Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1)

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Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1) Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “You’re going to make me cry.” She wipes at her face and brings my palm to her waiting lips. “I love you.”

  Dipping closer, I capture her lips with mine and deepening the kiss, Sirena tries to bring me closer, but I stay grounded. “I want you, honey. I always want you. However, the doctor has only allowed you to be here if you rest and don’t do anything.”

  Pouting she says, “If I just lie here . . .” she lets the sentence drift off and all I see is her fluttering lashes.

  “You’re killing me.” I stand and placing my hands on my hips, let her see how my body reacts to her. She notices as her eyes widen in surprise.

  “Oh wow.” She smirks. “I think I better take care of that for you.”

  “I’ll take care of that in the shower.” I laugh, moving my hips away. “The doctor said to do nothing that is likely to higher your blood pressure. You might not have noticed, but I certainly noticed how she made a point of looking at me when she said that.”

  “Ugh.” She throws her head back onto the cushions. “I’m so frustrated.” She narrows her eyes. “In more ways than one.”

  Chuckling, I tell her, “If you rest now, and only spend an hour downstairs, maximum, then I’ll treat you once I join you in the big bed.”

  “Join me as in naked?” she wiggles her brows.

  “Maybe,” I answer and glance at the door when there’s a knock. “Let me see who that is.”

  Tonight is the opening of my new hotel, Nirvana, and at Sirena’s suggestion we are staying in one of the suites. It’s the only way to make it possible for Sirena to join me when I official declare the hotel open for business. She won’t be joining me for the beginning of the evening, but after a conversation with her brother, Joshua, she will be there for the most important part. It’s when I plan to announce our engagement, which I think I’m looking forward to the most.

  Opening the door to our suite, I’m surprised, but glad to see Michael and Lily McKenzie. I’d invited them to the event this evening, which they’d gladly accepted. However, this unexpected visit, I hope, will be stress free for Sirena.

  “Please come in,” I invite, stepping away from the door.

  “Thank you,” Michael says.

  “Mom?” Sirena questions from her idle position on the couch.

  Lily quickly moves and embraces her daughter while Michael stays unmoving at the door. His focus of love shifts from his wife and daughter to me with an unreadable expression. “We need to talk.”

  “We do,” I agree. “Your daughter needs to see you first, then we’ll go to my office.”

  Michael nods and without further hesitation, he moves to wrap Sirena up in his arms. He kisses her on the forehead and wipes at her tears with his thumbs. “We haven’t let anything or anyone come between us before and we’re not going to do that now, okay, honey?” He cups her head between his large hands while he awaits her answer.

  “Okay, but you need to accept that I’m in love with Garrett. He’s the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Michael glances at me with a frown before returning his gaze to Sirena. He holds her stare before he leans forward and kisses her forehead. “I’m going to talk to him first before I make up my mind.”

  Sirena groans in frustration and struggles to sit up so I slip in and assist her while her father moves out of the way. She grabs my hand, tugging me down beside her. I smile and wrap an arm around her shoulders while her parents sit on the couch opposite.

  “Sirena’s blood pressure is slightly high,” I inform them, “which I know Charlotte has told you, so you need to know that I’m not going to allow her to be upset by anyone, including family.”

  “We’re not here to upset her,” Lily says and looks at her husband.

  He wraps her hands up with his and says, “We . . . or rather I, didn’t react well before, and I’m sorry for that. We were taken by surprise.” Michael says to me, “Alexander speaks highly of you, and so does Charlotte . . . I can’t complain with how you’ve been taking care of our daughter, so thank you.”

  I shake his offered hand. “She’s given me a reason to finally slow down from the workaholic that I’ve been. No more long trips overseas unless Sirena and baby are with me.” I kiss Sirena on the side of her head, and whisper, “I’m going to talk to your father.” I kiss her again and smile when I meet her frown. “Catch up with your mom.”

  Unable to resist, I lean close and place a quick kiss to her lips. “Stay out of trouble.” I turn to Lily. “She isn’t supposed to be on her feet until later.”

  Lily chuckles. “Don’t worry. I’ve had years of making sure she does what she’s told.”

  Walking out of the suite with Michael, I hear Sirena groaning and her mom trying to placate her.

  Michael hesitates. “Perhaps we should go back.”

  I laugh. “Not yet. She’s fine and probably complaining about how obsessed I am with making sure that she follows the doctors orders.”

  “Glad someone is making her see reason. Out of the four of them, Sirena is the most stubborn.” Michael shakes his head. “You really do love my daughter, huh?” he observes more than questions as I usher him into my office.

  My assistant is behind him trying to wave me over so I tell her, “I’ll be available soon, but no calls.”

  Closing the door, I momentarily lean against it. I feel like my head is about to explode with everything left to do for this evening, and even though I’ve delegated—for once in my life—I’m finding it hard to let go completely.

  Pushing away from the door, I say, “I wanted to talk to you about your daughter.” I move to sit behind my large desk with more confidence than I actually feel. “I know it’s selfish of me to want to tie her to me for the rest of my life when she’s so much younger than me, but,” I hold his gaze, “I love her. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make her happy.”

  Michael searches my gaze and asks, “Her child?”

  “There is only our child.” I smile. “She’s going to become my wife as soon as it can be arranged. I want her to have my name when our baby is born. He or she will have my name too and I’ll always be the father.” I rest my hands on the desk and focus on Michael. “If she wants more children then that’s what she’ll have. I want to give her everything.”

  All my cards are on the table now as I wait for him to say something. I’m well aware of the reputation that Michael McKenzie had many years before and it was something that I’d always respected, which was why for the last two hotels, I’ve used McKenzie Holdings to design and build them. Michael’s nephew, Alexander, is the mastermind behind Nirvana, and I’m hoping he’ll be there once I’m ready to start the project in Banff, Canada—the last project. Michael, however, is one of the founders of the company, but more importantly he’s the father of the woman I love.

  Luckily, he doesn’t keep me waiting long and with a slight cough snags my attention. “You’ve covered all bases with that speech.” Minutes pass while he contemplates his next words, and then a grin splits his face. “I noticed her ring . . . Welcome to the family.” He leans over, offering his hand. “She’ll keep you on your toes.” He smirks.

  “Oh, I know that already.” I Chuckle and become serious again, admitting, “I’ve waited a long time for her.”

  Michael watches me before he softly smiles. “Take care of her.”

  “I will.” I make sure that my tone conveys just how serious I am.

  He nods and walks out.

  Sitting back in my chair, I have maybe two minutes to contemplate the conversation before my assistant, Julia, will be walking in through the door.

  Shaking loose of the thoughts, I need to think about the hotel for an hour before I need to go back upstairs to get ready for this evening. We’ll have a full house for the party, and all the rooms are booked out at half price to the party guests.

  I’m always nervous the first night of operation, but from experience I know that by bringing in staff from the othe
r hotels to work alongside the newly trained. It works well and prevents any major problems from arising.

  The office that I’m currently making use of will be the one that the hotel manager, Matthew Tyler, uses after today. We’ve shared this space well, and I couldn’t have picked a better man for the job.

  Right on time, Julia barges into the office space with an irritated frown marring her brows. “I have tons of messages that you need to sort through. I’ve tried to separate them between you and Matthew. The one from the Mayor, you have. Do that one first, and then come and find me. There’s more.” Without another word, she leaves with the door slamming behind her.

  She has attitude, which I’m relieved to say will be Matthew’s problem after today.



  “I’m a whale,” I groan, looking at myself through the full-length mirror in the bedroom of our suite. My dress is deep purple silk and although the strapless style is comfortable, all that I see is my huge stomach. It looks like I’m having twins instead of just the one baby. The dress is fitted across my swollen breasts and belly, and then it drops from my hips to my ankles. I have some flat ballerina style shoes to wear because there is no way I’m going to be able to waddle around in heels. No way in hell.

  “Wow,” my brother, Joshua, whistles. “You look beautiful, sis.” He moves further into the bedroom and frowns. “What’s wrong?” He stands behind me, looking me over, trying to find the problem

  “I’m all baby.”

  “Sirena, you look amazing. Better than you were the last time I was home . . . and this,” he places a hand on my belly, “is something that you should be proud of. You’re pregnant. You’re carrying a new life. You.” He kisses me on the top of my head. “Are. Amazing.”

  I stare at my brother in shock at his words and watch while he smirks. Collecting my shoes from the floor, he ushers me into a chair. “Joshua, are you really in there?”

  He rolls his eyes and slips my shoes onto my feet. “I can be sweet and caring when I choose to be, as you well know.” He shrugs. “You weren’t feeling it, so I helped.” He grins. “Now let me haul you up from there and we’ll go downstairs. I know Garrett is worried about you, but I think he’s excited to have you on his arm as well.”

  I smile at the mention of Garrett while keeping my gaze on my brother. “You like him, right?”

  “He makes you smile again. It’s obvious to everyone that he’s worried about you and your baby.”

  “Garrett will be a great father to this child, and even if we have more children, I believe that he’ll treat them all the same. He’s a good man, Josh.”

  “As long as he treats you like a Princess,” he smirks, “then we won’t have a problem.” He cups the back of my neck and leaning down, kisses my forehead. “Let’s get you to the ball.”

  Giggling, I take my brother’s offered hands. “Do you really think I look okay?”

  “Women!” Joshua mumbles. “I’m proud to have you on my arm.”

  “That was smoothly done, Mr. FBI agent.”

  He groans. “Trust you.”

  “Are they keeping you safe?” I ask, moving toward the elevators.

  “I’m fine. Please don’t worry about me. Concentrate on my niece or nephew.”

  I wrap my arm through his and plastering a smile on my lips to cover up my nervousness, I enter the party on my brother’s arm.

  The large ballroom is beautiful with large circular tables throughout. Black and white linen covers them with tall vase’s holding white lilies. It’s elegant and it takes my breath away. But nothing can take my breath the same way as Garrett does when I find him in the sea of guests.

  “The man of the hour.” Charlotte appears and wraps her arms around me before squeezing the life out of Joshua. “He’s been looking for you.”

  “He told me not to be down until now so that I rested up.”

  “Doesn’t mean he wasn’t missing you,” she counters. “Go put the poor man out of his misery, and get him away from his sister-in-law.” She shudders. “That woman needs a swift kick up the ass.”

  The thought of seeing that woman again doesn’t sit too well with me, but now that we’re going to be family, I’m going to have to play nice. Doesn’t mean I want to though.

  “What the fuck,” Josh curses and quickly glances at me.

  I frown and glance toward Garrett, and that’s when my smile slips. The woman who his sister-in-law keeps trying to throw at him has her arm through his. I have to give him some credit because he’s trying to untangle himself without making it so obvious to the others. She keeps a tight hold though.

  A photographer appears before them and as the woman smiles, Garrett shakes his head, and finally get’s free. He lifts his eyes and his face changes from anger to delight as he spots me. Before it registers, Joshua is moving me across the distance and then Garrett is the one surrounding me.

  He holds me close and whispers, “I’ve been waiting for you all damn night.” He kisses my ear. “You are the most beautiful woman here tonight, and you’re all mine.”


  “God,” he presses me closer and his arousal is more obvious than perhaps it should be, “don’t ‘mmm’ in my ear. It makes me hard.”

  “I know.” Kissing him quickly on the lips, I turn and face his brother while making sure that Garrett’s erect problem is hidden from others.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Sirena Bennett,” I say to William, Garrett’s brother.

  “Soon to be Sirena Hudson,” Garrett adds, his face breaking out into a gorgeous smile. “That is the first time I’ve said that out loud and I really like the sound of it.”

  “Me too.”

  Garrett wraps his arm around my shoulders. “William, Jenny, I’ve asked Sirena to marry me, and she’s agreed.” He adds, “Annalise, I hope you find the same happiness that I have.”

  Jenny looks as though she’s fighting a battle with herself about saying something, but as I watch her, she pointedly states, “That’s a bit rushed.”

  “Jenny!” William chides.

  “I’m only stating the obvious,” she defends herself. “Everyone will think that the baby is his.”

  “That’s enough!” Garrett hisses. “Sirena and the baby are mine,” he seethes, his anger getting the better of him. “Until you can accept that, you are no longer welcome at my home or in my life.”

  He ushers me away, but the anger is not left behind. I feel it radiating throughout his body. I stop him with a hand on his chest. “Please don’t let her ruin your evening.” I reach up and caress his face. “I love you, and I know exactly how you feel about me. Nothing will ruin that.”

  He inhales and exhales and then sighs, pulling me close. “You can’t know how much I love you, because I’ll never be able to tell you how much.”

  “Infinity, huh?” I smile softly up at him.

  “You got it, babe.” He kisses my forehead. “We’ll celebrate properly later, but right now your cousins are approaching.” His hand slips onto my hip as I turn and smile at Alexander and his sister, Olivia.

  I’m extremely lucky to have been brought up within a large family. Although I have two brothers and one sister, our cousins are more like siblings, which I love.

  Alexander, Uncle Lucian’s oldest, is the serious one, while his younger sister, Olivia, is as tough as nails when she needs to be, but has a heart of gold and has always gotten hurt easily.

  Olivia is the first one to lean in and she whispers, “Congratulations, you sneaky one.” I chuckle and accept the kiss to the cheek while Alexander stays silent but I catch the smirks dancing on his lips.

  He shakes Garrett’s hand. “Great party.”

  “Great hotel,” Garrett counters, amused.

  My cousin smiles with pride because this building is his design, and although I know he had regular meetings with the others, including his dad and mine, he brought this through to completion. “I’m so proud of you Alex.” I be
am at him.

  He grins and stepping forward kisses me on the cheek. “I’m proud of me too, not only that, but I’m proud of you, Sirena. You finally look content.”

  “That I am and all because of this handsome and caring man.” I grin up at Garrett and watch him blush at the praise.

  My family laughs before they wander off to mingle with other guests, leaving us alone. Garrett tightens his hold around me and places one hand on my stomach in a gesture that tells everyone, I’m his.

  “How are you doing?” he asks, gently rubbing my stomach now that we have a moment to talk between ourselves, still being watched by the curious eyes of the guests.

  I meet his concerned gaze and smirk. “Having your hands on me is making me hot.”

  His eyes widen in surprise, which he follows with a laugh. “Hot, hmmm?”

  “The caress of your hands has me imagining them lower.” I chuckle. “I think we should dance before I need to sit down.”

  “There’s a spot just over there with our name on it,” he suggests playfully.

  I nod as he leads me over to a quiet spot on the dance floor.

  He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tightly in his embrace. It’s frustrating not being able to get as close as I’d like because of my belly, except that’s forgotten when I see the way he’s looking at me. My nipples pucker to attention and the area between my thighs grows warm and swollen with need.

  “You look flushed,” Garrett observes. “Are you okay?”

  I slip a hand behind his neck and whisper, “I need you.”

  His hands tremble on my back. “What?”

  Teasing him, I nibble on his earlobe, and I feel a subtle shudder wrack his body. “I said I need you . . . inside of me.”

  He groans and drops his forehead to my shoulder while he exhales on a shaky breath. “Of all the places to need sex.” He chuckles, which ends on a groan as I press closer, rubbing against his erection.

  “I don’t need sex, I need you to make love to me.” I slide my hands through his hair and feel him shudder again at my touch.


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