Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance Page 29

by J. L. Ryan

  "I love you," he whispers into my ear as he drops kisses all over my face in the way I love.

  "I love you too," I respond.

  Alex scoops me up and carries me to our bedroom. The four-poster bed looks inviting with deep pillows and soft white linen. Glowing lamps cast a gentle light and keep the shadows away.

  Alex sets me down on the bed carefully, like I am a China Doll that will break. Since the kidnapping I am less funny tough girlfriend and more of a precious jewel.

  He sits down beside me and we kiss, we kiss for a long, long time. Unlike the playful kisses in the apartment these kisses feel less like a flirtation and more like the kisses between a loving couple.

  Alex moves to tug off my The Row sweater. Unlike when we were in his office, I don't stop him. This feels right, I feel ready.

  We make love all night. It is everything I had hoped it would be. Alex makes me feel safe and loved. We talk quietly as the sunlight filters in through the window as dawn approaches.

  "When did you know you were falling in love with me?" I ask Alex, as I prop myself up on an elbow to study his face.

  "Before I even met you," Alex grins.

  "Really?" I say, sitting up.

  "Yes. I thought the whole idea was harebrained but Thompson insisted it would buy me time to develop an alternative plan to Grandfather's ruling. When he showed me your picture and I read your college admissions essay on wanting to make a difference I knew I had to meet you," Alex confesses.

  "I told myself it was strictly business, but maybe it never was," he continues.

  I am startled by this revelation. And embarrassed Alex had read my very earnest college admissions essay.

  "I fell in love with you told me Owlie was your friend, when we were in the lobby," I confess back.

  It was Alex's turn to look surprised. "Owlie? Why did that capture your heart?"

  I smile and blush. "Well it was so sweet, and it made me wonder if maybe you needed a friend if you friend was a sculpture in the lobby. I sensed that despite your wealth you might be a little lonely."

  Alex looks moody. "It can be difficult to be in such a serious position, and to be so wealthy. People treat me differently. Even my own family as I am the heir of the family."

  Alex pulls me down under the covers for a cuddle. "But now I have you."

  I snuggle in close, "And I have you."

  Chapter 6: A Family Brought To Order

  We arrive back in New York as the first chill hit that air, signaling the approaching winter. I was quite glad to leave the upheaval of autumn behind.

  Grammie moves to New York to live with us.

  "I thought only Satan could prize you from the South, Grammie," I tease as she settled into her suite.

  Grammie is all better now after first rate treatment funded by Alex as part of our deal.

  "Oh child you should know by now the lord has many plans for us," Grammie replies.

  "Why did you encourage me to be with Alex anyway," I ask her curiously.

  It has always struck me as a little un-Grammie like to sell me off to a strange billionaire.

  "God spoke to me," Grammie says mysteriously.


  "You will be hosting the Winter Ball next year," comments Alex as we snuggle in bed together.

  "The Aunts have this year's one firmly in their grasp but next year it will be your time to shine, you will be able to raise huge funds for veterans," Alex continues.

  One of the upsides of marrying a billionaire was not spending their money on shoes and designer outfits but on causes I really care about. The Carlyle Foundation is a behemoth on par with the Gates Foundation.

  Duchess Kate eat your heart out I was determined to bring a great deal to my charity work. Charity to me is not about having an excuse to get dressed up, but to really make a difference.

  "Coming to grips with the Carlyle Foundation is going to take some time," I say to Alex. "I'm just going to focus on my work with veterans for now."

  Alex pulled me in for a kiss. "I'm sure your Daddy would be so proud of you."

  I lay my hand on his. "I hope so," I reply.

  Alex pulls away and sighs. "But before we can consider balls and weddings I need to sort out my family."

  I sigh with him. Alex's family had been a source of tension between us.

  "I love how loyal you are Alex, but if I am to have to spend time around those people then the more difficult members need to drop it and the rest, while nice, need to show me more respect. I may not be American royalty but I matter," I state with conviction.

  Alex's supportive smile melts my firm stance.

  "Of course Tull-Tull," Alex agrees. "That is what I love about you. You won't compromise or apologise for being an everyday girl. You have self respect and confidence in spades."

  "Maybe I will give Duckie a challenge to the Queen of New York role," I laugh.

  "Oh I have no doubt you will, no doubt at all," mused Alex.


  Alex's Grandfather has remained a remote figure throughout our courtship. Aside from that awful dinner I have not seen him.

  "He's moved into his Howard Hughes reclusive phase," Alex explains to me when I ask.

  Alex however is in constant contact with his Grandfather as they prepared for his succession to head of the family bank and investment portfolio.

  Finally, after what seems like endless meetings, Alexander is officially anointed head of Carlyle Holdings, including the bank and all diversified investments.

  "It won't take much," Alex comments as he straightens his tie ahead of a family meeting of aunt's, uncles and cousins. "I'm in charge now and they will play ball."

  Striding into the oak paneled boardroom of Carlyle Holdings at the family headquarters, Carlyle Center, one could almost be forgiven for thinking the meeting was about to be chaired by a young Alexander Senior.

  There was that presence I had fallen for. That is what separate outs dating a billionaire from a regular guy. Having control and responsibility for a wealth portfolio that can change the economy of an entire country gives a man a devastating presence.

  "Thank you everyone for coming," Alex says briskly. "This quarterly family meeting is to discuss a range of financial account issues, trusts and personal family business."

  "Forgive me Alex," starts Jock with easy charm, "I do like your fiancé but family meetings are for family. You are not yet married to Tallulah. It says so in the family charter, family meetings are for family only as declared by marriage"

  Hartford nods furiously and Pembrey is about to open his mouth when Alex silences everyone.

  "Enough," Alex declares.

  "I am in charge now and if I want to change the charter I will. Tully is to be my wife very soon and I want her by my side," Alex cast a glare around the room, daring anyone to challenge.

  Miri looks like she wants to say something but thinks better of it. Prinny strokes her little dog and doesn't dare request fiancé number five be invited to the meeting.

  "We are going to pull together as a team, drop the catty comments and infighting and work towards some common goals. Namely streamlining the business which has become a little unwieldy, and building on our contributions to the community. In this time of inequality as a prime topic we need to be seen to be doing our bit," Alex finishes.

  The room breaks out in applause. Seated to Alex's side I put my hand over his. We had gone over and over preparing for this meeting and I know how important it was to him his family come on board with his direction.

  "We are with you Alex," declares Jock firmly. The charming Jock always knows where his best interests lie.

  Hartford nods. He may be thinking only of funding for his Presidential campaign but whatever his motives his support for Alex is welcome.

  "Thank you," said Alex, showing no signs of the relief he must be feeling. He appears unruffled and in control.

  "I am glad you are all on board with me. Sometimes family's need n
ew blood. Tallulah is not the only person joining the family," Alex says.

  Looks of surprise cross everyone's faces. Alinda looks calculating. Probably wondering if the new person has children who will reduce her children's inheritance pool.

  "Barclay Carlyle is a man of extraordinary vision, talent and commitment. I am pleased to welcome him back into the fold of his family. I'm excited for his contributions. Barclay is not the villain of our family. All he ever wanted was recognition for the role his father played in building our fortune," as Alex speaks Barclay quietly enters the room.

  The handsome renegade tech billionaire slips into a seat and listens to Alex continue.

  "I also owe Barclay a debt of gratitude. It was Barclay's cyber software that helped us track Lord Richard. When we were blackmailed by the kidnapping into sending paperwork refusing the Dukedom, Barclay installed a tracker that helped us discover where Tully was," Alex looks at Barclay with gratitude as he speaks with heart.

  "You owe me nothing," said Barclay. "Tully is family."

  A pause settles over the room. This is a new Carlyle era, one where Barclay and I are now part of the family.


  "Three days until the wedding!" I cry joyfully jumping onto of Alex as we settle into bed for the night.

  Alex kisses me deeply. I never tire of his kisses.

  "I cannot wait to see your dress," Alex says, sprinkling me with kisses on my nose.

  I scrunch my face up. "That tickles!" I giggle like an Elmo doll.

  We make love tenderly and drift off to sleep in each other's arms. Around two am the phone rudely awakens.

  "Alexander speaking," Alex growls into the phone. I sit up in my lacy negligee and watch him worriedly.

  Alex listens for what seems like an eternity.

  "I see," Alex says finally. "This can be fixed. I'll be in the office in twenty minutes. Assemble the team."

  "What is going on Alex," I enquire.

  Alex gives a deep groan like I have never heard.

  "Pembrey has crashed the Euro. We have extensive currency holdings. While we make a profit on these we also have a community inspired motive and we use our holdings to keep the main currencies, like the Euro, the US dollar and pound, stable. Solid economies benefit us in the long run," Alex explains.

  I listen intently as Alex continues; "Pembrey has sold off our holdings in the Euro to the Chinese. Such massive currency moves are rare. This move of Pembrey makes George Soros's shorting of the pound in 1992 look like a kids game. This could ruin an already fragile European economy."

  "What will you do?" I ask, trying to find some kind of term of reference for helping your fiancé deal with an international financial crisis.

  "You and I are going into the office and we are going to fix this," Alex speaks with grim determination as he begins to dress.

  "We?" I reply meekly. "Yes, we," says Alex.

  We head to the office and I spend very long days fetching endless rounds of coffee and pastries for the hard working men and women who work tirelessly to undo Pembry's work.

  I quietly drop coffee on people's desk as they hurry to buy up available Euro's and raise the value again.

  "We cannot let this crisis spread to America, we won't survive another GFC, it would push us into depression," Alex's says accepting a coffee from me.

  "And that rat Pembrey is nowhere to be found," adds Alex with anger.

  In the late evening on the day before our wedding the crisis draws to a close as the currency markets and finance ministers respond to Alex's moves.

  The financial press hails Alex's white knuckled grip and steely hold on the situation.

  The crisis though does claim a victim. Devastated by the shame brought on the family by Pembrey, Alexander Senior suffers a fatal heart attack.

  Despite being rather reclusive for near the past decade the media hails him and extensive coverage is devoted to his passing.

  "What do we now honey?" I question Alex when the news comes through about Alexander Senior, in the middle of the currency crisis.

  Alex pulls me into a hug. "We are going ahead with the wedding, but smaller. I've already emailed our planner to scale things back. Grandfather always wanted us to get married, so we will. We had already decided to go ahead when we started dating for real, instead of giving it time. Why stop now."

  I nod and snuggle in close. "It can be a celebration for Alexander Senior. Tasteful."

  Alex nods and hugs me back. "I couldn't have got through this crisis without you. The press are hailing me as a leader but we all know behind every great man is a great woman."

  I smile into his chest. I don't think I will ever get sick of being Alexander's great woman.


  "Are you ready dear," Grammie smiles at me.

  "As ready as I will ever be," I reply shakily. Even though we had quickly toned down the wedding I was still about to walk into a room of people who were famous, infamous or very important.

  "Grammie, the Carlyle version of toning down a wedding involves politely asking the President not to come so there is less fuss," I try to joke to cover my raging nerves.

  Grammie takes my arm and leads me towards the door to the main part of the Church. "You belong here," she says simply and her loving confidence carries me down in the aisle and into the arms of the man I love.

  "Speeches, speeches!" cries Duke Caldwell, Alex's best man, as the reception is in full swing.

  Everyone eventually settles into his or her seats and Thompson Thompson, Alex's lawyer, steps up to the microphone. I notice Grammie standing beside him and wonder when they became friends.

  "During my time as a military lawyer I learned what was important in life. So too did my client Alexander Senior, who towards the end of his life came to see love mattered more than business," Thompson says.

  What is going on, I mouth to Alex. He shrugs and looks as puzzled as I am.

  Grammie takes the microphone. "When my son's military colleague Thompson told me of Alexander Senior's despair that his grandson refused to consider love, and I shared my worry over my singleton granddaughter we realized we might be able to help each other out.

  Thompson took to the microphone again. "We both knew neither stubborn party would go on a blind date. Tully would need a lot to persuade her to leave Grammie and only for Grammie's benefit, and Alex was so set on being a bachelor that we had to come up with something quite creative."

  The penny drops. We've been set up. Alex jaw drops as he turns to look to me. The man the press are calling The Economic Depression Savior completely missed his own life being set up for him.

  "We won't go into the little trick we played on Tully and Alex," said Grammie, "but let me just say to this audience you have no idea what it took to get these two down the aisle to happily ever after."


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