Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance Page 25

by J. L. Ryan

  Byron tried to work, he focused his thoughts solely on the project at hand, yet he realized he reread started the same page about 6 times. He pushed the papers away from him and sighed. The entire situation with Rachel was a mess. He knew she was sincere, she had started out with a plan, but once they were in that room, she let it go and chose him in that moment. He regretted it now, demanding an explanation and hurting her. She had been crying by the window, he wanted to pull her close, but he couldn’t move. Nothing in his life had been like this and he wasn’t sure how to act. On top of all that he was out an assistant, again. He called down to HR and asked Alice to come up. He was still lost in thought when she opened the door. She sashayed into the room and made her way over to him, running her hands down his chest. He suddenly realized what she was doing and stopped her hands.

  “Not today Alice, I need a new assistant. Can you start making some calls please?” He looked up at her and they knew it was done. Looking at her now he felt nothing, no excitement.

  “So the little bookworm fled the scene did she? Fine, I'll hire you a new assistant.” She started to leave.

  “Alice.” She stopped but didn’t turn around. “This between us… its done.” She turned and gave him a smile.

  “I knew that the minute you hired her yourself Byron, I just had to try.” She left the room.

  He frowned. It seemed as though everyone knew him better that he knew himself. He had work to do, but he couldn’t think straight. Fortunately, he had a few meetings at least that would take his mind off of her. She was right, it was better this way. They couldn’t work together, not when every time he saw her he wanted to touch her. He glanced up at the clock and made his way to the conference hall.

  The day went by slowly, Rachel felt every minute of it. She was hungry and yet she didn’t want to move. She was always the strong one, always rolled with the punches, but something about Byron Blakemore left her shattered. She knew she was going to move, she’d lost her job and by the weekend she would be on her mother’s couch amid the hugs and “I’m sorry’s” she would likely receive from them all. Just that alone was enough, but admitting she was in love with Blakemore was the culprit of her current state. He was an ass, he was also kind and sweet and horribly romantic. She knew there was a connection from day one and instead of walking away from it… she dove in with both feet… right into a golden love nest practically on top of the world. She knew that at the very least, she would have that night, with him. She must have fallen asleep finally, because the next thing she knew there was a huge noise coming from down the hall. She jumped out of bed and hearing the yelling she made her way to the door. She heard men fighting, loudly and she immediately braced the door with a chair and hid in her closet. She dialed 911 and waited.

  Byron was exhausted. He made his way into his lavish house and found his mother sitting in the living room watching television. If there was anyone who knew him, really knew, him it was her. She glanced up at him and he gave her a smile. His entire life she had been a constant for him. Always there no matter what. When he was little she always managed to scrape it together so that they had food and a place to sleep. Sometimes nicer places than others. He would always take care of her no matter what.

  “Momma, how was your day? Did the new lady come?” He slumped down beside her.

  “Oh yes, she was delightful she brought some cards and I beat her every time.” She glanced at him and chuckled loudly.

  “Good Mom, I’m glad, I feel better knowing someone is around while I’m not.” He sighed and she turned the volume down on the television.

  “Ok son spill it, what’s wrong?” He looked over at her and shook his head. “You can try and tell me nothing but it will just put off this conversation longer. Talk to me boy.” She gave him a nudge with her elbow and he smiled at her.

  “It’s about a woman.” He saw her sit up quickly.

  “A woman, well, I’d say it’s about time then.” She gave him a pat. “Go on what’s wrong.”

  “I met her and then hired her, things got… involved.” He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes.

  “It always does. Keep going.”

  “Well, she had a plan, initially, to somehow make me fall for her or something and then get her out of her problems. So I called her out on it after I found out.”

  “How did you find this out son?” She looked at him thoughtfully.

  He blushed. “I did a bunch of background checks and emails and stuff.” He looked away.

  “I see. Go on.”

  “Well, I confronted her and she got upset and quit and told me she was trying to get me back to playing games with her.” He looked over at her, she was smiling.

  “I like this girl already.” She laughed lightly. “I’m sorry son, you can hardly be mad at someone for getting you back. Were you playing a game?”

  “I don’t think so, I mean I just like things a certain way. I don’t want to get too involved, I’ve seen how relationships can be.”

  She took a deep breath before she answered. “Byron your daddy was a silly man who didn’t care about anyone. He took what he wanted and left the world behind, including you and me.” He nudged him again to get his attention. “Love wasn’t the problem, or relationships honey, it was being afraid of them that drove him away and made him run like the devil. What you’re trying to avoid, feeling something, loving someone… that was what made him the way he was.” She took his face in her hands.” I am getting old Byron baby, I need me some grandkids before I’m gone, don’t stop your heart from feeling or you will be just like the man you detest.” She let him go.

  He sat thinking, then he noticed the flashes on the television. He only watched for a second before he felt his heart stop and his body go cold. That was Rachel’s apartment building.

  “Mom turn it up.” She saw him freeze and she did so quickly.

  They watched together, the news was covering a shooting that had happened in the building leaving some of the tenants either dead or injured. The entire building was considered a crime scene upon discovering a meth lab in the basement as the police raided and finally caught the shooter.

  “Son, what is it?” She touched his arm concerned.

  “That’s her building, that’s where Rachel lives. I have to go mom, I’ll be back, I love you.” He grabbed his coat and ran from the penthouse.

  He knew he was speeding as he made his way to her building. The police were still there and people were everywhere. He combed the area looking for her hoping to see her. He needed to tell her, needed to protect her. He should have never let go in there in the first place. The day after their overnight at the hotel he should have stormed in there and pulled her back out with him. He was frantic as he raked his hand through his hair. If anything happened to her…

  “Blakemore, what the hell are you doing here?” He spun around at the voice and she stood there draped in a blanket.

  He didn’t say a word he simply grabbed her and pulled her to him. He looked her over checking for signs that she was hurt. He kissed her then not giving her a chance to speak or move. It was a quick and hard kiss, something to prove that she was real, and she was ok.

  “You’re not hurt.” It was more of a statement than anything.

  “No, I’m fine, what are you doing here?” She stood there waiting for an answer he heart beating erratically from the kiss.

  “I saw the news, I was worried about you. I came as soon as I found out. You’re sure you’re ok?” He held her head in his hands.

  “I said I’m fine, Byron. Why did you come? You think I’m awful, yet you’re here, and kissing me?”

  “I love you.” He said it simply.

  “You what? Don’t be ridiculous, Byron. Just this morning you were ready to kill me.” She turned to go but he grabbed her arm.

  “I am an idiot Rachel, I was so angry, because, I am in love with you. When I thought you didn’t feel anything for me and I was just a means to an end it hurt, and I equated that
to anger.”

  She was crying, he said he loved her but did he mean it? She looked at him in his designer suit, ruined with dirt and she’d never seen him look so disheveled. She looked at his eyes as he gazed down on her full of love.

  “I love you too, Byron.” She gave him a half smile. He scooped her up and spun her around.

  “First things first, you are not living here anymore.” He said it very matter-of-factly.

  She felt her temper rise, he was already bossing her around. They started walking towards his car.

  “Wait, how did you even know I lived here?” He kept walking.

  “I followed you the day after the hotel.” She stopped.

  “You what!” He pulled her along to the car.

  “I know I’m horrible, let’s just go home.” Before she could protest about his snooping, she felt the warmth of his lips on hers and she knew that home was exactly where she was.


  The Billionaire's Bargain

  Chapter 1:

  Alexander Sweeps Into My Life

  "Tallulah! Less dreaming, more working!" my beloved Grammie Marigold cries out from the kitchen.

  It was time to help with lunch.

  "Coming Grammie!" I call back, reluctantly closing my Vogue magazine.

  "There you are child, bless your heart you look a sort" Grammie chuckles, looking me up and down.

  Ok so I look a little messy right now. Faded old skinny jeans, tank top and my hair up in a messy bun. No make up. Grammie likes to think a Southern Lady should always be well turned out.

  I grin at Grammie, "Oh Grammie, I am just at home! It is only the two of us here. Why would I need to dress up?"

  Grammie frowns at me, "Child, you should always look your best, you never know when someone special might pop by. And a lady is always well groomed."

  I groan with faux desperation, "Grammie no one ever comes to visit us. We haven't had a visitor since I left college to care for you. Unless you count the nurse and the one time Doctor Peters came by. And Doctor Peters is about forty years too old to be a potential beau."

  Grammie smiles at me sadly and draws me in for a hug, depositing a special Grammie kiss on my forehead,

  "Tallulah I know it has been hard for you, I feel a heart load of guilt over you having to put your dreams aside to care for me. I don't want to see you let go of yourself or your dreams, things are just on hold, not over. Taking care of your outside shows you haven't given up on the inside," Grammie says sadly.

  I lean into the hug, enjoying that special Grammie scent that reminds me of knitting and cookies.

  "Thank you Grammie. I haven't given up. I still have my dreams and I know I will return to college. One day I will run my own non-profit and save the world," I smile to show I understand this career goal is a little naïve…although secretly I do believe I can make a difference, some day some how.

  Grammie grabs me by the shoulders and looks at my firmly, "Now young lady, believe in yourself. I KNOW you will make a difference. Your Daddy felt the same way, he would be so proud of you."

  I fall silent at the mention of Daddy. My father died when I was eight. He was a Delta Force soldier killed in action. The military had been his way of making a difference. With my mom passing away from an illness not long after I was born it had just been Grammie Marigold and me for a long time.

  I shake my head to clear old thoughts of Daddy.

  "Grammie, one day I will change the world and I will make Hunter, South Carolina famous for having produced me!" I laugh and give Grammie a little twirl around the kitchen.

  "I don't doubt it," I think I hear Grammie murmur as I set out making our soup and sandwiches.


  "And then your Grandfather said, 'Marigold, I need a wife and you'll do!'" Grammie chuckles, as we eat our lunch.

  I laugh in return. I love hearing stories of my grandparents romance. I pretend to be fine waiting for the right man, but secretly I long to meet the man of my dreams.

  At my age Grammie was married with two babies. Many of my friends from high school are married, and those who are not are at college.

  The doorbell interrupts these depressing thoughts.

  "Now there you go Tully," exclaims Grammie, "visitors!"

  I get up from my chair and head to the front door, "probably just Mormon's Grammie, they are very dedicated and just won't give up on this die hard Baptist neighborhood!"

  Yanking open the door with a distinct lack of grace I discover two men standing on the doorstep in suits. One youngish, maybe thirty, and an older man in his fifties.

  Sigh. Mormons. Well I am a good Southern Lady and even though I am Southern Christian to the core I am polite.

  "Hello, thank you for visiting, however, we are happy in our religion and not looking to convert," I politely state with a firm 'thank-you-but-go-away' smile.

  The two men look at each other puzzled. The younger one grins at me. I notice he has adorable ears that stick out. He also looks vaguely familiar.

  "Ah well Miss Tallulah, I too am a God fearing man, or try to be, however, my business here today is not conversion," the young man looks at me amused.

  I feel rather foolish. Who else wears a suit in Hunter? Even the Mayor wears tan slacks, not a suit.

  "Well then Gentlemen, what can I do for you today?" I say, recovering my poise slightly.

  I suddenly wish I had followed Grammie's advice and dressed properly. She is always right!

  "I'm here on some rather delicate business. We have mutual friends, through your father's military service. I too was in the army. A friend quietly mentioned you might be in need of some income. I have a business proposal for you," the young man watches closely for my reaction.

  Income…? How did this man know our business? Grammie's illness has drained our resources, and our insurance has rejected our claim. Things have been a little difficult. If this man knew of my father though, perhaps this was legitimate?

  "Well…perhaps, Gentleman you would like to formally introduce yourself and come in for some tea," I respond, realizing I didn't even know their names.

  The young man smiles broadly. "My apologies Miss Tallulah, where are my manners, please do forgive me. This is my colleague, attorney Thompson Thompson. My name is Alexander Carlyle, a pleasure to meet you."

  I stare back at him. Alexander Carlyle? Suddenly the vague familiarity becomes very clear. The Alexander Carlyle. He is the reluctant heir to America's first family, the dynastic Carlyle's. The 'family behind the families'. Tabloid heartthrob.

  Alexander is the grandson of Alexander Senior, legendary businessman. Alexander's father was the heir apparent in the family but was sadly killed in a tragic Embassy bombing when working in the Middle East. It is well known no one else in the family but Alexander the younger is up to the task of succeeding Alexander Senior.

  Which leaves America's future most powerful man standing on my doorstep.


  Gathered around the dining table in the 'formal' room, Grammie, Alexander, Thompson and I sit in awkward silence as Thompson ever so slowly unpacks documents from his briefcase.

  "Now then," announces Thompson, "I represent Mr. Carlyle and his business proposition for you."

  I tilted my head to the side anxiously. Grammie folds and refolds her hands in her lap.

  "Now then…" Thompson starts again.

  Alexander interrupts, "I should handle this Thompson, thank you," he states firmly.

  I see the steely glint in his eye that hints at why he is the new heir apparent to the mantle of head of the Carlyle family.

  "Tallulah, may I call you that?" Alexander asks me, looking directly into my eyes. His eyes are slate blue and highly intelligent.

  I manage to gasp out a response, "my friends call me Tully."

  Alexander smiles with the charm that reputedly draws supermodels. "Tully. Lovely. Tully I have a unique proposal for you. I hope it doesn't offend you, or y
our Grandmother. I think it could be a good solution for both of us. Your problem is financing your Grandmother's treatment. My problem is, well…" Alexander looks embarrassed and not in control for the first time since we met. "Well I need a fiancé," he finally finishes.

  A pause. Grammie Marigold speaks first, "a fiancé! Explain yourself young man."


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