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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

Page 10

by J. L. Ryan

  That was seven years ago now, and he could still remember it like it was yesterday. He shook his head, remembering, and smiled. He made sure his bike was always in tip top shape, and made frequent visits to his trusted mechanic and best friend, Mike's house. They met in his early years of racing, and had been friends ever since.

  The most important thing that Gerald taught Braden was that the bike is your money and the only way you can ride it safely is if you have a hand in what goes on with it. The bike was his family, and he protected it as such. He finally set off for the hour drive to Marble Falls, where Mike lived.

  Mike was always a party guy. One girl to the next and one disaster away from an addiction. What he did have was a nice house, and a serious garage behind it. It was the one thing he always took care of. His mother would come over once a month and clean up for him. As he pulled into the parking lot of the townhouses, Braden noticed the changes. The place next door was vacant the last time he was there, and he wondered if Mike even knew that someone had moved in.

  He was taking the next few weeks to run off with his newest girlfriend and had given Braden the key so that he could drop some things off, and pick up some things for the bike. He noticed her the moment he pulled up. He watched amused as a woman was desperately trying to get her key to work in her door knob.

  “Damn it.”

  She was angry and she was beautiful. She finally kicked the door and turned to go to her car. She stopped when she saw him watching her. She gave him a half smile before pushing her hair back and squaring her shoulder.

  “I’m not usually so easily flustered. My key broke off in the door… now I am rambling sorry… so yeah, I should go.” She turned to go again and he finally said something.

  “I can probably get that out of there if you want me to try.” He crossed his arms as she gave him a half smile.

  “That would be… well… yes, please.” She smiled at him again and he went to the truck.

  Chloe closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was standing here rambling like an idiot. It always happened when she met a guy, especially an attractive one. Attractive didn’t even begin to describe this one. He was, by far, the most attractive guy she had seen in a long time. He had black hair and dark eyes and just enough stubble on his face to give him that mysterious look. She never even kissed a guy like that and she never would. It certainly didn’t hurt to watch him though. He was all muscle, and it was obvious he worked out. She blushed as he came back towards her, hopefully he hadn’t seen her looking him over like that.

  He smiled as he worked on the door. She was looking him over and it made him smile. The fact that she blushed when he looked at her made him like her even more. He finally broke the broken key out and he turned to look at her again. It was her eyes that struck him first. Deep blue and full of life, they contrasted the abundance of red flowing hair. She was a big girl, he liked that about her. She had curves in all of the right placed and he wanted to touch every single one of them. He glanced at her hand and didn't see a ring, which was a good first step. He handed her the broken pieces of the key, and when his eyes met hers, he saw her blush again.

  “It should be fine now, I had to put some lube in it.” He gave her a half smile.

  “What… oh thanks.” She gathered the pieces up and headed towards the door. “Thanks again…”

  “Braden… my name is Braden.” He held his hand out to her and she shook it.

  “I’m Chloe, nice to meet you.”

  “Perhaps I can get you to have dinner with me sometime, Chloe?” He watched the myriad of emotions cross her face.

  “Sure, that sounds like fun.” She turned to head back in again and he smiled.

  “Chloe, can I get your number?”

  “Oh, sorry.” She wrote it down and turned to go again.

  She was a flighty one, but that was part of the excitement for him. He watched her go inside and he left, heading for his place in the hills. She was timid, something he would remedy. Even now he thought about her curves and how they would feel under his fingers. He rarely ever lost at this and he didn’t intend to start now.

  Chloe shut the door with a thud. That was very sweet of him, offering to have dinner with him. It was typical of some guys, nicer ones anyway, to offer to take the big girl out. She didn’t need to get paraded around and everyone’s opinion of him go up because he did her a favor. Still, he seemed genuine. She made her way into the house and took a good long look at herself in the mirror. She had been working hard to lose weight, to be in better shape. She was down 20 pounds but she still hated the way she looked. Aside from her friends and her little brother, she was alone. In some ways it suited her. She’d had one serious relationship and that left her ready to just put the idea of love and romance behind her for good.

  After, she made her way into her room to throw on pajamas and spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning until Charlie got out of school. At 12, he was more than a handful of energy. In a week, he would be gone with friends on vacation, and she would really be alone all summer. He had been living with her a year and a half now, but some days it seemed like only yesterday that he had moved in. She was 22 and ready to tackle the world when she got the call. Her parents and her little brother were in an accident.

  Like most people, she didn’t think anything could happen to her. She rushed to the hospital, but her parents were both gone, leaving Charlie, with her. It was a rough start, but they were good now. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t get lonely sometimes though. He kept her busy, one activity to another. Motherhood at her age was not part of her plan, but she was lucky they had each other. That thought brought her back to Braden. She wondered if he had a family. He seemed like a nice guy.

  She never had an opportunity to meet her neighbor. As far as she knew the little lady that came in and out on occasion was the only one who visited that house at all. She sighed, she had rambled on and on about nothing, he must have thought her a complete idiot. Finally, she sat down to calculate how to pull off everything this month.

  She was a local teacher, well she was a substitute. She was still in school part-time but she was determined to finish. Most of the time she worked enough days to just barely pay the bills, but having a 12 year old with numerous after school activities put a dent in things. Not to mention the rent on this place was out outrageous. Since her parents were renting as well, their place was too much for her to take on.

  They were always like the traveling circus, always moving and changing. Chloe didn’t want that for her little brother. She lived that life and he needed stability. She would simply have to cut out some things, but first she would have to find what those things were.

  Braden walked into his house, well Gerald’s and Abbie’s house. They left it for him in the will. No children of their own, they took him in and loved him as if he were theirs. He didn’t live here, it didn’t feel like he should, and to be honest, he didn’t want to take over. He liked being able to walk in and see their things as they left it. It gave him a sense of peace. Deep down, he knew it wasn’t healthy, he should sell it, but for now he couldn’t let go.

  He checked on things here and then headed to the place he lived in the hills. He called ahead the week before so that it could be opened up and aired out. He hadn’t been here in months and knowing it would be ready was one of the many luxuries he enjoyed. He had a house manager and a housekeeper, both trustworthy friends, and he compensated them well for the work they did for him.

  Once he was there, he made his way inside and he poured himself a drink, leisurely making his way to the large windows overlooking the city. He wanted her. The thought crossed his mind and he smiled. Chloe, there was something about her that struck a nerve, and he wanted to figure it out. He thought at first it had been her coy and shy personality, but he had played that game before and knew that wasn’t it.

  There was a depth to her, and he wanted to know more. Women were always around, throwing themselves at him and offeri
ng him their charms. It came with the business… and the money. It was rare he felt connected to someone who didn’t know about either of those things. She felt the connection too, but she simply dismissed it, and he wanted to know why. He suddenly smiled as an idea came to mind. She had no clue who he was or the money he made. Even in her wildest dream, would she ever guess that he was a billionaire. He pulled out his phone and called Mike.

  Braden pulled up to Mike’s townhouse once more with a renewed spirit. Mike had given him the green light at least for the next few weeks. That would be plenty of time to figure Chloe out. He glanced over at her place before heading inside. Much like his penthouse, the place hadn’t been lived in in months. Everything shined and gleamed. “Thank you Mrs. Anderson.” He said under his breath.

  She was a sweet woman, often quiet and reserved, but she could clean the hell out of this bachelor pad. He decided there was no time like the present to start pursuing his curvy neighbor. He made his way over to her door. It wasn’t late, so he gave it a knock. She opened the door in a flurry, and as soon as she saw him, she looked shocked.

  “Braden hello.” She smiled at him and he felt the heat rising in him. Her hair was pulled up on top of her head and she was wearing a t-shirt and sweats. Casual and damn near the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

  “Hello Chloe, thought I’d see if you were up for a chat? It’s just that I’ve been out of town and it’s hard to get resettled.” He gave her a smile and gauged her reaction.

  She was just a little intimidated. She assumed he would move on and let her be, but here he was, in his tight jeans and arms that looked ready to rip out of his shirt. She gulped slightly, what was wrong with her? She usually had more control over herself than this. She gave him a half smile.

  “I wish I could. It’s just that my little brother is here and is sleeping.” There, that should put him off.

  “Oh, I see. Maybe we could sit on the deck?” He shoved his hands in his pockets and she mechanically nodded a yes. He smiled at her again and she moved to let him in.

  She must be completely out of her mind. What was she doing? She didn’t even know him that well and she just let him walk right into her house. He could be a crazy person or something. She sighed.

  “I’m not a killer or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.” They had made it to the sliding door and he leaned in behind her, whispering it in her ear.

  She felt the heat of his breath on her ear and shivered. It had been a long time, very long, and she was just sensitive that’s all. They moved out to the deck, and as she shut the door and turned towards him, he was directly in front of her.

  “Are you married Chloe?” He leaned towards her as he said it, propping his arm against the sliding door beside her head.

  “You're very forward aren’t you?” “No, I’m not, said Braden, are you?” She ducked through his arm and made her way over to the wrought iron chairs on the deck. It was dark out there. Having forgotten the deck lights were blown, she silently cursed. She turned around again, and this time he walked over to the rail. She joined him there, waiting and suddenly he turned towards her.

  “No, I’m not.” He put an arm on either side of her and rested against the railing. As he did so he leaned into her breathing in the scent of jasmine.

  She was lost in that moment, He was inches away from her and her only thought was that he must be really desperate to be here with her. More than anything else, she didn’t want to look like a fool, it's happened before and she didn’t want to go through that again. She dipped below his arm and faced the trees again. She could hear his chuckle, and she frowned.

  “You are something else Chloe, you know I want to kiss you, but you keep running, why?”

  She looked at him, surprised by his admission. “Why do you want to kiss me? I’m sure you have plenty of other women to kiss, besides, I don’t even know you, Braden.”

  “What better way to get to know me, Chloe.” He stood and gave her a smile.

  There was something about the way he said it that left her wondering if he was serious or simply out of his mind. She shook her head and turned back around.

  “Don’t be ridiculous Braden.”

  She said it simply and he realized she meant it. He frowned as he thought about it. Maybe she wasn’t attracted to him. There was only one way to find out. He slid over to the right and grasped her hand in his and pulled her towards him. He saw the look of surprise on her face as he put his hand against the back of her head, pulling her into his arms as his mouth crushed hers.

  She was on fire and he did nothing but add fuel to it. She felt his mouth nip at her lips and then dive deeper. She opened her mouth to him, unconsciously meeting his kiss eagerly. As their tongues danced, she felt the fire inside begin to build and grow. It had been so long, and he was very good. She felt his hands then start to move. First, slowly he ran them down her back and over the curve of her hip, pulling her even closer to him. She felt his mouth slowly leave her lips and trail down her neck and he nipped her collarbone. He moved his hands up her hips and his mouth found her again. The kiss was passionate and full of promise. She felt his hand slip under her shirt and she panicked, pushing him away.

  Braden stood frozen, what the hell was wrong with him. He planned on sweet talking… maybe steal a kiss, but this… He ran his hand through his hair and walked to the deck to calm himself. One thing was for sure. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her, she couldn’t deny that now. He looked over at her, she was stone-faced and looked almost sad. He frowned, that was not what he expected to happen, but why would it make her sad?

  “Chloe, I’m sorry." I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” She looked down and then back up at him, a smile now sitting on her face.

  “I understand. Like you said, you haven’t been home in months. I’m sure you're just tired.” She moved to walk back to the door leading to the house. She whispered to herself “Plus it's dark out here, I’m sure that helps.”

  “Helps with what?” He was beside her, he was like a cat the way he moved.

  “Nothing sorry, just rambling as always. I should get to bed, I have to be at work early.” She smiled at him, but he knew something was wrong here.

  “Sure, I understand.” He turned to go and then spun back to look at her. “I like kissing you, Chloe. I won’t lie about it, and in fact, I want much more than that. I wanted you to know I plan on trying to make sure you know that regularly.” He walked down the front steps whistling. She stayed there until she heard his door shut. She leaned her back against the door to try and calm her racing heart.

  The days went by quickly, they would often pass each other in the front yards or as they came home. Both of them caught up in work. He consistently asked her to come over for dinner, but she always had reason to say no. He never made any other move to kiss her or otherwise, and she relaxed more around him. They spent two different afternoons sitting out front talking about life, where each time she was sure they had an audience at all times. One afternoon she opened up more than she planned.

  “So, Charlie?” Braden asked as Charlie was throwing a ball with a friend in the parking lot.

  “My parents were killed in an accident, he was with them, but survived. That was almost two years ago now.” She watched Charlie playing. “He is a good boy though.”

  “That has to be hard on you, suddenly having a 12 year old.” Braden watched the expressions changing on her face.

  “It took some adjusting, for all of us.” She took a sip of water from her glass.

  “Why aren’t you married?” He asked it very matter of factly, but with a deeper tone to his voice. She turned to look at him.

  “I almost was once, actually.”

  He sat up at her admission. So she had loved someone, being close to them. “You know you have to tell me now Chloe?”

  “No, I don’t Braden.” She stood up, brushing off her skirt as she did and headed into her house. He stood and followed.
br />   She noticed him standing in the doorway. “Really Braden, following me into my own home? Even for you that’s a bit much.” She started folding the towels on the table in the kitchen. He didn’t say anything, but methodically started helping. She paused to look at him and he simply grinned at her. She rolled her eyes.

  When they were done, he finally spoke. “Why don’t you want to talk about it?”

  She put her right hand on her hip. “Because it doesn’t matter Braden, that’s why.” As she turned to go he grabbed her forearm and pulled her to him.

  “It does matter Chloe, it certainly is part of why you are the way you are.”

  “What the hell does that mean “the way I am”?” She felt the sting then. She was different. Why did people always feel the need to point it out to her?

  “Wait a minute Chloe what do you think I am talking about here?” He took another step closer, never letting go of her arm.

  “Let me go Braden.” Her eyes glittered dangerously.

  “Not until you tell me.”

  “Fine.” She yanked her arm free. “I was engaged, he seemed to accept me.” She gave him a glance. “He was always sweet and kind and then when my parents died, he never made it to the funeral. He apologized, and I was stupid enough to believe him. When Charlie moved in, he tried to force me to send him away to a boarding school of some kind.

  He said this was not the future he planned and that Charlie was not his problem. So I refused, and he slept with my friend. I caught them in my friend’s house. The worst part was, it had been going on for a long time. She was one of those model-thin blondes. I should have known better.” She looked over at him finally and he was in shock. He moved towards her again and she stepped back.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you Chloe, he was an ass.”


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