I’d like to see my face on TV one day, it’s not to be the face of a story on CNN.

  “Nice name. So, Gone, where are you heading?” He asked as he continued to drive slowly, next to me. Can this guy not take a hint?

  “Away from you.”

  “Wow, that’s the first time that I have had that kind of a reaction on a girl, maybe I need to brush up on my skills,” he said as he chuckled beside me.

  “Maybe you do,” I said as I continued to walk straight ahead.

  “You are aware that it’s raining, right?”

  “What, it is? That’s why I’m so wet, who would have guessed,” I replied in my usual sarcastic voice. I didn’t look directly at him but I could see that he had an amused expression on his face.

  “Look, is there a reason why you are following me?” I asked as I stopped and faced him again, causing him to stop driving for the second time.

  “Well, you’re alone on this road, and it’s raining like crazy. I would offer you a ride but I can clearly see that you are not willingly going to get inside of my car. So, I figured that I’d drive next to you, till I know that you’ve safely reached your destination and then I’ll be on my way,” he replied.

  “That’s really sweet and all but I’m a big girl,” I replied in a slightly husky voice.

  “Yes, that’s true but I wouldn’t want to leave you alone, only to find out that something terrible has happened to you later on.”

  “Oh, how considerate of you,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

  “So, how did you end up walking the green mile then?” He asked with the sound of amusement in his voice.

  “It’s a long story,” I mumbled as Caleb’s annoying face flashed in my head. If he thinks that this is over, then he is so wrong. Caleb is going to have no idea what has hit him, by the time that I am through with him.

  “I’m a good listener,” he said as he smiled at me, again.

  “Look, I don’t really know you, and I’m not in the habit of telling my life story to strangers,” I said as I continued to walk faster.

  “Well, you could get to know me-”

  “What, as I walk on the sidewalk, in the pouring rain? No, that’s not my style, Romeo.”

  “You don’t do well with new people, do you?” He asked with an amused expression on his face.

  “Wow, you guessed?” I replied, sarcastically.

  “Look, I know that this sounds weird, and honestly, I don’t usually do this but there’s something about you that I like. How about we just exchange numbers, you know, be friends

  ,”he said, putting extra emphasis on the word friends.

  “I reall-”

  “Addy? I have called you like a thousand times, where the hell have you been?” A voice began shouting as I turned my head towards the sound. When I turned around, not only did I see Courtney, standing there with an angry expression on her face but I was also stood right outside of my house. I was so distracted by Blake that I hadn’t even realized that I had gotten here already. I guess time flies when you’re having…a chat with a random stranger.

  “I’m guessing that you’ve reached your destination then,” Blake said as he chuckled to himself.

  “What are you, a GPS?” I said as I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “You’re funny. So, maybe I’ll see you around sometime, Gone?” He said, causing a slight smile to form on my face as he used my ‘name’ from earlier. I have to admit that this guy wasn’t half as bad as I initially thought. Well, he didn’t seem like a serial killer at least, so that gave him a few points anyway.

  “Maybe,” I said as my eyes locked with his.

  “Ok,” he replied as he smiled at me again.

  “Bye, Brett,” I said as I waved at him with a smirk on my face.

  “It’s Blake,” he said as he raised his eyebrows at me and smirked.

,” I said as I put a fake, shocked expression on my face as I watched him drive away. He was…interesting.

  “Seriously, why are you just stand-who was that bundle of sexiness that just drove away with my heart?” Courtney cut herself off as she stood there, staring at Blake, like a crazed stalker.

  “And probably some of your drool too, now please close your mouth,” I said as I stared at my crazy best friend.

  “So, are you going to tell me who he was?”

  “Oh, just some guy that kind of followed me home, it’s a long story. What are you doing here anyway, aren’t you supposed to be on your date?” I asked in confusion.

  “Well, I’ve been calling you for ages, so I thought that I’d check if you were ok. Which, you clearly are. As for the date, well, that’s a long story,” she said as she rolled her eyes, as though she was reliving a painful moment.

  “Well, I need to take a shower- as you can see - and then we’ll talk, ok?” I said as I walked towards my front door.

  “Yeah, you really do,” she said as she looked me up and down. “Well, come round to mine when you’re done, I left Cale and his disgusting friends at home, alone,” she said as she gave me a worried look.

  If you’re wondering who Cale is, well, that’s Courtney’s rather, annoying and older brother. He and his friends are what we like to call the Buffet Kings because they have practically tried every type of girl that they can. It actually makes me want to throw up every time that I think about it. Anyway, Courtney leaving them alone, in her house, could only ever lead to disaster.


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