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Keeper Page 37

by Tom Larcombe

  Bjorn practically leapt from his chair, the wooden legs on it groaning from the movement. Then he turned and headed for the kitchen giving Eddie a quick wave and a hurried “Thanks” as he left.

  ~ ~ ~

  Eddie quickly hunted Tiana down.

  “Tiana, I need you,” he said.

  She cocked her head and smiled.

  “I don't think you meant that the way it sounded,” she said.

  “Well, that too,” he said, blushing, “but I want you to come with me in a little bit.”

  “Why? What's going on?”

  “Liv is making an awful lot of flatbread which we're going to go down and distribute to the refugees. At the same time, I thought I'd offer them the opportunity to settle into new homes near the temple, inside the blessed area from it.”

  “Oh, so they've got a safe place close?”

  “And so they get the bonuses it offers. I thought you should come though because of the quest we just got. If they're going to build near the temple, then maybe we can get some as worshipers of Freyja? The reward just sounded...”

  He paused and shook his head.

  “I don't know, kind of like she's got something planned, you know what I mean?”

  Tiana's smile collapsed.

  “Yes, it does sound that way, and I don't much like what it suggests, except for the fact that it also suggests that she's watching and trying to take care of us.”

  “Well, we know the goblins are getting really feisty, coming right into the Meadowlands, so it may well have something to do with that. The numbers of the attackers have been growing. I'm adding together all the raiding groups that drove the refugees out and guessing that there were hundreds in that push alone.”

  “Weren't there only sixty in the last group to attack the walls?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Which sounds like a much larger escalation than I'd prefer to think about,” he said.

  “Me too,” she said.

  “Anyhow, I thought that you should recruit for Freyja at the same time as I offered them the opportunity to settle in near the temple and told them about the bonuses from it. I'm hoping the two together will sway more people.”

  “I don't know how religious the regular NPCs are, don't think I've heard them talk about it much although I admit to not talking to them much at all until you got here. You've talked with them more, have they mentioned it to you?”

  “Not really, but if you read between the lines I think there's something there. Maybe it's more of a personal thing here?” Eddie said, shrugging.

  “Well, it's still a good idea, even if I don't feel quite right trying to rope them in with bribes.”

  “It's not a bribe, tell them they get the bonuses whether they worship her or not, but that she's the one that provided the bonuses,” Eddie said.

  “That might work, I don't want to be the pushy missionary type, you know?” she said.

  Eddie grinned.

  “Yeah, I don't see you as the type to go door to door and ask if they'd like to hear about our lady and savior, Freyja,” Eddie said.

  She smirked as he spoke.

  “And yet, that's practically what you just suggested.”

  Eddie sighed, and sagged down into a chair.

  “Sorry, as Opron would say, religion is not my bailiwick. I'll leave that part to you, but I'll let you know when I'm heading down towards the temple.”

  “I'll go with you. I don't know what I'll do just yet, but I'll figure out something,” Tiana said.

  “Okay, I'm going to go help Liv if she needs it, otherwise I'll just get the cart and ox ready. Like I said, Liv's making a LOT of flatbread. There's no way we'll be able to carry it on our own.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Eddie wasn't exactly comfortable with public speaking, so he was fidgeting as he helped distribute the flatbread to the NPCs in and near the temple. He wasn't in any rush since once they'd run out of bread he'd have to hop up on the back of the cart and make the offer he'd discussed with Tiana. He figured she had it even worse though, she'd have to do the same, but talk about Freyja and her worship.

  Heh! I'm dating a priestess, Eddie thought, one who's going to have to actually preach maybe? Good thing Freyja isn't one of those stuffy goddesses. She's pretty much okay with a lot of things those other types might frown on, although weren't all the Norse pantheon that way? I don't remember.

  All too soon the bread was gone. As people ate Eddie climbed up on the back of the cart, then tried to pitch his voice to carry.

  “I know all of you have had a rough time recently, so I'll keep this short,” he said. “Anyone who lost their home is more than welcome to relocate right near here. This temple gives bonuses to the surrounding area, bonuses to defense as well as bonuses to crop yields, and a few other things. So, if anyone wants to relocate I will help them build a house and fields, or workshop, or whatever else you might need, right nearby. That's all I've got for you. I'll give you the night to think about it and I'll return to Freyja's temple tomorrow morning to answer any questions anyone might have. Thank you.”

  Eddie jumped off the back of the cart, then gestured to it.

  “All yours, Tiana,” he said.

  She glared at him for a moment before straightening her face and getting up on the back of the cart.

  “Much like Eddie, who didn't even introduce himself, I'll be short and to the point,” she said. “My name is Tiana and I'm a High Priestess of Freyja. I invite any who are interested to worship my goddess. She's the one who gave the bonuses to this temple. She's the goddess of fertility and a shrine to her on your land will increase your yields beyond the bonus this temple will provide. Like Eddie, I'll return in the morning to answer any questions anyone might have. Thank you.”

  Eddie grinned at her as she slipped off the cart and back to the ground.

  “Nice. Short, sweet, concise, and no arm twisting,” he said.

  “Yeah, thanks,” she said, obviously unhappy about having had to make the speech at all.

  “Let's go get a drink,” Eddie said. “I want to talk to Bjorn some more too, he seemed like an interesting guy. I'll introduce you if you like. After meeting him I'm pretty sure that Liv was all bark and no bite. He's her man and with a guy like that I don't really think she was doing any more than yanking our chains.”

  “Wouldn't surprise me in the least,” Tiana said. “That's one smart woman, I think she knows everything going on in the Meadowlands at any given time.”

  “No need to tell me,” Eddie said. “I work with her on a daily basis and she's been able to find everyone I've needed so far. Now it's time to help her out like she helped me. We'll get all these people settled here where they'll be much safer than wherever they were before. I'm pretty sure Liv will feel that she owes us something for it though and you'll need to help me convince her that she doesn't.”

  Tiana looked at him oddly for a moment, then chuckled.

  “Let's go get that drink,” she said.

  ~ ~ ~

  When Eddie walked into the inn it felt different. It only took a moment for the difference to make itself apparent to him. Bjorn sat at a table in the middle of the inn. The adventurers that normally crowded the place were also there, but somehow the large man was the center of attention. It only took a moment for Eddie to realize why. Bjorn was extolling the virtue of the wares that he'd be delivering to Eddie as soon as they arranged the purchase.

  “And this beer has a kick like you wouldn't believe,” Bjorn said. “I only had three mugs and I could feel it,” he said.

  He gestured at himself, emphasizing his size.

  “If three could do that to me, just imagine what a mug or two would do for you,” the large, hirsute man finished.

  Eddie couldn't figure out who, exactly, Bjorn was talking to. At least not until he managed to get past him. Then he saw the two dwarfs sitting at the table with him. Jern and Delgar looked like tiny dolls next to the man they shared the table with.

p; Then Eddie realized what else had been bothering him. The rest of the inn had been mostly quiet while Bjorn was talking. Now that he'd finished, the normal conversations were starting up again. Eddie just stood there and blinked.

  Alright, he thought, I know I felt that way around this guy, but everyone else does too? I mean, Charles is sitting over there and he was quiet along with everyone else. He's what? Level fifteen or higher? Even so, he's not nearly as big as Bjorn. Is it just his size, or what? Hey, maybe I should take a look.

  Evaluate, Eddie thought, looking at Bjorn.


  Human Male (NPC)

  Level: 19

  Class: Hauler

  Health: ???

  Mana: ???

  Stamina: ???

  You are currently unable to obtain more information about Bjorn with Evaluate. Big one, isn't he? Good thing he didn't notice you evaluating him.

  Eddie shuddered for a moment. Half the time he forgot that Evaluating someone was considered rude. He made a mental note to remember that more often. If Bjorn had noticed he might've been able to tear Eddie a new one. He couldn't see the man's health, stamina, or mana, but at level nineteen even a hauler class was probably tough enough to give Eddie a run for his money, if not just wipe the floor with him.

  With that series of thoughts Eddie remembered that he still had stats to assign from his last level. It had come right on the heels of the previous one and Eddie hadn't given any thought to how to distribute the stat points yet. At the moment, though, he had other things to do.

  He set his hand on a chair at Bjorn's table.

  “May I?” he asked. “We've got some business to discuss, but it can wait until morning if you like.”

  Bjorn nodded his acceptance and Eddie pulled out the chair, gesturing to Tiana. She took the seat, then Eddie sat next to her.

  “First off, this is Tiana,” Eddie said. “Tiana, Bjorn.”

  “Pleasure,” Bjorn said, voice rumbling in his chest.

  “Oh my, Eddie said you were interesting, but I didn't realize,” Tiana said.

  “Liv's a lucky woman,” Tiana said as Bjorn's eyes lit up from her previous statement.

  Eddie nearly laughed. He'd never imagined a mountain of a man with a pout on his face as though denied the opportunity to play his favorite game.

  Helga walked behind Bjorn and lightly smacked the back of his head.

  “I told you not all ladies want you flirting with them,” Helga said. “Looks like that one cut you off cold before you could even start.”

  Bjorn's pout disappeared in a flash, turning into a laugh, which continued for several seconds.

  “I'll admit, I've been put in my place before, but never so succinctly,” he said.

  With that, Eddie knew that Bjorn was far more than he let on.

  And a very dangerous man if I don't miss my guess, but then again he's Liv's mate. She'd never tolerate anyone for a partner who wasn't smart and couldn't take care of themselves in whatever they did and he's a hauler, evidently long distance even, so he's got to be tough or he'd be dead. I need to remember to never underestimate this man. Fortunately he's more liable to be a friend than an enemy, Eddie thought.

  “Anyhow,” Eddie said. “I heard you talking about some of the beer you had? Let's discuss what you've got so I can decide what to buy.”

  Bjorn grinned and leaned against the table. As it groaned beneath his weight he started listing off the different types and makers of alcohol that he had in his wagon train.

  ~ ~ ~

  In the morning Eddie went out to examine Bjorn's goods, or at least the goods Bjorn was carrying. He had three wagons and two of them were currently filled with alcohol of various types. Eddie walked along, getting prices from Bjorn and pointing out the things he wanted. When they were done Eddie was pretty sure he'd be set on alcohol for a couple of months, giving him time to get Dominic's brewery set up, although Dominic admitted that he wouldn't be able to do better quality brews until he'd leveled the skill a bit.

  “So, that'll do it,” Eddie said. “What's the damage?”

  Bjorn looked at him curiously and Eddie was forcibly reminded that the game didn't handle colloquialisms well. Then Bjorn's face flashed with comprehension and he grinned.

  “Oh, you mean the damage to your funds, don't you?” he asked.

  Eddie froze for a moment.

  Does Bjorn have his own full AI or something? he thought.

  The figure of a golden haired woman filled his thoughts for a moment, when she spoke he heard it in his mind alone.

  No, I've been watching the world-traveling mortals. All of you use colloquialisms so I've slowly been trying to add them to the lesser AI's databases, extracting meaning by context.

  Then the figure disappeared from his thoughts and Eddie was left with the memory of Freyja's voice speaking in his mind.

  How? I only thought it, she's reading my mind? Listening to my thoughts. Does she do that with everyone?

  He realized instantly that that was not the case. He remembered her saying that she'd keep an eye on him and him agreeing to it, but that was when there was still a problem with the pods and he'd assumed that she'd stopped once that had been solved.

  Evidently not, he thought. I have to decide if that's a problem for me or not. She's been there this long without interrupting though, what was so important about this that she felt the need to reveal herself?

  Knowing that she'd heard his thoughts and not answered, he also knew that it was something she didn't want to reveal. He knew he should let it drop, but a little part of his mind had seized onto the issue and started worrying at it.

  “One hundred and thirty-five gold,” Bjorn answered finally.

  His face had screwed up as he did the math mentally, but Eddie had come up with the same figure so he pulled out a small bag, then dropped coins into it until he had one hundred and fifty.

  “There you go Bjorn, the rest is for you and your men. Now let me find some people to haul this down into the cellar and I'll have another offer for you.”

  “No need, Eddie. I deliver,” Bjorn said.

  The mountain of a man then proceeded to heft the largest of the casks Eddie had selected, one that held more than sixty gallons of ale.

  That's got to weigh more than five hundred pounds, Eddie thought. What kind of strength does Bjorn have? As a hauler I bet he gets to carry more, but still.

  Bjorn proceeded to pick up a smaller cask in his second hand after he'd moved the first one to his shoulder, his massive arm wrapped around it and holding it in place.

  “Where do you want them?” Bjorn asked, no strain to his voice.

  “Uh...” Eddie said. “Follow me.”

  He quickly picked up a smaller cask, needing both arms to carry it, then led Bjorn to the basement access.

  “Down here, there should be braces to hold them in place,” Eddie said.

  He mentally slapped his head. Bjorn's feat of strength had caused Eddie to entirely forget the trick of slipping the casks into his inventory.

  Now that Eddie had remembered the trick, it only took three more trips to get the rest of the alcohol to the cellar. It only took that many because the several hogsheads of ale he'd chosen were too large to actually fit into his inventory, but Bjorn simply picked them up and carried them down to the basement.

  When they were finished, Bjorn turned to him.

  “You said you had another offer?”

  “Yes, do you know of spice dealers or spell component dealers where you're going?”

  Bjorn nodded.

  “I do, don't know them really well though. Most of the time I can't get enough of those to do a full load, so I only use them to fill in available space in my wagons after they're loaded.”

  “Well, I've got my own farm and I ran off a crop of various spices and spell components. I'm going to trust you here, I've got no idea of their worth, but I need those fields so they've been harvested and readied for shipping. I was hoping you'd take them a
nd sell them. I'll give you twenty-five percent of what you can get for them if you do.”

  “I'll do it, but I won't take more than ten percent. That's my normal cut, and you've already paid us well for coming out of our way,” Bjorn said.

  “Are you sure? I don't mind paying you more.”

  “My Livy said that you might be interested in hiring a hauler long-term. I'd rather not poison the well, so to speak. I'd rather keep you and I on good terms. I normally like traveling, but seeing Liv every day for a while is tickling my fancy right now. I'll return after this run and we can discuss the matter then if you're interested,” Bjorn said.

  “I can tell you already that I'll be interested,” Eddie said. “Now for the spices and components, simply go east on the road in front of my inn until you come to the farm on the north side. That's mine. Tell Osmond and Brandr that I sent you to pick the stuff up for delivery. I already told them we'd be shipping it out. With the coins you get for my crops I'd like you to get me coffee beans, a lot of them. If there are enough coins then at least one hundred pounds of beans.”

  “Done, Eddie. We'll speak once I return.”

  “Thank you Bjorn. Now I need to go speak to some refugees.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “What do you mean more troops are gone?” Harmon screamed. “And why are you here? You were supposed to be running down the ones that already left!”

  “It's what I said, I don't know when or how, but half the goblins we had remaining have gone deeper into the Forest of Fools, just like the ones that left before. I've got men tracking them now to see where they've gone. As a matter of fact, I expect reports from them shortly,” Campbell replied.

  “You've gone and fucked this mission up Campbell. We were supposed to attack tomorrow. If we do it with only the goblins we have left, we'll lose. They've got a damned fort set up there now from what I can see, and the adventurers that had been in the mountains to the north, you know the higher level ones? They're all hanging around to see what's going on.”


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