Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance Page 3

by J. L. Ryan

  “I know this game Rachel, trust me, you won’t win sweetheart.” He whispered it in her earlobe nipping at the earlobe. She pushed him off and straightened her clothes.

  “Perhaps, I guess that too remains to be seen. You certainly have a lot to live up to Blakemore.”

  She moved into her office, shutting the door firmly and locking it from her side. She made her way to the desk with shaky legs and practically fell into the seat. This was not at all going the way she had planned. She was going to be firm and alluring and yet here she was a shaky mess, having five minutes ago been ready to throw herself at him. She leaned forward, her head in her hands. She had certainly put herself in a unique situation this time. The rest of the day went quickly. She spent the remainder of the afternoon navigating the computer software system. She finally left as it was nearing 6. He’s made no effort to bother her the rest of the day and she eventually relaxed. She pulled up to her apartment and sighed. This was the peak time for bad things around here. She saw a group of people, mostly men gathered around the step of her building. With careful and calculated steps she maneuvered around them, despite the calls and innuendos thrown at her. She slammed the door shut behind her and she cried. Life had to get better. She would be up the rest of the night, listening for someone to come to her door as they promised to do.

  The first week went by smoothly, they would run into each other on occasion and there would always be something looming between them. He didn’t try to kiss her again, but he was clear in telling her he wanted to. More than once he would have her come to his office and work with him on something and she knew he was watching her, testing her. With every remark he made to prove a point she would counter with one of her own setting him off into another flurry of tension. It was becoming an overwhelmingly charged game of cat and mouse with them.

  The next morning was a Friday and she was happy to get out of her place. She was dragging and she did her very best to make herself look alive once she arrived. Linda fussed over her and immediately showed her how to use the email server and set up the new voicemail. They enjoyed much of the morning together and she took notes on everything. She didn’t want to give him any excuse to let her go. He finally found them at lunch and offered to take them both out which Linda happily agreed to. She could find no excuse to say no and she felt a shot of heat course through her as he put his hand on the small of her back helping her into the car. Lunch was a fun affair. The place they went was so overpriced, she found it almost difficult to order anything at all. Once the food arrived, she fell in love with it and understood why he came there as often as he mentioned in the car. After Linda decided to go home since she was still not "100%." She watched as he helped her to her car and they watched her leave the garage.

  “Get back in the car, I want to show you something.” He slid back into the seat and she followed suit.

  She frowned as they took off, she never even considered telling him no… or asking where they were going. She simply did as he asked. She made a mental note to be leery of that next time. She knew there would be a nest time, they both enjoyed the game too much, and she wanted the security of being with someone who could protect her. She was in a financial mess and afraid to go home at night. He needed to learn that you cannot simply take what you want without giving back. The car pulled up to a golden building, it looked like a restaurant or a hotel but she wasn’t sure. He gave his key to the valet and took her hand as he moved gracefully through the building.

  “Mr. Blakemore, where are we going?” She asked him quietly.

  “Just be patient… you will like it.” He smiled at her and she felt that same sense of excitement he always brought out in her.

  They took the elevator and kept going until they reached the top. He moved out of the elevator and pulled her behind him until they stopped in front of a door. He slid the key in it and it opened, he held it, allowing her to go inside. The walls were silk and in shades of gold. The farthest wall away was glass looking down and out over the city, even higher than his building did. In front of the wall was a bed, huge and waiting. She spun around to look at him. She saw him smirk and shut and lock the door behind him. She crossed her arms and waited.

  “Exactly what are we doing here, Blakemore?” She took a step back as he moved towards her.

  “I don’t play this game with you Rachel, you want me as much as I want you, and you’ve told me in more ways than one. Today I’m going to make love to you, thoroughly on that bed.” He spoke every word softly and dangerously as he walked towards her. She felt her hands shaking as he moved in closer.

  He moved her hair back off of her shoulders and kissed the side of her exposed neck. “I know a part of you wants to make up some excuse of why we can’t do this, or why it’s wrong. I also know there is a part of you who wants it and needs it.” He moved his hand in her hair winding it in his fist as he moved his lips over hers.

  There was something frantic about their actions as they undressed each other. She couldn’t form the words to tell him to stop, she was far too gone now. She felt the air rush over her exposed skin as she crawled slowly into the bed and on her back waiting for him. He waited, watching her. Naked she was even more beautiful, her skin had a healthy glow and she was curvy right down to her thighs. She was perfectly shaped for him and he wanted her more than he ever remembered wanting anyone. He made his way over to the bed. She was taking shallow breaths as he kissed her from head to toe, stopping to drink his fill of her flesh along the way. He left no inch of skin untouched by his hands and mouth.

  Finally, he moved to push into her and he lost all sense of control. She fit him like a glove and it was almost painful for her. He moved slowly, gradually moving more and more until with one final push he was buried deep. He looked at her then and started moving slowly, she arched up to meet his every thrust her fingers gripping his back, her legs wrapped around his hips pulling him forwards, and deeper still. She was lost in a haze of color, feeling his moving, his touch and his mouth. She lost control of everything and dug her nails into him as she felt the explosion inside her begin to climb higher and higher until it exploded into fragmented pieces in her mind. She opened her eyes as she did it and called his name which in turn pushed him forward as well and he followed close behind. He lay there still pressed into her for a few moments until finally they moved to untangle and he found his place behind her.

  No one spoke for fear of shattering the fantasy world they were both in together. She couldn’t feel any sense of victory in what happened, she had no control over any of it. She was simply there, and chose to do it. Her plans to make him want her or need her somehow until he had real feelings, ones that would make him want to protect her and help her. Now, he didn’t even have to buy the cow before he took what he wanted. She had never experienced anything like this before, but she knew the game was over. Her plan had failed because she was weak. Now she would never get him to notice her for anything other than this. It occurred to her that she obviously felt something more for him for it to affect her this way. She turned to move away from him, but he simply said “no” and pulled her back in close to him. She knew she would not likely find herself in this situation again and she nestled in to enjoy it for now.

  Byron was lost in thought. There was something special about her, something that meant more to him than just sex. Perhaps it was the game, or the way little things made her light up. She was different, and he liked it. He knew he had won the game they were playing, but he felt no happiness in that. She tried to move away and he had stopped her. He wasn’t ready yet, to face whatever happened between them. She felt good like this, in his arms. He couldn’t remember ever being with a woman that he wanted to hold after sex, someone who wasn’t simply there to use or be used for a natural bodily function. There was never an emotional tie to the physical act and he didn’t want to start now. She needed it more than he, and he would give her that. They both napped, sleeping deeply, having been equally satisfied and content.
She was the first to stir and when she noticed the clock she started to panic. She jumped up and started throwing on clothes, and he watched her.

  “Was it all really that bad, that you have to run?” He gave her a half smile which she failed to respond to. He knew something wasn’t right. “Rachel… are you ok.”

  “What... oh yes, I’m fine, I just have to get home quickly… very quickly.” She was still in her panties and bra and he was enjoying the show she gave him. It wasn’t long before she finally dressed the rest of the way. He stood and slid into his boxers. He watched her looking for her keys.

  “Rachel... stop… your car isn't even here, calm down.” He put a hand on each shoulder to calm her. He moved the hair out of her face and she looked up at him. He was standing there his bare chest, smooth under her touch and she relaxed. “Stay here with me tonight. It's already 8:30, we can have dinner and… eventually sleep.” He gave her a wide smile and she smiled back.

  “I don’t want to be that girl… who stays too long.” She screwed up her face, and he laughed.

  “You’re not that girl, we are just having an extended Friday afternoon that’s all, nothing more.”

  He watched her visible slump back onto the bed. “Why do you have to get home so fast anyway?”

  She swallowed, thinking of the best response. “I just like to be in before it gets too dark that’s all.” She smiled at him.

  He frowned, he knew there was something more there, but it wasn’t any of his business so he decided to let it go. He picked up the phone and ordered room service and she smiled as she looked out over the city. No matter what happened, this would be a night she would never forget.

  The next day he took her to her car. She finally climbed into her bed at home at 1 in the afternoon. Part of her wanted to be happy and content with what she had been through. Another part of her wanted to cry. If she were being honest with herself, she had just been part of the most elegant and elaborate booty call ever. She should feel bad about that, but amidst all of the lovemaking they talked about life, and family. He shared his vision and hopes for the future and she, given him some version of hers. Monday she would go back to work and pretend none of it ever happened. For now she could pretend. She fell into a deep sleep, recovering from the sleep she missed the night before.

  Byron was having a similar discussion with himself, he followed her home trying to see what had made her want to get back there so badly the night before. He looked up at the apartment building she entered and swore to himself. She lived here? He frowned as he looked over the streets and the neighborhood. He felt something about her situation, he wanted to get her out of here and way from the people who loitered the area. This entire block was notorious for crime and violence. He knew it was too soon to storm in there and drag her back out and into his car. He made the trek home lost in thought. He finally made his way into his penthouse, still concerned about her. What was wrong with him? He had always enjoyed his bachelor life, the solitude was a strength for him. He hated people around all of the time, except for his mother. Now, she was in his head and offering her opinions about everything. On top of that he was worried about her, he didn’t like that feeling, that connection it could only be dangerous. This whole thing was supposed to be about sex, even that went beyond what could be labeled as normal. She was both giver and taker and it had been the best experience of his life to date. He had a lot to think about and she made up most of it. He decided to do a little digging and find out more about her. It was probably crossing a line, but it would give him some piece of mind.

  Monday came and the two of them went to work with very different missions in mind. She was determined to put the whole thing behind her and work hard. She was able to pay rent this month and could continue on that way, but if she moved to her parents house for a few months she could find something nicer, better, and less scary. She needed this to work, she had no other choices. She spent Sunday moving boxes into storage near her parents’ house and all that was left were a few things she would need to survive for the next couple of weeks. She made her way to her desk and started logging into various sites. It was Linda’s idea to start the day off that way. She glanced at his door, but made no move to bother him.

  Byron was angry, and insulted. She used him. He could argue that he had used her too, but somewhere down deep he felt like he really connected to her. He made his way into the office passing her desk without saying a word. It would be hard to exist like this, her working for him. But if he fired her, she could stir up one hell of a lawsuit. He ran his hands through his hair, she was more than broke. She was in debt up to her ears and he even found where she tried to take out a number of loans but been denied. The final straw was finding an email where she detailed finding a solution to her problem, it was a note to herself really, but she had been looking for a solution. He would be damned if it would be him. He rubbed his eyes. He could feel a headache coming on, he would have to face her sooner or later. He buzzed her in. She came in professionally and sat across from him waiting for him to say something. He didn’t even look up at her for the longest time. Finally, he did. She looked different somehow, she wore contacts today and let her silky hair flow down her shoulders just aching him to touch it. He shook his head.

  “Miss Greene, there are some new events on the horizon for the company and there is a good chance you will be moving to a different department. I wanted to be the first to tell you, so that there was no confusion.” He watched her eyes shooting at him like daggers as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Really now, how convenient.” She was angry and hurt, but mostly hurt. He used her and was now casting her off to a different department.

  “It’s completely out of my hands.” He gave her a hard look.

  “I bet it is. I can’t believe I trusted you.” She stood up and stomped her way back into her office.

  She slammed the door shut behind her. It was just as well. Then she wouldn’t have to deal with him all day, which would suit her just fine. Still, it hurt. Her plan to seduce him and make her life easier had been more like something she told herself to make being with him easier. She never stood a chance of telling him no. She was really to blame for the whole situation. She went in that room, she stayed the night… she opened up to him. She looked around the desk. This would never work, not really. She put her head in her hands just as she heard him storm in.

  “I can’t believe you would say anything to me about trust, Miss Greene.” His eyes were staring down at her hard.

  “What are you talking about Blakemore, I was there… you led me to that room.” She felt the tears welling up but she refused to let them fall.

  “Oh no sweetheart, I take responsibility for that one. I’m talking about your plan, to “snare a good man” to help you with all of your problems. You’re in debt up to your eyeballs.” He was seething and she stood to defend herself.

  “SO what, who cares if I am in debt, why is that your problem and how is it any of your business. Oh wait… you can’t believe you had sex with someone who’s not rich like you, is that it?” She felt as though someone kicked her in the stomach, she was humiliated.

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. “I don’t care if I found you penniless on the street in rags, I would have still seen you, still made love to you” he let her go “still wanted you.” He sighed running a hand through his hair. “My issue is not that you're poor Rachel, it’s that you set a goal in mind. O,ne to catch me, and make me fix all your problems.”

  She stared at him a moment before the realization of what he’d done became apparent.

  “What did you do Blakemore?” her eyes were on fire as she looked him over. “Did you do research on me or something? What was it a background check…. Credit check? I’m sure the list goes on and on doesn’t it.” She waited. “Not going to admit to it, I guess, what makes you think I wanted or needed you to rescue me, Mr. Blakemore?” She stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

sp; He had the decency to look guilty before he told her. “I read your emails, I needed to know more about you.”

  She blushed, humiliated.

  “You tell me the truth now Rachel, was that your plan all along? Suck me in and use me to feel safe, to be secure?”

  She took a deep breath before she answered. “I wrote that as a note to myself, yes at first when you said those things to me the first day I was here, I did. I thought I’d beat you at your own game.” She faced the window as she spoke, letting the tears fall now. “I thought, somehow I would show you I can be just like you. But I didn’t, the minute I was in that room with you I lost the game. We both knew it and I accepted it. I cared about you, you can’t just use someone you care about, it doesn’t work that way.” She wiped at her face and spun back around to face him. “But it is clear that you play dirty too, researching me like I’m one of your corporate mergers or something. Like I’m not real, and here, you don’t trust anyone or anything and one day it will leave you cold and alone.” She grabbed her purse and jacket. “Obviously this won’t work, I’m sorry if you felt used… but then that’s exactly how I feel too.” She left quickly making her way to the elevator and then to her car.

  She sat in the garage for a moment, letting it all sink in. Just a few short hours ago, she had been on cloud nine, developed something real. She was going to take back her life, she had new feelings for someone and job security. Now, it was all gone, all at once. At least it was early, she could go home and be depressed alone. She made her way to the apartment amazed at the transformation. The days were so peaceful, the nights were right out of a horror novel. She fell into her bed and finally let go. Her body wracked with sobs as she cried out her pain, her loss and for Blakemore.

  Byron tried to work, he focused his thoughts solely on the project at hand, yet he realized he reread started the same page about 6 times. He pushed the papers away from him and sighed. The entire situation with Rachel was a mess. He knew she was sincere, she had started out with a plan, but once they were in that room, she let it go and chose him in that moment. He regretted it now, demanding an explanation and hurting her. She had been crying by the window, he wanted to pull her close, but he couldn’t move. Nothing in his life had been like this and he wasn’t sure how to act. On top of all that he was out an assistant, again. He called down to HR and asked Alice to come up. He was still lost in thought when she opened the door. She sashayed into the room and made her way over to him, running her hands down his chest. He suddenly realized what she was doing and stopped her hands.


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