Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1)

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Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1) Page 16

by Lexi Buchanan

  “My wife, Sirena Hudson. I need to find her.”

  “Ah, you must be Garrett.” She smiles. “She’s refusing to push until you arrive.”

  My eyes widen with surprise and then laughter slips out. “That’s my girl.”

  “She’s doing well, so don’t worry. Just give me a moment and then we’ll get you into her.” The nurse goes through into a secure area while I run my hands through my hair in agitation.

  I just want to be with her instead of out here pacing back and forth.

  “You’re him,” a whispered voice over my shoulder snags my attention.

  I spin around, confused, and meet the eyes of a young man. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He stands and looks away before holding my gaze. “I’m Harry Bennett.”

  Hearing his name is like a kick in the balls. My thoughts run wild knowing he’s in the waiting room while my wife is giving birth to his child.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and I’m only still here because I wanted to see you.” He lets out a loud sigh. “You’ll look after my child, right?”

  “Sirena and our child will never want for anything.” I stand my ground, completely stunned to have him here.

  “That’s good enough for me. Tell Sirena, I wish her well, and that she’ll never have any trouble from me.” He turns and quickly exits while I’m still staring after him when the nurse comes over to me with green scrubs

  “Please put these on and then I’ll take you on back.”

  Still finding it difficult to comprehend that Harry was here, I quickly tug the green covering on and follow the nurse through the suite of rooms, until she stops in front of one.

  “Your baby is impatient to arrive, so things are going to be moving very quickly,” she adds and pushes the door open.

  Sirena spots me straightaway and burst into tears, holding her hand out toward me. I dash over and take her hand into mine while I let my forehead rest against hers, offering what comfort I can.

  “You’ve gotten here just in time,” Charlotte says. “She needs to push.”

  “Right, Sirena. Let’s get this baby out, and no more refusing to do as I say,” the doctor pointedly stares at her before taking his seat between her spread thighs.

  “When I say push, you push with everything you have, okay?” the doctor pauses. “Dad, you need to hold on to Sirena and lend her your strength.”

  I quickly get my arms around her, and let her grab ahold of one of my hands. Charlotte holds the other, and then Sirena gives a loud, tortured groan as she starts pushing.

  “Okay, pant,” the doctor, instructs.

  I don’t think I’ve been as nervous as I am now and seeing Sirena in so much pain and discomfort makes me want to hurl. I wont. I can’t. She needs support.

  She pushes and strains for what feels like hours, and then the doctor finally says, “The head is out,” with enthusiasm. “On the next contraction, push hard, and your baby will be here.”

  I blink when my vision goes blurry and I realize that it’s tears of happiness that fall down my face. I glance across at Charlotte and she has the same emotion written all over hers.

  My attention is quickly caught up with Sirena’s pain again as she strains her entire body and moans, seconds later she sags against me and we hear the cry of our child.

  “It’s a boy,” the doctor announces, placing our son onto Sirena’s stomach.

  “Oh,” I hear Charlotte say before she starts crying. “I have a nephew,” she mutters through her tears, which are falling quicker than she can wipe them away.

  I kiss Sirena on the cheek and whisper, “I’m so proud of you.”

  “We have a son, Garrett.”

  Kissing her lips, I whisper, “I don’t think I could ever love anything as much as I love our family.” With another kiss to her lips, I step back so that the nurse can check Sirena over.

  Charlotte moves to stand beside me and asks, “Do you have a name picked out considering you were so sure the baby was a girl?”

  Sirena hears and holding my gaze, tells her sister, “Elias Michael James Hudson.” She smiles softly as she keeps a close eye on what the midwife is doing with our son. “You know why we’ve chosen Elias and Michael, and James is Garrett’s middle name.”

  “I love the name Elias, and grandpa is going to ball like a big baby when he finds out,” Charlotte says.

  “I know.” She pointedly looks at her sister. “So no telling anyone his name. I want to be there when grandpa and grandma find out.”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  Elias is passed back to Sirena while the midwife helps my beautiful wife feed our son. “You have a hungry baby, and they don’t always latch on the first few times properly, but he has.” The midwife smiles. “I’ll be looking after you on the day shift, so if you need help with anything, please press the call button in the room that you’ll be transferred to soon, okay? I’ll be around and pop in from time to time to check on you both. But I’m here to help you okay? No need to hold back.”

  Charlotte smiles and glances at me. “My husband does worry so we appreciate any guidance before we leave here.”

  She busies herself while I move back over to my wife, dropping into the seat that Charlotte shoves behind me.

  “You look just about ready to fall over.” Charlotte shakes her head and moves to the opposite side again.

  “Garrett, do you want to hold our son?” Sirena asks, a few stray tears wet her rosy cheeks.

  I find that I can’t speak at those words so with butterflies in my stomach, I stand and gently lift Elias from Sirena. I sit back down and cradle him in my arms, hearing the camera on Charlotte’s phone snapping pictures.

  “I need you to know that I’ll love him always, Sirena. He’s my son.” I hold her gaze, although her eyes are swimming with tears.

  “I know you will. You already look the part.” She smiles and takes my offered hand.

  “Don’t forget that Auntie Charlotte needs a quick hold before I go and tell everyone. They should be in the waiting room by now.”

  “Okay, but I need to shower—badly,” Sirena grumbles.

  “The nurse said you’re to use the room behind us to wash up, so I’ll help you in there while Daddy stays with baby.”

  “You okay with that?” Sirena asks.

  “Oh yes.” I tear my eyes away from Elias. “Just shout if you need help.”

  I’m left with our baby and find it difficult to imagine that only an hour before he was inside of Sirena. His head of dark hair is just like his mothers, along with his nose and chin. He’s a content baby, or at least he is for now. Of course I’d rather him stay that way while his mother is in the shower.

  “Elias Michael James Hudson, you are a tiny miracle who will always be cherished.”



  Leaning back against the bed with my husband’s arms around me and our son in my arms makes me realize how lucky I am. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long and now that I finally have it, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let go, nor will I want to.

  I look down at my little miracle and smile as Elias wraps his small hand around Garrett’s little finger. It makes my heart so full seeing them both interact.

  “You did real good, honey,” Garrett whispers, his voice sounding choked with emotion. “He’s perfect.”

  “So are you,” I counter, a soft smile on my lips. “I couldn’t have done all this without you. I hope you know that.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “You’d have done it because you’re stronger than you think, but I’m so glad that I get to share in all of this with you.”

  I let the silence surround us while we wait for my parents to bring my grandparents to visit, but then I start to wonder about Harry and where he disappeared to without a word.

  “Did Charlotte tell you about Harry?” I ask, nervous for his response.

  “No.” He stills, and adds, “He was in the waiting area wh
en I arrived. He asked me if I’d look after his child, and once I told him that the baby would never want for anything, he left. He said that we’d never have any trouble from him.”

  “Mmm . . . He was at the restaurant when I went into labor. He insisted on bringing me to the hospital to save time. I was surprised but in too much pain to really think about it. I just wanted to be here and to be with you.”

  “I did wonder how he knew that you were in labor so that explains it.”

  “I know that he never wanted children, but I never asked why. I’m just happy that I have you, and I hope you’ve called your lawyer friend to start the legal adoption.”

  “I have.”

  “Good.” I kiss his chest and hear my mother’s voice through the door seconds before it’s flung open and they all pile in.

  My grandpa’s legs aren’t as strong as they used to be so he’s in a wheelchair, much to his annoyance. He only moans about it when grandma isn’t in earshot because he knows that it upsets her when he’s unhappy.

  Their love is beautiful and they’ve set a good example.

  I smile now at my parents as Mom holds Elias with Dad holding her close while we look on.

  “Charlotte said you haven’t chosen a name yet,” Dad queries, raising a brow, probably knowing that my sister was just putting him off.

  “That’s because we wanted to be the ones to tell you,” I answer.

  “I’m not getting any younger,” Grandpa grumbles, but there’s amusement in his voice and gaze.

  Seeing them in front of me, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the name out with bursting into tears. My emotions have been all over the place and just the thought has me choked up. So glancing at Garrett, he smiles softly and caresses my cheek.

  “Do you want me to tell them?”

  I nod and snuggle back into my husband’s arms.

  “We’ve named our son, Elias Michael James Hudson,” Garrett’s voice catches on the Hudson.

  Grandma is the first to break the silence. “What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby, who looks just like his grandpa.”

  My smile turns into a laugh when Dad says, “I thought he looked just like me.”

  Mom laughs and kisses Dad on the cheek. “That’s a beautiful name.” She smiles and moves Elias over to Grandpa’s waiting arms.

  “Lily, don’t go anywhere in case this baby decides to have a wiggle.”

  “I won’t.” Mom crouches on the floor in front of Grandpa, helping him to hold Elias.

  “There’s four generations in this room,” Dad observes. “That’s something special.”

  “We’ll ask Alexander to take a picture. He shouldn’t be too long,” I say. “I think he was collecting Rachel and Paige on his way. Everyone else is going to wait until we’re home to come and visit.”

  “That boy is troubled,” Grandpa points out, commenting on Alexander’s recent behavior. “Has been for a while.”

  “Hmm, I’ll mention something to Lucien. See if he can get to the bottom of what’s going on,” Dad says, sitting in the chair beside the bed.

  He takes hold of my hand and asks, “How’s my girl doing?”

  “I’m doing good. Garrett is making sure that I’m being taken care of.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear.” He kisses the back of my hand before letting go. “You’ve made your Grandpa’s day with naming his first great grandchild after him.”

  “I know. That’s why I wanted to see his reaction when he was told.”

  Dad smiles and becomes serious. “You’ve grown up into a beautiful young woman. I always knew you would, even though I blame you for the gray hairs.” He grins. “I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks Dad.” I turn my face and hide the tears of emotion into Garrett’s chest.

  Dad then reaches across me and offers his hand to Garrett, “Congratulations, Daddy.”

  Garrett’s grin is wide as he shakes hands with my father. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

  The door suddenly bursts open. “Where’s my new cousin?” Paige gushes the minute she enters the room.

  She’s always a whirlwind, and her sister, Rachel follows more sedately behind her with Alexander taking up the rear.

  “You have to be patient while the grandparents have a cuddle first,” Grandpa says, finally letting Mom place Elias in Grandma’s arms.

  “Oh, Sirena,” Rachel whispers, “he’s so precious. And look at his head of hair.”

  Alex leans around Rachel and for the first time in forever, I notice that the smile on his face reaches his eyes. “He’s such a cute baby,” he agrees. He meets my gaze. “How are you?”

  “So happy. I think I’m still on a high.”

  “I don’t blame you.” Rachel walks over to me and gives me hug. “Congratulations to you both.”

  Smiling, I hide a sudden yawn behind my hand.

  “I think Mummy here needs to have a nap,” Paige announces.

  Everyone agrees, so Dad and Paige have a quick cuddle of Elias. When he’s passed to Rachel though, I’m watching Alexander who is standing directly behind her. His face changes and all emotion goes blank as he watches her holding my son.

  He backs away. “I’ll meet you both downstairs.” He says to Garrett and me, “Take care, and I’ll see you both soon.” Then he’s gone.

  It suddenly hits me what his problem is, and if I’m correct, then I think Rachel has the same problem as her eyes follow him from the room with a forced smile hovering on her lips.



  Elias is fast asleep for the night and after watching Sirena feed our six-week-old son, I’m hard and aching, which is why I took myself off to the shower. I tell myself to be patient for my turn, but after abstaining since Elias was born, I’m ready to burst.

  Walking back into the bedroom though and seeing my beautiful wife naked, as she lounges on top of our bed, makes me wonder why I didn’t stroke one off in whilst in the shower.

  “Is that for me?” She grins watching my erection jump with arousal.

  “You know it is.” I move closer. “I’m just not sure I’m going to be able to last until I’m inside of you,” I confess, kneeling on the bottom of the bed.

  She spreads her legs and my control very nearly shatters.

  “I’ve wanted you to make love to me like this since we met.” She watches me as I caress up her long legs and place a kiss to the top of her mound.

  “I know.” As I nuzzle against her pussy, I pray that I make this good for her. Her scent calls to me and my dick goes solid where it throbs against the bed.

  Slowly kissing up her belly, I settle between her legs and cup her large breasts. Milk leaks from her dark aroused nipples, and when I suck one into my mouth, her whole body convulses in pleasure.

  “Oh God,” she moans. “They’re so sensitive when you do that.”

  I capture the other and tease until she’s panting beneath me. Taking ahold of my cock, I guide it toward heaven and slowly sink into the wet warmth that is waiting for me.

  Her legs wrap around my hips as I sink that bit further. My balls are so tight and ready to detonate that I’m praying Sirena is right there with me.

  Lifting my head, I hold Sirena’s gaze, and slowly my mouth clamps around one of her nipples and as it does, her pussy squeezes the life out of my dick.

  I grunt at the feel and finally loosing control, I slam my lips down on hers, and as our tongues slide and thrust together, so do the rest of our bodies. Stars burst behind my lids and when Sirena dips her finger into the cheeks of my ass, I come. Her pussy convulses around me as she gasps for breath.

  I grunt and pant as streams of release are pulled out of my body, so overtaken with pleasure. Once I can think straight, I kiss around her neck and finally tug another nipple into my mouth. Her breasts seem to be a livewire straight to her pussy as small ripples run along the length of me in time to my suckles on her nipple.

  “I’ve waited so long to have you this close,
” she admits, her fingers lightly stroking along my back to my hips.

  “Just to have you in my arms has always been enough for me, but I have to admit that making love to you like this feels so damn good.”

  “Mmm, I can tell just how much you like it.” She giggles.

  I flex my hips and watch as her eyes dilate. “Being surrounded by you feels amazing. I think it’s my favorite position.”

  She smirks. “I have a surprise for you,” she admits, rolling us over so that she’s now on top, and the sight is overwhelming.

  She slowly slides up and off my cock, causing me to gasp. The sight of her though as she walks over to the closet, and then bends has me closing my eyes and groaning.

  “So,” she mumbles and my eyes snap open. “I made a promise to you.” She grins and straddling my lap, she takes hold of my dick and slowly slides back down.


  “Hmm.” She reaches behind her, and places a Stetson on the top of her head. “To ride you.”

  My breath catches in the back of my throat, and as she starts to do just that—ride me—her breasts bounce in front of my face and my groin pulls tight at the visual, and the sensation around my dick.

  Unable to hold on for long, I come so hard that I’m dizzy, and panting hard, Sirena falls on top of me, her own release rushing through her.

  Minute, hours later, we’re showered and cuddling close in our bed.

  With this woman in my arms, our son asleep, I now have everything.


  “Michael, don’t you have to pack?” I question my brother who is currently crashed out on the lounge chair on his back deck.


  “What’s going on with you? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. Well, unless you’re nursing a hangover,” I amend.

  “I’m going to Greece,” he mumbles. “For the summer.”

  “I know. It’s a great opportunity for you, and for Alex.”

  He holds my gaze and finally moves into a sitting position. “Never mind,” he finally says. “Let me hold my nephew.”


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