OMEGA STOLEN: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 1)

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OMEGA STOLEN: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 1) Page 9

by Susi Hawke

  I shook my head with disgust, but said knowingly: “And as her sire, he can easily track her scent.” I pounded my fist on the desktop and growled with frustration. “Fuck! They could be here as soon as today, worst case scenario, if they know where we are. But definitely by week's end if they're having to track us by scent.”

  “Okay, we obviously need to follow your gut instincts.” Daniel said, ever the voice of reason. “We will need to go on lock down then. Maybe see if Ollie has any friends from the bear den that might be willing to back us up, if you think we don't have enough men here.”

  I raised a brow, “You don't think that with six alphas here, counting Ollie, that we can handle the Alpha and his henchmen? I know that I can take Fremont out, there's no question in my mind about that. If he only has a couple alphas and a few betas, we should be fine.”

  Daniel chewed his lip pensively for a moment, thinking about what I'd said when Seth spoke up: “Daniel is right, Alpha. He is thinking strategically. I mean, I get that you don't want strangers to fight our battles, but we need to remember how underhanded my uncle can be. He won't come to fight unless he thinks that he can win, however he plans to do it. Don't discount his cowardice either, he could very well come at you with human weapons, rather than tooth and claw.”

  Daniel said: “That's exactly what I was thinking. And, we don't necessarily need to ask anybody else to fight with us, but we could definitely use some help patrolling the surrounding area. We are unprotected here, the property is just too large for us to adequately defend right now.”

  “And being a small pack, we just don't have enough men to patrol the large woodlands that surround us. It would be beneficial to have extra eyes and noses to help us keep watch over the perimeters. The bears could do that for us, and we would just owe them a favor down the road,” I said thoughtfully, as I realized what Daniel had been suggesting.

  “Didn't you say the other day that your aunt told you that there was a wolf pack not too far west from here? Maybe it's time to build an alliance there,” suggested Seth thoughtfully. “A few alphas and betas to run patrols would help.”

  “Hmm. No, that's too risky,” I replied as I thought about his idea. “We don't have any way to know if the Alpha over there is a friend of your uncle's, or even anyone else in that pack, to be honest. We only need one person to tip him off, and he's got us, you know? I think, for now anyway, that we should probably wait before we try to make friends over there.”

  “Agreed,” Daniel said. “Although, it was a good idea, Seth.”

  “Please. Don't even worry about offending me. I know that we're all just spit-balling here,” Seth assured Daniel.

  “Okay, then.” I said, with a firm nod of authority. “Let's ask Ollie if he can recruit any bears to help watch our borders, and we'll let the pack know that we're in lock down. I'll have Kai's and my stuff moved into a bedroom upstairs. Until this threat has passed, we will need all pack members to stay here inside the lodge, unless they are on patrol duty.”

  “Agreed,” said Daniel. “It will be much easier to guard the pack if everyone is in one building, especially since there aren't many of us yet.”

  We broke up our meeting then, and I took myself off to find my mate. Kai was in the middle of his second month now, right at the halfway point of his pregnancy. I found him hanging out with Sy, who was nursing his angelic little girl at the big table in the kitchen dining area.

  “Hey, baby!” I said as I walked up behind him and dropped a kiss on his shoulder and ruffling his hair, before slipping into the seat beside him. “How are you feeling? Have you eaten yet?”

  Sy threw back his head with a loud laugh. Kai threw a wadded up napkin at him, which only made Sy laugh harder. His daughter pulled away from his nipple and looked up at him, her little face scrunched up like she was about to cry. He easily helped her to latch back on to his chest, and visibly tried to calm himself so that she could feed. But, he was still giggling softly.

  “I don't understand, am I missing something?” I asked curiously, amused by the atmosphere here at the table.

  “Only that your mate is now what we've affectionately decided to call 'the garbage disposal' after the way he's been chowing down food today”, Aries commented from where he stood over at the counter, chopping vegetables.

  I grinned, happy to hear that my mate was eating well. “That's good to know, since Kai is eating for three now.”

  Rolling his eyes at me, Kai said: “As happy as I am to see you, shouldn't you be busy in your office doing whatever it is that you alphas do all day? I hope you're not interrupting your schedule just to check up and see if I'm eating.”

  I sighed, hating to break up the relaxed atmosphere. “You'll all be hearing this soon enough anyway, so I may as well just tell you right now. Our pack is going on lock down here for the foreseeable future. You and I are going to have to move into the lodge, by the way, if you want to pick out a bedroom for us.”

  Sy clutched his daughter closer against his chest as he urgently peppered me with questions: “Why, Alpha? Did Alpha Fremont find us? Did he find out about Brianne? Is he coming for us?”

  I felt like shit to have to tell them this, with the pungent scent of fear now wafting off the three omegas and filling my nose. “We have reason to believe that he may have managed to track us, and might be heading our way.”

  Aries slammed the knife down on the cutting board and walked over to join us at the table. “So, what's the plan then, Alpha? Are we going to fight?”

  “No, we aren't.” I said calmly, “I don't want you guys caught in the fray if he shows up here. Let us alphas do the fighting, that's what we're built for, and what we've been trained to do. I just need for all of you to stay safe, and to use the proper precautions to make sure that happens.”

  All three of them looked like they wanted to argue, and although I did respect them for it, I couldn't allow them to put themselves at risk. Doc came flying into the room right then, coming over to join us at the table.

  “Alpha, I just hung up with the leader of my old den. He is willing to send a dozen bears to patrol our woods, he said it's not a problem. They will be here within the hour,” Doc said in a rush.

  “Thanks, Ollie.” I said gratefully, as I reached over to clap him on the shoulder. “I can't tell you how much I appreciate you calling them for us. I will sleep much better knowing that we have the bears watching our backs.”

  “It's not a problem, Alpha. I was happy to be of service. Honestly, it's a good idea for us to be aligned with the den anyway, since they're so close. The bears are loyal friends, trust me. And very protective. You couldn't ask for a better group of shifters to have on your side.”

  Kai smiled affectionately at the elderly bear and said: “I'm sure that's true, Doc. I know that I'll like them already, if they're even half as nice as you are.”

  Ollie blushed at the praise and changed the subject. “How is the baby, Sy? She looks healthy. Is she letting you sleep much yet?”

  Sy rolled his eyes and said: “Sleep? What's that? I've heard people speak of it, but I have no idea what that is anymore.”

  We all laughed, especially me, until Sy said: “Just wait, Alpha. You and Kai are going to have two of these little monsters to contend with soon! I truly recommend sleeping as much as you can right now. Every chance you get, just sleep. When you wake up? Roll back over and sleep some more.”

  I looked at Kai, suddenly terrified as I realized just how true those words were, and how much that my life was about to change. He looked back at me with an amused expression.

  Kai taunted me and said: “What's wrong, Jake? You afraid of a couple little pups? Think you're gonna be able to handle them?”

  Aunt Cat came up behind us, and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, resting her chin on my shoulder. She laughed softly and said: “Now, Sy, don't you boys sit there trying to scare your Alpha here. You can tell him all the bad stuff that you want to, but you know as well as I do that you wouldn
't trade that little angel for the world, now would you?”

  Sy smiled down at his daughter, his eyes lit up with intense affection. “No, ma'am. No, I would not. She may keep me up at all hours, and spend her days just eating and pooping, but I wouldn't trade her for anything.”

  Kai rubbed a hand over his round bump, reaching over with his other to hold my hand. I could feel the love and contentment he was feeling through our bond. I raised our clasped hands to my lips, pressing a kiss to the back of his soft hand.

  “Now tell me what all of this fuss is about a lock down,” said Aunt Cat, as she stood and patted my shoulder, before going over to take the empty chair next to Ollie. Aries got up quietly, and went over to the kitchen area, busying himself with making coffee and tea for everyone.

  “Okay,” I said with a groan as I pushed my chair back. “Let's just get the pack together right now. I'll go over the situation for everyone at the same time. That way, there will be no misunderstandings later. I can answer everyone's questions and concerns while we're all gathered in one spot.”

  Chapter 12


  It had been a long day, and I was finally laying in the big, comfortable bed inside of our new room here at the lodge, waiting for Jake to join me. The pack meeting had gone well, and although Jake was able to calm most of the fear and rumors floating around, the pack was still on edge. Understandably so, since I was pretty shaken up myself, to be honest.

  I laid there on my right side with my back to the door, my eyes absently taking in the gorgeous bedroom with it's en suite, and attached nursery. It would be a cozy place for our family, and honestly? It probably was a better choice for our family than our little cabin had been. The cabin was perfect for just the two of us, what with the twins coming soon, it would be good to have more room and to be closer to the rest of the pack.

  Sy and Brianne were two doors down from us, and the two young omega brothers were just on the other side of them. Aunt Cat was right across the hall, and she had put Ollie in the room beside hers while we were in lock down. Jenny was at the end of the hall across from the young omegas.

  It was good to have the members of the pack that needed more protection all on the same floor, and with our Alpha and Ollie on the same floor with us, we were certainly safe. The other single, adult pack members lived up on the more spartan, dormitory styled third floor.

  It was fortunate that Aunt Cat had such a perfect home available for our pack. And we were all equally fortunate to have her, I thought with a smile. Thinking of Aunt Cat always made me smile, it seemed. I adored that lady!

  The door opened and interrupted my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at my mate. “Hey, babe. It's about time you called it a night and came up here to join me.”

  I heard the smile in his voice and the thumping sound of his shoes being kicked off, followed by his pants and shirt as he said: “I've been waiting all night to be alone with you, babe. How are you feeling?”

  “Better now that you're here, Alpha.”

  He slid into bed beside me, turning to spoon against me, my back to his chest. “I'm always here for you, Omega. Even if I'm not in the room, you're always in my thoughts. Not to mention that we're always connected through our bond, all you have to do is reach out, and I'll come running every time.”

  Jake kissed the back of my neck as his arms came up around me, pulling me tightly against him, his hands coming around to rest on my baby bump. He trailed kisses down along my shoulder, stopping to nuzzle my claim-mark before continuing to kiss his way up the side of my neck and across my jaw.

  His chin stubble both tickled and aroused me, and I leaned my head back onto his shoulder, granting him more access to kiss me. Wiggling my butt, I pressed back against him, only to feel his erection pushing up between my cheeks. He moved his left hand down from my belly, reaching down to fondle my balls, before moving back up to grasp my turgid cock.

  The smell of my omega juices filled the air as my ass began leaking my slick where Alpha was rubbing his cock between the globes of my ass. I panted, desperately needed to be knotted now.

  Reading my mind, Jake moved his hand down along the back of my thigh, to catch me just above the back of my knee. He lifted my leg up and pushed it forward, as I tilted my hip to give him the access I knew he was seeking.

  With one smooth thrust, he expertly glided into my ass, pushing up all the way in and filling me completely with his massive cock. He waited a moment for me to adjust, and at my silent nod, began to rhythmically rock his hips.

  He made love to me slowly, his left hand still grasping the back of my leg, while his right arm was wrapped around beneath me. His right hand held my big baby bump, and he nuzzled and nipped at my claim-mark while continuing to thrust in and out at the same low-key pace.

  Jake and I had made love in every position possible, I think, but as a rule it was fast and hard. Tonight's slow, tender love making was bringing tears to my eyes. I could feel through our bond how special I was to him, and how he was worshiping my body in this moment. I could feel his knot thickening, as I fed my own passion back through our bond, letting him feel the depth of my emotions and the pleasure he was giving my body.

  It didn't take long, once we fed off each others arousal through the bond, until his knot was filling my ass and pressing against that magical bundle of nerves that was my prostate. The moment his knot locked into me, I came with a loud gasp, squirting fat globs of cum all over the sheet in front of me,while at the same time, I felt the heat of Alpha's seed filling my ass completely.

  “Feel better, babe?” Jake asked in a smug voice, as he lowered my leg and settled me up against him. He curved around me, so that I still could be comfortable while I was stuck on his knot until it went down.

  “Much better, Alpha. I needed that. I needed you, to be more exact.”

  “I know, babe. Don't worry, the lock down will end soon, and we will all be okay, you'll see.”

  “I wish I could believe that, Jake,” I said softly. “I just have a bad feeling about this whole situation.”

  “Naw, babe, you're just scared. It's to be expected, after what you've been through. Especially now that you're pregnant, and have another life to worry about. But trust me, Kai. Trust that I can and will protect our family and our pack.

  “I do trust you, Jake. It's Fremont that I don't trust. He's creepy, hon. I just wouldn't put anything past him, you know? I mean, that asshole was holding fucking kids captive, planning to mate with them in just a few years time. Who does shit like that, babe?”

  I began to shake with anger, thinking of young Luke and Ryan, and how totally disgusting it was that Alpha Fremont had purchased them for his personal harem of captive omegas. What kind of a fucking pervert even does something like that, is something that I've wondered about many a night since I met them.

  “Calm down, Kai.” Jake radiated calming pheromones at me, while rubbing a circle over my belly with his palm. “It is disgusting, that's the truth. Not only what he planned for those poor boys, but what he did to the rest of you too. We all know that Sy didn't willing mate with him, although none of us has talked about it. And Jenny told me about the other female omegas, and what happened to them. That whole situation was just evil. But, you're free now, and I will not let him get his hands on you or any of the other omegas, ever again. You're my mate and they're pack, so just trust me, babe. I will protect you all with my life.”

  “That's what I'm afraid of,” I sniffed as I fought back tears. “I sense death coming, and I don't want to lose you or anyone else from our pack either.”

  “Maybe the death you sense is Fremont's, Kai. Think positively, because it could be just that simple, right? You have to know, that if my wolf gets a chance to rip out his jugular, it will do it. He and I are in agreement on what needs to happen to Alpha Fremont. For what he did to the other omegas, and for what he planned to do to you, Aries, and the young ones. For those sins, he needs to die. Trust me on that, babe.”
br />   I nodded my agreement, although I still couldn't help but know that my gut wasn't wrong, and that death was coming for someone I loved. I didn't know who, although I selfishly hoped that it wouldn't be my mate. I let Jake comfort me in that moment, and I finally fell asleep while still locked on his knot and resting in the safety of his arms.

  Chapter 13


  Days went by, and although the bears reported catching the scent of strange wolves in the area, we hadn't seen anybody yet. The pack was on edge, both from the tension of waiting and from being cooped up together inside. A good run would do a lot to untangle their nerves, but I wasn't comfortable taking that kind of risk. Especially with my pregnant mate.

  “What's up, Alpha?”

  I turned my head when I heard Owen speak, as he dropped down beside me on the long sectional couch where I was sitting. I was looking out through the large wall of windows, watching the wind blow through the trees, wishing I was out there running through them with my pack. I could almost feel the wind ruffling my fur, and smell the aroma of the fragrant pines.

  “Nothing,” I replied with a sigh. “I was just thinking how nice it would be to go on a pack run. We all fucking need a break. This shit is getting to all of us.”

  “Yeah,” Owen replied glumly. “That would be so fucking awesome. I hope this ends soon, so we don't have to be cooped up in here forever, you know?”

  I definitely knew what he meant, my wolf was climbing the walls, wanting me to let him out. But I had to be responsible right now. Especially with one baby in the house already, and a pregnant mate with twins on the way.

  I jumped to my feet as a large gray wolf came barreling out of the treeline, a huge brown bear loping along behind him. They ran up to the porch and shifted to their human forms while I went to open the door and let them in.

  “Daniel!” I said with alarm, “What's going on?”

  “Get your weaker wolves upstairs, there's a couple human cars that hold shifter scents about fifteen minutes down the road.” The bear-man named Ivan said, in his deep, rumbling voice.


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